POTUS Debate: Prediction

I will add I don’t know when all of this will matter. 34 trillion is worse than 25 trillion but once we hit 40 trillion we’ve crossed the line and are fckd? Maybe someone with an Econ background can explain
I thought everything was going to collapse at $10T?
I will add I don’t know when all of this will matter. 34 trillion is worse than 25 trillion but once we hit 40 trillion we’ve crossed the line and are fckd? Maybe someone with an Econ background can explain
There probably isn't a line. Money is all imaginary, anyway, so no matter how big the number gets, people will find a way to make it work.
I hope Trump takes off his shirt at the debate and challenges Biden to a wrestling match, like Henry at the Field of the Cloth of Gold.
Hey, it works for Iggy Pop, doesn't it? (I think they're the same age.)

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That is crazy. They also assume he's running some covert crime syndicate/family beneath all our noses too. Honestly, if he really is capable of engineering progressive agendas, serving as a the head of a Biden crime family, weaponizing the Justice Dept. against Trump and being president all while appearing senile, he's out of this world talented. Maybe our conservative friends should take all this multitasking into account when voting in November.
I do not understand except for Project 2025. What are their policies?
Whatever do you mean?

An article from the Gateway Pundit which is facing bankruptcy after being sued for defamation for millions in several cases? Seems credible :rolleyes:

I caught Benny on a Piers Morgan podcast, and even pro-Trump Piers thought Benny was cookoo for cocoa puffs. A real loon...

But exactly who are these benign folks identified as merely "innocent Trump supporters"? Here is a list from only the past 6 months of some of those "Trump supporters" engaging in terroristic activities. And if I wanted to broaden the scope of my search to past years, we'd be looking at hundreds of names...

We know Trump likely will. Remember a couple weeks ago when #trumpsmells was trending? Likely didn’t get his diaper changed soon enough. At least this time he won’t be exposing everyone knowingly to Covid like he despicably did in the debates last time. Hopefully.
I don't get this "poop in his pants" meme with regards to Biden. I guess it is based on this deep fake cut off (designed to fool idiots) of the actual moment in Normandy...

Congrats for those easily fooled. The grifters know their target audience... Read the comments, the Mensa brigade in action...

Fox even narrows the screen for their duplicity...

Now the actual video, without the selective editing...

This Biden poop seems like the refuge of despearte idiots, maybe to try and combat the plethora accounts of eye (and nose) witnesses to Trump's history of stinking and even needing an actual assigned butt wiper ( Keith Schiller aka "wet wipes") on the set of the Apprentice? Some of the more dedicated cult followers seem to be embracing the entire Trump diaper personna, appearing at Trump rallies brandishing slogans such as "real men wear diapers"...

I'll save you time on the fact check...

Trump is extremely anti alcohol/drugs. Always has been ever since his brother drank himself to death in his 30s. He's basically threatened to write the kids out of the will if they ever do any of that. Zeke is just doing what Dems do tell lies.
Producer Noel Castler, who signed an NDA upon leaving the Apprentice, left the industry rather than be controlled by the NDA. He has subsequently discussed the fact that Trump was incontinent, that it was a result of loose bowels caused by heavy amphetamine use, and that after knowing 5 POTUS, Trump is the only one that he witnessed force his daughter to preform a lap dance...

So why do you think that Donald Trump who finds more enjoyment from filing lawsuits than everything but eating has never filed a defamation suit against Casler? Could it be that Trump is even more fearful of what would be uncovered during discovery?

Edit to add...

Sorry to appear as if I'm stealing your thunder OS. Not intentional...

I just clicked to reply to the earlier dbm post without realizing you had already posted about Castler...

I did hear a podcast involving Castler and he's a pretty incredible guy with some major accomplishments. Prior to tv, he got his start in the music business and worked his way up to where he was involved in managing tours and production of among others CSNY and Bruce. Trump was by far not the most accomplished or famous person he ever worked with
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It takes talent to post a tweet which includes a comment which makes the original tweeter look stupid. I'd of thought you were interested in promoting "Dan", not posting the rebuttal that exposes him as an imbecile?

Doing debate prep at Camp David? A familiar practice dating back decades...

Hosting Taliban at Camp David near the anniversary of 9-11, before subsequently authorizing the release of jailed Taliban leaders? Eh, not so much...
A lot of it is behind a paywall, but I've read what I can. Interestingly, there's no mention of Jim Crow.
So I guess you expect people who embody the spirit of Jim Crow to come out and proclaim they want to re-establish Jim Crow? Apparently that only appeals to people like Bryon Donalds. At least till Trump makes his VP choice and (shockingly) it isn't Byron...

Although it would be pretty cool to have two convicted felons on the same Presidential ticket...
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It’s probably 50/50 that shooter personally knew some of the protesters at the PGA event yesterday. Cult
I wish I did ... anyone that can actually make golf less boring is good in my book. The only good thing about golf is it allows bored frustrated women the time to go get some...
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I wish I did ... anyone that can actually make golf less boring is good in my book. The only good thing about golf is it allows bored frustrated women the time to go get some...
Well, sometimes golf is very interesting.
So I guess you expect people who embody the spirit of Jim Crow to come out and proclaim they want to re-establish Jim Crow? Apparently that only appeals to people like Bryon Donalds. At least till Trump makes his VP choice and (shockingly) it isn't Byron...

Although it would be pretty cool to have two convicted felons on the same Presidential ticket...

So what?

As I recall, even the original Jim Crow Laws did not mention Jim Crow. They were worded in other ways.
Can either one of you jokers point to a single thing in P25 that’s discriminatory?

You don’t live in the world you think you do.
I predict that DJT is going to run away with this one. If for no other reason than I believe the rules are going to result in, at least, the PERCEPTION of a lot stronger performance.

Reasoning: As I understand it, the rules include that there is no audience and that mics can be muted so we don't have the train wreck of interruptions and over-talking that have been the hallmark of other DJT "debates." Personally, I'd love to hear an actual debate where the candidates are able to punch-counterpunch like an actual debate, but those times are long gone.

Conventional wisdom would say that this will benefit Biden because he won't have to fight the interruptions and can get out his canned responses.

I think the conventional wisdom is flat wrong. To be sure, we the viewers won't be hearing Trump's interruptions and interjections. But I have absolutely ZERO confidence that he won't be making them. Therefore, I expect him to be a monster distraction to Biden and expect him to trip Biden up significantly, but on TV, it'll look like Biden is just doddering because we won't be able to hear what Trump is saying. The dream scenario for Team Trump might be that during a Biden answer that Biden pops off asking him to shut up or something. It'll have "old man yells at clouds" vibes because we won't be able to hear what came before.

Anyway, just some thoughts.
My almost-last-minute prediction:

Both Biden and Trump will look like crap. They are both elderly and have had their own substandard moments in the past.
I wish I did ... anyone that can actually make golf less boring is good in my book. The only good thing about golf is it allows bored frustrated women the time to go get some...
I’m sure it’s tough to handle for those with an attention span of a 2 year old….
And then Trump
Best part of the debate will be when the moderator gets interrupted by a call from community corrections to confirm Trump's presence because the battery in his bracelet died.
Can either one of you jokers point to a single thing in P25 that’s discriminatory?

You don’t live in the world you think you do.

You, not me, posted in your Post 212 that it doesn't mention Jim Crow and you called this "Interestingly."

Don't expect me to explain your own post to you.
No golf but her nails are 🔥🔥
Yeah, my daughter is now into the nice nails thing.

"Dad, want to see my nails?!" "Sure, honey. Oh yeah, that's a nice shade of blue. Great. How much did that cost". "Daaaaaaad!! This is why I talk to mom about stuff." mumbles under breath "yes, she doesn't understand money either. great."
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