POTUS Debate: Prediction

The other crazy thing is that the Trumpers claim Biden is senile, has dementia, is incompetent, drifts off into space, can't do anything and then say they're voting for Trump because they fear Biden will implement "progressive" policies.

They can't make up their minds whether Biden is functional or not.
Good gawd. Is that how it works, the President is always a mastermind & comes up with all of the ideas himself? These are truly the musings of a blinkard. lol
It is sad to see trumps minions claiming that Biden will be on drugs or that the NY Post has to cut -off photos to show Biden is wandering off. They must be afraid that trump will not do well at the debate. They are already making excuses.
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It is sad to see trumps minions claiming that Biden will be on drugs or that the NY Post has to cut -off photos to show Biden is wandering off. They must be afraid that trump will not do well at the debate. They are already making excuses.
Libel is all they have to try to make Biden appear worse than trump. Desperate times call for desperate measures
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Libel is all they have to try to make Biden appear worse than trump. Desperate times call for desperate measures
Well that and gas prices, home prices, car prices, insurance prices, border crossing numbers, peace around the world, woke bs, etc. Biden would be a blast to debate
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Well that and gas prices, home prices, car prices, insurance prices, border crossing numbers, peace around the world, woke bs, etc. Biden would be a blast to debate
traitor, racist, white supremacist, fascist, Nazi-loving, liar, pussy grabbing, and wanna-be dictator.
Trump's arrogance may be his undoing. He never should have agreed to a debate. Biden has shown that with enough juice in his system he can spout some of the Dems' talking points, which is all that is required by the despicable MSM. They don't give two shits that he's incapacitated.. All he has to be is alive.
Juice in his system? Like what? I’m curious what drug you think cures the dementia and Alzheimer’s you all swear he has? I know lots of people who would like some. On the other hand, the drugs that Trump allegedly take work exactly like they are supposed to for him.
No downside for the Dems. If he doesn't poop his pants the MSM will say he won. If he does, he gets a visit by the party dons and he's out. In that event, the situation is at least clarified. They can start gaslighting the public propping up KH....or she & the party bosses can make a deal for her to step aside in favor of GN. What do you want Kamala...the Supreme Court or the Governor's mansion?
We know Trump likely will. Remember a couple weeks ago when #trumpsmells was trending? Likely didn’t get his diaper changed soon enough. At least this time he won’t be exposing everyone knowingly to Covid like he despicably did in the debates last time. Hopefully.
Your last paragraph says all that one needs to understand about the Democratic Party....happy to win by killing babies and political prosecutions. That's all they got. It may well be enough.
Oh? Remind me which Dems are in favor of killing babies? I’ll report them! That’s awful.
Biden's greatest strength is his will to power. Trump is sometimes immoral. Biden is always amoral. Biden literally does not care that his policies have been so destructive to so many different people. Do you think he has lost a minute of sleep about the Lincoln Riley's of the world? How could any elderly, declining presidential candidate pick Kamala Harris as his VP? There is a simple answer. He does not give a shit, That's why Biden is and has always been a much bigger 'threat to democracy' than Trump.
I always wonder if you believe the crap you post here or if you are a bot or gaslighting. If there’s ever a person who cares about no one except himself, the name would be Donald J Trump. Ever.
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Biden's not implementing anything. He is incapable of speaking two consecutive error-free sentences. His handlers are running the government. He is being told what to say, to whom, and when to say it, Biden has determined that letting the wokesters run the show is the path of least resistance. As long as he gets his 10 hours of rest per day he's content.
I’d bet he gets to work before noon, which is what Trump did most days. Had to get his morning tv in before he could be bothered to show up for his cartoon briefings.
I'm not one of them, but the progressives have just about "had it" with Biden. My daughter is a progressive. She has always claimed Biden to be "Trump Lite". For someone who is supposedly asleep and supposedly a puppet of the progressives, he seems to regularly give them a gool ole stiff-arm.

He was supposed to do their bidding. but...

He has built a drill-baby-drill administration, producing more oil than any nation on Earth has ever produced
He has eased off on emission and fuel efficiency guidelines
He has ended the asylum option for refugees.
And they are furious with him about Gaza and Israel.
Biden has never met Laken Riley. He only knows of her by news reports...

On the other hand Ronny Johnson (Jackson) was on Trump's staff and in fact WH physician for at least two years. You'd think with Trump's razor "sharp cognitive brilliance" he'd remember the name of the man who supposedly pronounced Trump as a prime physical specimin. Hell IIRC, it was Jackson who actually administered the dementia screening (which Trump refers to as a "difficult cognitive test") that Trump incessantly reminds us he passed yugely...

You'd think Trump would at least remember the name of the guy who figures so prominently in Trump's favorite talking point...

Since I doubt they showed this on Newsmax. And watch all the way thru to catch Frum's dissection of Ronny Jackson, who apparently Trump holds up as some ideal when it comes to medical staff. The "prized heiffer" line is classic...

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The other crazy thing is that the Trumpers claim Biden is senile, has dementia, is incompetent, drifts off into space, can't do anything and then say they're voting for Trump because they fear Biden will implement "progressive" policies.

They can't make up their minds whether Biden is functional or not.
That is crazy. They also assume he's running some covert crime syndicate/family beneath all our noses too. Honestly, if he really is capable of engineering progressive agendas, serving as a the head of a Biden crime family, weaponizing the Justice Dept. against Trump and being president all while appearing senile, he's out of this world talented. Maybe our conservative friends should take all this multitasking into account when voting in November.
I hope Trump takes off his shirt at the debate and challenges Biden to a wrestling match, like Henry at the Field of the Cloth of Gold.
Ha...that'd be great. His team slowly realizing what he's doing and not really being able to stop him is the kind of comedy gold you expect from a Christopher Guest movie.

Unfortunately half the country wouldn't come to the conclusion that Trump was coo coo for coca puffs. Real, live talking heads probably would argue that Biden wasn't a real man because he didn't answer in kind.
I hope Trump takes off his shirt at the debate and challenges Biden to a wrestling match, like Henry at the Field of the Cloth of Gold.
A steel cage match would be awesome. It would provide entertainment and also insure that pre and post fight Biden won't fall off or accidently walk off the side of the stage and fall.
That is crazy. They also assume he's running some covert crime syndicate/family beneath all our noses too. Honestly, if he really is capable of engineering progressive agendas, serving as a the head of a Biden crime family, weaponizing the Justice Dept. against Trump and being president all while appearing senile, he's out of this world talented. Maybe our conservative friends should take all this multitasking into account when voting in November.
Or the financial arrangement transpired years ago. Not now. And whomever is calling the shots has certainly had a progressive bent. We’ve seen Joe’s political history. Has there been evidence of same?

Don’t discount your eyes and ears when he’s fumbling through teleprompters and doing the Biden shuffle. The man is olddddd. Will happen to all of us. But zero chance that guy is analyzing anything. The carefully scripted act is for a reason. He’s mushy peas. Unfortunately the people directing him are really, really bad at policy
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I say if we are that intent on embarrassing ourselves in front of all the other countries, we might as well just go full throttle.
We were full throttle Jan 2017-Jan 2021

It is hard to even list all of the countries that I visited, usually for scientific conferences, and when there was free time / networking chit-chat, or at meals, someone knowing I was from the USA would eventually ask "How do so many people in your country support that awful man?"

I got that in Paris, Geneva, Rome, Budapest, Vancouver BC, and Seoul, to name a few places. Though the Hungarians are kind of used to an "awful man" being in charge, for much of their recent history.
We were full throttle Jan 2017-Jan 2021

It is hard to even list all of the countries that I visited, usually for scientific conferences, and when there was free time / networking chit-chat, or at meals, someone knowing I was from the USA would eventually ask "How do so many people in your country support that awful man?"

I got that in Paris, Geneva, Rome, Budapest, Vancouver BC, and Seoul, to name a few places. Though the Hungarians are kind of used to an "awful man" being in charge, for much of their recent history.
You should move there. I like america and how we do shit. You’d fit in better. Might not get put on a sidewalk. Plus consider the context of the academic nerds you’re around. Clueless people
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Or the financial arrangement transpired years ago. Not now. And whomever is calling the shots has certainly had a progressive bent. We’ve seen Joe’s political history. Has there been evidence of same?

Don’t discount your eyes and ears when he’s fumbling through teleprompters and doing the Biden shuffle. The man is olddddd. Will happen to all of us. But zero chance that guy is analyzing anything. The carefully scripted act is for a reason. He’s mushy peas. Unfortunately the people directing him are really, really bad at policy
Go watch the Sage Steele interview with Adam Carolla to see how staged Joe's interviews and such are, it is quite troubling if true.
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Go watch the Sage Steele interview with Adam Carolla to see how staged Joe's interviews and such are, it is quite troubling if true.
I’ve read countless articles where his appearances are choreographed: route shortened so his shuffle isn’t in public view, prescreened journalists to call on with scripted questions, etc. It’s pretty evil as they’re perpetuating a fraud on the American public. You get better news from instagram than the legacy media. You can see with your own eyes his decline. He is oldddddd
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Or the financial arrangement transpired years ago. Not now. And whomever is calling the shots has certainly had a progressive bent. We’ve seen Joe’s political history. Has there been evidence of same?

Don’t discount your eyes and ears when he’s fumbling through teleprompters and doing the Biden shuffle. The man is olddddd. Will happen to all of us. But zero chance that guy is analyzing anything. The carefully scripted act is for a reason. He’s mushy peas. Unfortunately the people directing him are really, really bad at policy
I think that's all weird too. If there is some Soros type leading some secret group why would they prop up 81 year old Biden and not someone else? Seems like a tragic flaw in an otherwise master plan.

And I just can't get behind that Biden was pulling the strings on any type of under-the-table financial arrangements for any type of access. Mainly because outside of wild speculation, there actually isn't any proof to any of that. I'm forgetting who the star witness Jim Jordan and all those other guys were propping up, but he didn't he pretty much admit under oath that he was lying and there was no 'there' there.

And it goes without saying at this point, but I'm fully in favor of prosecuting Joe Biden, Hunter Biden and anyone else who has committed any real, serious crimes. No one is above the law.
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Go watch the Sage Steele interview with Adam Carolla to see how staged Joe's interviews and such are, it is quite troubling if true.
I'll wait until catturd weighs in. Thankyouverymuch.

Seriously though - how can a guy who supposedly can't get through an interview without his team heavily weighing the scales in his favor be the greatest political evil mastermind of our time?
I think that's all weird too. If there is some Soros type leading some secret group why would they prop up 81 year old Biden and not someone else? Seems like a tragic flaw in an otherwise master plan.

And I just can't get behind that Biden was pulling the strings on any type of under-the-table financial arrangements for any type of access. Mainly because outside of wild speculation, there actually isn't any proof to any of that. I'm forgetting who the star witness Jim Jordan and all those other guys were propping up, but he didn't he pretty much admit under oath that he was lying and there was no 'there' there.

And it goes without saying at this point, but I'm fully in favor of prosecuting Joe Biden, Hunter Biden and anyone else who has committed any real, serious crimes. No one is above the law.
Who would be a better proxy than joe. He’s perfect. Doesn’t have to be some secret group. Just party leaders etc. There’s no way Joe is setting agenda and making decisions. He’d need a Gal for court at this point

I have no idea whether joe was corrupt or not. Whistleblowers said they had avenues to investigate closed. But the pint wasn’t that it was to your post and the temporal element of same. No one said Biden is doing it today
I'll wait until catturd weighs in. Thankyouverymuch.

Seriously though - how can a guy who supposedly can't get through an interview without his team heavily weighing the scales in his favor be the greatest political evil mastermind of our time?
Do you not understand time? You do this often. Like a mental block. The financial shit isn’t today.
Juice in his system? Like what? I’m curious what drug you think cures the dementia and Alzheimer’s you all swear he has? I know lots of people who would like some. On the other hand, the drugs that Trump allegedly take work exactly like they are supposed to for him.
Please enlighten me on the drugs Trump takes? From all accounts I’ve ever heard he’s never drank liquor or taken Illegal drugs.
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Please enlighten me on the drugs Trump takes? From all accounts I’ve ever heard he’s never drank liquor or taken Illegal drugs.
He is a pretty known meth addict. He takes Adderall. It's well documented. At least as well documented as any of the claims against Biden that is...
Please enlighten me on the drugs Trump takes? From all accounts I’ve ever heard he’s never drank liquor or taken Illegal drugs.
Trump is extremely anti alcohol/drugs. Always has been ever since his brother drank himself to death in his 30s. He's basically threatened to write the kids out of the will if they ever do any of that. Zeke is just doing what Dems do tell lies.
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