When those that are correct are silenced

I have seen none of them claim as much. You need that to be the case & are choosing to anoint them as such to justify your moral outrage again.
Moral outrage? That's a good one. This is a message board. Who would give a shit, much less work up any kind of outrage?

Oh, and...
JFC I have no idea whom you were trying to respond to but lets simplify this for you.

2020 was an election yr where the left was going to lose badly.

Late 2019 somehow a virus that impacts the world came from a dead bat at a Chinese market 25 miles from a lab doing major virus experiments.

2020 election is totally changed by virus we are led to believe just magically mutated and was turned loose by nature in that same year.

Are you really this dumb?
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Rittenhouse got to select his own jury. Hardly the fair trial that is beyond ability to question the outcome.

The judge was making sure KR was setup nicely.
Good lord. Grow up.

You were saying that "so and so" are becoming the voice of conservatives on the board. I was pushing back on that a bit as there are different flavors of conservatives on the board and different flavors of liberals/progressives/leftists. And none of them necessarily need to have their opinions reined in by any of us if they aren't crossing certain lines.

(There are a few non-regular posters who I think have hopped over the line of acceptable discourse and that isn't really welcome.)
Please don't reign them in. I was just making you aware of them, and pointing out that it was those who I was referencing. I wasn't talking about any sane person, like yourself.
Please don't reign them in. I was just making you aware of them, and pointing out that it was those who I was referencing. I wasn't talking about any sane person, like yourself.
Rein them in? What?!!! Impossible. They got to the top of the board by playing heavy metal! One foot on the floor, the other on the throat of a mod. I don't know how old they are but i sure wouldn't want to discuss a coup any time soon
What is so hard to understand about that? New technology that has never been used for human vaccines before so I can understand why people might be a little hesitant. I've taken all the shots and boosters yet I would be very reluctant to give my young kids the vaccine if I had young kids.
I think if you read the history you knew the vaccine had been studied for decades. It just had to be fine tuned to the exact type of virus.
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I think the vaccines probably reduced severe illnesses for some and were probably not as necessary for others. I had a mild case with my shot and I know those who did not take the shot and caught it and had a still mild case, but not as mild as what I had.

There is just too much built up on each side of the shot issue. I think most people would have made rational decisions for them on their own without the pressure campaign. Most people are rational actors.
Part of the problem and part of the panic was the full hospitals and the toll it took on medical professionals. I don’t see a reason to mandate the vaccine now, but at the time I did.
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Trump wasn’t allowed to handle it well. More importantly, POTUS lacks authority to do much. Plenary emergency authority lies with states and governors. 50 sates declared emergency powers, first time in our history. . A common criticism is that Trump underplayed it. Yet he made a big show out of the hospital ships and the mobile hospitals in places like the Javits center. None of that was needed. Trump contributed to the national hysteria too. We were all wiping boxes down with disinfectant. People driving alone wearing a mask. People walking in public parks alone with masks. Playgrounds shuttered. Businesses ruined and lives crushed. Why? It seems to me that some governors liked the power emergency declarations gave them. The Democrats assigned the steadily increasing deaths to Trump and used it to campaign on. Most of the country was nucking futs about Covid and Trump. The only reasonableness was centered in reasonable and sensible conservatives. And Governor Polis.

In April 2020 Trump commented often that we can’t keep the country in lockdown. He was correct. But he had no authority about that either way. . As it turns out, the continued lockdowns were a huge mistake even if they were initially understandable.
He lied about it and admitted to Woodward he lied about it.
I have seen none of them claim as much. You need that to be the case & are choosing to anoint them as such to justify your moral outrage again.
Cray in this thread has several times said China did it to hurt Trump. And called anyone who doesn’t believe his theory dumb. Unless it’s been deleted.
To go back to the original point, it's really about trust, trust of intent and reputation (there's a better word that I can't think of).

If it was just 'I don't believe the wet market theory, this seems like a lab leak coverup' then yeah, more people would probably listen and engage.

It wasn't that, you forgot to add that it was 'orchestrated by Fauci, Bill Gates and Soros as the head of the New World Order to control the population. And Obama and other Democrat leaders actually funded the lab!!'

Just a tornado of nonsense, the whole summer. So forgive me if I tuned it out. I get exhausted trying to keep track of the volumes of pure bullshit that is shit out by the right wing propaganda machine that in the few times it might be kindof accurate, it's been devalued because of the reputation and intent of the source.

Normally dumb conspiracy nonsense just gets ignored but in this case people were actually getting hurt by it and that violates the liberal credo of 'You do you unless it harms others' so I have no doubt the 'STFU with that dipshit nonsense, you're hurting people with your stupidity' was at a fever pitch during COVID.

Do we need to list all of the dumb and vile nonsense that was being churned out?

-It's just a flu.
-No one is dying from it.
-Doctors are lying.
-Hospitals and county coroner's are marking everything as a covid death because they are incentived by it.
-Fauci just loves the spotlight.
-This is all an attempt to get rid of Trump and being manipulated by the deep state.
-After the election it will all magically go away.
-Hydroxichloriquine is the cure but the media won't tell you (people end up dying digesting fish tank cleaner).
-We can kill it with bleach (prompting bleach suppliers to put out warning not to drink bleach or inhale Lysol).
-Ivermectin is the cure but the media won't tell you.
-Still more people die from the flu, doctors and nurses are part of and in cahoots with the evil liberal globalists.
-Most of the deaths are just old people anyway.
-Natural immunity is the only way, so everyone needs to just get it and let God sort it out.
-5G is causing it.
-Covid was a biological weapon created by the Chinese (don't forget Bill Gates, Fauci and Soros...again back to the evil, liberal globalists controlling EVERYTHING).

I'm sure I've missed some and I haven't even gotten to the vaccine roll out.

This is a common reaction from the right wing propaganda. Keep wailing until something sticks. See the 2020 election. See the Jan 6th response. See the Pelosi thread. See the Trump documents.

Trump at his rally said all the documents were declassified by him and then later said the documents were planted by the evil FBI. Again just throwing shit against the wall.

Again, trust/intent and credibility from the source.

*Please note I'm not talking about you personally. You have credibility and are a good poster that has solid trust/intent and credibility. It seems like you're referring to the right wing grievances in general that were shot down due during a GLOBAL HEALTH CRISIS.
But I have 500 coworkers under 50 who were all perfectly healthy, got vaxxed, then died mysteriously. I, on the other hand, have never been vaxxed and am healthy as an Olympian.
Part of the problem and part of the panic was the full hospitals and the toll it took on medical professionals. I don’t see a reason to mandate the vaccine now, but at the time I did.
You have to understand that most of that panic was driven by nurses. An undeserved sense of of self importance couple with constant bitch, moaning and complaining about having to deal with sick/ hurt people all day is part of nurses job description in my experience.

The “HOSPITAL CAPACITY!!!!” argument was a red herring and almost entirely overblown nonsense.
You have to understand that most of that panic was driven by nurses. An undeserved sense of of self importance couple with constant bitch, moaning and complaining about having to deal with sick/ hurt people all day is part of nurses job description in my experience.

The “HOSPITAL CAPACITY!!!!” argument was a red herring and almost entirely overblown nonsense.
Those floors run at 80 percent capacity before covid. it's a business practice. it's what's required to stay afloat. so a few covid patients and HOSPITAL CAPACITY!. and it is technically true, but.... It's certainly an issue for the next pandemic. but i'm confident it's not being addressed.
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Rittenhouse got to select his own jury. Hardly the fair trial that is beyond ability to question the outcome.

The judge was making sure KR was setup nicely.
That's a gross mischaracterization of the jury selection process used in the trial. He just randomly pulled the slips of paper from a drum. That judge does it that way, other judges have others pull the slips of paper from a drum. It had zero impact on the fairness of the trial.

Assuming there is any evidence that the vaxx killed him...that would be one.

Now do the millions that avoided serious illnessa and or death due to the vaxx.

I'll wait.
it's funny how people with underlying conditions died of covid, but those who die (or have adverse effects) from the "vaccine" died from their underlying conditions

i'm not against the shot(s), it's no doubt helped and saved many. i do reject the idea that all need to be forced/coerced into being jabbed regardless of their individual status or wishes.

if i'm an older, immunocompromised, hbp, diabetic, overweight smoker who sits behind a keyboard posting to a message board all all means give me the shot.

if i'm young, healthy, no co-morbidities, etc. then no, i'll rely on my immune system to do it's job and take my chances. 99+% safe by declining, 100% safe from any possible (short term or unknown future) adverse effects.

and ftr, while i don't personally approve, i don't like the SC decision to reverse rvw. women (and the pregnant "men") should have the right to add up the facts as they see fit and make their own decision without government getting involved.

their body, their choice
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I think if you read the history you knew the vaccine had been studied for decades. It just had to be fine tuned to the exact type of virus.
I know that but most people never look that far into something. All they heard was it was a new way of making a vaccine.
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Oh and @UncleMark and the other mods - it’s been real. I’m done with this shithole. You’ve lost control and I apologize for pointing it out
So self-important you have to announce your departure.

You'll be back under another user name, unfortunately.
So self-important you have to announce your departure.

You'll be back under another user name, unfortunately.
If he comes back, I'm sure he'll do it under @Noodle . It's a crying shame we could be losing one of the best people we have here under these circumstances.
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there are many people who have suffered lingering and sometimes permanent health problems (including death).

it's still very early but it's clear there are risks and who knows about the long term?

blindly forcing/coercing everyone into compliance with the shot(s) is wrong, unjustified

and evil

not everything is politics

Assuming there is any evidence that the vaxx killed him...that would be one.

Now do the millions that avoided serious illnessa and or death due to the vaxx.

I'll wait.
Still waiting
It is pretty clear at this point that the vaccine serves no purpose for those who aren’t elderly or immunocompromised.

This study of non immunocompromised almost all under 75 shows a rise in all cause mortality for the test group.

Anyone advocating the vaccine for those who are young and healthy should not to be listened to.
You're quite familiar with self-importance and dramatic departure announcements. At least his was without the ad hominem.
You must be a very busy man to have to go back that far to find one of my posts.

Stop following me around - it's creepy.