When those that are correct are silenced

You don’t like to understand root cause analysis and how to learn from the mistakes? That’s interesting. Weird. But interesting.
That’s not what I said, did you read what I was replying to? And I explained it once already.
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Oh and @UncleMark and the other mods - it’s been real. I’m done with this shithole. You’ve lost control and I apologize for pointing it out
Don’t leave. We need some sanity. Or maybe just stay in the few decent threads we have that aren’t political?
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But then came variant after variant after variant, evolution driven in part by slow acceptance of vaccination. Driven in part, in turn, by Trumpism kookiness.
I don't like Trump. I don't think he handled our response well. But he's not responsible for the worldwide spread of COVID variants or their spread in the U.S.

First, the variants didn't originate in the United States. Unless we were going to forever shut our borders to all outside people, U.S. policy was not going to prevent us from getting the variants. Again, this was a worldwide pandemic.

Second, many of the variants were discovered before the vaccine even became available. So, no, those weren't "driven in part by slow acceptance of vaccination."

Third, as for Trump being the reason for U.S. vaccine hesitancy (which again, wouldn't even matter regarding the variants), Trump's policies led to the quick development of the very vaccine we are discussing; he received the vaccine; and he said it worked. Indeed, he bragged about being responsible for the vaccine.

Fourth, it doesn't appear Trump stumping for the vaccine's effectiveness more would have mattered with people who were against it from the beginning:

"Back in March, as coronavirus vaccines were first made available, a CBS News poll conducted with YouGov tried an experiment to gauge how much influence Trump or President Joe Biden might have on the vaccine-hesitant.
First, they asked Americans about their likelihood of getting vaccinated. Several days later, they followed up again, but first informed some respondents that either Biden or Trump had endorsed the vaccine. Hearing about Trump, they found, did increase some Republicans' willingness to get vaccinated. But the effect came among those who had previously been on the fence; those who were outright resistant didn't budge."

JFC I have no idea whom you were trying to respond to but lets simplify this for you.

2020 was an election yr where the left was going to lose badly.

Late 2019 somehow a virus that impacts the world came from a dead bat at a Chinese market 25 miles from a lab doing major virus experiments.

2020 election is totally changed by virus we are led to believe just magically mutated and was turned loose by nature in that same year.

Are you really this dumb?
You and your conspiracy theories. Yes, the Chinese wiped out all their own people because they cared so much about elections in the US. You believing this and then calling others dumb, is just peak WC for you. Congrats.
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You can’t be serious.

And? It’s been great making a pandemic political, hasn’t it? I just skimmed it but I don’t think the author is talking about letting China off the hook. But the post I was responding to wasn’t even talking about Covid specifically.
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You and your conspiracy theories. Yes, the Chinese wiped out all their own people because they cared so much about elections in the US. You believing this and then calling others dumb, is just peak WC for you. Congrats.
You think the Chinese leaders GAF about decreasing their population? You just have no ability to think beyond anything the first liberal news source gives you. Do you even have any idea about the history of China? They used to bind young womens feet so they wouldn't grow often resulting in amputations and death for one. That should hit your my body my choice mantra hard. That is just one. You honestly think the Chinese govt would care about sacrificing a still small part of their population for overall gain? And you call others dumb? Its just the peakest WC for you. But hey, apparently you have better protection here than Nancy Pelosi's estate had so there is that.
lol........“Let’s kiss and make up, we can hug it out”

or how about no.

tell this to those that lost their job or who’s career was ruined, etc, etc.....? i’m pretty sure they don’t feel a need to makeup.
Anyone who lost their job or let their career get ruined over a vaccination has a lot more problems than that.
Ok Q guy. Whatever you say.
WTH is Q? I have no idea and dont really care, I hear it talked about. I live day to day life amongst real people and some are crazy for sure. You come on here preaching you should be able to kill babies because it is your body your choice but if some one doesn't want to get a hurriedly rushed shot with no long term studies and no consequences to the maker if it turns out to have problems. You think it is fine for the government to allow that to be mandatory for employment? What world of unicorns do you live in?
And? It’s been great making a pandemic political, hasn’t it? I just skimmed it but I don’t think the author is talking about letting China off the hook. But the post I was responding to wasn’t even talking about Covid specifically.
Then I’ve no clue what you’re talking about. I’ll put that on me.
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Oh i went back and read and it was talking about Covid at the time, but then just the line that liberals weren’t interested in accountability seemed like a blanket statement to me.
Do you really have any idea what you post or just see someone from the right posted so I better go say something regardless if I have a clue what I am even talking about? My body my choice.
That’s grossly irresponsible and despicable. You should take that one back - it’s beneath you.
Ok I don’t think people had careers ruined because of it. How is that possible? Military maybe? I just still have a hard time understanding why anyone would refuse to be vaccinated at least the first time. i hope those people got better jobs and in this market they probably did.
Ok I don’t think people had careers ruined because of it. How is that possible? Military maybe? I just still have a hard time understanding why anyone would refuse to be vaccinated at least the first time. i hope those people got better jobs and in this market they probably did.
You don't think, That would be the keyword to this post. Lots of people have been at odds with employers over this including athletes/coaches dealing with large amounts of money. Washington States football coach was fired over him choosing his rights not to get it for one.

So if you were employed by someone that said if you get an abortion you will be fired what is your response to that?
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Ok I don’t think people had careers ruined because of it. How is that possible? Military maybe? I just still have a hard time understanding why anyone would refuse to be vaccinated at least the first time. i hope those people got better jobs and in this market they probably did.
The military notwithstanding - it is unconscionable to fire someone for refusing a vaccine - especially a new one that very early on was seen as not effective against slowing the spread. Anyone with a working brain could see that it wasn’t stopping Delta. Mandating vaccinations and resulting in employment terminations for those not at risk will go down as some of the worst decisions of all time.

Even New York recognizes it and is making reparations to muni and government workers. Companies would do well to track down which managers instituted mandatory vaccines and fire those managers. They proved they can’t critically think and analyze information.

You think the Chinese leaders GAF about decreasing their population? You just have no ability to think beyond anything the first liberal news source gives you. Do you even have any idea about the history of China? They used to bind young womens feet so they wouldn't grow often resulting in amputations and death for one. That should hit your my body my choice mantra hard. That is just one. You honestly think the Chinese govt would care about sacrificing a still small part of their population for overall gain? And you call others dumb? Its just the peakest WC for you. But hey, apparently you have better protection here than Nancy Pelosi's estate had so there is that.

Okay let's go with saying the Chinese govt wanted Trump out of office. How would that brain storming strategy session go even if they started with 'there are no bad ideas so let's get them all out?

Where does 'purposely release a virus onto the world that had no cure that would impact people, including us in this brain storming session with no discretion and would f*"k up the global supply chain that cost China zillions in business losses' sound like an idea that they'd go.....yeah, that's the one.

Or is it more likely that a coronavirus strain broke out and wreaked havoc (like when the other coronaviruses in the past broke out. They have been around since the 60's) while Trump happened to be president (like Mers did while Obama was and SARS did while GWB was in office).

Surely they could come up with ideas better than that if that truly was their goal.

I mean the 'Bill Gates is trying to cull the global population' at least makes more logical sense....and that's nonsense.
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Okay let's go with saying the Chinese govt wanted Trump out of office. How would that brain storming strategy session go even if they started with 'there are no bad ideas so let's get them all out?

Where does 'purposely release a virus onto the world that had no cure that would impact people, including us in this brain storming session with no discretion and would f*"k up the global supply chain that cost China zillions in business losses' sound like an idea that they'd go.....yeah, that's the one.

Or is it more likely that a coronavirus strain broke out and wreaked havoc (like when the other coronaviruses in the past broke out. They have been around since the 60's) while Trump happened to be president (like Mers did while Obama was and SARS did while GWB was in office).

Surely they could come up with ideas better than that if that truly was their goal.

I mean the 'Bill Gates is trying to cull the global population' at least makes more logical sense....and that's nonsense.
It's extraordinary how the Chinese were able to predict so accurately how badly Trump would sh!t the bed in response to their dastardly plan to murder hundreds of thousands of their own people and cost themselves billions in economic losses in order to influence the 2020 U.S. election. They are lucky that he is such a clueless dumfuk or their secret plan to get rid of Trump might have backfired.
Vaccines did tremendously slow the spread of the alpha form of the virus. It was 100% true. But then came variant after variant after variant, evolution driven in part by slow acceptance of vaccination. Driven in part, in turn, by Trumpism kookiness.

Do you expect to be taken seriously posting this bullshit?

What coronavirus in history didn't mutate? It's a ****ING airborne virus, that was a worldwide pandemic. It was obvious from the very beginning that it would be something that would be endemic forever, even if vaccines provided a bit of safety from extreme illness.
It's extraordinary how the Chinese were able to predict so accurately how badly Trump would sh!t the bed in response to their dastardly plan to murder hundreds of thousands of their own people and cost themselves billions in economic losses in order to influence the 2020 U.S. election. They are lucky that he is such a clueless dumfuk or their secret plan to get rid of Trump might have backfired.
You're right even if that was the plan a lot of things would have to happen because as said before, external crisis's are typically good for incumbents as they build sympathy in voters, they build a reluctance to change leadership in the middle of one and they offer strong leaders the opportunity to unite and galvanize the country.

See GWB who was the only Republican president to win the popular vote in the past 30 years who was coming out
of 9/11 and leading the start of the War in Afghanistan.

But back to the plan, think of the risk/reward. What if it galvanized the voter base and Trump rode that to victory. Now they killed 6.5 million, had the world pissed at them as it originated from them (wouldn't they at least plant the outbreak in another country), they cost them billions....and Trump used that to win!!!???

Someone would definitely get fired from that 'Get rid of Trump' committee.
Do you expect to be taken seriously posting this bullshit?

What coronavirus in history didn't mutate? It's a ****ING airborne virus, that was a worldwide pandemic. It was obvious from the very beginning that it would be something that would be endemic forever, even if vaccines provided a bit of safety from extreme illness.
To be fair I believe that delta (which was the meanest of the variants) came out of an area that had a very low vax rate.

Maybe India, I can't remember and I'm too lazy to look it up.

Of course talking myself in circles means that while how frustrating it was to try to convince someone to protect themselves and in turn would help to protect the community they roamed around....having areas of the world being under vaxxed was going to be more susceptible to it mutating even if our vax rates were crazy high.

Again, was it a futile effort in hindsight....possibly/probably.

I think for many (including me) it became more about the the attitudes, reactions and arguments over something that I believed was a pretty straightforward crisis.

It really opened my eyes at how our communication networks are completely f#$ked and how divided we are. I really thought, especially since supposedly more elderly viewers watch Fox news who were more susceptible, that the messaging would be more unified during an actual crisis.

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JFC I have no idea whom you were trying to respond to but lets simplify this for you.

2020 was an election yr where the left was going to lose badly.

Late 2019 somehow a virus that impacts the world came from a dead bat at a Chinese market 25 miles from a lab doing major virus experiments.

2020 election is totally changed by virus we are led to believe just magically mutated and was turned loose by nature in that same year.

Are you really this dumb?

This strongly implies the release was accidental. The link the OP put up as proof of Chinese culpability was a series of correspondence of "OMG, we screwed up and the central authorities are going to have our head". If the OP is proof, your take cannot be right. If you are right, the correspondence ain't proof.
He was a dumb kid that put himself in a bad situation via bad decisions.... got attacked by lunatics that were decades older than him. Nobody mourns the loss of the lunatics... do you?
That still didn't give him the right to kill them. After the first shooting, those lunatics were trying to stop an active shooter.
A few random thoughts, with little organization:

1. The wet market theory and the lab leak theory are not mutually exclusive. The evidence strongly suggests that the first wave of the virus came from the market. But it had to get to the market first. The first explanation most would think of for a wet market would obviously be infected bush meat, but it's perfectly possible that someone working at the lab got infected and then went shopping. Not recognizing this simple fact made some too quickly dismissive of one or the other of those two theories. Critically-thinking people happen to exist on all sides of the debate.

2. I'm sure there are people who were defensively reticent to give the lab leak theory any credence, but those people weren't involved in any of the discussions I remember being a part of. Rather, what I remember people being dismissive of were claims that it was likely leaked on purpose.

3. I don't know why people are so invested in the answer to this question. We don't know the ultimate source of any disease. We think ebola reservoirs in caves filled with fruit-eating bats in central Africa. But we don't know for sure. The fact that we can trace this coronavirus all the way back to the wet market is actually pretty damn good. If we can trace it even further to the lab, that's an insane accomplishment, that would probably only be possible because the ultimate source would be a human mistake (and may be impossible due to China's infamous lack of cooperation and transparency). But strategies for fighting and treating the disease don't really care where it came from.

4. On the other side of coin #3, I think most people worked up over this are betraying political rather than intellectual concerns. It's important (or useful) for some people to blame China for anything they can, while it's important (or useful) for others to deflect from China. Although, at least here in America, I don't think the second group cares so much about deflecting from China as much as they felt they were responding to perceived xenophobia among the first group.
Your fourth point is spot on and frustrated the hell out of me.
Do you expect to be taken seriously posting this bullshit?

What coronavirus in history didn't mutate? It's a ****ING airborne virus, that was a worldwide pandemic. It was obvious from the very beginning that it would be something that would be endemic forever, even if vaccines provided a bit of safety from extreme illness.
His post was spot on. Your narrative has mutated from hoax to “obvious from the beginning that it would be endemic”
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Okay let's go with saying the Chinese govt wanted Trump out of office. How would that brain storming strategy session go even if they started with 'there are no bad ideas so let's get them all out?

Where does 'purposely release a virus onto the world that had no cure that would impact people, including us in this brain storming session with no discretion and would f*"k up the global supply chain that cost China zillions in business losses' sound like an idea that they'd go.....yeah, that's the one.

Or is it more likely that a coronavirus strain broke out and wreaked havoc (like when the other coronaviruses in the past broke out. They have been around since the 60's) while Trump happened to be president (like Mers did while Obama was and SARS did while GWB was in office).

Surely they could come up with ideas better than that if that truly was their goal.

I mean the 'Bill Gates is trying to cull the global population' at least makes more logical sense....and that's nonsense.
This "theory" is vital to the conservatives, because it means Trump was so important and threatening that China, who has centuries more history than us, would not be capable of withstanding his inept leadership for 4 more short years. I mean, he was on the verge of wiping out their entire civilization, even though it had survived since the BCs and up until 2016. By 2024, no one would remember they had even ever existed.
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Yup. Put politics above their own careers. Insane sheep

there are many people who have suffered lingering and sometimes permanent health problems (including death).

it's still very early but it's clear there are risks and who knows about the long term?

blindly forcing/coercing everyone into compliance with the shot(s) is wrong, unjustified

and evil

not everything is politics
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there are many people who have suffered lingering and sometimes permanent health problems (including death).

it's still very early but it's clear there are risks and who knows about the long term?

blindly forcing/coercing everyone into compliance with the shot(s) is wrong, unjustified

and evil

not everything is politics
Assuming there is any evidence that the vaxx killed him...that would be one.

Now do the millions that avoided serious illnessa and or death due to the vaxx.

I'll wait.
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Oh good Lord. You do realize that Sudden Adult Death Syndrome is not something new, right? It’s been studied for decades and there is no evidence of a link to Covid vaccines. None.
This is what’s maddening. It’s crazy how many people believe anyone dying under the age of 60 is proof that Anthony Fauci secretly poisoned everyone with a nefarious ingredient in the COVID vaccine.

I suppose that’s what happens when you get your information from late night YouTube scrolling.
His post was spot on. Your narrative has mutated from hoax to “obvious from the beginning that it would be endemic”
No, his point was bullshit and as an "expert" in that field he knows it was bullshit. Brad's post up above pretty much lays out the reasoning as to why Shooter's assertion that vaccine skeptics were the cause of variants is complete and utter horseshit.

Secondly, you have Twenty's position about COVID completely wrong, including any change in position. You are exactly the type of person who jumped on any deviation from the accepted narrative (even when the accepted narrative was wrong) that this thread was talking about.

Finally, Shooter likes to do a "Call to Expertise" to buttress his arguments on the forum with this topic quite often. When he mixes in things like the post that Twenty took to task that are verifiably wrong and easily proven at that, it erodes his credibility. This is a micro example of how things with COVID were treated. And instead of addressing the actual points being made, we constantly see this call back to extreme points that some have made as opposed to actually addressing the actual realistic point being put forward. I believe this happens because people took COVID and how they reacted to it as some sort of identity.

The shots did not stop people from getting sick, they did not stop the spread, they did have adverse effects for some people, COVID was more serious to people of advanced age and decreased immune systems, it was far less lethal to the young, locking kids out of school was an overreaction that played out far longer than it should have because of politics (namely the teacher's unions). The masks were mostly window dressing and the help they provided was small enough that forcing people into them (particularly the cloth ones) wasn't worth the vitriol.