When those that are correct are silenced

To go back to the original point, it's really about trust, trust of intent and reputation (there's a better word that I can't think of).

If it was just 'I don't believe the wet market theory, this seems like a lab leak coverup' then yeah, more people would probably listen and engage.

It wasn't that, you forgot to add that it was 'orchestrated by Fauci, Bill Gates and Soros as the head of the New World Order to control the population. And Obama and other Democrat leaders actually funded the lab!!'

Just a tornado of nonsense, the whole summer. So forgive me if I tuned it out. I get exhausted trying to keep track of the volumes of pure bullshit that is shit out by the right wing propaganda machine that in the few times it might be kindof accurate, it's been devalued because of the reputation and intent of the source.

Normally dumb conspiracy nonsense just gets ignored but in this case people were actually getting hurt by it and that violates the liberal credo of 'You do you unless it harms others' so I have no doubt the 'STFU with that dipshit nonsense, you're hurting people with your stupidity' was at a fever pitch during COVID.

Do we need to list all of the dumb and vile nonsense that was being churned out?

-It's just a flu.
-No one is dying from it.
-Doctors are lying.
-Hospitals and county coroner's are marking everything as a covid death because they are incentived by it.
-Fauci just loves the spotlight.
-This is all an attempt to get rid of Trump and being manipulated by the deep state.
-After the election it will all magically go away.
-Hydroxichloriquine is the cure but the media won't tell you (people end up dying digesting fish tank cleaner).
-We can kill it with bleach (prompting bleach suppliers to put out warning not to drink bleach or inhale Lysol).
-Ivermectin is the cure but the media won't tell you.
-Still more people die from the flu, doctors and nurses are part of and in cahoots with the evil liberal globalists.
-Most of the deaths are just old people anyway.
-Natural immunity is the only way, so everyone needs to just get it and let God sort it out.
-5G is causing it.
-Covid was a biological weapon created by the Chinese (don't forget Bill Gates, Fauci and Soros...again back to the evil, liberal globalists controlling EVERYTHING).

I'm sure I've missed some and I haven't even gotten to the vaccine roll out.

This is a common reaction from the right wing propaganda. Keep wailing until something sticks. See the 2020 election. See the Jan 6th response. See the Pelosi thread. See the Trump documents.

Trump at his rally said all the documents were declassified by him and then later said the documents were planted by the evil FBI. Again just throwing shit against the wall.

Again, trust/intent and credibility from the source.

*Please note I'm not talking about you personally. You have credibility and are a good poster that has solid trust/intent and credibility. It seems like you're referring to the right wing grievances in general that were shot down due during a GLOBAL HEALTH CRISIS.
To go back to the original point, it's really about trust, trust of intent and reputation (there's a better word that I can't think of).

If it was just 'I don't believe the wet market theory, this seems like a lab leak coverup' then yeah, more people would probably listen and engage.

It wasn't that, you forgot to add that it was 'orchestrated by Fauci, Bill Gates and Soros as the head of the New World Order to control the population. And Obama and other Democrat leaders actually funded the lab!!'

Just a tornado of nonsense, the whole summer. So forgive me if I tuned it out. I get exhausted trying to keep track of the volumes of pure bullshit that is shit out by the right wing propaganda machine that in the few times it might be kindof accurate, it's been devalued because of the reputation and intent of the source.

Normally dumb conspiracy nonsense just gets ignored but in this case people were actually getting hurt by it and that violates the liberal credo of 'You do you unless it harms others' so I have no doubt the 'STFU with that dipshit nonsense, you're hurting people with your stupidity' was at a fever pitch during COVID.

Do we need to list all of the dumb and vile nonsense that was being churned out?

-It's just a flu.
-No one is dying from it.
-Doctors are lying.
-Hospitals and county coroner's are marking everything as a covid death because they are incentived by it.
-Fauci just loves the spotlight.
-This is all an attempt to get rid of Trump and being manipulated by the deep state.
-After the election it will all magically go away.
-Hydroxichloriquine is the cure but the media won't tell you (people end up dying digesting fish tank cleaner).
-We can kill it with bleach (prompting bleach suppliers to put out warning not to drink bleach or inhale Lysol).
-Ivermectin is the cure but the media won't tell you.
-Still more people die from the flu, doctors and nurses are part of and in cahoots with the evil liberal globalists.
-Most of the deaths are just old people anyway.
-Natural immunity is the only way, so everyone needs to just get it and let God sort it out.
-5G is causing it.
-Covid was a biological weapon created by the Chinese (don't forget Bill Gates, Fauci and Soros...again back to the evil, liberal globalists controlling EVERYTHING).

I'm sure I've missed some and I haven't even gotten to the vaccine roll out.

This is a common reaction from the right wing propaganda. Keep wailing until something sticks. See the 2020 election. See the Jan 6th response. See the Pelosi thread. See the Trump documents.

Trump at his rally said all the documents were declassified by him and then later said the documents were planted by the evil FBI. Again just throwing shit against the wall.

Again, trust/intent and credibility from the source.

*Please note I'm not talking about you personally. You have credibility and are a good poster that has solid trust/intent and credibility. It seems like you're referring to the right wing grievances in general that were shot down due during a GLOBAL HEALTH CRISIS.
JFC I have no idea whom you were trying to respond to but lets simplify this for you.

2020 was an election yr where the left was going to lose badly.

Late 2019 somehow a virus that impacts the world came from a dead bat at a Chinese market 25 miles from a lab doing major virus experiments.

2020 election is totally changed by virus we are led to believe just magically mutated and was turned loose by nature in that same year.

Are you really this dumb?
JFC I have no idea whom you were trying to respond to but lets simplify this for you.

2020 was an election yr where the left was going to lose badly.

Late 2019 somehow a virus that impacts the world came from a dead bat at a Chinese market 25 miles from a lab doing major virus experiments.

2020 election is totally changed by virus we are led to believe just magically mutated and was turned loose by nature in that same year.

Are you really this dumb?
Cray, I'm not going to engage with you because you already lost me with this 'Trump is the center of the world and is the reason why a virus was created!!!' that is being credited with the death of 6.5 million people worldwide.

No one gives a F about Trump in relation to a GLOBAL HEALTH CRISIS.

I have no idea why you seriously believe that.
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To go back to the original point, it's really about trust, trust of intent and reputation (there's a better word that I can't think of).

If it was just 'I don't believe the wet market theory, this seems like a lab leak coverup' then yeah, more people would probably listen and engage.

It wasn't that, you forgot to add that it was 'orchestrated by Fauci, Bill Gates and Soros as the head of the New World Order to control the population. And Obama and other Democrat leaders actually funded the lab!!'

Just a tornado of nonsense, the whole summer. So forgive me if I tuned it out. I get exhausted trying to keep track of the volumes of pure bullshit that is shit out by the right wing propaganda machine that in the few times it might be kindof accurate, it's been devalued because of the reputation and intent of the source.

Normally dumb conspiracy nonsense just gets ignored but in this case people were actually getting hurt by it and that violates the liberal credo of 'You do you unless it harms others' so I have no doubt the 'STFU with that dipshit nonsense, you're hurting people with your stupidity' was at a fever pitch during COVID.

Do we need to list all of the dumb and vile nonsense that was being churned out?

-It's just a flu.
-No one is dying from it.
-Doctors are lying.
-Hospitals and county coroner's are marking everything as a covid death because they are incentived by it.
-Fauci just loves the spotlight.
-This is all an attempt to get rid of Trump and being manipulated by the deep state.
-After the election it will all magically go away.
-Hydroxichloriquine is the cure but the media won't tell you (people end up dying digesting fish tank cleaner).
-We can kill it with bleach (prompting bleach suppliers to put out warning not to drink bleach or inhale Lysol).
-Ivermectin is the cure but the media won't tell you.
-Still more people die from the flu, doctors and nurses are part of and in cahoots with the evil liberal globalists.
-Most of the deaths are just old people anyway.
-Natural immunity is the only way, so everyone needs to just get it and let God sort it out.
-5G is causing it.
-Covid was a biological weapon created by the Chinese (don't forget Bill Gates, Fauci and Soros...again back to the evil, liberal globalists controlling EVERYTHING).

I'm sure I've missed some and I haven't even gotten to the vaccine roll out.

This is a common reaction from the right wing propaganda. Keep wailing until something sticks. See the 2020 election. See the Jan 6th response. See the Pelosi thread. See the Trump documents.

Trump at his rally said all the documents were declassified by him and then later said the documents were planted by the evil FBI. Again just throwing shit against the wall.

Again, trust/intent and credibility from the source.

*Please note I'm not talking about you personally. You have credibility and are a good poster that has solid trust/intent and credibility. It seems like you're referring to the right wing grievances in general that were shot down due during a GLOBAL HEALTH CRISIS.

You need to get out of your bubble. When people pointed out it may have leaked from a lab they were dismissed as conspiracy theorist or racist. The left wasn’t having it because it shifted blame away from Trump.

You did leave a few off your list:
-masks don’t work (Fauci was telling the truth)
-I mean masks do work
-two weeks to slow the spread
-vaccines stop the virus from spreading
-natural immunity isn’t as good as the vaccine
-closing parks is a good idea 👍
-closing beaches are a good idea 👍
-closing schools are good idea 👍
-masks don’t harm children
-it came from a Chinese wet market
-Inflation won’t happen
-Inflation will be transitory
-hospital policies that forced people to die alone
-stand 6 feet apart
-wipe down your groceries
-and I’m sure I’m missing others

Also, you’re full of shit on the entire you do you unless it hurts others. The left instituted numerous policies that disproportionately screwed over the working class, the poor, children and mentally ill.
Cray, I'm not going to engage with you because you already lost me with this 'Trump is the center of the world and is the reason why a virus was created!!!' that is being credited with the death of 6.5 million people worldwide.

No one gives a F about Trump in relation to a GLOBAL HEALTH CRISIS.

I have no idea why you seriously believe that.
See this is the point. #1 I never said what you quoted me as saying but #2 what happens here effects the globe more than any other government and if you can't see how incredibly coincidental all this happened on the eve of a major election when the US was standing tall vs having a doddering fool in the White House, I swear to God self proclaimed'' educated'' liberals are with out a doubt the dumbest most naive people on the face of the earth.

Seriously, you can look at the chain of events here and think this happened from a dead bat 25 miles away from a lab that experiments with viruses in a country that hated Trump , egged on by a part of the populace that hates him including you and the other idiots that post from that perspective on here and democrats are some of the most vile nasty people in this country if they aren't getting there way @UncleMark Are you reading this?
You need to get out of your bubble. When people pointed out it may have leaked from a lab they were dismissed as conspiracy theorist or racist. The left wasn’t having it because it shifted blame away from Trump.

You did leave a few off your list:
-masks don’t work (Fauci was telling the truth)
-I mean masks do work
-two weeks to slow the spread
-vaccines stop the virus from spreading
-natural immunity isn’t as good as the vaccine
-closing parks is a good idea 👍
-closing beaches are a good idea 👍
-closing schools are good idea 👍
-masks don’t harm children
-it came from a Chinese wet market
-Inflation won’t happen
-Inflation will be transitory
-hospital policies that forced people to die alone
-stand 6 feet apart
-wipe down your groceries
-and I’m sure I’m missing others

Also, you’re full of shit on the entire you do you unless it hurts others. The left instituted numerous policies that disproportionately screwed over the working class, the poor, children and mentally ill.
What difference ( with regards to Trump) does it make where it originated? No one blamed him for it starting, his blame was how he handled it and lying to the public about it.
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What difference ( with regards to Trump) does it make where it originated? No one blamed him for it starting, his blame was how he handled it and lying to the public about it.
Two major reasons.

1. It’s extremely important the government and medical field tell the truth so the public follows their policies and recommendations. Lying or making it political erodes public trust, which is what has happened the past several years.

2. If it was a lab leak than China should pay something for it. Also, we should be trying to outlaw those type of labs or at the very least instituting new safer protocols.
I don’t think the right is all that big on accountability when it regards certain people they worship. Something about shooting someone on 5th Avenue and his supporters wouldn’t care?
I have seen consistent messaging from the majority of posters from the right on holding people accountable for their actions, with a few exceptions, including prosecution of crime perpetrated by right-wingers. Your post, per usual, is narrow minded cherry-picking because your brain is rotted with Trump paranoia.
Two major reasons.

1. It’s extremely important the government and medical field tell the truth so the public follows their policies and recommendations. Lying or making it political erodes public trust, which is what has happened the past several years.

2. If it was a lab leak than China should pay something for it. Also, we should be trying to outlaw those type of labs or at the very least instituting new safer protocols.
I agree. Someone just mentioned that liberals needed it to be Trump’s fault and that’s why they were pushing The wet market as opposed to lab leak.
I have seen consistent messaging from the majority of posters from the right on holding people accountable for their actions, with a few exceptions, including prosecution of crime perpetrated by right-wingers. Your post, per usual, is narrow minded cherry-picking because your brain is rotted with Trump paranoia.
Who on the left doesn’t want people held accountable? It’s a silly cliche.
You need to get out of your bubble. When people pointed out it may have leaked from a lab they were dismissed as conspiracy theorist or racist. The left wasn’t having it because it shifted blame away from Trump.

You did leave a few off your list:
-masks don’t work (Fauci was telling the truth)
-I mean masks do work
-two weeks to slow the spread
-vaccines stop the virus from spreading
-natural immunity isn’t as good as the vaccine
-closing parks is a good idea 👍
-closing beaches are a good idea 👍
-closing schools are good idea 👍
-masks don’t harm children
-it came from a Chinese wet market
-Inflation won’t happen
-Inflation will be transitory
-hospital policies that forced people to die alone
-stand 6 feet apart
-wipe down your groceries
-and I’m sure I’m missing others

Also, you’re full of shit on the entire you do you unless it hurts others. The left instituted numerous policies that disproportionately screwed over the working class, the poor, children and mentally ill.

What was the intent? How does everything you mention fit 'you do you unless it harms others'?

Everything you listed had an intent to decrease harm, ie to keep people from getting sick. I'm sure they'll be studying on the effectiveness of it and hopefully making more informed decisions based off of it but when confronted with a CONTAGIOUS GLOBAL HEALTH CRISIS that had no cure or vaccine and had a higher contagion rate along with an elevated mortality rate....does the stuff you listed really not follow a pretty simple basic path of logic?

Again, the lab leak theory from my POV was more seemed like New World Order/Elite Globalists dipshittedness that was just part of a large pile of accusations with the intent to fear monger and scare the right.

Tonight on Tucker Carlson....'I mean if they can create this virus and use it to keep an unlimited police, socialist state than what stops them from creating other viruses that let's them control you indefinitely? And if you speak up you're now called a 'crazy conspiracy theorist' or worse yet an evil xenophobe. Now they can turn society against you, have you fired from your job or thrown into prison. Then they can take your property from you since you are now a prisoner and an enemy of the socialist state just because you politely disagreed......

No, we're just trying to get through a global health crisis. It has nothing in origin to do with Trump.

Trump was judged on how he led the country during a GLOBAL HEALTH CRISIS. It wasn't created because the Globalists knew he'd fail miserably to lead.

Actually outside crisis threats are overwhelmingly good for incumbents.
Or incompetence or carelessness. In any event, that allows people to place blame. That's what is driving all the contentiousness. Those damn Chinese unleashed this on the world, goddammit.
What is interesting is they are intent on finding out how long China hid the pandemic from the world but seem to not care how long Trump hid the pandemic from the American people.

Our govt can't control what other countries do but are definitely responsible for their actions or inaction.
GFY. You’re an absolute pathetic loser. Biggest one on this board, and that’s quite the accomplishment. It’s sad that your bullshit is tolerated around here. You add zero substance and zero comic relief. Never have, never will. You are incapable of a rational thought or even remotely backing up your garbage with the one shred of evidence. You’re like a dumber version of a box of rocks.
Oh and @UncleMark and the other mods - it’s been real. I’m done with this shithole. You’ve lost control and I apologize for pointing it out
What is interesting is they are intent on finding out how long China hid the pandemic from the world but seem to not care how long Trump hid the pandemic from the American people.

Our govt can't control what other countries do but are definitely responsible for their actions or inaction.
@Noodle , care to rethink your post that got removed?
Soccer > politics
Soccer sucks and it is probably the reason your single.

Awkward Season 4 GIF by The Office
What difference ( with regards to Trump) does it make where it originated? No one blamed him for it starting, his blame was how he handled it and lying to the public about it.
You don’t like to understand root cause analysis and how to learn from the mistakes? That’s interesting. Weird. But interesting.
Who on the left doesn’t want people held accountable? It’s a silly cliche.
And look what happens to those on the right who want to hold someone accountable (Liz Chaney says hello). Republicans have become the biggest hypocrites once Trump brainwashed them.

Oh, and I heard that the SCOTUS today declined to protect one of their biggest Trump induced hypocrites, Lindsey Graham from testifying in GA. Poor fella might have to lie under oath.
You can’t be serious.

lol........“Let’s kiss and make up, we can hug it out”

or how about no.

tell this to those that lost their job or who’s career was ruined, etc, etc.....? i’m pretty sure they don’t feel a need to makeup.
Vaccines did tremendously slow the spread of the alpha form of the virus. It was 100% true. But then came variant after variant after variant, evolution driven in part by slow acceptance of vaccination. Driven in part, in turn, by Trumpism kookiness.
And look what happens to those on the right who want to hold someone accountable (Liz Chaney says hello). Republicans have become the biggest hypocrites once Trump brainwashed them.

Oh, and I heard that the SCOTUS today declined to protect one of their biggest Trump induced hypocrites, Lindsey Graham from testifying in GA. Poor fella might have to lie under oath.
Sounds like you should all be grateful pubs appointed a majority of justices who value accountability.
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I have seen consistent messaging from the majority of posters from the right on holding people accountable for their actions, with a few exceptions, including prosecution of crime perpetrated by right-wingers. Your post, per usual, is narrow minded cherry-picking because your brain is rotted with Trump paranoia.
Holding people accountable....what is your opinion on Kyle Rittenhouse again?
Very well-said.

History shows that message control, message manipulation, and message suppression, is the beginning of the destruction of any thriving society. Yet we continue to believe in top-down authoritarian “truth-givers” as being the way forward. The best antidote for conspiracy theories is more free expression, not less. Of course, we also must have good information and a populace able to absorb and process information. Both are diminishing and I blame big media.
Speaking of Big Media…
(This one covers the deposition of Fauci and Psaki)