
Yeah the Dems are still licking their wounds after all those embarrassing losses at the polls last week. Or in 2018,2020.2022...

Why would the left want Trump off the Presidentail stage? When it comes to Dem's electoral fortunes, Trump is the grift that keeps on giving...

dem's electoral fortunes have little to do with what floor wrote. people often act against their best interests, as we see with dems, as well as my own life
The left is answering the call of Hamas to have repeated days of world-wide Krystallnacht.

Trump is saying mean things. Again. The DNC 1,000 Scandals Plan has failed - Every trick the left has pulled to get him off the Presidential stage has just strengthened him.

Cities run by the left are becoming so uninhabitable that illegal immigrants are heading back home.

At best, Biden is a doddering old fool and at worst a doddering old crime family head.

Too much of a good thing is still too much.
But, per Mark Twain, too much good whiskey is barely enough.
According to my admittedly brief search, he’s no longer affiliated with Trump.
Whether it was Miller who typed the words for Trump to read off of the teleprompter or not, SOMEBODY typed those words for him to say. It probably was NOT 45. So 45 is either a Nazi sympathizer or a sock puppet of a Nazi sympathizer. As to similar language being in the social media posts of orange man, that is I would think solidly on 45. From his atrocious grammar it would appear that he writes those himself.
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Whether it was Miller who typed the words for Trump to read off of the teleprompter or not, SOMEBODY typed those words for him to say. It probably was NOT 45. So 45 is either a Nazi sympathizer or a sock puppet of a Nazi sympathizer. As to similar language being in the social media posts of orange man, that is I would think solidly on 45. From his atrocious grammar it would appear that he writes those himself.
To be fair, Trump's lackeys (that he barely knows) probably stink at grammar as well.
Right. Like I said, it’s bad because you don’t like it.
You don't get it.

I said Miller is a known authoritarian and white nationalist. You responded with yabbut Biden, but the yabbut doesn't even follow what I said about Miller. You used the whole "by your reasoning" bit, but that doesn't even make sense because my reasoning didn't go beyond "it's common knowledge we figured out six years ago."
It needs to be said although it has been pretty overworked:

First they came for the Communists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Communist

Then they came for the Socialists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Socialist

Then they came for the trade unionists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a trade unionist

Then they came for the Jews
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Jew

Then they came for me
And there was no one left.
If Miller is a white nationalist, so is Biden.

Biden delivered the eulogy at Robert Byrds funeral in 2010. A guy who was an exalted cyclops in the KKK. Biden called him “a mentor”.

In 2020 he said black people who didn’t vote for him aren’t really black.

He literally fought desegregation in the 70’s.

It cracks me up how much Bidens history of racism is ignored by you guys.

Neither Biden or Trump are fit to be president.
You really know better than this, or am I giving you too much credit?You're repeating debunked nonsense here...

Barak Obama eulogized Byrd as well. And there's a reason Byrd came to be revered within the more progressive anti-racist wings of the Dem Party.

Byrd like many other southern Dems had a checkered history on race relations. But unlike people like Thurmond Maddox, Helms etc... Byrd publicly repurdiated and apologized for his racist past. That's why he stayed a Dem while former Dem racists like Helms and Thurmond in particular became Republicans and basically carried on with the same racist agenda they had pursued previously. Helms was basically an unapolgetic racist till his death...

Byrd was the opposite of someone like Helms, probably why Helms left to become a Pub, and Byrd changed himself and stayed a Democrat

"Byrd was not a Grand Wizard of the Klan. He was, however, a former organizer and member of the KKK. A Washington Post article reviewing Byrd’s memoir explains these years in more detail ( here ). Byrd later renounced his membership to the organization, although his early record in Congress on race and civil rights was mixed. For example, Byrd partook in a lengthy filibuster effort against the 1964 Civil Rights Act  here  . A Democrat but conservative in values, Byrd also criticized President Bill Clinton’s decision to push for the legalization of gay marriage decades later ( here ).

In a 2006 CNN interview, Byrd expressed regret for the filibuster and called his time in the Klan the greatest mistake of his life ( here ). In 2005, Byrd commented on his past membership of the Klan in his memoir and in an interview with the Washington Post said, “I know now I was wrong. Intolerance had no place in America. I apologized a thousand times … and I don’t mind apologizing over and over again. I can’t erase what happened.” (Read more here)

During the 2008 presidential race, Byrd endorsed Barack Obama ( here ).

At the time of his death, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), a leading civil rights organization formed in 1909 for the advancement of racial equality and elimination of racial discrimination, issued a statement mourning his passing. The NAACP’s President and CEO remarked: “Senator Byrd reflects the transformative power of this nation. Senator Byrd went from being an active member of the KKK to a being a stalwart supporter of the Civil Rights Act, the Voting Rights Act and many other pieces of seminal legislation that advanced the civil rights and liberties of our country”. (  )

Hillary Clinton did refer to Byrd as a friend and mentor ( here ) and former President Barack Obama did give a eulogy for Byrd at his funeral ( here ). "

Claiming that Biden is racist doesn't fly either. He wasn't opposed to the idea of integration, he just disagreed with the concept of busing imposed by the Federal Govt. Busing was a controversial issue, that some folks on the anti-racism front opposed...

Interesting that you try and tar Biden as a racist but ignore overt racist acts from Trump like the 1970's DOJ complaint (Nixon's DOJ) which found that Trump properties engaged in excluding potential Black tenants from renting property. Of course in a precursor to what he's presently claiming in NYC that it was others breaking the law and he was unaware, Trump tried to basically throw Fred under the bus. But it's interesting to note that at roughly the same time Trump was involved with a family-owned business practicing housing discrimination, Biden was working as a lifeguard at an inner city pool where the majority of patrons were Black.
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You don't get it.

I said Miller is a known authoritarian and white nationalist. You responded with yabbut Biden, but the yabbut doesn't even follow what I said about Miller. You used the whole "by your reasoning" bit, but that doesn't even make sense because my reasoning didn't go beyond "it's common knowledge we figured out six years ago."
What the hell are you babbling about?

Would you describe Biden as a “known white nationalist”?

If not, why?
You really know better than this, or am I giving you too much credit?You're repeating debunked nonsense here...

Barak Obama eulogized Byrd as well. And there's a reason Byrd came to be revered within the more progressive anti-racist wings of the Dem Party.

Byrd like many other southern Dems had a checkered history on race relations. But unlike people like Thurmond Maddox, Helms etc... Byrd publicly repurdiated and apologized for his racist past. That's why he stayed a Dem while former Dem racists like Helms and Thurmond in particular became Republicans and basically carried on with the same racist agenda they had pursued previously. Helms was basically an unapolgetic racist till his death...

Byrd was the opposite of someone like Helms, probably why Helms left to become a Pub, and Byrd changed himself and stayed a Democrat

"Byrd was not a Grand Wizard of the Klan. He was, however, a former organizer and member of the KKK. A Washington Post article reviewing Byrd’s memoir explains these years in more detail ( here ). Byrd later renounced his membership to the organization, although his early record in Congress on race and civil rights was mixed. For example, Byrd partook in a lengthy filibuster effort against the 1964 Civil Rights Act  here  . A Democrat but conservative in values, Byrd also criticized President Bill Clinton’s decision to push for the legalization of gay marriage decades later ( here ).

In a 2006 CNN interview, Byrd expressed regret for the filibuster and called his time in the Klan the greatest mistake of his life ( here ). In 2005, Byrd commented on his past membership of the Klan in his memoir and in an interview with the Washington Post said, “I know now I was wrong. Intolerance had no place in America. I apologized a thousand times … and I don’t mind apologizing over and over again. I can’t erase what happened.” (Read more here)

During the 2008 presidential race, Byrd endorsed Barack Obama ( here ).

At the time of his death, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), a leading civil rights organization formed in 1909 for the advancement of racial equality and elimination of racial discrimination, issued a statement mourning his passing. The NAACP’s President and CEO remarked: “Senator Byrd reflects the transformative power of this nation. Senator Byrd went from being an active member of the KKK to a being a stalwart supporter of the Civil Rights Act, the Voting Rights Act and many other pieces of seminal legislation that advanced the civil rights and liberties of our country”. (  )

Hillary Clinton did refer to Byrd as a friend and mentor ( here ) and former President Barack Obama did give a eulogy for Byrd at his funeral ( here ). "

Claiming that Biden is racist doesn't fly either. He wasn't opposed to the idea of integration, he just disagreed with the concept of busing imposed by the Federal Govt. Busing was a controversial issue, that some folks on the anti-racism front opposed...

Interesting that you try and tar Biden as a racist but ignore overt racist acts from Trump like the 1970's DOJ complaint (Nixon's DOJ) which found that Trump properties engaged in excluding potential Black tenants from renting property. Of course in a precursor to what he's presently claiming in NYC that it was others breaking the law and he was unaware, Trump tried to basically throw Fred under the bus. But it's interesting to note that at roughly the same time Trump was involved with a family-owned business practicing housing discrimination, Biden was working as a lifeguard at an inner city pool where the majority of patrons were Black.
None of this debunks anything I said.

It’s a rather weak attempt at explaining it all away.

Which is the absurdity I’m laughing at.
So while I agree that the Hamas terrorist attacks were "unspeakable atrocities", I wonder why many of the same people that are so up in arms over that weekend's atrocities take the opposite tact when it comes to Putin and the nearly 2 years of the same atrocities committed in Ukraine? Don't want to lump you in on this because I can't remember if you've ever expressed an anti-Ukranian position. But there are plenty of people on this board and apparently in the MAGA party who support Putin, oppose aid to Ukraine and yet are all in on whatever Israel wants to do...

I'm just confused as to why Hamas terrorism is worse than Russian terrorism for some people,and I have a sneaking suspicion it has to do with the cultural differences between "terrorist" and victim in the 2 scenarios. Some of the same folks who are demanding the US stop giving aid to Ukraine,have nowhere near that position towards the right wing Govt of Israel.And why aren't the same people who are opposed to further aid to Ukraine and calling for a cease fire there, not calling for a cease fire in Gaza and calling for aid to Israel to be cut off?
I'm not calling for aid to either Ukraine or Israel to be cut off, but the hypocrisy of people calling for aid to be shut off to one but not the other is blatant...
Wow, That’s one helluva wutabout. Pointing out corruption in Ukraine is not the same thing as saying Putin is a good guy. Demanding the Biden have a coherent policy towards Ukraine is not the same thing as saying Putin is a good guy. We can’t have a war of attrition in Ukraine.
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None of this debunks anything I said.

It’s a rather weak attempt at explaining it all away.

Which is the absurdity I’m laughing at.
You implied that Biden associated with Byrd because Byrd was racist. I debunked that and showed that it was Byrd's renouncing his racist past that led to Biden, Obama, HRC and the NCAA embracing him after he expressed contrition.

Why would embracing a former racist be evidence of someone else's racism? You're the one who brought up friendship with Byrd to try and paint Biden as racist, but it's an incredibly clumsy fail...

So is Virginia Foxx a racist? She's the completely unhinged white haired woman telling a Black correspondent to "shut up" after the reporter posed a perfectly legitimate question about Maga Mike's role in election denial shenanigans... Foxx seems particularly outspoken. That may be because she's one of the people that signed on the bogus Texas vs Pennsylvania amicus brief that Maga Mike masterminded...

Foxx is a House member from NC's 5th, and was one of 11 House members to vote against aid to victims of Hurricane Katrina.Strange... But maybe not so strange since she's a protege of Jesse Helms...

Wow, That’s one helluva wutabout. Pointing out corruption in Ukraine is not the same thing as saying Putin is a good guy. Demanding the Biden have a coherent policy towards Ukraine is not the same thing as saying Putin is a good guy. We can’t have a war of attrition in Ukraine.

Conservatives not understanding policy doesn't make it incoherent ;)
Wow, That’s one helluva wutabout. Pointing out corruption in Ukraine is not the same thing as saying Putin is a good guy. Demanding the Biden have a coherent policy towards Ukraine is not the same thing as saying Putin is a good guy. We can’t have a war of attrition in Ukraine.
No idea why you're equating right wing pro-Putin sentiment with "a coherent policy towrds Ukraine"? It's more a queston I have with the motivation of people like Carlson,Gaetz,MTG etc...who seem to be adopting opposition to aid to Ukraine as a litmus test. But I see a completely opposite response to aid to Israel, and I've got to believe that the overiding factor is that Putin is or at least portends to be Christian and the Palestinians/Hamas are Muslim...

"As Donald Trump’s “America First” philosophy has gained popularity among Republicans, anti-Ukraine sentiment has spread through the party’s base and now into the halls of Congress. Even as bipartisan support for Ukraine remains robust in the Senate, a majority of the House Republican conference appears skeptical if not outright hostile to the idea of more funding"

I took great care to not bring you personally into the discussion, but you choose to carry water for Putin apologists. I'm just asking why some of the same people expressing horror and outrage over Hamas butchery aren't similarly outraged over the Russian barbarism that has been ongoing for the past 2 years?

When I search your posts using the term "unspeakable atrocities" I only get references to acts committed by Middle East bad guys. Maybe you have used different terminology to characterize Russian barbarism in Ukraine, I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt.

But how can you discuss "corruption" within Ukraine,and ignore corruption within Israel? BiBi aside from Orban is probably the most scandal plagued corrupt political head of state in the Western World. I mean he's currently on trial and was only able to assume the role of PM by forming a Devil's Bargain alliance with opportunistic minority politicians...

No idea why you're equating right wing pro-Putin sentiment with "a coherent policy towrds Ukraine"? It's more a queston I have with the motivation of people like Carlson,Gaetz,MTG etc...who seem to be adopting opposition to aid to Ukraine as a litmus test. But I see a completely opposite response to aid to Israel, and I've got to believe that the overiding factor is that Putin is or at least portends to be Christian and the Palestinians/Hamas are Muslim...

"As Donald Trump’s “America First” philosophy has gained popularity among Republicans, anti-Ukraine sentiment has spread through the party’s base and now into the halls of Congress. Even as bipartisan support for Ukraine remains robust in the Senate, a majority of the House Republican conference appears skeptical if not outright hostile to the idea of more funding"

I took great care to not bring you personally into the discussion, but you choose to carry water for Putin apologists. I'm just asking why some of the same people expressing horror and outrage over Hamas butchery aren't similarly outraged over the Russian barbarism that has been ongoing for the past 2 years?

When I search your posts using the term "unspeakable atrocities" I only get references to acts committed by Middle East bad guys. Maybe you have used different terminology to characterize Russian barbarism in Ukraine, I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt.

But how can you discuss "corruption" within Ukraine,and ignore corruption within Israel? BiBi aside from Orban is probably the most scandal plagued corrupt political head of state in the Western World. I mean he's currently on trial and was only able to assume the role of PM by forming a Devil's Bargain alliance with opportunistic minority politicians...

The right sided with Putin because the US sided with Ukraine while Biden was in office. It doesn't go any deeper than that.

The only reason they didn't do the same with Israel and Hamas is their base would never let them. Israel is the only foreign policy issue their voters actually care about. So since they found themselves on the same side as the left, they instead spend their energy convincing themselves that Biden actually secretly supports Iran, etc.

It's all very basic and transparent.
What office does Steven Miller hold? Or President Trump...what office does he hold?
Well he and half his minions still think he’s President and he’s certainly trying to be again. Don’t know about Miller, if he has an official title, but he’s one of the few vile enough to stick with Trump his entire 4 years, so I’m sure he’s still onboard.
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More evidence of how the world has gone stark raving mad.

Just weeks after the world stands by while Jew-hating Palestinians commit unspeakable atrocities against Jews, we have a thread about trump saying ”vermin”? Never mind the fact that Trump rammed a Hellfire up the rump of a Jew-hating terrorist and those who criticize him defend appeasement of those same Jew-hatters.

Who are the Nazis here?

Stop the world, I wanna get off.
Once again, nothing to do with the topic at hand.
What the hell are you babbling about?

Would you describe Biden as a “known white nationalist”?

If not, why?

Where would you draw the line when it comes to unacceptable behavior from conservatives? I know the line is much lower than what is acceptable for dems but just curious how low you are willing to set the bar for your side.

Would wearing a white robe with pointy hat suffice or would you just claim it was wear your sheets in public day?
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The right sided with Putin because the US sided with Ukraine while Biden was in office. It doesn't go any deeper than that.

The only reason they didn't do the same with Israel and Hamas is their base would never let them. Israel is the only foreign policy issue their voters actually care about. So since they found themselves on the same side as the left, they instead spend their energy convincing themselves that Biden actually secretly supports Iran, etc.

It's all very basic and transparent.
You're clueless on what Obama and Hillary did. Nothing the left does Is transparent. Your not even allowed to use the word.
"I am a former Republican who blah, blah, blah...." You are of the left. You quack like the duck, you walk like the duck, you are the duck. That out of the way....

You have seated Congressional members talking about "from the river to the sea". You have tens of thousands of people who have been marching the past month with signs saying that Jews should be thrown in the trash. Swastikas go up. Stores vandalized. The NYPD had to tell Jews to stay off the streets one night because they couldn't trust the protestors to leave them alone. Jewish students being harassed on college campuses. Shall I go on? If we want to play pin the tail on the Nazi, I would suggest looking at the "new" side of the aisle you have been full throated supporting in everything they do for as long as I can remember Mr. Former Republican.
Can we all agree that a guy with a very real chance of winning the presidential election spouting off what sounds like Nazi language isn't a good thing without resorting to yeah-buts? Nothing your wrote in the post I'm replying to is inherently out of line or wrong - and does need to be addressed - but this isn't the first time Trump has seemingly cozied up to Nazi propaganda/sympathizers.
Still running with the “very fine people
On both sides” stuff huh?

You’re not worth engaging if you haven’t taken the time to do your homework in that.


Millers plan sounds excellent.
If I'm not worth engaging, why did you engage me? Seriously though, do you ever get tired of falling for the gas lighting that comes from the Trump campaign? Do you really buy that every controversial thing he says has some ultra secret decoder ring explanation?

Also, WTF re: Miller's plan?
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You guys are yapping about an obscure mention of “vermin” and Nazis
There's nothing the least bit obscure about Trump's choice of words.

It isn't one incidence. He has referred over and over again to "vermin" and "poisoning the blood of our country" in speeches and in social media posts. Both are language closely associated with Hitler

In fact, they are as closely associated with Hitler as
"Ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country" is associated with JFK
or "Tear down this wall" is associated with Reagan
or "Give me liberty of gove me death" is associated with Patrick Henry

When someone tells you who they are, believe them.
There's nothing the least bit obscure about Trump's choice of words.

It isn't one incidence. He has referred over and over again to "vermin" and "poisoning the blood of our country" in speeches and in social media posts. Both are language closely associated with Hitler

In fact, they are as closely associated with Hitler as
"Ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country" is associated with JFK
or "Tear down this wall" is associated with Reagan
or "Give me liberty of gove me death" is associated with Patrick Henry

When someone tells you who they are, believe them.
And for what it's worth, it's not like Trump and his people can claim ignorance on this. Trump may be a total moron, but his people will wordsmith what goes on his teleprompter to death. And as you've pointed out, the same type of language has been used over and over for years. All that to say that SOMEONE in Trump's camp is intentionally using language Hitler used.
Took some time to dive into Stephen Miller. I had heard him interviewed several times and he never came off as a rascist to me, so something seemed off.

As you would expect it's usuall, pathetic Democratic smears. Potentially some loose afilliation with Richard Spencer, decades ago, when they attended Duke together. Some scorned ex-Breitbart writer who couldn't hold down a job anywhere throwing around unverified accusations of racism.

As I suspected. The meat of it comes down Miller championing the travel ban and and securing the border. Kids in cages, remain in Mexico, the classic clap trap, devoid of substance that you always hear from them.

Ya'll leftists are such. clowns, living off a steady diet of propoganda. So embarrassing for all of you.
Took some time to dive into Stephen Miller. I had heard him interviewed several times and he never came off as a rascist to me, so something seemed off.

As you would expect it's usuall, pathetic Democratic smears. Potentially some loose afilliation with Richard Spencer, decades ago, when they attended Duke together. Some scorned ex-Breitbart writer who couldn't hold down a job anywhere throwing around unverified accusations of racism.

As I suspected. The meat of it comes down Miller championing the travel ban and and securing the border. Kids in cages, remain in Mexico, the classic clap trap, devoid of substance that you always hear from them.

Ya'll leftists are such. clowns, living off a steady diet of propoganda. So embarrassing for all of you.
get off your republican bs sites and search again

Series 2 Limbo GIF by BBC Three

Los Angeles Clippers GIF
Agree with Crazy that in light of the last month applying the “Nazi” label to whatever crap is falling out of Trump’s mouth that day is really quaint.

Maybe term two would be a disastrous revenge tour but to date he hasn’t tried to imprison his political opponents so he has the moral high ground in them on that respect at least.
I didn't like it when Trump voters were.called cultists