Trump ignoring the experts again

Several members of our firm attended a conference within the last two weeks where there was an executive that contracted the virus and tested positive. All of them are self-quarantined and not allowed to come into work for the next two weeks.

The problem with self-quarantine is whether they take it seriously. They need to know the consequences -- like those of a few cases I had posted earlier.

Over here, all treatments have been made free including room at the hospital. For the 1st level contacts, they are given a care-pack (food, mask, sanitisers etc) and have them set up with a food home delivery service. Like in sales, you make it as easy as possible so the buyer just needs to sign it.

However, those people at home (quarantined) will be managed by a home quarantine team. They will call the patient daily, randomly to check if they are at home, asking them for their temperatures and recording it.
Trump Plays Golf While Coronavirus Cases Surge

Around the world, leaders and health authorities were struggling to try to get a handle on the rapidly spreading coronavirus. But in the United States, President Donald Trump seems to have thought it would be a great time to hit the links with professional baseball players. On Sunday, the commander in chief played golf with current and former Washington Nationals players at Trump International Golf Club in West Palm Beach.

And the obligatory....there's always a tweet:
True, the mortality rate at that tipping point is an unknown. I just found that piece interesting in terms of projecting how soon the HC system in the US will become saturated. It's probably not too far off. Beyond that: anybody's guess. Societal changes that we can't forecast right now will have bearing.

Interesting tweet thread of someone in Italy. Its referring precisely what we had said earlier -- about mortality rates plummeting when they hit the tipping point of the healthcare infrastructure.

In Lombardy, the hospitals are running at 200% capacity. And then he describes the situation and consequences of 200% capacity.

That's why it's critical to control the spread and maximum effort needd to spend there.
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Very true.

Korea went from 354 cases 16 days ago to 7,500 some 16 days later.
Italy from one case, 5 weeks ago to nearly 9,200 and a national lockdown yesterday.
We are only at 40 cases (I expect this to jump up a lot) and schools are now closed as well as any gathering over 100 people.

I expect more drastic measures to come soon as more cases appear. Unfortunately people are stupid and too many still think it's no big deal. These are the most likely to spread it around.
We are only at 40 cases (I expect this to jump up a lot) and schools are now closed as well as any gathering over 100 people.

I expect more drastic measures to come soon as more cases appear. Unfortunately people are stupid and too many still think it's no big deal. These are the most likely to spread it around.

Those are good steps. But its has to be comprehensive.

Keys are mapping the infected population and isolating them. And concurrently run a comms/educational campaign.

No silver bullet solutions. Italy is a killer because it has a huge elderly population.
Those are good steps. But its has to be comprehensive.

Keys are mapping the infected population and isolating them. And concurrently run a comms/educational campaign.

No silver bullet solutions. Italy is a killer because it has a huge elderly population.
They have traced every case so far. All have been traced to Italy (or those infected by someone returning) and they have been doing everything they can to track those with positive results interactions.

The only wildcard right now is a taxi driver which makes tracking all interactions difficult.
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They have traced every case so far. All have been traced to Italy (or those infected by someone returning) and they have been doing everything they can to track those with positive results interactions.

The only wildcard right now is a taxi driver which makes tracking all interactions difficult.
Thats the way to do it.

The map of every case in S'pore:


You read the tweet above from a doctor based in Italy? Scary stuff.
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"If I get sick, I will self-quarantine as the task force suggests. That would be the time to wear a mask when I go out"

Wrong, that would be the time to stay the hell home in your house and "self quarantine"....WTH is wrong with you?
People si
We are only at 40 cases (I expect this to jump up a lot) and schools are now closed as well as any gathering over 100 people.

I expect more drastic measures to come soon as more cases appear. Unfortunately people are stupid and too many still think it's no big deal. These are the most likely to spread it around.
until schools close there’s little hope of containment. I can work from home, shop at off hours, eat in, but the second I send my third grader to school all bets are off.
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People si

until schools close there’s little hope of containment. I can work from home, shop at off hours, eat in, but the second I send my third grader to school all bets are off.

Someone said yesterday that schools are already like petri dishes. Now spring break is here, and all the petri dishes go and hang out with all the other petri dishes.

I am very confused how tracking works. I attended the Women's B10 tourney, let's say I came into contact with someone there. I won't get symptoms for maybe 2 weeks. Suddenly I realize I have COVID-19. No way do I remember every place I had been to in the last two weeks and the times I was there. Credit cards help with that, but places I might not have bought anything or paid cash? I won't remember all the walks I took and which street crossing buttons I pushed. It all seems relatively hopeless.
Someone said yesterday that schools are already like petri dishes. Now spring break is here, and all the petri dishes go and hang out with all the other petri dishes.

I am very confused how tracking works. I attended the Women's B10 tourney, let's say I came into contact with someone there. I won't get symptoms for maybe 2 weeks. Suddenly I realize I have COVID-19. No way do I remember every place I had been to in the last two weeks and the times I was there. Credit cards help with that, but places I might not have bought anything or paid cash? I won't remember all the walks I took and which street crossing buttons I pushed. It all seems relatively hopeless.

I posted a video on this a few days back on contact tracers. There are specialist teams for this plus we use the police detectives. Unless we are trained in it, its unlike we could do it ourselves.

This is the map of every case in Singapore:

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Someone said yesterday that schools are already like petri dishes. Now spring break is here, and all the petri dishes go and hang out with all the other petri dishes.

I am very confused how tracking works. I attended the Women's B10 tourney, let's say I came into contact with someone there. I won't get symptoms for maybe 2 weeks. Suddenly I realize I have COVID-19. No way do I remember every place I had been to in the last two weeks and the times I was there. Credit cards help with that, but places I might not have bought anything or paid cash? I won't remember all the walks I took and which street crossing buttons I pushed. It all seems relatively hopeless.
Maybe this explains why seniors are more vulnerable — can’t remember shit. :cool:
An epidemiological disaster is taking place’: Italian doctor lifts lid on coronavirus crisis and suggests people should panic
Disease has ‘exploded and battles are uninterrupted day and night’, says medic at heart of country’s outbreak

A doctor on the front line of Italy’s fight against coronavirus has described the epidemic as a “disaster” and warned the public is underestimating the threat posed by the disease because of a “war on panic”.

In a dramatic account of conditions at his hospital in the northeastern city of Bergamo, Daniele Macchini said the outbreak was a “tsunami that has overwhelmed us”, with cases multiplying daily.

“The war has literally exploded and battles are uninterrupted day and night,” said the surgeon at Humanitas Gavazzeni in Lombardy, one of the country’s worst affected areas.

Italy has recorded 9,172 cases of the virus, formally known as Covid-19, and 463 deaths.

The government has ordered a sweeping lockdown in a bid to stem the spread of the disease, with travel restrictions, bans on public events, and school closures enforced across the country.

Dr Macchini urged the public, and especially young people, not to be complacent about the danger of the disease and mistakenly assume it is a “banal” flu.

“While there are still people on social networks who boast of not being afraid by ignoring directions, protesting because their normal routine is ‘temporarily’ put in crisis, an epidemiological disaster is taking place,” he wrote in a Facebook post.

“Cases are multiplying, we arrive at a rate of 15-20 hospitalisations per day all for the same reason. The results of the swabs now come one after the other: positive, positive, positive. Suddenly the emergency room is collapsing.”

He added: “There are no more surgeons, urologists, orthopaedists, we are only doctors who suddenly become part of a single team to face this tsunami that has overwhelmed us.”

Dr Macchini criticised what he described as a “war on panic”, adding: “Is panic really worse than neglect and carelessness during an epidemic of this sort?”

“When the message of the dangerousness of what is happening does not reach people I shudder,” he said.

Misinformation about coronavirus has begun to circulate on social media, fuelled by the likes Donald Trump. The US president has repeatedly suggested Covid-19 is no worse than common flu, accusing the media of inflaming the crisis even as his Republican colleagues quarantine themselves out of concerns about exposure to the disease which has killed 27 Americans.

Dr Macchini said: “One after the other the unfortunate people come to the emergency room. They have far from the complications of a flu. Let's stop saying it's a bad flu.

“The boards with the names of the patients, of different colours depending on the operating unit, are now all red and instead of surgery you see the diagnosis, which is always the damned same: bilateral interstitial pneumonia.

“Now, explain to me which flu virus causes such a rapid drama. Sorry, but to me as a doctor it doesn't reassure me that the most serious are mainly elderly people with other pathologies."

He admitted that he and his colleagues, as their hospital was “emptied” and intensive care “freed up to create as many beds as possible” before an influx of cases, were initially unsure the outbreak “would ever come with such ferocity”.

But he added: “Well, the situation now is dramatic to say the least.

“There are no more shifts, no more hours. Social life is suspended for us. We no longer see our families for fear of infecting them. Some of us have already become infected despite the protocols.

“Some of our colleagues who are infected also have infected relatives and some of their relatives are already struggling between life and death. So be patient, you can't go to the theatre, museums or the gym. Try to have pity on the myriad of old people you could exterminate.

“Please share this message. We must spread the word to prevent what is happening here from happening all over Italy."

I expect more drastic measures to come soon as more cases appear. Unfortunately people are stupid and too many still think it's no big deal.

It's a deal; but I don't think the evidence tells us its a big deal.


The younger you are, the less likely you are to catch it, and if a youngster does catch it, the symptoms are likely to be so mild that many won't know they are sick with Coronavirus. These people can spread it but won't have seen a doctor and won't be counted as a confirmed case.

The death rate from any cause for an 80-85 year old male is 7%. I'm not enough of a statistician to figure out how much coronavirus adds to that. 70-85% of all flu deaths are people over age 65. I don't know the flu infection rates for people 65+ who live in some kind of group situation as compared to those who do not. My guess is that infections go through group homes or +55 apartments like a freight train. We do know that 20 of the 28 US deaths were senior citizens in a single nursing home.

Italy has the oldest population in Europe. I've looked but haven't seen found infection rates and death rates by age from Italy. Apparently those statistics from China and Iran are not very reliable.

In my view, there is an enormous amount of overreaction to Coronavirus. Being old is a health risk in hundreds of different ways. A good attorney friend of mine, and 10 years younger, tripped on a sidewalk, got a severe closed head injury, and is now pretty much disabled from practicing. The point is being old sucks. Coronavirus is just another reason why. But as I said, it won't cause me to hide under a rock.
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It's a deal; but I don't think the evidence tells us its a big deal.


The younger you are, the less likely you are to catch it, and if a youngster does catch it, the symptoms are likely to be so mild that many won't know they are sick with Coronavirus. These people can spread it but won't have seen a doctor and won't be counted as a confirmed case.

The death rate from any cause for an 80-85 year old male is 7%. I'm not enough of a statistician to figure out how much coronavirus adds to that. 70-85% of all flu deaths are people over age 65. I don't know the flu infection rates for people 65+ who live in some kind of group situation as compared to those who do not. My guess is that infections go through group homes or +55 apartments like a freight train. We do know that 20 of the 28 US deaths were senior citizens in a single nursing home.

Italy has the oldest population in Europe. I've looked but haven't seen found infection rates and death rates by age from Italy. Apparently those statistics from China and Iran are not very reliable.

In my view, there is an enormous amount of overreaction to Coronavirus. Being old is a health risk in hundreds of different ways. A good attorney friend of mine, and 10 years younger, tripped on a sidewalk, got a severe closed head injury, and is now pretty much disabled from practicing. The point is being old sucks. Coronavirus is just another reason why. But as I said, it won't cause me to hide under a rock.

An epidemiological disaster is taking place’: Italian doctor lifts lid on coronavirus crisis and suggests people should panic
Disease has ‘exploded and battles are uninterrupted day and night’, says medic at heart of country’s outbreak

A doctor on the front line of Italy’s fight against coronavirus has described the epidemic as a “disaster” and warned the public is underestimating the threat posed by the disease because of a “war on panic”.

In a dramatic account of conditions at his hospital in the northeastern city of Bergamo, Daniele Macchini said the outbreak was a “tsunami that has overwhelmed us”, with cases multiplying daily.

“The war has literally exploded and battles are uninterrupted day and night,” said the surgeon at Humanitas Gavazzeni in Lombardy, one of the country’s worst affected areas.

Italy has recorded 9,172 cases of the virus, formally known as Covid-19, and 463 deaths.

The government has ordered a sweeping lockdown in a bid to stem the spread of the disease, with travel restrictions, bans on public events, and school closures enforced across the country.

Dr Macchini urged the public, and especially young people, not to be complacent about the danger of the disease and mistakenly assume it is a “banal” flu.

“While there are still people on social networks who boast of not being afraid by ignoring directions, protesting because their normal routine is ‘temporarily’ put in crisis, an epidemiological disaster is taking place,” he wrote in a Facebook post.

“Cases are multiplying, we arrive at a rate of 15-20 hospitalisations per day all for the same reason. The results of the swabs now come one after the other: positive, positive, positive. Suddenly the emergency room is collapsing.”

He added: “There are no more surgeons, urologists, orthopaedists, we are only doctors who suddenly become part of a single team to face this tsunami that has overwhelmed us.”

Dr Macchini criticised what he described as a “war on panic”, adding: “Is panic really worse than neglect and carelessness during an epidemic of this sort?”

“When the message of the dangerousness of what is happening does not reach people I shudder,” he said.

Misinformation about coronavirus has begun to circulate on social media, fuelled by the likes Donald Trump. The US president has repeatedly suggested Covid-19 is no worse than common flu, accusing the media of inflaming the crisis even as his Republican colleagues quarantine themselves out of concerns about exposure to the disease which has killed 27 Americans.

Dr Macchini said: “One after the other the unfortunate people come to the emergency room. They have far from the complications of a flu. Let's stop saying it's a bad flu.

“The boards with the names of the patients, of different colours depending on the operating unit, are now all red and instead of surgery you see the diagnosis, which is always the damned same: bilateral interstitial pneumonia.

“Now, explain to me which flu virus causes such a rapid drama. Sorry, but to me as a doctor it doesn't reassure me that the most serious are mainly elderly people with other pathologies."

He admitted that he and his colleagues, as their hospital was “emptied” and intensive care “freed up to create as many beds as possible” before an influx of cases, were initially unsure the outbreak “would ever come with such ferocity”.

But he added: “Well, the situation now is dramatic to say the least.

“There are no more shifts, no more hours. Social life is suspended for us. We no longer see our families for fear of infecting them. Some of us have already become infected despite the protocols.

“Some of our colleagues who are infected also have infected relatives and some of their relatives are already struggling between life and death. So be patient, you can't go to the theatre, museums or the gym. Try to have pity on the myriad of old people you could exterminate.

“Please share this message. We must spread the word to prevent what is happening here from happening all over Italy."

This is one of the things that I worry about here if the numbers start going up fast. The Czech prepared as well as they could, but there is a tipping point for beds, doctors, nurses and it isn't that high.

Coronavirus Has Northern Italy's Hospitals on the Brink of Collapse
This is one of the things that I worry about here if the numbers start going up fast. The Czech prepared as well as they could, but there is a tipping point for beds, doctors, nurses and it isn't that high.

Coronavirus Has Northern Italy's Hospitals on the Brink of Collapse

Every country has their tipping point. Italy is having a fatality rate of 6.2%!! But best to nip it early so you don't get there.

This is the thing that I don't get that's going on in the States. It's ill-prepared and allowing it to grow organically. Then when it hits the tipping point; they will go all full ''9-11'' on the situation and throw in hundreds of billions of dollars on a situation that could have been controlled at 1/10th the cost.

Its like watching a train wreck that's about to happen through a window.
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Every country has their tipping point. Italy is having a fatality rate of 6.2%!! But best to nip it early so you don't get there.

This is the thing that I don't get that's going on in the States. It's ill-prepared and allowing it to grow organically. Then when it hits the tipping point; they will go all full ''9-11'' on the situation and throw in hundreds of billions of dollars on a situation that could have been controlled at 1/10th the cost.

Its like watching a train wreck that's about to happen through a window.
It’s just absolutely amazing that how you think about this virus depends upon your politics here. I can just count on every single Trump supporter minimizing this and comparing it to a regular flu. Trump calling it a hoax to start with set the tone. Not sure if anyone posted but there was a Fox anchor yesterday calling it a hoax, just like impeachment. There’s a thread on the premie about IU closing and every single person was writing about how stupid it was. I’m afraid this is going to get so much worse.
It’s just absolutely amazing that how you think about this virus depends upon your politics here. I can just count on every single Trump supporter minimizing this and comparing it to a regular flu. Trump calling it a hoax to start with set the tone. Not sure if anyone posted but there was a Fox anchor yesterday calling it a hoax, just like impeachment. There’s a thread on the premie about IU closing and every single person was writing about how stupid it was. I’m afraid this is going to get so much worse.

You would have thought the health and safety of your citizens and families supersedes politics.

Like I said earlier after this is over, there has to be a debate of what does it mean to be American. Being patriotic means standing to the flag and anthem but when it counts in real life, no fecks to one another -- as demonstrated by your best bud here. Freedom and all.
LOL. Your post is literally #3 on the same chart. :D:D:D:D:D

Good grief. That chart is psychobabble. Anybody who sees that chart as relevant to this COVID-19 outbreak has problems that go well beyond the chart . I've experienced bad news (worse actually) several different times. As most people, I skipped all that jargon, went to #7, then back to #1 and moved on.
Good grief. That chart is psychobabble. Anybody who sees that chart as relevant to this COVID-19 outbreak has problems that go well beyond the chart . I've experienced bad news (worse actually) several different times. As most people, I skipped all that jargon, went to #7, then back to #1 and moved on.
Maybe, but that psychobabble still had you pegged pretty well!
I’m afraid this is going to get so much worse.

Of course it will get much worse. The relevant question is why are you afraid? It's just one more aspect of life. It's nature. And while there are plenty of causes to be a victim of the misconduct of others, I don't think believing one is a victim of nature is a productive way to look at a virus While I agree that conservatives see this differently than liberals, I think the reasons are deeper than politics and reflect the kinds of people who are attracted to different the political ideologies.
You would have thought the health and safety of your citizens and families supersedes politics.

I heard two different doctors and one Democratic Governor pay high compliments today to howTrump and his adminsitration have responded. How has Trump's politics endangered anybody? Maybe it's giving you end-stage TDS?
I suppose an inability to recognize your position is part and parcel of being in denial.

What have I said that leads you to believe I don't recognize my position? I've spent many hours looking at all aspects of COVID-19, how it is transmitted, how individual immune systems can operate, how can immune systems be enhanced, infection rates, death rates, pre-existing conditions that affect the statistics, recommended safety measures and on and on.

My stoker and I are leaving on a road trip to Phoenix. I looked at infection rates at our destination, and places in between. I researched the influence of dry desert air on transmission. The cases are significantly fewer there than in Denver. We will see some spring training games, and we will be in open air crowds. We discussed going or not going. Based on present day information, Phoenix is probably safer than Denver. Denver has many more intenational travlers coming through headed for skiing.

So yeah, I recognize my postion extremely well. I'm not angry, I'm not depressed, I haven't bargained with anybody, I'm not confused and I am not aggressive. I still think the chart is bullshit.
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What have I said that leads you to believe I don't recognize my position? I've spent many hours looking at all aspects of COVID-19, how it is transmitted, how individual immune systems can operate, how can immune systems be enhanced, infection rates, death rates, pre-existing conditions that affect the statistics, recommended safety measures and on and on.

My stoker and I are leaving on a road trip to Phoenix. I looked at infection rates at our dissipation, and places in between. I researched the influence of dry desert air on transmission. The cases are significantly fewer there than in Denver. We will see some spring training games, and we will be in open air crowds. We discussed going or not going. Based on present day information, Phoenix is probably safer than Denver. Denver has many more intenational travlers coming through headed for skiing.

So yeah, I recognize my postion extremely well. I'm not angry, I'm not depressed, I haven't bargained with anybody, I'm not confused and I am not aggressive. I still think the chart is bullshit.
You said #2 on the chart was bullshit. Doing so was essentially the definition of #3. I'm sorry you don't get this, and I'm sorry you are getting so up in arms about it. I thought it was pretty clear, as were my many smiley faces I gave you to signify the light-heartedness (or so I imagined) of the exchange. Live and learn. Cheers.
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You said #2 on the chart was bullshit. Doing so was essentially the definition of #3. I'm sorry you don't get this, and I'm sorry you are getting so up in arms about it. I thought it was pretty clear, as were my many smiley faces I gave you to signify the light-heartedness (or so I imagined) of the exchange. Live and learn. Cheers.

Thanks. Have a lot on the plate tonight. I was probably too hasty.
Of course it will get much worse. The relevant question is why are you afraid? It's just one more aspect of life. It's nature. And while there are plenty of causes to be a victim of the misconduct of others, I don't think believing one is a victim of nature is a productive way to look at a virus While I agree that conservatives see this differently than liberals, I think the reasons are deeper than politics and reflect the kinds of people who are attracted to different the political ideologies.

The thought of personally getting COVID-19 does not at all worry me, even if I am nearly 60 with risk factor. But the idea that I could pass it to someone else who could become very sick or die does bother me. In that way it is very different than a natural disaster. I have very little ability to spread a tornado.
It’s just absolutely amazing that how you think about this virus depends upon your politics here. I can just count on every single Trump supporter minimizing this and comparing it to a regular flu. Trump calling it a hoax to start with set the tone. Not sure if anyone posted but there was a Fox anchor yesterday calling it a hoax, just like impeachment. There’s a thread on the premie about IU closing and every single person was writing about how stupid it was. I’m afraid this is going to get so much worse.
Do you think that you can hide from this virus? What subset is most adversely affected by Covid-19? What subset is most adversely affected by influenza? You posted that you had a 12hr and a 24hr flu in the recent past. What you had is not influenza. We are used to hearing the word flu so it doesn't have the same shock effect but it is still extremely dangerous to the most vulnerable. Kinda like Covid-19 in that regard
The US does indeed have vast resources, but they are spread out amongst various federal and state-wide agencies and entities, along with commercial interests. Our system here is a very fractured, disparate, political system that makes it difficult to coordinate quickly enough to react to something like this.

Frankly, I'm convinced of this: It's too late in the US to be proactive. We're solidly in the reactive phase now. It's no longer about containment. That ship has sailed. Our best hope now is to take whatever steps we can to smooth out the imminent curve of infection spikes, in order to help our system best handle the coming onslaught of patients who will require hospitalization. The Healthcare system will quickly become overwhelmed. We can only now work to minimize that as much as possible. That's our reality that will become apparent very soon. We'll soon have to take draconian measures that until now have seemed unimaginable in the US, if we hope to make a dent in that curve. I'm not confident that we're up to the task.

I hope I'm wrong, but IMHO, I don't think I will be. Maybe I've been spending too much time on /r/coronavirus on Reddit, but this is really going downhill fast.
Don't you reddit guys stay in your basements anyway?
The thought of personally getting COVID-19 does not at all worry me, even if I am nearly 60 with risk factor. But the idea that I could pass it to someone else who could become very sick or die does bother me. In that way it is very different than a natural disaster. I have very little ability to spread a tornado.

You can't stop microbes from doing what microbes do either. All you can do is minimize risks of becoming sick and minimize risks of spreading it around. I whole-heartedly agree with you about each of us carrying out our personal responsibilities with this virus. I have altered my behavior in a number of ways in compliance with the recommendations and others that I have come up with on my own. And if I ever test positive, I will follow those protocols also.

I think it's worthwhile to note that anxiety, stress, and worry compromises one's immune system.

f you repeatedly feel anxious and stressed or it lasts a long time, your body never gets the signal to return to normal functioning. This can weaken your immune system, leaving you more vulnerable to viral infections and frequent illnesses. Also, your regular vaccines may not work as well if you have anxiety.
What have I said that leads you to believe I don't recognize my position? I've spent many hours looking at all aspects of COVID-19, how it is transmitted, how individual immune systems can operate, how can immune systems be enhanced, infection rates, death rates, pre-existing conditions that affect the statistics, recommended safety measures and on and on.

My stoker and I are leaving on a road trip to Phoenix. I looked at infection rates at our destination, and places in between. I researched the influence of dry desert air on transmission. The cases are significantly fewer there than in Denver. We will see some spring training games, and we will be in open air crowds. We discussed going or not going. Based on present day information, Phoenix is probably safer than Denver. Denver has many more intenational travlers coming through headed for skiing.

So yeah, I recognize my postion extremely well. I'm not angry, I'm not depressed, I haven't bargained with anybody, I'm not confused and I am not aggressive. I still think the chart is bullshit.

Please stay out of Phoenix.