Trump and the United States Supreme Court

How will SCOTUS rule on the Trump ballot eligibility issue and whether he's immune from prosecution?

  • Trump will win on the eligibility issue but lose on the immunity question (he can be prosecuted)

  • Trump will lose on the eligibility issue but prevail on the immunity question (can't be prosecuted)

  • Trump will win both cases

  • Trump will lose both cases

Results are only viewable after voting.
5 billion to one school.

Not even a school system.... a single school.

Make that make sense in any way.

Then, back in 2021, she actually asked how much taxes people back the paid and how did governments change to melt the ice back in the ICE AGE in a hearing on climate change.

And lets not forget her promoting her cookoo theory that the Rothchilds were profiting from the Cali wildfires by beams of light from space.

No, she's the dumbest member of congress and it's not close.
I don't know. Boebert is in the team picture here.
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Shit that’s the high end of the left that speak in gibberish. Dip down to the cori bush squad. No group is dumber than the far left
Nice try. First go to a Trump rally or listen to the people getting interviewed. If you can understand them, that is.
Nice try. First go to a Trump rally or listen to the people getting interviewed. If you can understand them, that is.
I’d take those people any day. They can probably build a house, fix a car, give you the shirt off their back, and at a minimum know the difference between a man and a woman. And they’re certainly not destroying cities
I’d take those people any day. They can probably build a house, fix a car, give you the shirt off their back, and at a minimum know the difference between a man and a woman. And they’re certainly not destroying cities
A huge swath of trump voters probably fit your description. The ones who attend his rallies are so far down the evolutionary tree they're scaly.
I get annoyed when presidents visit the city I'm living in or near; currently it's Cincy.
I've never even put a sign in my yard. When I was in high school I stuck a Dole sticker on my trapper keeper. I don't think I've advertised for a candidate since.
Ha! I was wrong. I did go see bill Clinton when he was in my neighborhood years ago
Nice try. First go to a Trump rally or listen to the people getting interviewed. If you can understand them, that is.
Oh, and try not to to laugh out loud.

They don't understand language and complete sentences, but they sense ridicule,
I’d take those people any day. They can probably build a house, fix a car, give you the shirt off their back, and at a minimum know the difference between a man and a woman. And they’re certainly not destroying cities
That’s quite a white wash characterization there. As JD Vance told the story, before he turned Trumpy, many of them are sitting in their homes full of resentment and getting their government checks, but angry at others doing the same. They think it’s somehow different. Many of them look like they are destroying their families and neighborhoods with meth. I could care less if anyone can tell the difference between a man or woman. What’s that got to do with me?
As JD Vance told the story, before he turned Trumpy, many of them are sitting in their homes full of resentment and getting their government checks, but angry at others doing the same. They think it’s somehow different.

It's different because those others are different.
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That’s quite a white wash characterization there. As JD Vance told the story, before he turned Trumpy, many of them are sitting in their homes full of resentment and getting their government checks, but angry at others doing the same. They think it’s somehow different. Many of them look like they are destroying their families and neighborhoods with meth. I could care less if anyone can tell the difference between a man or woman. What’s that got to do with me?
I don’t understand this post. What I know for a fact is life got way harder for all poor people under Biden.

I also know that people who don’t take time to look at facts and blindly defend their party simply aren’t very bright

After Biden anyone supporting progressives isn’t very bright
I don’t understand this post. What I know for a fact is life got way harder for all poor people under Biden.
don’t do that. I hate when people do that.

You know who inflation hurts most? The poor. You know who higher gas prices hurts most? The poor. You know who the pandemic hurt most? The poor.

Everything is harder if you’re poor. That’s pretty much the essence of being poor. It’s not an astute point.
Nice try. First go to a Trump rally or listen to the people getting interviewed. If you can understand them, that is.
Speaking of which...

These folks vote. And even though the GOP go to is to restrict people with mental issues from owning guns, I'm guessing these people are all packing...

don’t do that. I hate when people do that.

You know who inflation hurts most? The poor. You know who higher gas prices hurts most? The poor. You know who the pandemic hurt most? The poor.

Everything is harder if you’re poor. That’s pretty much the essence of being poor. It’s not an astute point.
I didn’t understand her post. But yes Biden totally ****ed the poor. He totally ****ed those living on fixed incomes etc. just like vapid progressives **** blacks. Get a criminal out of jail to continue to terrorize their own neighborhoods. Beyond stupid. Not an ounce of common sense
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I don’t understand this post. What I know for a fact is life got way harder for all poor people under Biden.

I also know that people who don’t take time to look at facts and blindly defend their party simply aren’t very bright

After Biden anyone supporting progressives isn’t very bright
When the alternative is Trump…I support some progressive causes, not all. i detest the conservatives picking on social issues that have zero impact on them to appeal to the stupid people. They’ve done that for years, first with gay people and now with trans.
When the alternative is Trump…I support some progressive causes, not all. i detest the conservatives picking on social issues that have zero impact on them to appeal to the stupid people. They’ve done that for years, first with gay people and now with trans.
I can understand that. I think it’s human nature when it feels too much. Or pushed or judgy. I was at the park and a van was driving around the park with TRANS PEOPLE ARE HEROES painted on the sides and they were shouting with blow horns out the windows. That got my reflux going. F off is what I thought. And I couldn’t care less if someone once to be trans. As far as I’m concerned adults should be able to do anything they want to themselves. But again when it’s pushed human nature is to push back. Travis kelce and Taylor swift should be glad the season is almost over. People will turn on them next
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I can understand that. I think it’s human nature when it feels too much. Or pushed or judgy. I was at the park and a van was driving around the park with TRANS PEOPLE ARE HEROES painted on the sides and they were shouting with blow horns out the windows. That got my reflux going. F off is what I thought. And I couldn’t care less if someone once to be trans. As far as I’m concerned adults should be able to do anything they want to themselves. But again when it’s pushed human nature is to push back. Travis kelce and Taylor swift should be glad the season is almost over. People will turn on them next
Nobody but evangelicals gave a crap about trans people being trans until the radical left wanted to teach transsexualism in elementary school and demanded a “pedestal or cancelled” approach - and wanted to deprive parents of the otherwise-sacred “right to know.” They went too far. You MUST accept their views. Yours mean nothing.

Just like when they would not compromise on abortion, and demanded abortion on demand everywhere up to and during birth. For 30 years. That intransigence got Roe overturned.

And - like lemmings - the traditional Dems followed them over the Stupid Cliff.

So now the Democrats will lose the next presidential election to anybody but Trump. He is their only chance. (“They stab it with their steely knives, but they just can’t kill the Beast.”) Their totalitarian refusal to compromise on anything may cost them everything.
Nobody but evangelicals gave a crap about trans people being trans until the radical left wanted to teach transsexualism in elementary school and demanded a “pedestal or cancelled” approach - and wanted to deprive parents of the otherwise-sacred “right to know.” They went too far. You MUST accept their views. Yours mean nothing.

Just like when they would not compromise on abortion, and demanded abortion on demand everywhere up to and during birth. For 30 years. That intransigence got Roe overturned.

And - like lemmings - the traditional Dems followed them over the Stupid Cliff.

So now the Democrats will lose the next presidential election to anybody but Trump. He is their only chance. (“They stab it with their steely knives, but they just can’t kill the Beast.”) Their totalitarian refusal to compromise on anything may cost them everything.

Republicans refusal to compromise on abortion was part of the reason why we didn't see the red wave everyone said was coming.

Both sides are stuck in their beliefs and lost the art of compromise a long time ago.
They’re just people who love liberty

Either amend the Constitution or STFU

That is the law

This is a nation of laws, not men. You don’t get what you want just because you want it. You have to persuade others. That may be where dumb comes in.

Even your name is based upon your belief that the rules should be different for you and yours then for everybody else.
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Nobody but evangelicals gave a crap about trans people being trans until the radical left wanted to teach transsexualism in elementary school and demanded a “pedestal or cancelled” approach - and wanted to deprive parents of the otherwise-sacred “right to know.” They went too far. You MUST accept their views. Yours mean nothing.

Just like when they would not compromise on abortion, and demanded abortion on demand everywhere up to and during birth. For 30 years. That intransigence got Roe overturned.

And - like lemmings - the traditional Dems followed them over the Stupid Cliff.

So now the Democrats will lose the next presidential election to anybody but Trump. He is their only chance. (“They stab it with their steely knives, but they just can’t kill the Beast.”) Their totalitarian refusal to compromise on anything may cost them everything.
You might be right about the left and trans, but your take on abortion is laughable. The minute Roe was handed down, the right began a campaign to end abortion, and put together a plan that involved judge selection, uniform legislation, and activism. Overturning Roe was one result (they aren't done, yet) of this campaign. The left had nothing to do with it.
I can understand that. I think it’s human nature when it feels too much. Or pushed or judgy. I was at the park and a van was driving around the park with TRANS PEOPLE ARE HEROES painted on the sides and they were shouting with blow horns out the windows. That got my reflux going. F off is what I thought. And I couldn’t care less if someone once to be trans. As far as I’m concerned adults should be able to do anything they want to themselves. But again when it’s pushed human nature is to push back. Travis kelce and Taylor swift should be glad the season is almost over. People will turn on them next
If the Chiefs don’t start winning, for sure….
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If the Chiefs don’t start winning, for sure….
I was thinking about it zeke and it’s really anything. The progressives and that community just pushed too hard. Don’t tell me what I have to like and support. And it can be anything. I hate our mls team. The stadium is the greatest sporting environment I’ve experienced and I’ve been to every sporting event you can imagine from being in the pit for open wheel racing to the Kentucky derby to the haston shot at iu to multiple world series’ games. But it’s a new team whose style of play I despise and it annoys me how rabid the fans are with a first year team with no history who play long ball garbage. The immediate devotion and endless marketing already annoy me
You might be right about the left and trans, but your take on abortion is laughable. The minute Roe was handed down, the right began a campaign to end abortion, and put together a plan that involved judge selection, uniform legislation, and activism. Overturning Roe was one result (they aren't done, yet) of this campaign. The left had nothing to do with it.

Roe allowed abortion as a method of birth control in the first trimester, just ending a life as a matter of personal convenience, even in the absence of any threat to the health of the mother. That was unacceptable to people of faith who believed in the sanctity of God-created life, who saw/see such a decision as selfish and cavalier and unnecessary and wrong. Just as intransigent as the far right, who refuses abortion in cases of rape or incest or serious health risk or in circumstances like anencephaly. On top of those, Roe was based on a legal fiction, claiming that abortion had been “historically” protected as “privacy right” that was “historically” “fundamental” to liberty, when, to the contrary, abortion had been officially illegal almost everywhere for centuries.

The whole thing cried out for compromise. Instead, we got culture war.
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Roe allowed abortion as a method of birth control in the first trimester, just ending a life as a matter of personal convenience, even in the absence of any threat to the health of the mother. That was unacceptable to people of faith who believed in the sanctity of God-created life, who saw/see such a decision as selfish and cavalier and unnecessary and wrong. Just as intransigent as the far right, who refuses abortion in cases of rape or incest or serious health risk or in circumstances like anencephaly. On top of those, Roe was based on a legal fiction, claiming that abortion had been “historically” protected as “privacy right” that was “historically” “fundamental” to liberty, when, to the contrary, abortion had been officially illegal almost everywhere for centuries.

The whole thing cried out for compromise. Instead, we got culture war.
You're not even consistently making the same argument, now. First, intransigence got Roe overturned. Now, Roe was the intransigence. You should have planned this out better.
Travis kelce and Taylor swift should be glad the season is almost over. People will turn on them next
As they should. This relationship is completely nauseating and Kelce is starting to deteriorate as a player.

No one wants to to hear about pop stars when they turn on football. And Taylor Swift seems to relish in making entrances to every game.

I like Taylor Swift. Great musician. She has never learned how to have a healthy male/ female relationship and it shows.
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You're not even consistently making the same argument, now. First, intransigence got Roe overturned. Now, Roe was the intransigence. You should have planned this out better.

Before Roe there was no need to ask Democrats to compromise on Roe. After Roe became law, Democrats refused to give an inch. If they had been willing to fix Roe through the legislative process (compromise instead of intransigence), it would not have been necessary to pick judges/overturn it.

Nothing inconsistent at all.
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Before Roe there was no need to ask Democrats to compromise on Roe. After Roe became law, Democrats refused to give an inch. If they had been willing to fix Roe through the legislative process (compromise instead of intransigence), it would not have been necessary to pick judges/overturn it.

Nothing inconsistent at all.
Glad you finally figured out what you wanted to think after only three posts. It's still bullshit. The movement to overturn Roe literally began the day the ruling was handed down. It wasn't a result of anything the Democrats did. It was a response to Roe itself. Pretending otherwise is just dishonest.
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Glad you finally figured out what you wanted to think after only three posts. It's still bullshit. The movement to overturn Roe literally began the day the ruling was handed down. It wasn't a result of anything the Democrats did. It was a response to Roe itself. Pretending otherwise is just dishonest.
If your position is there was a lot on anti- Roe resentment that’s fine. It’s actually true.

Your problem is you can’t admit that RvW was a horseshit decision and bad law pulled out of thin air.

Pretty embarrassing
If your position is there was a lot on anti- Roe resentment that’s fine. It’s actually true.

Your problem is you can’t admit that RvW was a horseshit decision and bad law pulled out of thin air.

Pretty embarrassing
Whether or not Roe was bad law isn't the question here, and you also need to stop assuming you know what other people think simply based on their political affiliation. We're not all simpleton hacks like you.
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Glad you finally figured out what you wanted to think after only three posts. It's still bullshit. The movement to overturn Roe literally began the day the ruling was handed down. It wasn't a result of anything the Democrats did. It was a response to Roe itself. Pretending otherwise is just dishonest.
You are just trying to be stubborn. Again.

Yes, the objection to Roe began the day it was issued. Duh. But you want to act like Dobbs was the first step, like the GOP never asked the Democrats to act through legislation, and that the Democrats never were intransigent about Roe. Dobbs was only necessary because of the intransigence between 1973 and 2022. Almost 50 years to compromise produced nada.

This isn’t really hard to understand. It did not take me 3 posts to make the same argument. It took you 3 (and probably more) to understand the first one.
You are just trying to be stubborn. Again.

Yes, the objection to Roe began the day it was issued. Duh. But you want to act like Dobbs was the first step, like the GOP never asked the Democrats to act through legislation, and that the Democrats never were intransigent about Roe. Dobbs was only necessary because of the intransigence between 1973 and 2022. Almost 50 years to compromise produced nada.

This isn’t really hard to understand. It did not take me 3 posts to make the same argument. It took you 3 (and probably more) to understand the first one.
No, I've understood all along. You continue to be wrong.
Whether or not Roe was bad law isn't the question here, and you also need to stop assuming you know what other people think simply based on their political affiliation. We're not all simpleton hacks like you.
As far as I can tell, you’ve never staked out a claim on Roe. You’ve trimmed around the edges of the debate with semantics per your usual arrangement.

That leads me to believe you know it’s a shitty decision but you support the result.