Supreme Court to decide Trump immunity claim

I haven’t followed this. Who bribed him and what did he get in return?

I’ll tell ya an odd thing about really wealthy people. They like having people of power and/or fame to call as friends. Like one more thing to collect. A couple mil to say Thomas is a buddy may be for nothing more than that. Status
Concur. Rich guy wants to show off his friendship with a Supreme Court Justice, and the Supreme Court Justice enjoys the perks of the relationship. This is the most obvious conclusion.

Unless someone shows Thomas did something at SCOTUS that he wouldn’t normally, that’s probably all there is to it. Except he should have disclosed it all on the FDRs, and he’s doing that now.
My two cents: the appearance of impropriety is strong and he should be censured for it under The Code of Conduct for United State Judges, Rule 2A.

I do not see any evidence of bribery, though, or a violation of Rule 2B.

As is typical, though, politicians and now their willing allies in the media exaggerate and make too strong of a case. Both sides do this, obviously, and neither side seems to care about the damage being done to public confidence in the judiciary and rule of law.
Maybe the justices should be more ethical if they want public confidence.

Thomas and Alito have put a stain on the Supreme Court and that is no one else's fault but their own.
Concur. Rich guy wants to show off his friendship with a Supreme Court Justice, and the Supreme Court Justice enjoys the perks of the relationship. This is the most obvious conclusion.

Unless someone shows Thomas did something at SCOTUS that he wouldn’t normally, that’s probably all there is to it. Except he should have disclosed it all on the FDRs, and he’s doing that now.
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Link one example of an unbiased observer that says Thomas took a bribe along with the case in question and the proof.

Not necessary. Justices are not supposed to be taking bribes regardless of whether or not any effect of the bribe could be proven. Anyone with half a brain would see what that looks like. Hence Thomas tried to hide it by not reporting.

And anyone I linked, you would just claim they were biased.
Not necessary. Justices are not supposed to be taking bribes regardless of whether or not any effect of the bribe could be proven. Anyone with half a brain would see what that looks like. Hence Thomas tried to hide it by not reporting.

And anyone I linked, you would just claim they were biased.
Bribes require something in return. There is no evidence of that. The next time you say “bribes” you move over from the hyper-partisan list to the hyper-partisan liar list. I have space for you in that list already, but it’s not official yet. My bet is you’ll make it official.
Bribes require something in return. There is no evidence of that. The next time you say “bribes” you move over from the hyper-partisan list to the hyper-partisan liar list. I have space for you in that list already, but it’s not official yet. My bet is you’ll make it official.
Even odds Aloha literally has an excel spreadsheet with those columns and poster’s names filled in.
He’s just doing Hickory. He has the democrat talking points down trying to destroy the integrity of the Supreme Court.

I am trying not to be like another mod, so I want go off with the F word over and over and hurl personal insults at him.
The only people destroying the integrity of the supreme court are Thomas and alito
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My two cents: the appearance of impropriety is strong and he should be censured for it under The Code of Conduct for United State Judges, Rule 2A.

I do not see any evidence of bribery, though, or a violation of Rule 2B.

As is typical, though, politicians and now their willing allies in the media exaggerate and make too strong of a case. Both sides do this, obviously, and neither side seems to care about the damage being done to public confidence in the judiciary and rule of law.
To be clear, I'm not saying he accepted bribes. I'm just saying it's an ugly enough look that, if we had a proper mechanism for investigating these things, he'd be getting investigated.
To be clear, I'm not saying he accepted bribes. I'm just saying it's an ugly enough look that, if we had a proper mechanism for investigating these things, he'd be getting investigated.

I think people using bribe inflame the situation to the point we hunker down in our team dugouts. This should be something we all agree on, justices, politicians, administrators should not be receiving massive "gifts".
I think people using bribe inflame the situation to the point we hunker down in our team dugouts. This should be something we all agree on, justices, politicians, administrators should not be receiving massive "gifts".
In my younger days as a fancy ass waiter, one of my regulars was the county engineer. He wouldn't even let his friends buy a round, out of an abundance of caution for how it would appear to others.
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As is typical, though, politicians and now their willing allies in the media exaggerate and make too strong of a case. Both sides do this, obviously, and neither side seems to care about the damage being done to public confidence in the judiciary and rule of law.

Shouldn't the principals involved (Thomas, and Alito to a lesser extent) be the ones ultimately responsible?
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In my younger days as a fancy ass waiter, one of my regulars was the county engineer. He wouldn't even let his friends by a round, out of an abundance of caution for how it would appear to others.

My first job running an auto parts operation, I was warned about being offered "premiums" for making purchases and was told in no uncertain terms I'd be fired for accepting them. Over the years I've been astonished at how much I was offered "under the table" to buy light bulbs and janitorial supplies and just about any kind of consumable that is normally bought in bulk.
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I think people using bribe inflame the situation to the point we hunker down in our team dugouts. This should be something we all agree on, justices, politicians, administrators should not be receiving massive "gifts".

Massive gifts that are only being given due to the recipient's position on the Supreme Court. Not much of a stretch to think it is for having an oversized influence on that justice.

It is the same reason presidents aren't supposed to accept gifts of any value from foreigners.

Accepting gifts of major value over decades is a stain on the integrity of the court even if proving it was a bribe is impossible. A bribe is a logical assumption though.
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Massive gifts that are only being given due to the recipient's position on the Supreme Court. Not much of a stretch to think it is for having an oversized influence on that justice.

It is the same reason presidents aren't supposed to accept gifts of any value from foreigners.

Accepting gifts of major value over decades is a stain on the integrity of the court even if proving it was a bribe is impossible. A bribe is a logical assumption though.
I and McMurtry have already provided the most logical assumption:

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I haven’t followed this. Who bribed him and what did he get in return?

I’ll tell ya an odd thing about really wealthy people. They like having people of power and/or fame to call as friends. Like one more thing to collect. A couple mil to say Thomas is a buddy may be for nothing more than that. Status
Another thing they like to do, is hang out on really nice toys they own, like yachts.
They don’t say, hey Thomas and Ginny, want to go have subway tonight and hang out.
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Concur. Rich guy wants to show off his friendship with a Supreme Court Justice, and the Supreme Court Justice enjoys the perks of the relationship. This is the most obvious conclusion.

Unless someone shows Thomas did something at SCOTUS that he wouldn’t normally, that’s probably all there is to it. Except he should have disclosed it all on the FDRs, and he’s doing that now.
Agree somewhat...The sheer size of the gifts, valued over $4,500,000, carries with it some added scrutiny. Human nature suggests some degree of favoritism would be expected by the giver and understood by the receiver. But indeed wrongdoing would have to be proven. My understanding is that there is not even a mechanism to look into it, other than full-blown impeachment. Thomas himself can decide if what he's done is OK. Does that sound like reasonable ethics guidelines?

As to disclosures, the degree of cooperation is like a slow dripping faucet. First, no disclosure. Then based upon media reporting, he was forced to submit disclosures for prior years. Then based upon more media reporting on missing gifts, he was forced to further update the disclosures. It's hard to say how many more rounds of this are going to happen.
More logically leaked by one of the liberals to create some public pressure not to overturn Roe. What logical reason would a conservative leak? Maybe there is one, but I can’t think of one.

I am NOT saying this is it, I have no idea. The theory is that the conservatives had lost a couple votes by someone changing sides. Leaking it would lock people in, no one would want to be seen as caving.
More logically leaked by one of the liberals to create some public pressure not to overturn Roe. What logical reason would a conservative leak? Maybe there is one, but I can’t think of one.

To lock in the votes he already had and keep anyone who might have been wavering from backing away from a complete overturn.