Trump and the United States Supreme Court

How will SCOTUS rule on the Trump ballot eligibility issue and whether he's immune from prosecution?

  • Trump will win on the eligibility issue but lose on the immunity question (he can be prosecuted)

  • Trump will lose on the eligibility issue but prevail on the immunity question (can't be prosecuted)

  • Trump will win both cases

  • Trump will lose both cases

Results are only viewable after voting.
Ha ha ha ha!!!

The Supreme Court has denied Special Counsel Smith's request for an expedited review of the case against Trump.There won't be a trial in DC before the 2024 election. No mistake - this is a big loss for the Special Counsel.

eh - still plenty of time for the federal trials to go in 2024. the immunity-proof state trials can proceed in 2025.

don't have a lot of skin in this game but he's not dodging all these bullets
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eh - still plenty of time for the federal trials to go in 2024. the immunity-proof state trials can proceed in 2025.

don't have a lot of skin in this game but he's not dodging all these bullets
The appeals court will act quickly. The Supremes have done nothing but delay the inevitable.
Ha ha ha ha!!!

The Supreme Court has denied Special Counsel Smith's request for an expedited review of the case against Trump.There won't be a trial in DC before the 2024 election. No mistake - this is a big loss for the Special Counsel.
It's only a "loss" for Smith if he loses at the Apellate level which isn't likely. It's quite possible the reason SCOTUS agreed to hold off unanimously is the fact that the COA is moving so fast. They will likely rule in Feb,maybe before...

If Trump wins at that level, then it would be up to Smith to appeal to SCOTUS. But if Smith wins, Trump has a real dilemma.

Chutkan wil immdeiately liftl the stay and events will proceed along until Trump files an apeal with SCOTUS. Now instead of wanting the court to proceed slowly, he will be the one urging them to quikly agree to hear his appeal because the COA ruling will remain in effect until they do... Any delay on Trump's part in filing his appeal will result in the preliminaries to the trial moving forward steadily till SCOTUS agrees to hear his appeal.

Since they have decided to hold off till the COA rules, it's very likely they will attach a significant degree of value to the opinion the COA produces. They could decide to take the case immediately, or they could decide to hold off till after the trial and Trump could then appeal like any convicted felon. Or they could decide that the COA rulingis so strong that there is no need for them to rule...

I don't think Smith thought there was much chance SCOTUS would take the case away from the COA. That's why he filed a motion to expedite with the COA at the same time he went to SCOTUS. He's a step ahead of Trump's team practically every step of the way...
The fact that no one dissented likely indicates that the Court looked at the COA's expedited schedule (arguments in mid Jan) and decided they wanted to wait for input from the COA. If Trump loses in the COA then we're right back where we started, only this time Trump will be begging SCOTUS to agree to hear his appeal.

Any delay in filing on his part will result in Chutkan lifting the temporary stay, and events will proceed based on the COA decision. Since slowing things down and delaying the trial is the reason Trump wanted the case not to get to SCOTUS immediately, the roles will now be reversed.

Now he won't want SCOTUS to delay because the COA decision will remain in place till SCOTUS agrees to hear his appeal.Trump's only choice will be to urge SCOTUS to quickly decide to hear his appeal, because until they do that Chutkan will move forward with her preparations for trial.But when he appeals he will set in motion the means for SCOTUS to hear and possibly rule on the case before summer.

Unless SCOTUS rules for Trump (which he probably doesn't feel likely) SCOTUS will rule and the trial will proceed.
Likely filling the void that will be created when Cannon continues to try and delay for Trump and will be forced to relinquish her "proposed" May date...

Only the idiots you quote would believe that SCOTUS refusing to take the appeal immediately somehow equates to the belief that Trump will win. They might end up deciding not to take the case until Trump is convicted and files an appeal...
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The fact that no one dissented likely indicates that the Court looked at the COA's expedited schedule (arguments in mid Jan) and decided they wanted to wait for input from the COA. If Trump loses in the COA then we're right back where we started, only this time Trump will be begging SCOTUS to agree to hear his appeal.

Any delay in filing on his part will result in Chutkan lifting the temporary stay, and events will proceed based on the COA decision. Since slowing things down and delaying the trial is the reason Trump wanted the case not to get to SCOTUS immediately, the roles will now be reversed.

Now he won't want SCOTUS to delay because the COA decision will remain in place till SCOTUS agrees to hear his appeal.Trump's only choice will be to urge SCOTUS to quickly decide to hear his appeal, because until they do that Chutkan will move forward with her preparations for trial.But when he appeals he will set in motion the means for SCOTUS to hear and possibly rule on the case before summer.

Unless SCOTUS rules for Trump (which he probably doesn't feel likely) SCOTUS will rule and the trial will proceed.
Likely filling the void that will be created when Cannon continues to try and delay for Trump and will be forced to relinquish her "proposed" May date...

Only the idiots you quote would believe that SCOTUS refusing to take the appeal immediately somehow equates to the belief that Trump will win. They might end up deciding not to take the case until Trump is convicted and files an appeal...
It looks like some of the morons here believe the immunity issue has been decided on the merits.

As you've noted, the appeal remains on the fast track with oral argument set for Jan 9 and a decision likely before the end of February. Trump will lose in the DC Circuit, and the case will then likely go to SCOTUS. They won't drag their heels, and they'll rule against Trump.

The election subversion case won't proceed as currently scheduled on March 4, but a trial in June or July, maybe just before or coinciding with the Republican National Convention, would be fitting.
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It looks like some of the morons here believe the immunity issue has been decided on the merits.

As you've noted, the appeal remains on the fast track with oral argument set for Jan 9 and a decision likely before the end of February. Trump will lose in the DC Circuit, and the case will then likely go to SCOTUS. They won't drag their heels, and they'll rule against Trump.

The election subversion case won't proceed as currently scheduled on March 4, but a trial in June or July, maybe just before or coinciding with the Republican National Convention, would be fitting.
If Trump actually thought SCOTUS was going to rule in favor of his looney concept of absolute immunity he'd run to SCOTUS and get them to effectively end the DC trial. The fact that he didn't do that and was determined that the Appeals process played thru is a huge indicator he knows he's ultimately going to lose.

His only tactic is delay, hope Americans are stupid enough to vote him back into office, and be in a position where he can nominate his own syncophants and make the charges go away...
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He’s changed his language as we ramp up to another secure election. Shocking.

“As a sitting United States Senator and then-Chairman of the Judiciary Committee, I eventually certified the election in all states including Georgia. I didn't find any evidence of mass voter fraud, but I did have concerns about the mail-in ballots systems in Georgia and other places. This is troubling for the country.”

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Anyone, I mean ANYONE, that thinks Trump lost due to voter fraud is a total moron and shouldn't vote.
Cyber Ninjas were going to blow the lid off Arizona, and found Biden won. Ken Block was hired by Trump and was going to prove massive fraud found none, and actually investigated. That was Trump's own man. Yet there are still people who know there was fraud because their team just can't lose. They are perfect, Trump is perfect, so fraud.
Cyber Ninjas were going to blow the lid off Arizona, and found Biden won. Ken Block was hired by Trump and was going to prove massive fraud found none, and actually investigated. That was Trump's own man. Yet there are still people who know there was fraud because their team just can't lose. They are perfect, Trump is perfect, so fraud.
Clueless. They weren't allowed to do a signature match which is the only way to verify a mail in ballot. Wonder why the Dems spent millions and millions in legal fees to fight that but welcomed an audit of the voting machines.
So the machines weren't compromised?
I doubt it. It was good old fashioned illegal ballot harvesting. The smart people knew from the jump that the machines flipping Trump votes and giving them to Biden was nonsense as there would always been a paper trail to show otherwise (a hand recount). The deep state fed that garbage to Gen. Flynn and then Sidney Powell to distract from the real issue, the signatures.
I doubt it. It was good old fashioned illegal ballot harvesting. The smart people knew from the jump that the machines flipping Trump votes and giving them to Biden was nonsense as there would always been a paper trail to show otherwise (a hand recount). The deep state fed that garbage to Gen. Flynn and then Sidney Powell to distract from the real issue, the signatures.
You embarrass Republicans.
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What Trump has done to people like dbm is the most unforgivable aspect of his presidency. Our nation is literally dumber than it was before, because of him.
I disagree. Our country was already that goddamn stupid. Trump just made it ok to be that way. Trump is a moron, but he was fully aware how stupid a large swath of this nation is, and he’s still playing those idiots like a fiddle.
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I doubt it. It was good old fashioned illegal ballot harvesting. The smart people knew from the jump that the machines flipping Trump votes and giving them to Biden was nonsense as there would always been a paper trail to show otherwise (a hand recount). The deep state fed that garbage to Gen. Flynn and then Sidney Powell to distract from the real issue, the signatures.
What is your source for saying what the "smart people" knew?

What is your information as to how much it would cost to have a handwriting expert confirm one single signature? Do you realize how much that costs? Then multiple that cost by millions of ballots in each state.

You don't know.
What is your source for saying what the "smart people" knew?

What is your information as to how much it would cost to have a handwriting expert confirm one single signature? Do you realize how much that costs? Then multiple that cost by millions of ballots in each state.

You don't know.
First, you only have to check the ballots that went to a Democrat. Conservatives are honest people so you could skip those ballots.

Second, you can skip any states that were won by a conservative since only interested in races that were stolen.

That is a lot of money and time saved right there.
First, you only have to check the ballots that went to a Democrat. Conservatives are honest people so you could skip those ballots.

Second, you can skip any states that were won by a conservative since only interested in races that were stolen.

That is a lot of money and time saved right there.
3.3 million votes cast in AZ
5 million votes cast in GA
1.3 million votes cast in NV
5.3 million votes cast in NC
6.9 million votes cast in PA
3.2 million votes cast in WI

Dbm has no clue what it would cost to verify that many signatures, and that's probably not all of the battleground states.

There was no money from the Trump camp to pay such an expense. Trump couldn't even afford to pay Rudy!!
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3.3 million votes cast in AZ
5 million votes cast in GA
1.3 million votes cast in NV
5.3 million votes cast in NC
6.9 million votes cast in PA
3.2 million votes cast in WI

Dbm has no clue what it would cost to verify that many signatures, and that's probably not all of the battleground states.

There was no money from the Trump camp to pay such an expense. Trump couldn't even afford to pay Rudy!!
Most Trump followers have no clue. There was no issue with elections until a sore loser decided to make it an issue. They will grab at any straw they can but at the end of the day it all centers on their firm belief in whatever Trump says
I disagree. Our country was already that goddamn stupid. Trump just made it ok to be that way. Trump is a moron, but he was fully aware how stupid a large swath of this nation is, and he’s still playing those idiots like a fiddle.
It's a hallmark of the GOP. Some might say it began with Nixon's appointment of Clement Haynesworth in 1969. Remember Nixon's defense of "mediocrity"?

I know, I know, Nixon was a RINO . . .

. . . but he was the Trump of his time, before Trump.
I’d tear him up.
Niiiiiiice. You used a heteronym in this post to leave you an out. "Tear" could mean "rip" (I'm guessing this is the impression you intended) or "make him laugh so hard that he cries" (which you may have intended, or not).

Either way it makes for a fascinating post.

Well done.
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Our nation is literally dumber than it was before, because of him.
We are dumber.


Because of Trump? I dunno.
Shit that’s the high end of the left that speak in gibberish. Dip down to the cori bush squad. No group is dumber than the far left

Until the left has someone claiming that a school in Illinois got 5 billion dollars for CTE, I refuse to think that anyone associated with MTG is as dumb as her.
Until the left has someone claiming that a school in Illinois got 5 billion dollars for CTE, I refuse to think that anyone associated with MTG is as dumb as her.
I’ll raise you one cori bush. But there’s a good chance she will lose. Black guy running against her. Woke. But smart and likable
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I’ll raise you one cori bush. But there’s a good chance she will lose. Black guy running against her. Woke. But smart and likable

5 billion to one school.

Not even a school system.... a single school.

Make that make sense in any way.

Then, back in 2021, she actually asked how much taxes people back the paid and how did governments change to melt the ice back in the ICE AGE in a hearing on climate change.

And lets not forget her promoting her cookoo theory that the Rothchilds were profiting from the Cali wildfires by beams of light from space.

No, she's the dumbest member of congress and it's not close.
5 billion to one school.

Not even a school system.... a single school.

Make that make sense in any way.

Then, back in 2021, she actually asked how much taxes people back the paid and how did governments change to melt the ice back in the ICE AGE in a hearing on climate change.

And lets not forget her promoting her cookoo theory that the Rothchilds were profiting from the Cali wildfires by beams of light from space.

No, she's the dumbest member of congress and it's not close.
She’s an idiot and makes my skin crawl. But the things she backs don’t lead to deaths etc. cori bush is a defund police advocate in the most dangerous city in America. She had her own car jacked.