This is all that really needs to be said about anti-vaxxers....

How does posting an on-topic post on a discussion board have any relation to "my life goals"? Such a clever snide remark that earned you a like from another pompous, overbearing poster that for whatever reason takes pleasure in launching personal attacks on me.

You guys can mutually "like" your posts attacking me for whatever jollies you get. When a substantial poster starts to join in, then I'll worry that I might be offending people who matter. Hasn't really been the case to this point...

So any justification for attacking my post, besides your childish attempt to berate me?

Is my post-off-topic for the thread it's posted in? Let's check... Thread-topic "All that needs to be said about anti-vaxers" . My post dealt EXCLUSIVELY with anti-vaxers, so perfectly ON TARGET...

Now if you don't want to DISCUSS anti-vaxers, that's fine. But why in the hell would you complain about posts that are directly related to the THREAD SUBJECT?

If you and your sycophants aren't interested in the thread SUBJECT, there are plenty of others to choose from, without demeaning people who are participating within the context of the subject of the thread. I contribute posts that I think will be of interest to the people who are participating in the thread, based on their CHOICE to post relevant commentary within it.

If this thread was about pro-vaccine people and I chose to interject comments about anti-vax people then you could make a solid case it's off-topic. But clearly, I am addressing the subject matter inherent in the thread title. And Ohio Guy started this thread and included this within his OP, and I specifically submitted a post that dealt directly with this particular aspect of his OP...

"If you're not going to get vaccinated because you think COVID is a hoax or not a big deal, then yeah, OK that's your right. If you get sick with COVID and start to realize that it really is a 'big deal' or 'no joke', people are losing patience with your comin' to Jesus moment in the hospital."

My post dealt with EXACTLY that scenario, and while anyone is free to read it, it is directly addressed to Ohio Guy's point and any other people who are interested in the specific topic HE CHOSE. If that's not you, then why the hell are you commenting stupidly on someone who has made a post EXACTLY related to the subject at hand?

TBH it makes you look not only petty but pretty stupid as well...
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The thread is about Covid and vaccines. The three people I mentioned have previously tried to downplay the need for vaccines while touting a livestock dewormer as an appropriate treatment for Covid. You need to pay closer attention.
A "livestock dewormer"

It's used by a billion people worldwide.

To ignore that inconvenient truth demonstrates the mendacity of 'progressives'.
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And this is certainly not just an innocent anti-vaxer just trying to protect his kid. This guy (Bauman) is a known agitator who has deliberately sparked mask confrontations in several stores. In fact, last year at about this same time police were called to a local Home Depot after he sparked a confrontation by wearing pink thong underwear as a facemask...
Sound like one of those Florida MAGA Dads that a few people here insist only exist in my imagination. And....I won't be "imagining" any pink thongs on wrinkly old white Trumpers.
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Sound like one of those Florida MAGA Dads that a few people here insist only exist in my imagination. And....I won't be "imagining" any pink thongs on wrinkly old white Trumpers.
Why the deflection from my question? Why has German quit the vaccine?
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Sound like one of those Florida MAGA Dads that a few people here insist only exist in my imagination. And....I won't be "imagining" any pink thongs on wrinkly old white Trumpers.
Don't forget all those crazy relatives you're always imagining, too.
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A "livestock dewormer"

It's used by a billion people worldwide.

To ignore that inconvenient truth demonstrates the mendacity of 'progressives'.
Thanks for the laugh, Mas-sa-nazi. Here's the inconvenient truth you're ignoring. Covidiots like yourself are buying a livestock dewormer (Ivermectin) at feed stores and using it themselves, or giving it to their kids with, shall we say, less than optimal results.

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Thanks for the laugh, Mas-sa-nazi. Here's the inconvenient truth you're ignoring. Covidiots like yourself are buying a livestock dewormer (Ivermectin) at feed stores and using it themselves, or giving it to their kids with, shall we say, less than optimal results.

So what?
The correct dosages are being given all over the world, to good effect.
Africa, India, Japan among those who use Ivermectin at onset of symptoms and have significant reduction in severity and length of illness.

Have you and your children been jabbed?

I hope so.
Thanks for the laugh, Mas-sa-nazi. Here's the inconvenient truth you're ignoring. Covidiots like yourself are buying a livestock dewormer (Ivermectin) at feed stores and using it themselves, or giving it to their kids with, shall we say, less than optimal results.

Although your responses to this issue are juvenile (as usual), if you can get someone to read it to you , here is a brief review made by Wolters Kluwer Health, in The American Journal of Therapeutics.

"Review of the emerging evidence DEMONSTRATING the efficacy of Ivermectin in the prophylaxis and treatment of C-19.

Recently, evidence has emerged that the oral antiparasitic agent IVERMECTIN exhibits numerous anti-viral and anti-inflammatory mechanisms, with trial results reporting significant outcome benefits.
....statistically significant reductions in mortality, time to clinical recovery, and time to viral clearance ".
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So what?
The correct dosages are being given all over the world, to good effect.
Africa, India, Japan among those who use Ivermectin at onset of symptoms and have significant reduction in severity and length of illness.

Have you and your children been jabbed?

I hope so.

Ever heard of Merck? They actually make the stuff (ivermectin). Here's what they have to say about it:
"There is no meaningful evidence for clinical activity or efficacy in patients with Covid-19.”


Ever heard of Merck? They actually make the stuff (ivermectin). Here's what they have to say about it:
"There is no meaningful evidence for clinical activity or efficacy in patients with Covid-19.”

I bet you’re against fluvoxamine also!

Ever heard of Merck? They actually make the stuff (ivermectin). Here's what they have to say about it:
"There is no meaningful evidence for clinical activity or efficacy in patients with Covid-19.”

Former Associate Commissioner of the FDA....Lurie...
No conflict there at all.....

Now go skateboard and stop interrupting the adults.
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Defend the Chicago mask mandate. I don't care that three of Mississippi and Louisiana's four hospital bed are being used.

I'm tired of answering idiots who can't look up things on their own. Look at the data and how cases are increasing in Illinois. You'll find your answers. It will take you 5 minutes.
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Former Associate Commissioner of the FDA....Lurie...
No conflict there at all.....

Now go skateboard and stop interrupting the adults.
I can't figure out whether you're a) willfully ignorant; or b) just plain stupid. My hunch is "b."

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Yes, they are called "breakthrough infections" when a vaccinated person gets COVID. There are far, far, far fewer of them. If one does not get infected, they cannot pass it. Therefore more vaccinations means fewer people spreading.
My sis who’s vaccinated got Covid. She passed it on to her husband who has it now. He’s vaccinated too.
Don't recall you refuting a word of what I posted.
1. The Holocaust, in all its reported horror, happened.
2. Hitler and his supporters were/are evil people.
3. Nazis were/are a stain on the human race.
4. The Jewish people did not bring the atrocities of the Third Reich upon themselves in any way.

Is that enough refutation, Adolph?
These guys all make big bucks. You have to wonder how they reconcile that in j school. The money follows sensational, biased reporting
They’re not reporters, they are opinion talk-tv hosts. The line gets blurred when they present their opinions as facts. It’s what night time programming on 24 hour cable news networks has morphed into and too many Americans are using it as their primary news source.
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They’re not reporters, they are opinion talk-tv hosts. The line gets blurred when they present their opinions as facts. It’s what night time programming on 24 hour cable news networks has morphed into and too many Americans are using it as their primary news source.
Those TV talkshows are the news equivalent of the Weather Channel . . . there's always some crisis somewhere to exploit. And if there isn't one, they'll make one up . . . .
Trump can't hurt you anymore... Go see a doctor.
Too bad someone, anyone didn't give Caleb Wallace that advice...

This is what confounds me about this whole anti-vax anti-mask movement. It's like every time one of their compatriots ends up getting seriously ill or dying from covid, the covid-deniers just get more entrenched in their disillusionment...

"In July, Caleb Wallace reportedly helped organize “The Freedom Rally,” an event that billed itself as a protest against the “government being in control of our lives.” He also founded “The San Angelo Freedom Defenders,” which hosted a rally last year to “end COVID tyranny.”

He wrote a letter in April to the San Angelo Independent School District and published by a local news outlet demanding that the school district “rescind ALL COVID-related policies immediately.” He falsely claimed that wearing masks had harmful effects on children and that there was “little evidence that masks worked for anyone.”

So he organized this rally in July, and by July 26 the 30 yr old starts to experience covid symptoms. So what does he do?

"When he first felt symptoms on July 26, his wife told the Standard-Times, he refused to get tested or seek medical care. He instead began treating himself with a cocktail of Vitamin C, zinc, aspirin and ivermectin, an anti-parasitic drug that has been falsely promoted as an effective treatment for COVID-19 by conservative media. He was taken to the hospital on July 30."

Aren't those steps advocated by some folks on this very board? Just saying...

So 4 days of Tucker Carlson treatments from the time he experienced symptoms and when they took him to the hospital, likely against his will. He even chided his own wife, who is "less conservative", and chose to mask up.

Maybe if Caleb lived in a state where the vax rate was higher than 47% and the Governor encouraged people to take basic safety measures (like wearing a dang mask) he might not be in a hospital dying, roughly a month after experiencing initial symptoms... There are stupid people all over the country.

But if you're stupid in a state like Vermont (a state with a GOP Governor, who follows science and encourages people to take safety measures) with a vax rate of 80%, you're probably a lot less likely to encounter fellow stupids, and thus less likely to get infected even if you are unvaxed. Even with roughly 470,000 Vermonters vaccinated, Gov Scott is still urging the remaining 80,000 or so to get vaxed...

And Gov Phil Scott of Vermont is a lot more likely to get re-elected and a lot more popular than idiots like Abbott and DeSantis, in a state that Biden won by getting 66% of the vote.

You never pretended to be a zombie as a kid? They're probably enjoying themselves.
I'm curious about all these folks claiming masks "harm" kids. Did they never play cowboy, or cops and robbers? Are they going to discourage their kids from becoming surgeons, because, you know, masks?
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My sis who’s vaccinated got Covid. She passed it on to her husband who has it now. He’s vaccinated too.
Yes, you can pass it on when vaccinated, albeit at an 8-fold lower rate IIRC, and you can catch it while vacccinated, also at a lower rate (4x?)

So your sis & hubby "won" the lottery, unfortunately for them.

They are exceptions to a generally good rule. Hey, even Steve Alford did not make ALL of his free throws. I always liked the odds, though.
Too bad someone, anyone didn't give Caleb Wallace that advice...

This is what confounds me about this whole anti-vax anti-mask movement. It's like every time one of their compatriots ends up getting seriously ill or dying from covid, the covid-deniers just get more entrenched in their disillusionment...

"In July, Caleb Wallace reportedly helped organize “The Freedom Rally,” an event that billed itself as a protest against the “government being in control of our lives.” He also founded “The San Angelo Freedom Defenders,” which hosted a rally last year to “end COVID tyranny.”

He wrote a letter in April to the San Angelo Independent School District and published by a local news outlet demanding that the school district “rescind ALL COVID-related policies immediately.” He falsely claimed that wearing masks had harmful effects on children and that there was “little evidence that masks worked for anyone.”

So he organized this rally in July, and by July 26 the 30 yr old starts to experience covid symptoms. So what does he do?

"When he first felt symptoms on July 26, his wife told the Standard-Times, he refused to get tested or seek medical care. He instead began treating himself with a cocktail of Vitamin C, zinc, aspirin and ivermectin, an anti-parasitic drug that has been falsely promoted as an effective treatment for COVID-19 by conservative media. He was taken to the hospital on July 30."

Aren't those steps advocated by some folks on this very board? Just saying...

So 4 days of Tucker Carlson treatments from the time he experienced symptoms and when they took him to the hospital, likely against his will. He even chided his own wife, who is "less conservative", and chose to mask up.

Maybe if Caleb lived in a state where the vax rate was higher than 47% and the Governor encouraged people to take basic safety measures (like wearing a dang mask) he might not be in a hospital dying, roughly a month after experiencing initial symptoms... There are stupid people all over the country.

But if you're stupid in a state like Vermont (a state with a GOP Governor, who follows science and encourages people to take safety measures) with a vax rate of 80%, you're probably a lot less likely to encounter fellow stupids, and thus less likely to get infected even if you are unvaxed. Even with roughly 470,000 Vermonters vaccinated, Gov Scott is still urging the remaining 80,000 or so to get vaxed...

And Gov Phil Scott of Vermont is a lot more likely to get re-elected and a lot more popular than idiots like Abbott and DeSantis, in a state that Biden won by getting 66% of the vote.

I'm curious about all these folks claiming masks "harm" kids. Did they never play cowboy, or cops and robbers? Are they going to discourage their kids from becoming surgeons, because, you know, masks?
These people will “own the libs” to death. But that’s what natural selection is all about.

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