Supply chains

Just pointing out that the US needs unskilled labor.
Just pointing out that the US needs unskilled labor. When I Google "retail worker shortage" and "restaurant worker shortage" I get lists of problems.

In 2019, the number of Americans between 16 and 64, listed as "working age", plateaued. In 2020 it fell be .1%. not a huge fall, but a fall. So there are fewer workers today. Add in that we did cut back on immigrants and there are even fewer workers. We have a worker shortage across the economy.

Above you said it is no longer true that there are jobs Americans do not want. Well, the retail and restaurant shortage suggests there are such jobs. And in CA, where they upped their pay for migrant workers they found that Americans still did not want the jobs

Immigration is a federal issue. Does CA have a right to bring in immigrant farm workers not given proper documentation by the feds? Your statement about CA being liberal certainly implies CA can throw up a "welcome in" sign without the feds.

strange how those who worshiped "the market" as their economic religion, no matter how artificially manipulated that market was, now decide "the market" shouldn't be the answer after all.
OPEC has refused Biden’s request to raise production! Look for $4 gas and Jimmy Carter inflation.
Soooo...should we just go ahead and give up? I mean, you make our future sound so hopeless. 😧
China has us by the short ones by controlling so much of our supply chain, and the cyber attacks have the ability to quickly cripple us. War has essentially already begun.

We are extremely divided in this country. Our govt sucks. Southern border, Afghanistan surrender, FBI getting involved at school board meetings...etc etc.. I can't find any Bell's Best Brown Ale.

We have to be dull not to see the problems.
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China has us by the short ones by controlling so much of our supply chain, and the cyber attacks have the ability to quickly cripple us. War has essentially already begun.

We are extremely divided in this country. Our govt sucks. Southern border, Afghanistan surrender, FBI getting involved at school board meetings...etc etc.. I can't find any Bell's Best Brown Ale.

We have to be dull not to see the problems.
So, that's a "yes".
They control vital supplies of several things we need. They are increasing their cyber attacks recently (?Facebook yesterday) and are getting more aggressive in the South China Sea/Taiwan.... They are emboldened by the inept leadership here.

Look for even more trouble in the very near future---Don't ignore the fact that Afghanistan no longer represents a buffer zone between Iran and nuclear power Pakistan-- all countries coming under the sphere of influence of China.

That reminds me. It's a good thing I don't do Facebook or like rice.
According to this it was an internal screwup at FB.
Just pointing out that the US needs unskilled labor. When I Google "retail worker shortage" and "restaurant worker shortage" I get lists of problems.

In 2019, the number of Americans between 16 and 64, listed as "working age", plateaued. In 2020 it fell be .1%. not a huge fall, but a fall. So there are fewer workers today. Add in that we did cut back on immigrants and there are even fewer workers. We have a worker shortage across the economy.

Above you said it is no longer true that there are jobs Americans do not want. Well, the retail and restaurant shortage suggests there are such jobs. And in CA, where they upped their pay for migrant workers they found that Americans still did not want the jobs

Immigration is a federal issue. Does CA have a right to bring in immigrant farm workers not given proper documentation by the feds? Your statement about CA being liberal certainly implies CA can throw up a "welcome in" sign without the feds.
It is because we allow people to not take those jobs. Seriously, anyone collecting unemployment right now is full of shit about not being able to find a job. But we pay them to not have one. What should happen at the local unemployment office right now is that when someone comes in to file, they should be marched over to one of the local McDonalds (who are paying $17/hr now by my house) and forced to fill out an application. And if they are offered the job and turn it down, bye bye unemployment payments. We have so many people that are "too good" for certain jobs but they aren't "too good" to sit around and take money from everyone else.

In a market like this we should be yanking benefits left and right from able bodied people. Fight for $15 was a lie. There are places all over my immediate area paying that amount and more and they still can't fill spots. And it isn't because of a worker shortage, the unemployment rate in Indiana went up last month.
It is because we allow people to not take those jobs. Seriously, anyone collecting unemployment right now is full of shit about not being able to find a job. But we pay them to not have one. What should happen at the local unemployment office right now is that when someone comes in to file, they should be marched over to one of the local McDonalds (who are paying $17/hr now by my house) and forced to fill out an application. And if they are offered the job and turn it down, bye bye unemployment payments. We have so many people that are "too good" for certain jobs but they aren't "too good" to sit around and take money from everyone else.

In a market like this we should be yanking benefits left and right from able bodied people. Fight for $15 was a lie. There are places all over my immediate area paying that amount and more and they still can't fill spots. And it isn't because of a worker shortage, the unemployment rate in Indiana went up last month.

Largely I agree that spending should be reduced when jobs are plentiful. And that might impact some on unemployment. North Carolina is back to 13 weeks and has an unemployment rate of 4.3. With 13 weeks, that means people out of work on July 1 are right now running out. Florida is at 19 weeks. So people who started out the year unemployed are out of benefits almost everywhere. California is at 39 weeks, so even there people beginning the year unemployed are out. So while I have no problem with reducing unemployment there is every indication that if unemployment benefits are the cause that is rapidly disappearing anyway (and for amount, the COVID extra is already gone).

Generally, I favor tightening unemployment checks. People should be required to apply for jobs (and I think they are). Companies should be contacted and if people turn down work more than once, I can see reducing/eliminating benefits.

But the issue not entirely touched by that are people who just left the workforce entirely. There are a few million more Americans not working, not looking for work, not collecting unemployment. This also happened after 2008. I know two people who were 60 and lost their jobs in the great recession and just retired. That also accounts for 1) worker shortages and 2) skill mismatch.
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Just saw a story on the news that over 400 people applied for 100 jobs at Camp Atterbury, and they were turning away walk-up applicants. I think they said the jobs were janitorial level and due to the refugees from Afghanistan.
The numbers were something like $27 an hour, and up to 70 hours/6 days a week.
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Just saw a story on the news that over 400 people applied for 100 jobs at Camp Atterbury, and they were turning away walk-up applicants. I think they said the jobs were janitorial level and due to the refugees from Afghanistan.
The numbers were something like $27 an hour, and up to 70 hours/6 days a week.
To all my conservative friends, you better stock up on aluminum foil! Because that’s going to be the next shortage.
It is because we allow people to not take those jobs. Seriously, anyone collecting unemployment right now is full of shit about not being able to find a job. But we pay them to not have one. What should happen at the local unemployment office right now is that when someone comes in to file, they should be marched over to one of the local McDonalds (who are paying $17/hr now by my house) and forced to fill out an application. And if they are offered the job and turn it down, bye bye unemployment payments. We have so many people that are "too good" for certain jobs but they aren't "too good" to sit around and take money from everyone else.

In a market like this we should be yanking benefits left and right from able bodied people. Fight for $15 was a lie. There are places all over my immediate area paying that amount and more and they still can't fill spots. And it isn't because of a worker shortage, the unemployment rate in Indiana went up last month.
I've never applied for unemployment, but I've heard some who draw it/try to draw it, will only fill out out applications for jobs they are under qualified for, knowing these companies won't hire them.

'When you pay people not to work, they won't work'


Like a charm
There are a lot of pros and cons to a global economy. I don't need to list them all here. But we're less likely to go to war with China when we need them and they need us economically.

OTOH, I've long felt that we should have designated those items/materials that would be crucial to our national defense and then those items would have to be made/built/whatever in the US and could never be outsourced. Might well increase the cost but that would be a worthwhile subsidization.

I agree. To be clear, china doesn’t make defense parts and outsourcing is quite limited on that front. Even firms based in Israel, UK, etc. are generally manufacturing defense components at plants in this country.
It is because we allow people to not take those jobs. Seriously, anyone collecting unemployment right now is full of shit about not being able to find a job. But we pay them to not have one. What should happen at the local unemployment office right now is that when someone comes in to file, they should be marched over to one of the local McDonalds (who are paying $17/hr now by my house) and forced to fill out an application. And if they are offered the job and turn it down, bye bye unemployment payments. We have so many people that are "too good" for certain jobs but they aren't "too good" to sit around and take money from everyone else.

In a market like this we should be yanking benefits left and right from able bodied people. Fight for $15 was a lie. There are places all over my immediate area paying that amount and more and they still can't fill spots. And it isn't because of a worker shortage, the unemployment rate in Indiana went up last month.
When I was younger, I worked at Hardee's for a few weeks. I've had much, much harder jobs than that, many, but I know lots of office managers & warehouse managers who couldn't handle working at a fast food place, managing or serving.

It really looks like, not only have our kids gotten soft/lazy, but many of the immigrants we bring in (legal or illegal) as well.

Everywhere you go, it seems everyone is 'now hiring'.

..., & nobody wanting/having to work.

The good old days

When I was younger, I worked at Hardee's for a few weeks. I've had much, much harder jobs than that, many, but I know lots of office managers & warehouse managers who couldn't handle working at a fast food place, managing or serving.

It really looks like, not only have our kids gotten soft/lazy, but many of the immigrants we bring in (legal or illegal) as well.

Everywhere you go, it seems everyone is 'now hiring'.

..., & nobody wanting/having to work.

The good old days

When I was a kid (60s) I worked many days for 50 cents/hour which I believe is around $4.50/hour in todays money.... boy did I get screwed. :) Seriously we did what we had to do to survive. Like you said, nobody wants to work. We were driving home from somewhere the other day and saw a guy at two different places begging for money and we could see two signs that said "hiring" from where they were standing. Heck, I rather work than stand out on a street corner.
When I was a kid (60s) I worked many days for 50 cents/hour which I believe is around $4.50/hour in todays money.... boy did I get screwed. :) Seriously we did what we had to do to survive. Like you said, nobody wants to work. We were driving home from somewhere the other day and saw a guy at two different places begging for money and we could see two signs that said "hiring" from where they were standing. Heck, I rather work than stand out on a street corner.
The street corner pays more!
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When I was a kid (60s) I worked many days for 50 cents/hour which I believe is around $4.50/hour in todays money.... boy did I get screwed. :) Seriously we did what we had to do to survive. Like you said, nobody wants to work. We were driving home from somewhere the other day and saw a guy at two different places begging for money and we could see two signs that said "hiring" from where they were standing. Heck, I rather work than stand out on a street corner.

You worked for less than half the minimum wage?

You worked for less than half the minimum wage?

I guess so according to that but we lived back in the sticks and had to do what we could to survive and it was all farm work. We couldn't work a regular job anyway because we had farm work to do (all manual) so we worked for other people days when we didn't have anything to do around our place. To be honest we didn't know anything about a minimum wage because we didn't have a TV until I was about out of high school and if I got to watch TV I sure as heck wasn't gonna watch the news. :)

Pay no attention to goat... he knows absolutely nothing about me and my childhood. And we did walk everywhere within reason we went because we didn't have a car. We walked a railroad track most of the way to school so it wasn't uphill either way. But everyone around us was poor so we were not oddballs by any means.
I love that "as much as" bullshit.

Sounds like the worst possible scenario to me.
You know, if you do a little work (which I know you can) to put spray foam insulation in the walls of that trailer, you probably could actually heat it with a match. Turn on the oven and you'd have to get naked. Never worry about heating bills again!
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Shouldn't have cancelled that Canadian oil pipeline.

Now Biden is asking Walmart, Fed Ex, Target, UPS for help. :O

"I have a flat tire!"

"I've fallen & I can't get up!"

'Wind & sun ain't getting it done'
This is a short sighted comment. The XL pipeline wouldn’t have been done for at least 3 years and it’s for Canadian tar. Bigger pipe to ship a crappy product. Plus at least 2/3 of it isn’t used for domestic market. Rest goes to China. They picked a terrible spot to build it too. We knew it wasn’t going to be finished as far back as 2014. The funny thing is Biddens low hanging fruit policy has zero effect on current prices.
how stupid is Joe? Or is he just senile?

I bet he opens the strategic oil reserves before December. OPEC won’t open the tap as they don’t want another oil in negative territory scenario. The one good thing with oil prices at this level it will wake up production domestically. They are unstacking rigs right now.
What makes you think $20/hour is going to get you any employees?
It sure isn’t in my area. Toyota is hiring 1400 for a new line. Their benefit package is great too. Nobody wants to actually work or commit. Our plant starts at 22 and tops out at 25 in production. All the OT you can stand. Still can’t get people. In maintenance we are at 33ish.
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This is a short sighted comment. The XL pipeline wouldn’t have been done for at least 3 years and it’s for Canadian tar. Bigger pipe to ship a crappy product. Plus at least 2/3 of it isn’t used for domestic market. Rest goes to China. They picked a terrible spot to build it too. We knew it wasn’t going to be finished as far back as 2014. The funny thing is Biddens low hanging fruit policy has zero effect on current prices.

XL pipeline was kabuki theater. Only people that wanted it for non-political reasons were people who lived in fkn Alberta. Even the Trump admin knew it was a dumb enterprise, but it became a political symbol to fight over.
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We Amish folks are self sufficient. We can put a bullet in the head of a pig or cow and process our meat. We can pull the heads off some of our chickens, dip them in boiling water, pluck the feathers off, butcher them and freeze. Gizzards are particularly interesting to clean. Most likely city folks wouldn’t ever order them again if they helped clean a few. We’ve canned green beans, corn and other items. We will continue eating well until the city slickers come and steal our food. 😂
I think every one should learn off the grid skills…. I am from Washington DC area…So IN and not the nation’s capital….built me a small turkey farm for just in case, while I was living in the New Hampshire countryside …and a full garden…lots of work.. but very rewarding…donated the surplus at the break of seasons . Had to fight off the predator critters ( Fisher Cats, big birds, bears..foxes..etc.). Funny how that idea of that life has morphed from earth loving hippies into right wing Rambos…
Where is Mother Jones when we need her?
It sure isn’t in my area. Toyota is hiring 1400 for a new line. Their benefit package is great too. Nobody wants to actually work or commit. Our plant starts at 22 and tops out at 25 in production. All the OT you can stand. Still can’t get people. In maintenance we are at 33ish.
I'm not going to defend anyone who won't work, and the jobs you describe are good-paying jobs. I know some folks who work there, and they are happy with the work and the pay. But this labor shortage really baffles me. The unemployment rate isn't that high, so there aren't that many drawing benefits. In addition, a lot of people don't qualify for those benefits anyway. Those who are or have been students aren't getting benefits, neither is anyone else who wasn't previously in the labor force full time.

I'm kind of left to conclude that a lot of people who could be filling jobs are being supported by someone other than the gov. To some extent maybe mom and dad bear as much blame as Uncle Sam. Some of it may be a natural decline in the labor force. Lots of us boomers eligible and ready to leave, not enough bodies to replace us. And maybe, our push to limit immigration might be backward thinking. I also know some families with young children that have discovered during the pandemic that they can get by on one income. Especially with the high cost and the lack of daycare options. I think it's a multi-faceted problem that may need a comprehensive strategy.
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XL pipeline was kabuki theater. Only people that wanted it for non-political reasons were people who lived in fkn Alberta. Even the Trump admin knew it was a dumb enterprise, but it became a political symbol to fight over.
They picked absolutely the worst route too. It’s funny how people don’t understand that cheap oil means no domestic production or exploration. They sound even dumber saying “gas was cheap under Trump”. If trump had been elected he would be dealing with high fuel and oil prices too.
I'm not going to defend anyone who won't work, and the jobs you describe are good-paying jobs. I know some folks who work there, and they are happy with the work and the pay. But this labor shortage really baffles me. The unemployment rate isn't that high, so there aren't that many drawing benefits. In addition, a lot of people don't qualify for those benefits anyway. Those who are or have been students aren't getting benefits, neither is anyone else who wasn't previously in the labor force full time.

I'm kind of left to conclude that a lot of people who could be filling jobs are being supported by someone other than the gov. To some extent maybe mom and dad bear as much blame as Uncle Sam. Some of it may be a natural decline in the labor force. Lots of us boomers eligible and ready to leave, not enough bodies to replace us. And maybe, our push to limit immigration might be backward thinking. I also know some families with young children that have discovered during the pandemic that they can get by on one income. Especially with the high cost and the lack of daycare options. I think it's a multi-faceted problem that may need a comprehensive strategy.

It's a very simple numbers game. Not enough people to serve the people that demand service.

We've been to telling all of you dumb old fks for years that there isn't enough replacement labor to keep everyone fat and happy.

You same old fks hate importing labor.

The old rule in construction.

Fast. Cheap. Right.

You can have two, but not all 3.

No different than the labor market.
'rare earth minerals'
It's a very simple numbers game. Not enough people to serve the people that demand service.

We've been to telling all of you dumb old fks for years that there isn't enough replacement labor to keep everyone fat and happy.

You same old fks hate importing labor.

The old rule in construction.

Fast. Cheap. Right.

You can have two, but not all 3.

No different than the labor market.
Makes me think Biden’s awful border policies are purpose driven. 1. Increase the Democratic voter base and 2. Supply labor to fill low wage positions.

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