Some of you are voting for this guy…

From The Atlantic: During a conversation onstage at a Moms for Liberty event last week, Donald Trump said something that made even me—a seasoned visitor to Trump’s theme park of hyperbole—look around in confusion at the people around me in the audience.

“The transgender thing is incredible,” he told the Moms for Liberty co-founder Tiffany Justice. “Think of it; your kid goes to school, and he comes home a few days later with an operation. The school decides what’s going to happen with your child.”

Okay, one of two options in play here. One, Trump has completely lost his mind. Two, Trump believes the audience he is addressing are total Morans and will accept anything he tells them as true.

I’d vote for both options being correct.
As opposed to the Rhodes scholar currently occupying the White House who quite literally doesn’t even know where he is.
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I want to have an election some day about policies, ideas, the future........but we can't. Because Republicans keep nominating Donald Trump. I don't have "orange man bad syndrome" either. Ask around. My life will change exactly 0% if either of these folks get elected president. In fact, most of our lives will change very little. Around the margins, sure. But impacted? Not really.

I know why you like Trump. I know why Mcm, Joe, COH, IUCrazy, etc. like Trump. To them it's a binary choice. The Dems are BAD news. I get it.

But here's the weird thing. Would Trump's policies be that much different from Haley or DeSantis at the top of the ticket? Nope. Probably have a 10x better chance of winning as well. That the Republicans might lose the presidency (again) with Sleepy Joe and Kamala roaming around is hilarious. They're AWFUL.

This election (and 2020) aren't about policies though. They are about your candidate. That's what he's done. Which is what he's ALWAYS DONE. Make it about him. I do not like Kamala Harris all that much. I didn't like Hillary all that much, nor OLD Joe. Look at those three candidates on the Dem side. Holy shit they're terrible. But your guy is worse. And that's why this is close when it really shouldn't be. What is it about Trump? I suspect it's his trollish nature. Well, quite frankly, that and about 10 other questionable stunts he's pulled prevent me from even considering him as a serious candidate in my mind. Would I vote for DeSantis or Haley? Probably not, but I wouldn't work AGAINST them as much as I would Trump. I think a ton of people feel this way.

Borden - he's an awful, awful human being. He should not be president of this country, especially since he has shown us exactly who he is. He's also too ****ing old. He cannot be trusted. He is tranactional and doesn't have an ounce of integrity in his entire body. How can you vote for this person to lead our armies and be the face of this incredible country and do so in good faith?

I get it. I know why. I don't think you're a bad dude. Love your stuff on the bball boards and I think you fit in over here as well.

I just can't get behind a guy that I wouldn't let near anybody in my family.
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I want to have an election some day about policies, ideas, the future........but we can't. Because Republicans keep nominating Donald Trump. I don't have "orange man bad syndrome" either. Ask around. My life will change exactly 0% if either of these folks get elected president. In fact, most of our lives will change very little. Around the margins, sure. But impacted? Not really.

I know why you like Trump. I know why Mcm, Joe, COH, IUCrazy, etc. like Trump. To them it's a binary choice. The Dems are BAD news. I get it.

But here's the weird thing. Would Trump's policies be that much different from Haley or DeSantis at the top of the ticket? Nope. Probably have a 10x better chance of winning as well. That the Republicans might lose the presidency (again) with Sleepy Joe and Kamala roaming around is hilarious. They're AWFUL.

This election (and 2020) aren't about policies though. They are about your candidate. That's what he's done. Which is what he's ALWAYS DONE. Make it about him. I do not like Kamala Harris all that much. I didn't like Hillary all that much, nor OLD Joe. Look at those three candidates on the Dem side. Holy shit they're terrible. But your guy is worse. And that's why this is close when it really shouldn't be. What is it about Trump? I suspect it's his trollish nature. Well, quite frankly, that and about 10 other questionable stunts he's pulled prevent me from even considering him as a serious candidate in my mind. Would I vote for DeSantis or Haley? Probably not, but I wouldn't work AGAINST them as much as I would Trump. I think a ton of people feel this way.

Borden - he's an awful, awful human being. He should not be president of this country, especially since he has shown us exactly who he is. He's also too ****ing old. He cannot be trusted. He is tranactional and doesn't have an ounce of integrity in his entire body. How can you vote for this person to lead our armies and be the face of this incredible country and do so in good faith?

I get it. I know why. I don't think you're a bad dude. Love your stuff on the bball boards and I think you fit in over here as well.

I just can't get behind a guy that I wouldn't let anybody in family near.

Finally….a substantive post in this thread!

I agree with pretty much all of it…except that I have no opinion on who is “worse” between Trump and Harris. For me, they’re both equally unacceptable candidates for the presidency…just for different reasons. I also might quibble with the notion that the outcome won’t have any effect on us.

But you hit the nail on the head when you said that we can’t have an election about important ideas. We can barely even have discussions about ideas. We’re too busy having food fights about personalities - and this thread is a prime example of that.

It reminds me why lotteries are so popular. Human beings struggle to resist the temptation to indulge our fantasies and self-delusions. In that case, it’s that we can turn a few bucks into untold riches. In this one, it’s that we can have some influence on the outcome of an election we’re passionately invested in by convincing others to vote our way….

…and often, I would argue, by pointing to things that have little to do with the actual reasons we support or oppose a particular candidate.

Nothing any of us says here is going to have the slightest impact on how anybody else who reads it votes…let alone on the outcome of the election.

As such, there’s no reason we shouldn’t feel free to be something other than a cheer-bot for our candidate of choice. While I don’t have a dog in the hunt, I certainly don’t begrudge anybody else for having one.

But I do find it more stimulating and interesting to have conversations about ideas rather than personalities. Or, if we must talk about personalities, I think it’s a healthy thing to be critical of the candidates we support…rather than just sycophantic megaphones.
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From The Atlantic: During a conversation onstage at a Moms for Liberty event last week, Donald Trump said something that made even me—a seasoned visitor to Trump’s theme park of hyperbole—look around in confusion at the people around me in the audience.

“The transgender thing is incredible,” he told the Moms for Liberty co-founder Tiffany Justice. “Think of it; your kid goes to school, and he comes home a few days later with an operation. The school decides what’s going to happen with your child.”

Okay, one of two options in play here. One, Trump has completely lost his mind. Two, Trump believes the audience he is addressing are total Morans and will accept anything he tells them as true.

I’d vote for both options being correct.
Walz signed a bill saying if someone wants to get surgery and they are under aged they can come to Minnesota and get it done without their parent's permission.
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Walz signed a bill saying if someone wants to get surgery and they are under aged they can come to Minnesota and get it done without their parent's permission.
You are such a dishonest phony christian. That's not even close to what he did.

"In March 2023, Walz issued an executive order protecting trans patients’ ability to receive medical care that helps them live according to their gender identity. The order shields patients, parents and providers from punishment by other states for seeking and delivering such care."

As more states pass bills restricting care, all he did was make sure that MN did the opposite. Allowing more choice and more freedom for people to make their own health choices.

"The Minnesota law allows courts to have “temporary emergency jurisdiction” during custody disputes crossing state lines if a child has been unable to obtain gender-affirming care. Kat Rohn, executive director of OutFront, an LGBTQ+ advocacy organization in St. Paul, Minn., said the law gives courts the ability to resolve conflicts when parents disagree on whether their child should receive gender-affirming care; it does not remove custody from parents who decline such care.

In providing gender-affirming care for trans children and adolescents, clinicians may offer patients counseling to assist in their social transition to match their gender identity such as changing their names, pronouns and hairstyles. They may also prescribe puberty-suppressing treatments under close monitoring. They generally do not offer genital surgeries until adulthood."

You are just parroting the falsehoods and lies spewed on conservative talk shows. Even for a phony christian, you are pathetic.
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Can someone translate this?:

She destroyed the city of San Francisco, it’s — and I own a big building there — it’s no — I shouldn’t talk about this but that’s OK I don’t give a damn because this is what I’m doing. I should say it’s the finest city in the world — sell and get the hell out of there, right? But I can’t do that. I don’t care, you know? I lost billions of dollars, billions of dollars. You know, somebody said, ‘What do you think you lost?’ I said, ‘Probably two, three billion. That’s OK, I don’t care.’ They say, ‘You think you’d do it again?’ And that’s the least of it. Nobody. They always say, I don’t know if you know. Lincoln was horribly treated. Uh, Jefferson was pretty horribly. Andrew Jackson they say was the worst of all, that he was treated worse than any other president. I said, ‘Do that study again, because I think there’s nobody close to Trump.’ I even got shot! And who the hell knows where that came from, right?
Stream of consciousness...

Transparency in action...
You are such a dishonest phony christian. That's not even close to what he did.

"In March 2023, Walz issued an executive order protecting trans patients’ ability to receive medical care that helps them live according to their gender identity. The order shields patients, parents and providers from punishment by other states for seeking and delivering such care."

As more states pass bills restricting care, all he did was make sure that MN did the opposite. Allowing more choice and more freedom for people to make their own health choices.

"The Minnesota law allows courts to have “temporary emergency jurisdiction” during custody disputes crossing state lines if a child has been unable to obtain gender-affirming care. Kat Rohn, executive director of OutFront, an LGBTQ+ advocacy organization in St. Paul, Minn., said the law gives courts the ability to resolve conflicts when parents disagree on whether their child should receive gender-affirming care; it does not remove custody from parents who decline such care.

In providing gender-affirming care for trans children and adolescents, clinicians may offer patients counseling to assist in their social transition to match their gender identity such as changing their names, pronouns and hairstyles. They may also prescribe puberty-suppressing treatments under close monitoring. They generally do not offer genital surgeries until adulthood."

You are just parroting the falsehoods and lies spewed on conservative talk shows. Even for a phony christian, you are pathetic.
Let me help you out in a manner to which you are accustomed.

As you are a stupid and mendacious cvnt, you cannot accept the accuracy of VPM as he refined the goal and substance of Kommiesota's law in one sentence.
You are such a dishonest phony christian. That's not even close to what he did.

"In March 2023, Walz issued an executive order protecting trans patients’ ability to receive medical care that helps them live according to their gender identity. The order shields patients, parents and providers from punishment by other states for seeking and delivering such care."

As more states pass bills restricting care, all he did was make sure that MN did the opposite. Allowing more choice and more freedom for people to make their own health choices.

"The Minnesota law allows courts to have “temporary emergency jurisdiction” during custody disputes crossing state lines if a child has been unable to obtain gender-affirming care. Kat Rohn, executive director of OutFront, an LGBTQ+ advocacy organization in St. Paul, Minn., said the law gives courts the ability to resolve conflicts when parents disagree on whether their child should receive gender-affirming care; it does not remove custody from parents who decline such care.

In providing gender-affirming care for trans children and adolescents, clinicians may offer patients counseling to assist in their social transition to match their gender identity such as changing their names, pronouns and hairstyles. They may also prescribe puberty-suppressing treatments under close monitoring. They generally do not offer genital surgeries until adulthood."

You are just parroting the falsehoods and lies spewed on conservative talk shows. Even for a phony christian, you are pathetic.
The guy claims to be a pastor yet doesn’t hesitate to spread ugly rumors and gossip. And I’ve yet to read a single post from him that speaks to the core tenets of Christianity or the central message of Christ. Guy’s a fraud.
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I want to have an election some day about policies, ideas, the future........but we can't. Because Republicans keep nominating Donald Trump. I don't have "orange man bad syndrome" either. Ask around. My life will change exactly 0% if either of these folks get elected president. In fact, most of our lives will change very little. Around the margins, sure. But impacted? Not really.

I know why you like Trump. I know why Mcm, Joe, COH, IUCrazy, etc. like Trump. To them it's a binary choice. The Dems are BAD news. I get it.

But here's the weird thing. Would Trump's policies be that much different from Haley or DeSantis at the top of the ticket? Nope. Probably have a 10x better chance of winning as well. That the Republicans might lose the presidency (again) with Sleepy Joe and Kamala roaming around is hilarious. They're AWFUL.

This election (and 2020) aren't about policies though. They are about your candidate. That's what he's done. Which is what he's ALWAYS DONE. Make it about him. I do not like Kamala Harris all that much. I didn't like Hillary all that much, nor OLD Joe. Look at those three candidates on the Dem side. Holy shit they're terrible. But your guy is worse. And that's why this is close when it really shouldn't be. What is it about Trump? I suspect it's his trollish nature. Well, quite frankly, that and about 10 other questionable stunts he's pulled prevent me from even considering him as a serious candidate in my mind. Would I vote for DeSantis or Haley? Probably not, but I wouldn't work AGAINST them as much as I would Trump. I think a ton of people feel this way.

Borden - he's an awful, awful human being. He should not be president of this country, especially since he has shown us exactly who he is. He's also too ****ing old. He cannot be trusted. He is tranactional and doesn't have an ounce of integrity in his entire body. How can you vote for this person to lead our armies and be the face of this incredible country and do so in good faith?

I get it. I know why. I don't think you're a bad dude. Love your stuff on the bball boards and I think you fit in over here as well.

I just can't get behind a guy that I wouldn't let near anybody in my family.
Good post, but I disagree on it not being about policies (sort of). There are essentially two classes of Americans. Those who own assets and those who don't. For the asset class (most of us back here) have the luxury of being concerned with Trump's personality more than polices. The other class of people do not have that luxury and care about the polices (or at least outcomes).

Life hasn't been that bad for us. Not so much the other group. Prices going up on food 30% isn't a big deal for the asset class and neither is a large influx of low wage workers. However, it's a major deal for a low skilled worker making 40k a year. Houses going up 75% is great for asset class, but not for rest of society. Also, Harris releasing her tax policies was a major unforced error. She alienated a lot of potential voters who might have held their nose and voted for her. I don't care how much you dislike Trump, implementing her tax polices would be much much worse for the country. She should be up 10 pts, but is down 10 pts somehow.

Edit: Also, it's 100% about polices with Bitcoiners 😁
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Prices going up on food 30% isn't a big deal for the asset class and neither is a large influx of low wage workers. However, it's a major deal for a low skilled worker making 40k a year. Houses going up 75% is great for asset class, but not for rest of society.

A whole lot of the monetary expansion that set off inflation was done to "pay" for bills with Donald Trump's signature on them. Yeah, it was COVID, yeah the bills had broad bipartisan support, etc. Biden's fiscal policies poured fuel on the fire -- and, frankly, he'd have poured a lot more fuel had it not been for Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema. So I'm not giving Biden (or Harris) a pass.

But just because the inflation set in while Biden was president doesn't mean that it was entirely due to policies he put in place. I realize that politics and reality don't always intersect. But that is the reality.

Also, Harris releasing her tax policies was a major unforced error. She alienated a lot of potential voters who might have held their nose and voted for her. I don't care how much you dislike Trump, implementing her tax polices would be much much worse for the country.

Hmmm. I certainly agree that her list of economic policies is nothing short of awful. It's jam packed with bad ideas. But I'm not sure they'll be received as the bad ideas they are by too many voters. There's a reason politicians repeatedly come back to price/rent controls, for instance, as policy responses to the negative effects of their previous policies: they're attractive to voters who are suffering from those negative effects.

And I don't think too many voters will be put off by the idea of taxing wealthy people on unrealized capital gains. Again, it's a bad idea. But people generally like the idea of rich people paying more taxes and many of them already believe that rich people pay very little in taxes.

She should be up 10 pts, but is down 10 pts somehow.

Um, what?
This is probability of a Trump win, so it’s not as wild as one thinks, though trending favorably for Trump.

Context matters.

But that’s not at all what this chart is saying. Rather, it displays the probability that Trump will win the Electoral College — which is about 55 percent in our forecast, compared to about 45 percent for Harris.

Rather than a landslide, that implies an extremely uncertain and probably ultimately very close race — well in the range of what we’d consider a “toss-up”. In fact, the chance of a landslide — either Harris or Trump winning the popular vote by 10 points or more — is only about 5 percent in our model.
Yup. Truly a tossup and I would expect it stays that way when early voting starts in a few days (which is insane by the way) and through to November. We need to get these defeatist mindset, chicken littles like @mcmurtry66 to show some gumption and rally around the flag.
A whole lot of the monetary expansion that set off inflation was done to "pay" for bills with Donald Trump's signature on them. Yeah, it was COVID, yeah the bills had broad bipartisan support, etc. Biden's fiscal policies poured fuel on the fire -- and, frankly, he'd have poured a lot more fuel had it not been for Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema. So I'm not giving Biden (or Harris) a pass.

But just because the inflation set in while Biden was president doesn't mean that it was entirely due to policies he put in place. I realize that politics and reality don't always intersect. But that is the reality.
Reality is the initial spending was warranted and would have happened no matter the President and had universal support in congress. Biden's bills were the exact opposite. They weren't needed and were partisan bill passed by Democrats.
Hmmm. I certainly agree that her list of economic policies is nothing short of awful. It's jam packed with bad ideas. But I'm not sure they'll be received as the bad ideas they are by too many voters. There's a reason politicians repeatedly come back to price/rent controls, for instance, as policy responses to the negative effects of their previous policies: they're attractive to voters who are suffering from those negative effects.

And I don't think too many voters will be put off by the idea of taxing wealthy people on unrealized capital gains. Again, it's a bad idea. But people generally like the idea of rich people paying more taxes and many of them already believe that rich people pay very little in taxes.
I disagree. A lot of people know its a terrible idea. The people who like those ideas are going to vote for her anyway. It was a major error in my opinion.
Um, what?
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Don't confuse him with 5th grade math. That's not nice.
Good golly, Texas is favored by 47 points over Michigan Saturday!

I think it will be a closer game. I'd set the spread at 5.

At any point you can stop referring to me in your posts and I'll gladly never interact with you again.
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Nope. I just don't like you and would prefer fewer pissing matches on the board.

I've been making a lot of use of the Ignore feature since I started posting again. The more I've used it, the better the signal-to-noise ratio gets. Unfortunately, there are a number of posters who score somewhere near zero on that.
Nope. I just don't like you and would prefer fewer pissing matches on the board.
I am so sorry. I will try to refrain from replying to your posts or referring to you in any manner. I will even stop eating cakes of any kind. Except on my birthday.
Reality is the initial spending was warranted and would have happened no matter the President and had universal support in congress.

Maybe. It's hard to imagine that any US presidential administration would've reacted to Covid basically as Sweden did (which, in retrospect, we should have). And I agree that, if the government is going to effectively shut everything down, it leaves itself no choice but to pump gobs of liquidity into the system as we did.

But, warranted or not, bipartisan or not, this does not change the fact that a whole bunch of outlays that required the Fed to buy up bonds with newly printed money had Donald Trump's signature on them.

Biden's bills were the exact opposite. They weren't needed and were partisan bill passed by Democrats.

I agree -- and said so at the time. But it still doesn't change that Trump's signature was on a great deal of the supplemental spending.

I disagree. A lot of people know its a terrible idea. The people who like those ideas are going to vote for her anyway. It was a major error in my opinion.

I guess time will tell. But just as these kinds of proposals are time-tested as being awful policy, they are also time-tested as being effective much as I wish that wasn't the case.
The debate will be a waste of time. Just like the conventions, it is a made for TV event to get ratings and push propaganda by MSM networks. I'll be watching Niners vs Jets.

The Democratic primary was a joke and has been. The platform of we hate Trump and Democracy is such BS. Their presidential candidate couldn't even make it to the Iowa primary in 2020. Has she ever received a vote for president? Listen to her then listen to Nicole Shanahan. Harris is useless dumb beech that couldn't even handle softball lobs in her first scripted interview. Shanahan's interview on Dave smith podcast is very enlightening on the current Democratic Party. Who is interfering with Democracy here?

They want RFK off the ballots and lawsuits are everywhere. Now they don't want him removed from ballots and lawsuits are everywhere to keep him on ballots. Those people in the current Democratic party can't stick to any ideas or values. They are interfering in elections not giving American the right to choose.

The warheads want Taxpayer money not to help America but to give it to wealthy people overseas to continue endless wars. Lloyd's buddies at Raytheon are dancing in the streets and watching videos of their weapons at work in their Circle Jerk meetings. Con man Zelensky is pleading with Biden and maybe Harris in a meeting with plans on how to end the war. lol. how much money does he want now?

Where are the high speed green trains or at least the consturction. Have they gone up in smoke in the US funded Ukraine/Russia war? That can't be good for the ozone. haven not even seen any news about where there might be a train. Maybe the Green deal is focusing on the wildlife overpasses on highways first. The current regime is a massive failure.
I am so sorry. I will try to refrain from replying to your posts or referring to you in any manner. I will even stop eating cakes of any kind. Except on my birthday.
No worries. I know you don't like me either. There is enough nonsense on this board and would prefer sparing the board more pissing contests between us. I would never stop eating cheesecake.

I want to have an election some day about policies, ideas, the future........but we can't. Because Republicans keep nominating Donald Trump. I don't have "orange man bad syndrome" either. Ask around. My life will change exactly 0% if either of these folks get elected president. In fact, most of our lives will change very little. Around the margins, sure. But impacted? Not really.

I know why you like Trump. I know why Mcm, Joe, COH, IUCrazy, etc. like Trump. To them it's a binary choice. The Dems are BAD news. I get it.

But here's the weird thing. Would Trump's policies be that much different from Haley or DeSantis at the top of the ticket? Nope. Probably have a 10x better chance of winning as well. That the Republicans might lose the presidency (again) with Sleepy Joe and Kamala roaming around is hilarious. They're AWFUL.

This election (and 2020) aren't about policies though. They are about your candidate. That's what he's done. Which is what he's ALWAYS DONE. Make it about him. I do not like Kamala Harris all that much. I didn't like Hillary all that much, nor OLD Joe. Look at those three candidates on the Dem side. Holy shit they're terrible. But your guy is worse. And that's why this is close when it really shouldn't be. What is it about Trump? I suspect it's his trollish nature. Well, quite frankly, that and about 10 other questionable stunts he's pulled prevent me from even considering him as a serious candidate in my mind. Would I vote for DeSantis or Haley? Probably not, but I wouldn't work AGAINST them as much as I would Trump. I think a ton of people feel this way.

Borden - he's an awful, awful human being. He should not be president of this country, especially since he has shown us exactly who he is. He's also too ****ing old. He cannot be trusted. He is tranactional and doesn't have an ounce of integrity in his entire body. How can you vote for this person to lead our armies and be the face of this incredible country and do so in good faith?

I get it. I know why. I don't think you're a bad dude. Love your stuff on the bball boards and I think you fit in over here as well.

I just can't get behind a guy that I wouldn't let near anybody in my family.
Good post, we don't agree but I think it is helpful to give things that support our particular POV. You have a whole lot to unpack here and I don't know if banging out a good response on a phone is going to be something I have the complete patience to do, but why not give it a shot.....

So first things first, I don't really "like" Trump. I think that group you mentioned by name could be accurately portrayed as "Have expressed they will probably vote for Trump...." I think the last candidate I voted for President that I actually think I would have liked on a personal level was W. Trump is an arrogant asshole. I think he tends to be a mean small man and I don't believe I would enjoy being around him much because A)I am a poor peon to him and B)I wouldn't feel the need to kiss his ass like he requires. On the other hand, Harris doesn't strike me as a likable person either and there are plenty of anecdotal pieces of evidence that would seem to indicate she is a witch with a capital b to work with. You are correct in identifying that this is basically a binary choice and if we are being honest here, I view this as a choice between the far left and a watered down 80's Democrat. I think that is particularly true when you get to the domestic spending and actual expenditures each are talking about and have done (as crazed pointed out).

I wanted DeSantis, I can see your POV on how we should have picked him or Haley and we would probably have coasted to a win....the same way the Democrats would probably coast to a win if they had picked like Joe Manchin. The fact of the matter is that in both of these parties, it is about the most involved (and partisan) folks that are picking the candidates. The primaries for my likely candidate were decided before my state could vote and for the person you are likely to vote for, there was no process at all. However, even when there was the appearance that somebody like DeSantis could win, he got this treatment:

"Well that's just politics...." It is, but it really hurts the arguments that always come out that, "if only you guys has picked this person....." You would have believed that DeSantis was worse than Trump by the time it was over because he has all the same evil inclinations but is far smarter. So at a certain point, sitting where I sit, it is sometimes hard to believe that Trump is really people's true issue.

I think it is as simple as this, from a political perspective we just don't like each other. It is two very contrasting worldviews that bump up against each other. We share the same neighborhoods and land mass but we really disagree on a whole bunch of fundamental things. I don't know if we are better or worse off than any other time in the past (we aren't shooting each other over it so I guess we have that going for us) but I think it is the worst it has been in my lifetime. People cutting off family, refusing to even consider friendships with each other, portable echo chambers we carry around in our all exacerbates the situation. And to make matters worse, the impolite conversations that we used to sometimes have behind each other's backs are now on display all over social media. I am susceptible to it. I think we all are.

And that, mixed with some massive policy misses from the old guard GOP is why I think Trump is as popular as he is.

I think we could unpack that in a couple different directions but my thumbs are getting tired. 😉
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Cheesecake sucks.