“They’re eating the pets of the people that live there!”


Hall of Famer
Feb 2, 2004
Man, trump had a really good night. How does he remain so calm and articulate?
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One aspect being underplayed... Specifically dreaming up the idea that black-skinned immigrants (from Haiti) are stealing pets and eating them is pretty damn racist. By now we expect that, however.
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Man, trump had a really good night. How does he remain so calm and articulate?
I saw an interview with a reporter on Steven Crowder's show today. He said that people are upset because these people are flooding all of the social services. They are given EBT cards and are cleaning out the Walmarts. So there are other issues when a bunch of new people are thrust into a small community like this. It's not like a few families are brought in. They are about 20k I believe. So this is something to think about.
I saw an interview with a reporter on Steven Crowder's show today. He said that people are upset because these people are flooding all of the social services. They are given EBT cards and are cleaning out the Walmarts. So there are other issues when a bunch of new people are thrust into a small community like this. It's not like a few families are brought in. They are about 20k I believe. So this is something to think about.
Oh no. Not an empty Wal Mart. Whatever shall the gun totin locals do now?
Well would you look at that?

Well, would you look at that....

A Vance spokesperson on Tuesday provided The Wall Street Journal with a police report in which a resident had claimed her pet might have been taken by Haitian neighbors. But when a reporter went to Anna Kilgore’s house Tuesday evening, she said her cat Miss Sassy, which went missing in late August, had actually returned a few days later—found safe in her own basement.​
Kilgore, wearing a Trump shirt and hat, said she apologized to her Haitian neighbors with the help of her daughter and a mobile-phone translation app.​
Well, would you look at that....

A Vance spokesperson on Tuesday provided The Wall Street Journal with a police report in which a resident had claimed her pet might have been taken by Haitian neighbors. But when a reporter went to Anna Kilgore’s house Tuesday evening, she said her cat Miss Sassy, which went missing in late August, had actually returned a few days later—found safe in her own basement.​
Kilgore, wearing a Trump shirt and hat, said she apologized to her Haitian neighbors with the help of her daughter and a mobile-phone translation app.​
Oh man. I wonder if Dbm will apologize and delete is post? You know, since it was complete bullshit and all.
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Oh man. I wonder if Dbm will apologize and delete is post? You know, since it was complete bullshit and all.
No chance. Trump and his minions believe his lies so thoroughly that even when proven to be lies they’ll claim it’s a deep state conspiracy
How do you feel when your Trumpster Twitter Twit tweets turn out to be total hogwash? 95+ percent of them are. Do you ever think about how dumb you are for linking them? Does your brain roll around in your skull like a BB in a shoebox?

You know he's on a roll when half the tweets he links are deleted or "not found."
How do you feel when your Trumpster Twitter Twit tweets turn out to be total hogwash? 95+ percent of them are. Do you ever think about how dumb you are for linking them? Does your brain roll around in your skull like a BB in a shoebox?
Remember when Trump said, "I love the poorly educated?" What he really was saying was, "I love the fvcking stupid." Not all Trump supporters are stupid but the core of his MAGA base is simply not very bright and none of Trump's campaigns would have gained any traction without millions of low-information voters.

Case in point - - last week's debate. You know, the one where Trump got his clock cleaned. Within 36 hours of Trump's humiliating defeat on the debate stage, there were social media posts, most prominently from some idiot who calls himself "Black Insurrectionist," with "Breaking" or "Just In" "news" claiming that an anonymous whistleblower from ABC News had come forward with a signed affidavit attesting that Harris had been given the questions in advance. A few days later, Marjorie Taylor Greene amplified another social media claim that the purported whistleblower had just died in a car crash. All of this was bullshit. First, the affidavit lacked a notary seal and was bogus. Next, Greene walked back the claim that the author of the bogus affidavit had died. Next, even the far-right misinformation website, the Gateway Pundit, called the story a hoax. Finally, ABC News issued a statement categorically denying that Harris had been given the questions in advance.

But by that time, the fake story had been widely disseminated and taken root, and the low-information Trump supporters had already processed it as gospel.

The Trump people are well aware that this tactic works with low-information people who are unwilling or unable to look beneath the surface of a sensational social media post. Hell, just the other day, JD Vance, in responding to questions about the bullshit "they're eating our pets!" claim, acknowledged that the campaign will "create stories" to get media attention. Translation: "we'll make up all kinds of crazy shit because we know social media will be all over it and MAGA will lap it up."

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