“They’re eating the pets of the people that live there!”

One aspect being underplayed... Specifically dreaming up the idea that black-skinned immigrants (from Haiti) are stealing pets and eating them is pretty damn racist. By now we expect that, however.
Spying Tv Show GIF by Laff
Man, trump had a really good night. How does he remain so calm and articulate?
I saw an interview with a reporter on Steven Crowder's show today. He said that people are upset because these people are flooding all of the social services. They are given EBT cards and are cleaning out the Walmarts. So there are other issues when a bunch of new people are thrust into a small community like this. It's not like a few families are brought in. They are about 20k I believe. So this is something to think about.
I saw an interview with a reporter on Steven Crowder's show today. He said that people are upset because these people are flooding all of the social services. They are given EBT cards and are cleaning out the Walmarts. So there are other issues when a bunch of new people are thrust into a small community like this. It's not like a few families are brought in. They are about 20k I believe. So this is something to think about.
Oh no. Not an empty Wal Mart. Whatever shall the gun totin locals do now?
Some people depend on Wal Mart. When Wal Mart left Chicago because people had sticky fingers they were upset the store left the community.

How is Wal-Mart not having enough stock in inventory (which I've never seen reported) the same as people stealing?