
I don't have time right now but he's at 92% on voting with Biden for 2022.

Bayh, really? He championed deregulation of the financial services industry. As a blue dog he helped kill the public option and more sticky mandates of ACA.

Come on man.
Bayh would be a very interesting alternative if something happened to permit him to run in 2024..
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How could that be when every week was infrastructure week?
How, you ask?

Maybe as to a single, controversial issue once per year.

But that arrangement won't hold up as to the thousands of issues Congress considers each year. Many issues inspire both support and opposition at the same time.

Digging in one's heels as to anything these days serves only to prove someone is a hypocrite when an arguably similar issue on something else arises.
What you know about gov would fit on the tip of a fingernail.
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Calling them enemies is a dumbass move.

McCarthy is a crappy milquetoast pick who has no stated agenda or list of accomplishments he is hoping to achieve. He arrogantly moved his butt into the Speaker's office before having the votes for the position. There is no rule that says he has to be seated, they can go round and round forever and I frankly don't care what they look like. I have an extremely low viewpoint of the GOP that is only saved by my even lower opinion of the political left. If they look dumb, so be it.

The job of the Speaker and the party leadership is to build consensus with the team. McCarthy and Co. were so arrogant they did not have the votes counted and the issues hammered out before the vote. That doesn't give much confidence in his ability to lead anything. I am not 100% on board with the agitators agenda either, but I do have an expectation that the GOP has to do SOMETHING with these wins. And if they start talking about more ****ing tax breaks or just sit around for two years (which has been the MO of the McCarthy wing of the party for a long while now), then F it. Burn the party down. They are next to useless anyway.
You wrote about Republicans as follows:

"dumbass move"
"crappy milquetoast"
"arrogantly moved his butt"
"an extremely low viewpoint of the GOP"
"Burn the party down."
"next to useless."

Wow. Vote Republican 2024!! You guys really think Republicans are the answer, LOL.
Gotta give the democrats their due. They ring in their fringes when needed on votes. Republicans are being dumbasses.
I disagree on this particular vote. I agree with the changes the group wanted and understand their not trusting McCarthy
What's to know. Pubs are only working for their RICH DONORS Dems are only working for their rich donors.
And you wouldn’t want to associate with most of them, aren’t impressed by their credentials, and would rather give a third of your check to ballerboogie than them
What you know about gov would fit on the tip of a fingernail.
Now, that was just silly. You don't know anything about me. Be better.

Nonetheless, if what you wrote was true (it isn't), I would still be infinitely qualified to run against Trump or MTG or Boebert or Gohmert or Gaetz or Jordan or Hannity or Carlson or Ingraham or any other GOP dumbass, and on and on and on.

Do you Republicans have any remaining leaders anywhere that you don't blast with your own devastating criticism? Why would you invite me to help you blast your own?
Now, that was just silly. You don't know anything about me. Be better.

Nonetheless, if what you wrote was true (it isn't), I would still be infinitely qualified to run against Trump or MTG or Boebert or Gohmert or Gaetz or Jordan or Hannity or Carlson or Ingraham or any other GOP dumbass, and on and on and on.

Do you Republicans have any remaining leaders anywhere that you don't blast with your own devastating criticism? Why would you invite me to help you blast your own?
no different than biden, harris, aoc, cori bush, tlaib, fetterman, don lemon, and the rest of the vapid form over substance blinkards you conveniently ignore. because you have tunnel vision and are a dumb shit.
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He had the House and was able to get stuff through the Senate through reconciliation (and most recently with the help of some sane Republicans). That's not the case any longer.
We'll see, Mark.

There are a few things both sides still want. And, the old Gingrich/Tea Party tactic of refusing to compromise on anything whatsoever no longer seems to be the rule.
We'll see, Mark.

There are a few things both sides still want. And, the old Gingrich/Tea Party tactic of refusing to compromise on anything whatsoever no longer seems to be the rule.

I hope you're right but I'm just not seein' it.
After what we’ve seen from Biden you have balls with your republican attack posts. You sure as shit don’t have brains. One of the dumbest posters on the board. I’ve told you before don’t reply to my posts. I think you are a Fing moron
That was a Trump attack post, not a Republican attack post.

If we were talking about reasonable Republicans like Ryan or Boehner or Kasich, my posts wouldn't read that way.

It's time for Republicans to leave Trump out all alone in the cesspool of his own making, where he can wallow in the crud with Giuliani, Powell, Lindell and all the other scum.

Until the Republicans do that, they should expect others to treat them like their leader, Trump.
no different than biden, harris, aoc, cori bush, tlaib, fetterman, don lemon, and the rest of the vapid form over substance blinkards you conveniently ignore. because you have tunnel vision and are a dumb shit.

You can't rebut a comment about Trump, MTG, Boebert, Gohmert, Gaetz, Jordan, Hannity, Carlson, Ingraham etc. by simply saying the comment did not mention someone else.

Go back to Missouri and support Hawley or go back to Florida and support Gaetz. They are typical Republicans, after all. Quit trying to change the subject.

You can't rebut a comment about Trump, MTG, Boebert, Gohmert, Gaetz, Jordan, Hannity, Carlson, Ingraham etc. by simply saying the comment did not mention someone else.

Go back to Missouri and support Hawley or go back to Florida and support Gaetz. They are typical Republicans, after all. Quit trying to change the subject.
read your own posts. you write "republicans" over and over. while ignoring the idiots in your own party. idiots who have had a material impact on policy in the last two years. because you have tunnel vision, are a hypocrite, and aren't particularly bright. i've pointed this out on numerous occasions. no ability to research anything. parrot bs while ignoring the garbage in your own camp. you're a shallow thinker. don't reply to my posts with your stupid bullshit. touting biden makes it even worse.
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read your own posts. you write "republicans" over and over. while ignoring the idiots in your own party. idiots who have had a material impact on policy in the last two years. because you have tunnel vision, are a hypocrite, and aren't particularly bright. i've pointed this out on numerous occasions. no ability to research anything. parrot bs while ignoring the garbage in your own camp. you're a shallow thinker. don't reply to my posts with your stupid bullshit. touting biden makes it even worse.

You really need to get laid.