
That is where Boehner was a failure. IIRC, the main issue with all of the immigration reform was that enforcement was always to follow some sort of amnesty. You need to get that hammered out. The public is extremely amenable to tighter border control, you have to make the case to increase public pressure.

At a certain point in a right leaning coalition, you have to be as willing to fight for some of the right leaning principles as you are willing to capitulate to the opposition. Boehner had it harder because he had Obama at the top. We got nothing but tax reform out of the first two years of Trump.

Edit to add: And you still didn't answer the bigger question, what is the establishment GOP's plan for any of this?

Again, I go back to.... what can get 60 and 218? Unless you can get Senators to abolish the filibuster, those are the hurdles you must hit to do anything.

The Trump era got through a tax bill as it was something that could get through via reconciliation and a 50 vote hurdle. That's a once per year shot and any immigration related language wouldn't be permitted in such a bill.
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How is that different from ANY alternative to McCarthy? Since 2008 or so, the driving GOP mantra has been "not Obama, not Hillary, not Biden", with no coherent plan
So why vote a guy into the highest leadership position who has been one of the reasons for that? McCarthy was more a leader of the GOP than Paul Ryan when that was going on, he got passed over then because people didn't like/trust him.

You may not like the MAGA people but they are offering plans.
I don't mind increased enforcement, I still think walls are ineffective though. But the part that bothers me is the claims on fentanyl. It is a problem, but a very small percentage is brought in by illegal aliens. Most coming in is by truck or car through ports of entry. And to top it off, carried by US citizens.

There are other links, anyone can look it up. We are failing to control the drugs at legal points of entry and that is an entirely different set of policies we need.

I didn't say I agreed with it.... Crazy wanted to know what House Leadership's position on the issue was. Well there it is.
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Liberal gossip and rumors. You’re in serious denial of anything that doesn’t fit your agenda.
Once again, you make bogus claims - just like with "Russia Russia Russia".

How many more times do you have to be duped by liberal media before you realize how badly you've been used as a mouthpiece for propagandists?
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Again, I go back to.... what can get 60 and 218? Unless you can get Senators to abolish the filibuster, those are the hurdles you must hit to do anything.

The Trump era got through a tax bill as it was something that could get through via reconciliation and a 50 vote hurdle. That's a once per year shot and any immigration related language wouldn't be permitted in such a bill.
Don't just zero in on immigration or what can pass now. What is the vision? Why should people vote for the establishment GOP position? What even is the establishment GOP position anymore? The working paper you linked had "build the wall" as like the first position, that is literally the Trump position. What is their plan to advance that?

I am not an idiot and am a realist on things that sometimes can or cannot be done, so I don't need an explanation as to why legislating is hard when you can't just ram things through, but the Democrats seem to be moving legislation with slim majorities. They got their budget wish list last month because McConnell capitulated. They can do these things because they have a vision they are articulating. I don't like their vision and want it stopped but you also have to offer an alternative. The GOP establishment has not and is not providing an alternative version. We aren't even at the point of getting support for legislation on healthcare, the economy, the debt, immigration, trade, etc. because we don't have an alternative or vision being expressed.
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You asked what the position was of leadership. Claiming there wasn't any, I guess? So what's your point?
Are these far right lunatics who need to be banished or are they the thought leaders? My point is that the messaging is ****ed in the GOP right now.
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What are their legislative proposals?
They are the evil people who have to be sidelined, you tell me.

Edit: To be less pithy, Roy advanced some ideas in his speech I linked of concrete changes he would like to see in the process.
Marvin, where have I demanded everyone see my vision? I want my vision acknowledged. I want some general movement on my vision sometimes. If never, why the hell would I support you?

Biggest of all though, if you don't like my vision it is incumbent upon you to offer the alternative. I will ask again in this thread, can any of you articulate what the vision of the McCarthy wing of the party is other than "We don't like that"? I can't. Newt had a contract with America. Bush had "compassionate conservatism". The neo-cons advanced peace through strength (American Empire). The McCarthy folks are usually the cut taxes guys and they are not even advancing that. "No to MAGA. No to progressives. No to Biden and Schumer." Awesome. So if all of them are wrong, what is right?

McCarthy is a mealy mouthed nothing who is interested in power. He will say and do whatever is expedient in the moment to have whatever power is available to him. He couples that with a vacuum on policies. Literally nothing there. We can't even argue within the party because the establishment side won't stake a position on anything right now other than "We can't have MAGA in power." Fine. Make your case then, where are they wrong? Why are they wrong? And what is your idea instead?

I agree that politicians need a vision. Incumbent in that though should be the knowledge that in a diverse country one often is forced into what we can get. The far left and far right lose sight of that. Hence why Manchin was public enemy #1 for progressives for quite a while (maybe #2 behind Sinema).

I get why you don't like McCarthy, and I'm actually not arguing for him by any means. My argument comes from a concept that there is such a thing as RINO, or a real Republican (and substitute Democrat here if you want). And I am also saying what happens in the Democratic Party is no different in any substantive way.

When Pelosi won Speaker in 2019, 15 Democrats voted for someone other than Pelosi. Doesn't that shatter the "Democrats are always unified" argument made by some?

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Roy is spot on. Congress needs to change to “save democracy.” Cram-down legislation flowing from partisan divides needs to stop. The problem is that Roy has chosen the wrong weapon. You can’t change things by raising hell about McCarthy. He was minority leader. Under the system Pelosi contrived, the minority has zero influence.
Exactly. McCarthy was basically powerless but he's being blamed for past Republican leadership shortcomings.

I get the argument from Crazy and he makes a persuasive argument. But ruining the Republican party and poisoning the well after they've won the House isn't going to advance his agenda one iota.

Put McCarthy in and give him a short leash - he's already agreed to that. As Trump said, take the win and work with it.

What's not being said is, it doesn't really matter what the House does because the Democrat Senate will never go along with anything they pass. What's left is exposing the swamp and McCarthy has made that a priority - what's the problem here?
I agree that politicians need a vision. Incumbent in that though should be the knowledge that in a diverse country one often is forced into what we can get. The far left and far right lose sight of that. Hence why Manchin was public enemy #1 for progressives for quite a while (maybe #2 behind Sinema).

I get why you don't like McCarthy, and I'm actually not arguing for him by any means. My argument comes from a concept that there is such a thing as RINO, or a real Republican (and substitute Democrat here if you want). And I am also saying what happens in the Democratic Party is no different in any substantive way.

When Pelosi won Speaker in 2019, 15 Democrats voted for someone other than Pelosi. Doesn't that shatter the "Democrats are always unified" argument made by some?

I don't believe in the whole RINO thing either. In reality, RINO is used in place of establishment Republican. I don't disagree with what you are saying. In a diverse country sometimes you are forced into what you can get. My main beef with the GOP that I think the Democrats are currently doing a better job at is setting the table for the discussion. They are getting closer to what they want because they have a vision they are trying to execute. It disagree with that vision so I mostly agree with the GOP being the "No" Party in that context. However, they have worked themselves into a corner where they are offering no alternatives and in our political environment they can't be seen to do nothing so we often end up with "No to what you asked for but yes to 80% of it after we argue." That compromise is great for Democrats. They get 80% of what they want. For those of us who don't like what they want and prefer something else, we are being told that 20% reduction was a great compromise and a win. No it wasn't you establishment ass hats. You are losing the field position battle. What is our offense going to do to move the ball? I don't need a 30 yd pass completion every down but dammit I need 3 yards and a cloud of dust at least.

The GOP takes 3 knees and punts. Gives up 30 yards and a punt. Takes 3 knees and punts. And on and on. The Democrats get closer to their goal and we are sold "Well they didn't get a touchdown....yet."
I saw an article saying that they are trying to get the not McCarthy people to just vote present instead so the threshold for winning would be lowered.

GOP has a 9 seat advantage. maybe 10 will vote present and we'll get a dem speaker lol.
Don't just zero in on immigration or what can pass now. What is the vision? Why should people vote for the establishment GOP position? What even is the establishment GOP position anymore? The working paper you linked had "build the wall" as like the first position, that is literally the Trump position. What is their plan to advance that?

I am not an idiot and am a realist on things that sometimes can or cannot be done, so I don't need an explanation as to why legislating is hard when you can't just ram things through, but the Democrats seem to be moving legislation with slim majorities. They got their budget wish list last month because McConnell capitulated. They can do these things because they have a vision they are articulating. I don't like their vision and want it stopped but you also have to offer an alternative. The GOP establishment has not and is not providing an alternative version. We aren't even at the point of getting support for legislation on healthcare, the economy, the debt, immigration, trade, etc. because we don't have an alternative or vision being expressed.
What the Democrats got through wasn't vision. It was just boring old legislation. The difference between the two parties is the Dems keep their radical wing in check enough to not allow them to stop the process of legislating.
Exactly. McCarthy was basically powerless but he's being blamed for past Republican leadership shortcomings.

I get the argument from Crazy and he makes a persuasive argument. But ruining the Republican party and poisoning the well after they've won the House isn't going to advance his agenda one iota.

Put McCarthy in and give him a short leash - he's already agreed to that. As Trump said, take the win and work with it.

What's not being said is, it doesn't really matter what the House does because the Democrat Senate will never go along with anything they pass. What's left is exposing the swamp and McCarthy has made that a priority - what's the problem here?
What has McCarthy ever done to convince you that he can be taken at his word? What short leash leverage do any of these people have once he is seated? Zip, zero, nada. Nothing is getting passed to the right side of ghe ledger anyway, the only thing McCarthy will have the power to do is the 80/20 splits with the Democrats I mentioned above. After McConnell's knife in the back on the budget, why go along to get along now?
I agree that politicians need a vision. Incumbent in that though should be the knowledge that in a diverse country one often is forced into what we can get. The far left and far right lose sight of that. Hence why Manchin was public enemy #1 for progressives for quite a while (maybe #2 behind Sinema).

I get why you don't like McCarthy, and I'm actually not arguing for him by any means. My argument comes from a concept that there is such a thing as RINO, or a real Republican (and substitute Democrat here if you want). And I am also saying what happens in the Democratic Party is no different in any substantive way.

When Pelosi won Speaker in 2019, 15 Democrats voted for someone other than Pelosi. Doesn't that shatter the "Democrats are always unified" argument made by some?

The main difference is Pelosi's opposition were moderates from competitive districts who had electoral reasons to distance themselves from her, while McCarthy's opponents are all right-wingers from deep red safe districts.
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You're making the point. It wasn't "good enough" in your eyes, so it couldn't be allowed to happen. All (or damn near all) or nothing isn't going to get much accomplished. So once again, here we are ten years later...
How willing were Democrats to work with Trump on immigration? Were they willing to even consider a wall in return for other measures?

No, a wall wasn't even 'good enough' to be considered.

Remove the log from your own eye.
What has McCarthy ever done to convince you that he can be taken at his word? What short leash leverage do any of these people have once he is seated? Zip, zero, nada. Nothing is getting passed to the right side of ghe ledger anyway, the only thing McCarthy will have the power to do is the 80/20 splits with the Democrats I mentioned above. After McConnell's knife in the back on the budget, why go along to get along now?
What has any politician done to convince me he can be taken at his word, besides Trump? Like you, I detest much of Trump's behavior. But the man fights for his position, much of which I agree with. Do I like Bernie? No. Do I admire him for his commitment to his beliefs? Yes, I do.

Would you want a zealot (and I don't mean that in a negative way) like those 2 as House Speakers? No, I don't.

The nature of the job of Speaker isn't to be the ideological leader of the House. It is to advance the Party's ideology, but not to be the leader. It's a management position. I don't admire McCarthy's actions as a politician, but as a manager, he might have the right temparment.
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What the Democrats got through wasn't vision. It was just boring old legislation. The difference between the two parties is the Dems keep their radical wing in check enough to not allow them to stop the process of legislating.
From where I sit, respectively disagree. The GOP doesn't even get to pass boring old legislation that is supported by conservatives because we always are playing an away game. The "radical" wing is standing in the way of passing what exactly? The things you see them blocking are things that give the Democrats most of what they want while getting a pittance in return. "They won't vote to raise the debt ceiling." Well if they had their way, we would be reducing what we extend, not expanding. And if the GOP wants to be the lower taxes and increase spending party officially, they need to explain why that is good.

I don't know how else to explain it other than complete frustration with being promised this and that and then told "Well we can't really do that..." because basically it is hard, but on the other hand the other party is slowly getting everything they want culturally, economically, socially and the only thing we do is try and slow them down. Dumbass eye patch calling people the enemy because they want their elected officials to ****ING do something, anything to represent their interests. Steny Hoyer wasn't going on CNN and calling AOC the enemy when they were having their differences. They didn't get all of what the progressives wanted, but they got some. We don't legislatively get jack shit from the GOP. They have taxes so low that most of their voters barely pay any anyway. If you have children you are probably paying nothing or next to it unless you represent the well off like this board.

At a certain point you have to earn my vote. If the way you run things is basically what the other guy wants, just slower, then what's the point?
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Don't just zero in on immigration or what can pass now. What is the vision? Why should people vote for the establishment GOP position? What even is the establishment GOP position anymore? The working paper you linked had "build the wall" as like the first position, that is literally the Trump position. What is their plan to advance that?

I am not an idiot and am a realist on things that sometimes can or cannot be done, so I don't need an explanation as to why legislating is hard when you can't just ram things through, but the Democrats seem to be moving legislation with slim majorities. They got their budget wish list last month because McConnell capitulated. They can do these things because they have a vision they are articulating. I don't like their vision and want it stopped but you also have to offer an alternative. The GOP establishment has not and is not providing an alternative version. We aren't even at the point of getting support for legislation on healthcare, the economy, the debt, immigration, trade, etc. because we don't have an alternative or vision being expressed.
What kind of vision can be implemented while the country slides further into socialism and further into the swamp - into a country run by government bureaucrats and unelected officials who allow early morning home invasions for accusations of breaking process rules?

Seems to me if you've severed an artery, the first thing to do is stop the bleeding. Right now, the goal is to stop the spread of socialism and DC corruption. I think the GOP stands for that - or most claim to. Let's start there and get to the 'vision thing' once we've stopped the onslaught.
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What has any politician done to convince me he can be taken at his word, besides Trump? Like you, I detest much of Trump's behavior. But the man fights for his position, much of which I agree with. Do I like Bernie? No. Do I admire him for his commitment to his beliefs? Yes, I do.

Would you want a zealot (and I don't mean that in a negative way) like those 2 as House Speakers? No, I don't.

The nature of the job of Speaker isn't to be the ideological leader of the House. It is to advance the Party's ideology, but not to be the leader. It's a management position. I don't admire McCarthy's actions as a politician, but as a manager, he might have the right temparment.
He has been the manager for a few years now. He ain't the guy. Someone else might not be either, but I know he isn't.
What kind of vision can be implemented while the country slides further into socialism and further into the swamp - into a country run by government bureaucrats and unelected officials who allow early morning home invasions for accusations of breaking process rules?

Seems to me if you've severed an artery, the first think to do is stop the bleeding. Right now, the goal is to stop the spread of socialism and DC corruption. I think the GOP stands for that - or most claim to. Let's start there and get to the 'vision thing' once we've stopped the onslaught.
Prevent defense when you don't have a big lead is a good way to lose a game.
From where I sit, respectively disagree. The GOP doesn't even get to pass boring old legislation that is supported by conservatives because we always are playing an away game. The "radical" wing is standing in the way of passing what exactly? The things you see them blocking are things that give the Democrats most of what they want while getting a pittance in return. "They won't vote to raise the debt ceiling." Well if they had their way, we would be reducing what we extend, not expanding. And if the GOP wants to be the lower taxes and increase spending party officially, they need to explain why that is good.

I don't know how else to explain it other than complete frustration with being promised this and that and then told "Well we can't really do that..." because basically it is hard, but on the other hand the other party is slowly getting everything they want culturally, economically, socially and the only thing we do is try and slow them down. Dumbass eye patch calling people the enemy because they want their elected officials to ****ING do something, anything to represent their interests. Steny Hoyer wasn't going on CNN and calling AOC the enemy when they were having their differences. They didn't get all of what the progressives wanted, but they got some. We don't legislatively get jack shit from the GOP. They have taxes so low that most of their voters barely pay any anyway. If you have children you are probably paying nothing or next to it unless you represent the well off like this board.

At a certain point you have to earn my vote. If the way you run things is basically what the other guy wants, just slower, then what's the point?

You're an amazing goalpost mover. You bring up an issue (immigration) .... say let's find a way to work with the opposition to come to an agreement, the American people would rally behind that.

When shown how that occurred, what it looked like, and what the result was.... your response was, well that compromise sucked, and Boehner was the problem.

You aren't any more serious about any of this than Chip Roy is.
What the Democrats got through wasn't vision. It was just boring old legislation. The difference between the two parties is the Dems keep their radical wing in check enough to not allow them to stop the process of legislating.
Oh, that's rich. Like the Democrat agenda isn't full-blown state control of everything.
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He has been the manager for a few years now. He ain't the guy. Someone else might not be either, but I know he isn't.
As minority leader as one side of the legislature, what has he been able to manage?

What has he done that you don't like, except be the face of Republican establishment.
How willing were Democrats to work with Trump on immigration? Were they willing to even consider a wall in return for other measures?

No, a wall wasn't even 'good enough' to be considered.

Remove the log from your own eye.
Didn't the Democrats and Republicans come to a bipartisan deal that provided 5 billion dollars for the Wall and kept the government from going into shutdown but then Trump blew it up at the last minute because it wasn't strong enough (or something like that)? It was a compromise that Democrats were willing to go with to give Trump some of his wall funding and keep the government running.
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Didn't the Democrats and Republicans come to a bipartisan deal that provided 5 billion dollars for the Wall and kept the government from going into shutdown but then Trump blew it up at the last minute because Ann Coulter made fun of him?
I don't remember that, no.
I'll get a lotta yaabuts.... about the crazy progressives. And they exist in plenty, but the Democratic party has done a much better job of freezing them out (or at very least controlling them) on their left flank than the GOP has done on the right flank over the last decade.
The Progressives want Congress to pass laws, impose new taxes, etc. The Freedom Caucus doesn't want Congress to do much of anything. So, it might be easier for the Dems to muster their left wing than the Pubs and their right wing. The right wing simply doesn't need their own leadership.

The leadership got together,said this is our guy, go along or you are the enemy. McCarthy already occupied the damn office.
Maybe they should start a new party. Seems like what they are trying to do right now.

What the Democrats got through wasn't vision. It was just boring old legislation. The difference between the two parties is the Dems keep their radical wing in check enough to not allow them to stop the process of legislating.
The radical left wing WANTS to legislate. I'm not certain the radical right wants to the same thing.

because basically it is hard, but on the other hand the other party is slowly getting everything they want culturally, economically, socially
So MFA by 2034? I really, really want out at 59 1/2
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You're an amazing goalpost mover. You bring up an issue (immigration) .... say let's find a way to work with the opposition to come to an agreement, the American people would rally behind that.

When shown how that occurred, what it looked like, and what the result was.... your response was, well that compromise sucked, and Boehner was the problem.

You aren't any more serious about any of this than Chip Roy is.

I want a real deal, not something we can brag is a deal that doesn't actually advance my immigration position while giving my negotiating partner everything he wants up front with an opportunity to ignore the provisions I want enacted whenever he is in charge of the executive branch.

That isn't a bipartisan deal, it is the football being set up so Lucy can yank it away because the plan was to get amnesty now with a promise never to be met later on enforcement, just like Reagan got swindled in the 80's. The other side gets 80% of what they want immediately and we get the promise of what we want as long as we hold power at some point down the road. Gee, wonder why that failed.
The Progressives want Congress to pass laws, impose new taxes, etc. The Freedom Caucus doesn't want Congress to do much of anything. So, it might be easier for the Dems to muster their left wing than the Pubs and their right wing. The right wing simply doesn't need their own leadership.

Maybe they should start a new party. Seems like what they are trying to do right now.

The radical left wing WANTS to legislate. I'm not certain the radical right wants to the same thing.

So MFA by 2034? I really, really want out at 59 1/2
Classic big government vs small government conflicts.
Who said anything about not lining up? Why does it HAVE to be McCarthy? There are over 200 other options.
There are over 200 Representatives that want McCarthy. 19 that don't.

When the 19 can hold up the process, that's not lining up.
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Once again, you make bogus claims - just like with "Russia Russia Russia".

How many more times do you have to be duped by liberal media before you realize how badly you've been used as a mouthpiece for propagandists?
You’re exactly like your hero. Ignoring anything you don’t like and pretending it doesn’t exist. Duped is mild for the world you live in. Join reality occasionally. It feels good. I doubt there is anyone besides you who believes all those wrestlers are lying. And so you stand up for a slime like Jim Jordan. At some point, I’d think your conscience would begin to bother you.
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From where I sit, respectively disagree. The GOP doesn't even get to pass boring old legislation that is supported by conservatives because we always are playing an away game. The "radical" wing is standing in the way of passing what exactly? The things you see them blocking are things that give the Democrats most of what they want while getting a pittance in return. "They won't vote to raise the debt ceiling." Well if they had their way, we would be reducing what we extend, not expanding. And if the GOP wants to be the lower taxes and increase spending party officially, they need to explain why that is good.

I don't know how else to explain it other than complete frustration with being promised this and that and then told "Well we can't really do that..." because basically it is hard, but on the other hand the other party is slowly getting everything they want culturally, economically, socially and the only thing we do is try and slow them down. Dumbass eye patch calling people the enemy because they want their elected officials to ****ING do something, anything to represent their interests. Steny Hoyer wasn't going on CNN and calling AOC the enemy when they were having their differences. They didn't get all of what the progressives wanted, but they got some. We don't legislatively get jack shit from the GOP. They have taxes so low that most of their voters barely pay any anyway. If you have children you are probably paying nothing or next to it unless you represent the well off like this board.

At a certain point you have to earn my vote. If the way you run things is basically what the other guy wants, just slower, then what's the point?
I don't know what exactly you're disagreeing with.

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