
1 died on Jan 6. An unarmed 5' woman veteran who knew better than to climb through the barracade. Killed by a Capitol cop doing his job.

More than 1 died because of Jan 6. Keep downplaying it though.

fixed your post for you.
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It would be funny if someone fails to pay attention to how many people say "present".

I wonder if that accidentally happens, what it takes to kick the speaker out.
I'm fairly certain it would take very little. Without a rules package, anyone can propose anything and anyone can second it, and I'm pretty sure Jeffries would walk up there, take the gavel, and then take a motion and second to immediately remove him, and the GOP would unite for that vote, and we'd be right back to the Clerk overseeing things.
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Victoria Spartz voted present, lowering the winning threshold without helping McCarthy. I wonder if these folks are truly dysfunctional enough to accidentally elect Jeffries.
As of this second:

Victoria Spartz voted present, lowering the winning threshold without helping McCarthy. I wonder if these folks are truly dysfunctional enough to accidentally elect Jeffries.
She is my representative, her present vote is kind of where I am at with the party. You all suck.
I'm fairly certain it would take very little. Without a rules package, anyone can propose anything and anyone can second it, and I'm pretty sure Jeffries would walk up there, take the gavel, and then take a motion and second to immediately remove him, and the GOP would unite for that vote, and we'd be right back to the Clerk overseeing things.
Yeah, this Jeffries getting voted in would just be embarrassing. They would move to vacate him immediately.
Per MSNBC, sources say there is likely to be another vote, with almost certainly the same result, and then a vote to adjourn for the day so the GOP can go back to internal negotiations.
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Interesting that Trump's plea to support McCarthy didn't do squat to help McCarthy.

That would not have been the case anytime in the past 6 years, it would seem.
So I'm late to the party today, but it looks like the Never Kevins are putting up a new name for every ballot. Is there any strategy to that, or are they just trolling?
Why do they think something different will happen when no deals have been made? Are they just waiting for McCarthey to drop out?
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Interesting that Trump's plea to support McCarthy didn't do squat to help McCarthy.

That would not have been the case anytime in the past 6 years, it would seem.
Think about it, since 2016 the only thing that’s unified republicans in congress has been Trump. He’s now no longer relevant to most republicans in congress so they are left with nothing to agree on.

This is a party that two and a half years ago stated as their convention platform they’ll just have what Trump wants. That was about as cultish as you can get. The leader is now gone and dissension ensues.
CNN reporting GOP is now desperate enough to start sending informal feelers to Dems about what kinds of concessions might result in some "present" votes or some strategic absences to make McCarthy's vote total a winning number.

I would think it would have to be some pretty big concessions for the dems to help them get out of this mess. If I was a dem in the house, I would bring in some popcorn and enjoy them looking like fools.

Here's an idea....nominate someone better than McCarthy.
It would have to be some pretty big concessions for the dems to help them get out of this mess.

Here's an idea....nominate someone better than McCarthy.
That's the thing. Dems despise McCarthy just as much as the Freedom Caucus does (just for wildly different reasons, except for one - both sides agree they don't trust him). So, as one of the TV analysts just pointed out, "The only thing McCarthy has left to negotiate with is himself."
CNN reporting GOP is now desperate enough to start sending informal feelers to Dems about what kinds of concessions might result in some "present" votes or some strategic absences to make McCarthy's vote total a winning number.

I'm trying to understand how any back room agreement would be enforced. Can the Dems trust McCarthy not to renege?
I'm trying to understand how any back room agreement would be enforced. Can the Dems trust McCarthy not to renege?
Probably, for this one reason: Whatever bridges still exist between the leadership and the Freedom Caucus will be forever burned by electing McCarthy with Democratic assistance and concessions. So if he pisses off the Dems that helped him get the gavel, he'll have no hope whatsoever of hoping the Freedom Caucus will defend him in trying to keep that gavel. The first vote to remove him passes by a wide margin, and we go right back to this mess.
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I'm conflicted. On one hand I always viewed McCarthy as a shallow, mindless, Trump-butt-kissing power grabber with no redeeming qualities. But if the Freedom Caucus hates him, them he must have some redeeming qualities.
No, the Freedom Caucus hates him because he is the heir apparent, not because of anything he did. If the leadership had nominated someone else, they'd be opposing that person.

For the most part. One of the Repubs hinted - without naming names - that there is at least one member of the Freedom Caucus who is opposed to McCarthy for personal reasons.
You’re exactly like your hero. Ignoring anything you don’t like and pretending it doesn’t exist. Duped is mild for the world you live in. Join reality occasionally. It feels good. I doubt there is anyone besides you who believes all those wrestlers are lying. And so you stand up for a slime like Jim Jordan. At some point, I’d think your conscience would begin to bother you.
So what is your take on all of the obviously uncomfortable girls and young women when Joe Biden grabs them , sniffs their hair etc? I am not defending Jordan, don't really know much about what went on. We have Your hero on film doing these things, Duped seems to be the constant state of the world you live in? I will save your second favorite word when you think every one is stalking you and get it out of the way .
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I'm conflicted. On one hand I always viewed McCarthy as a shallow, mindless, Trump-butt-kissing power grabber with no redeeming qualities. But if the Freedom Caucus hates him, them he must have some redeeming qualities.

I don't think it is because he has any redeeming qualities. They are just trying to force whoever becomes speaker to put some of the nuts onto committees.

I guess that would be a good reason for the dems to play ball by getting mccarthy to agree to keeping the nuts away from the committees.
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I guess that would be a good reason for the dems to play ball by getting mccarthy to agree to keeping the nuts away from the committees.
Not good enough. If McCarthy gets elected with Dem help, he will be beholden to the Dems for two years. Simply keeping Gaetz away from his favorite gavel isn't enough. The Dems need to demand more. More than McCarthy is really comfortable with, really. The GOP is the only party that has anything to lose here. Dems shouldn't budge one inch away from demanding the store.
Not good enough. If McCarthy gets elected with Dem help, he will be beholden to the Dems for two years. Simply keeping Gaetz away from his favorite gavel isn't enough. The Dems need to demand more. More than McCarthy is really comfortable with, really. The GOP is the only party that has anything to lose here. Dems shouldn't budge one inch away from demanding the store.

A mere rumor that McCarthy might get help from dems may be enough for McCarthy to get the nuts on board. The last thing they would want to happen is having him beholden to the enemy.
A mere rumor that McCarthy might get help from dems may be enough for McCarthy to get the nuts on board. The last thing they would want to happen is having him beholden to the enemy.
They already tried that rumor. That was what Gaetz was talking to ACO about. The Dems shut down the rumor.

Adjourned, but not until tomorrow, only until 8 tonight. They must think they have a chance to make some movement quickly.
Not good enough. If McCarthy gets elected with Dem help, he will be beholden to the Dems for two years. Simply keeping Gaetz away from his favorite gavel isn't enough. The Dems need to demand more. More than McCarthy is really comfortable with, really. The GOP is the only party that has anything to lose here. Dems shouldn't budge one inch away from demanding the store.

Dems would need to at minimum demand that all committees have equal numbers. Mitch got that with the 50/50 Senate.
Treat everyone the same and there will be no complaints. That means arresting everyone that participated in the BLM riots even if it was just a minor trespassing issue.
There were over 1100 arrest made in Seattle and Portland of rioters. Easy info to find, look it up.
Treat everyone the same and there will be no complaints. That means arresting everyone that participated in the BLM riots even if it was just a minor trespassing issue.

The BLM rioters that were caught committing crimes were arrested. Apparently your propaganda doesn't relay that info.

Rittenhouse got off with zip for his killings. Maybe it is liberals that should be complaining about unfair justice.
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Again, I go back to.... what can get 60 and 218? Unless you can get Senators to abolish the filibuster, those are the hurdles you must hit to do anything.

The Trump era got through a tax bill as it was something that could get through via reconciliation and a 50 vote hurdle. That's a once per year shot and any immigration related language wouldn't be permitted in such a bill.
I wouldn't say, "abolish the filibuster". I would say "abolish the fake filibuster."

A true "filibuster" is when a Senator actually stands at the dais and exercises his senatorial right to speak without restriction. I believe the record for a real "filibuster" is something like 27-28 hours, standing there reading the phone book or Rules of Golf or whatever.

Nowadays, a so-called "filibuster" means someone merely has threatened, "I call filibuster!" and that's all it takes to block action for months or even years.

If we made these buttholes actually perform a real "filibuster", a lot of the obstruction would end (or at least look as stupid as it really is).
My minimum is raising the debt ceiling when the time comes. Some people believe we have to destroy the village to save it.
Pfft. You will get that without backing McCarthy, the main question is what strings will be attached. What are we at, like $35 trillion now? I would raise it to $40 and say that we better figure our shit out the next few years on how to start paying it down because it isn't going any higher. We can crash and burn and deal with this mess we created instead of handing it off to my kids.
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Pfft. You will get that without backing McCarthy, the main question is what strings will be attached. What are we at, like $35 trillion now? I would raise it to $40 and say that we better figure our shit out the next few years on how to start paying it down because it isn't going any higher. We can crash and burn and deal with this mess we created instead of handing it off to my kids.
Make it $500 trillion so it's no longer a political football. Or get rid of it altogether. It's never been a consideration when it comes to actual spending, it's only used as leverage in political warfare.
Pfft. You will get that without backing McCarthy, the main question is what strings will be attached. What are we at, like $35 trillion now? I would raise it to $40 and say that we better figure our shit out the next few years on how to start paying it down because it isn't going any higher. We can crash and burn and deal with this mess we created instead of handing it off to my kids.
This is simply a non-starter, and it's not partisan. We need to remove the debt ceiling, period. I'm not entirely convinced the debt ceiling is even Constitutional. But whatever it is, it's stupid. The debt ceiling is nothing more than an authorization to borrow money to pay bills we've already committed to. Playing with that is playing with the full faith and credit of the United States and endangering the value of the dollar, the American economy, and your and my and everyone else's investments in everything that touches the dollar or the American economy.