
The Democrats are going to win a lot more elections in the near future and the socialism will turn into full blown communism. MAGA is completely done with these clowns. Not voting or voting Dem. Buckle up.

This is simply a non-starter, and it's not partisan. We need to remove the debt ceiling, period. I'm not entirely convinced the debt ceiling is even Constitutional. But whatever it is, it's stupid. The debt ceiling is nothing more than an authorization to borrow money to pay bills we've already committed to. Playing with that is playing with the full faith and credit of the United States and endangering the value of the dollar, the American economy, and your and my and everyone else's investments in everything that touches the dollar or the American economy.
I am okay with that as long as we have a tripwire that forces us to balance the budget except in specifically defined times of need. I am not down with the blank check.

We have the large debt because everybody in DC knows that you get votes by spending and not paying and unless you are young, there is likely to be no consequence to you personally for that. Somebody is going to feel that eventually and as a parent, it is awfully shitty to keep punting that football hoping I die before the mess I helped create finally blows up.
I am okay with that as long as we have a tripwire that forces us to balance the budget except in specifically defined times of need. I am not down with the blank check.

We have the large debt because everybody in DC knows that you get votes by spending and not paying and unless you are young, there is likely to be no consequence to you personally for that. Somebody is going to feel that eventually and as a parent, it is awfully shitty to keep punting that football hoping I die before the mess I helped create finally blows up.
There can be no "as long as" with the debt ceiling. You want to invent some procedures to force spending down, great. But you cannot f*ck with the debt ceiling. These are commitments we have already made. They have to be paid for. Period.
There can be no "as long as" with the debt ceiling. You want to invent some procedures to force spending down, great. But you cannot f*ck with the debt ceiling. These are commitments we have already made. They have to be paid for. Period.

We have a bunch of money ear marked for other things that are useless garbage in the budget. Find your money there first. Rob Peter to pay Paul.
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Posted without comment.... will have more to say later.

Lots of comments and quotes from fellow Republicans, and some background of where he came from, and where is is today.

All this over the Constitutional "office" of "speaker", but the Constitution says only that the "speaker" must be elected by members of the house, but does not actually require that the "speaker" must be a member of the house and does not even generally/vaguely describe the required duties of the "speaker", whatever they thought that is.

Sounds like a perfect job for McCarthy.

Hey, they could legally elect GOAT as speaker. Go for it, GOAT!
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The House is going to be mess because of hugely strong factions within the GOP that don’t mind bucking leadership.

I read something that made a good point that the Speaker has such diminished power now in the social media age. Someone like MTG can be a media and political powerhouse even stripped of committee assignments, something that would’ve been a death sentence 30 years ago.
From the concessions I read that McCarthy has made already, things sound like we're going to have a vote of confidence as in the UK.

We have a bunch of money ear marked for other things that are useless garbage in the budget. Find your money there first. Rob Peter to pay Paul.
Nixon tried that. Supremes said he couldn't refuse to spend appropriated money.
I know this isn't news, but McCarthy is done:

“Of course, we’re going to get to 218. We just gotta find the right person,” Roy said as he walked into Emmer’s office moments ago.​
There is such a thing as tilting against windmills.

She and the others aren't backing anyone who can win. McCarthy has already conceded in allowing for an easier level to out a Speaker.

The media is going to have a field day with this and poison the well for the next election.

This is just a stupid hill to die on.
Yes, and McCarthy seems to be like the dog chasing the car who actually catches the car but then doesn't know what to do with his catch.
Make it $500 trillion so it's no longer a political football. Or get rid of it altogether. It's never been a consideration when it comes to actual spending, it's only used as leverage in political warfare.

Imagine refusing to pay your credit card, you bought the products but after the bill came you didn't approve the debt raise.
This thread is why we come to the Cooler. From page 6 on, this mostly reads like a goddamn West Wing episode. Thanks to Crazy, Twenty, Goat, Marvin, Mark, Stuff, and others for allowing me to enjoy a good, healthy, intelligent debate. Sometimes we need to know when to shut up, learn a few things, and appreciate. Now, take a beer break (or pizza) and resume after the evening festivities!
Be careful what you wish for as it might come to pass. Things have really worked out well for places like those countries that are on that fast train to radical leftism.
Can you pronounce Duterte?
Lol. You assume a 4,000+ page $1.7 trillion, bill drafted by staff, special interests, and lobbyists, unread by any members of congress but passes anyway, and signed by a president who has no clue of anything let alone what’s in the bill is meaningful legislation?

The best thing congress can do is go in recess January 4 and comeback in 2025, after the next election. Congress doesn’t do anything important. Investigating the opposition, appropriating money for everything, and handing off all the important stuff to lobbyists and the deep state is not meaningful.
Under your analytic criteria, blind automatic opposition to a "a 4,000+ page $1.7 trillion, bill drafted by staff, special interests, and lobbyists, unread by any members of congress" is also not "meaningful," either.

What part of blind, lock-step opposition satisfies the requirements of the scientific method?
Anyone that isn’t a Trump loyalist. They misuse the term.

It's not the fault of traditional Republicans that things turned out this way.

Trump, not the other guys, corrupted terms like "Republicans," "RINO," "Little Marco," "Horseface," and on and on and on.

When Trump's opponents react to what he says or does, it simply is not the case that the opponents (or the traditional Republicans) are the ones who misused the terms under discussion.
F*** no!!!
Wow! Surprised. It’s the first time I’ve seen any sign that you wouldn’t lick Trump’s boots if he asked you to. If Trump knew you weren’t completely loyal to him he’d call you a RINO and excommunicate you from the Republican Party that exists primarily in his head.

Now maybe you’re close to realizing that Trump is a loser.
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What's the statute of limitations if someone rapes your daughter? Kills your son? Steals your car? What should it be?

Tell me how many years it takes to forgive and forget someone doing any of those things, and we'll find a time to agree racism "expires."
Mindsets about some things never go away . Rape, Child molesters we are on same page along with racism . Stealing someones car and some othe rcrimes I can see changing but some mindsets never go away.
What's the statute of limitations if someone rapes your daughter? Kills your son? Steals your car? What should it be?

Tell me how many years it takes to forgive and forget someone doing any of those things, and we'll find a time to agree racism "expires."
Death of the defendant. At some point the sins of the past become a crutch and excuse
Mindsets about some things never go away . Rape, Child molesters we are on same page along with racism . Stealing someones car and some othe rcrimes I can see changing but some mindsets never go away.
Yes. My point is this whole "Let's forget about it it was so many years ago" thing falls short. It's not like you can just end racism and then everything is fine. It takes a while.
Too bad it isn't strictly most votes. Dems might have snuck in and got speaker while gop split their vote lol
Uh, according to the US Constitution, the speaker of the house actually is elected by "strictly most votes" of current members of the house.
Nobody is going to run anything. The GOP does not have a governing majority as they have a dozen or so members that will vote no on everything. McCarthy's chance at becoming speaker was likely killed in the Nov elections when the GOP couldn't flip seats in PA and VA and build a comfortable margin with moderates.

Expect a lot of fun come time to raise the debt ceiling or fund the govt for FY24. 2011 all over again, probably worse.
It'll be like a dozen or so Manchins dictating everything the Republicans try to do.
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Uh, according to the US Constitution, the speaker of the house actually is elected by "strictly most votes" of current members of the house.

What's weird is the new people like Santos are getting to vote, but they haven't yet been sworn in. When does their membership become official?
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The Democrats are going to win a lot more elections in the near future and the socialism will turn into full blown communism. MAGA is completely done with these clowns. Not voting or voting Dem. Buckle up.

You really, really need to get some different news sources. We are not moving toward socialism, let alone communism.
Not good enough. If McCarthy gets elected with Dem help, he will be beholden to the Dems for two years. Simply keeping Gaetz away from his favorite gavel isn't enough. The Dems need to demand more. More than McCarthy is really comfortable with, really. The GOP is the only party that has anything to lose here. Dems shouldn't budge one inch away from demanding the store.
So you’re proposing compromise in the same way that you criticized IUCrazy for his definition of compromise.
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No way the Dems are going to help McCarthy take the gavel. In some bizarro world where there was some bi-partisan agreement, it would certainly have to be someone other than McCarthy. Fred Upton or Brian Fitzpatrick types would probably be the mold.