
I admit that I haven't been following this closely enough. Is the main issue with McCarthy that he did not start kissing Trump's ass soon enough, after Jan 6th, and that he even dared to criticize the Wonderful Wizard of Orange for a day or two?
I’m not sure you are really interested but here is what they are wanting:
1) Return to rules of 114th Congress. “Open rules” on all major legislation, including appropriations. Allow votes on amendments on the floor
2) Leadership fund is not to oppose incumbents in primary or help in the solicitation of funds to challenge an incumbent
3) Conservative to be a part of leadership
I’m not sure you are really interested but here is what they are wanting:
1) Return to rules of 114th Congress. “Open rules” on all major legislation, including appropriations. Allow votes on amendments on the floor
2) Leadership fund is not to oppose incumbents in primary or help in the solicitation of funds to challenge an incumbent
3) Conservative to be a part of leadership

And from what is being claimed, that was all agreed to. Don't think this has anything to do with process and rules at this point, they just don't trust McCarthy and it has become personal
I’ll never understand how Jim Jordan has paid no price whatsoever for his part in the Ohio State wrestling scandal. And now he may be speaker? Crazy.
Why is this funny, Danc? Is what he did funny?
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Adjourned until noon tomorrow. McCarthy going to take it behind closed doors and try and strike a deal.
While I think the Dems should 100% just sit back and let this play out, you can't tell me it wouldn't be hilarious for Hakeem Jeffries to poke around a bit at the 20 that just didn't vote for McCarthy. He only needs 7.

Just for the lulz.
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I heard two GOP congressman give interviews this afternoon, claiming in the conference meeting this morning McCarthy asked Perry what else he they had already agreed to his requests....and he couldn't answer and just pointed back to his letter.

Maybe they are lying, but I doubt it.
Dems always, always stick together no matter what. Given that MAGA is a clear majority of the Republican Party it's the RINOs who have to bend the knee and vote with the rest of us. If not they're done.
You’re high. No way in hell are the MAGA Trumpsters the majority of the party. They’re a rapidly diminishing minority of the party. There’s not even close to a majority even in the House. The dozen or so throwing a temper tantrum are all you really got.
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And from what is being claimed, that was all agreed to. Don't think this has anything to do with process and rules at this point, they just don't trust McCarthy and it has become personal

Former Rep. David Jolly thinks McCarthy will bow out. The caucus will then have to decide who to back before they reconvene tomorrow.
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I heard two GOP congressman give interviews this afternoon, claiming in the conference meeting this morning McCarthy asked Perry what else he they had already agreed to his requests....and he couldn't answer and just pointed back to his letter.

Maybe they are lying, but I doubt it.
I would probably point to the article in the New Yorker you linked. It essentially says McCarthy will say anything to further himself. I’m guessing what they are looking for is not “official” and if it’s not then they don’t trust McCarthy at his word.

Obviously, I don’t know just reading tea leaves
If not McCarthy then who?

Remember, they can't even swear in new members or form committees until a Speaker is elected. And that effects everyone, not just Republicans.
I haven’t seen a single name put out there.
Just the requests.
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I would probably point to the article in the New Yorker you linked. It essentially says McCarthy will say anything to further himself. I’m guessing what they are looking for is not “official” and if it’s not then they don’t trust McCarthy at his word.

Obviously, I don’t know just reading tea leaves

I totally agree.... and am not at all surprised by this result. Kind of thought it inevitable after the final election results came in.

I thought there would 8-10 in opposition....But 19 (now 20), is a death blow..... people on the far right don't trust McCarthy. They didn't in 2015, no reason to think they would this time.
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He's dead.
I didn’t realize it but McCarthy supported opponents of a portion of the 20 who voted against him. I agree …he’s dead and I don’t blame the ones voting against him. Side note…Trump endorsed McCarthy for speaker
I admit that I haven't been following this closely enough. Is the main issue with McCarthy that he did not start kissing Trump's ass soon enough, after Jan 6th, and that he even dared to criticize the Wonderful Wizard of Orange for a day or two?
The MAGA’s see him as the epitome of the swamp — someone who will say and do anything for the power he craves.

What would all this be without some irony, right?
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Have to admire the House Republicans for breaking tradition and having a battle with multiple votes to elect a House leader which hasn't happened since 1923.

On the other hand, given our divided country are the Pubs showing us how to compromise and get things done ?
She won by less than 600 votes in a district that encompasses more than a 1/3 of the land mass of Colorado, and borders Utah, Wyoming, New Mexico and a smidgen of Arizona. Nearly 760,000 people live there and she won by 600 votes. Saying she "represents' or listens to her constituents is a major stretch...
Wait until she babbles when someone asks her what her position on water rights of the American Southwest is.

It'll surely be something like, "we need to protect our borders, or we won't even have a country"and "woke Democrats want to have drag queen shows in our elementary schools."

Of course, she'll smile toothily no matter what she says.



Teeth do not equal intelligence or skill.

But teeth may equal the depth of Republican thinking these days.
Have to admire the House Republicans for breaking tradition and having a battle with multiple votes to elect a House leader which hasn't happened since 1923.

On the other hand, given our divided country are the Pubs showing us how to compromise and get things done ?
If compromise means crossing your arms and just saying no to literally everything, then yes. They have showed us much today.
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On the other hand, given our divided country are the Pubs showing us how to compromise and get things done ?

McCarthy's willingness to give the crazies' what they want proves their point -- he will do or say anything to get what he wants, previous stands or pledges or promises be damned.

This is what you get when "principled" politicians have a chance to flex their muscles, putting compromise and pragmatism in the rear view mirror. And as a result, nothing will get done. That may not be such a bad thing until it's time to fund the government and raise the debt ceiling. That's when the shit will truly hit the fan.
Like it or not, non-MAGA Republicans are a significant voting bloc. We'd better learn to live with them or you can forget about any future Republican President.

No, you Republicans must "learn to live with them." No one else must live with them.

If you Republicans get lucky, you might just get a Speaker as skilled as Ryan or Boehner, but so far today you can't even elect Trump-lover McCarthy.

Do Republicans even know what they stand for anymore?
Lol. You assume a 4,000+ page $1.7 trillion, bill drafted by staff, special interests, and lobbyists, unread by any members of congress but passes anyway, and signed by a president who has no clue of anything let alone what’s in the bill is meaningful legislation?

The best thing congress can do is go in recess January 4 and comeback in 2025, after the next election. Congress doesn’t do anything important. Investigating the opposition, appropriating money for everything, and handing off all the important stuff to lobbyists and the deep state is not meaningful.
Uh, no matter what you say, Republican expert Newt Gingrich thinks Biden's past accomplishments are "meaningful":

There really isn't any reason to think Biden won't have some more successes in the future.

Why do today's Republicans think they're so god-like brilliant when they can't even decide whether they're for or against McCarthy and McCarthy himself can't even reconcile his past statements supporting Trump and then blasting Trump and then supporting Trump?
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There really isn't any reason to think Biden won't have some more successes in the future.

He had the House and was able to get stuff through the Senate through reconciliation (and most recently with the help of some sane Republicans). That's not the case any longer.
Need 4 parties. Maga. Old school pubs. Dems. Progressives
Maybe as to a single, controversial issue once per year.

But that arrangement won't hold up as to the thousands of issues Congress considers each year. Many issues inspire both support and opposition at the same time.

Digging in one's heels as to anything these days serves only to prove someone is a hypocrite when an arguably similar issue on something else arises.
As someone who has voted Dem more than pub Biden has been a nightmare. He came out way way left. Anyone can pass fixing bridges. He has been a far cry from a unity politician
Now, now. Admit it -- Trump even with control of both houses could not "pass fixing bridges" while President.

I don't think Trump even proposed an infrastructure bill.
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He also eulogized a former KKK leader and said bussing would lead to a 'racial jungle'.

He's reached across the aisle alright - right over to the racists.

What do you have against restaurant workers?
Now, now. Admit it -- Trump even with control of both houses could not "pass fixing bridges" while President.

I don't think Trump even proposed an infrastructure bill.
Trump was a better president than Biden. Biden would have had his way we’d be in deep deep shit. The less Biden gets done the better. Looking forward to Desantis and retiring Biden.
Now, now. Admit it -- Trump even with control of both houses could not "pass fixing bridges" while President.

I don't think Trump even proposed an infrastructure bill.
How could that be when every week was infrastructure week?