Madison Cawthorn debases himself and his party

Arguably the biggest factor precipitating the rise of Trumpism is the democratic party replacing working class economics with the social justice war as a first priority. Social justice is a humanitarian issue and has no place in politics.
Incidentally this is where Mitch McConnell and the republican party have been genius. As a humanitarian issue social justice is meted out in the courts, ultimately the Supreme Court. The consequence of Democrats foisting social justice on the electorate is losing the Supreme Court. Stupid is as stupid does.
Arguably the biggest factor precipitating the rise of Trumpism is the democratic party replacing working class economics with the social justice war as a first priority. Social justice is a humanitarian issue and has no place in politics.

that didn't happen by accident.

it was engineered by Wall St money buying the DNC, to go along with the RNC, which they already owned.


the Dems owned both the house and senate for almost 4 decades straight, by backing the working class.

Wall St said, if you can't beat them, buy them.

if govt is allowed to be bought, 100% chance it will be.
that didn't happen by accident.

it was engineered by Wall St money buying the DNC, to go along with the RNC, which they already owned.


the Dems owned both the house and senate for almost 4 decades straight, by backing the working class.

Wall St said, if you can't beat them, buy them.

if govt is allowed to be bought, 100% chance it will be.
tHE Problem With Your Argument Is It Doesn’t Account For The Janes And Joes Who Vote.
I don't know that she is. All I said was perhaps anger was something she (among others) had in common with Cawthorn, who also gives off the angry vibe. I also suggested, if they were angry, it was probably coming from different places, but that's just common sense, not because I have any insight as to why any of them might be angry.

As for hitting the lottery, I don't even know what your point is.
His point is that she came from a "shit hole country"
tHE Problem With Your Argument Is It Doesn’t Account For The Janes And Joes Who Vote.

i remember when i was young and naive.

there are always exceptions to the rule, but never enough to win a vote in the legislatures, but in the primaries, the party backed or "slated" candidate, almost always wins.

prez would be where the exception would be easier, as Joe Blow follows that more than down ticket contests, but since both branches of the Wall St party now have their own media, and use it to back the Wall St slated candidate, and the non party backed candidate has none, only a real celeb like a Trump can buck the party, and the money that controls the party, and have a chance to win a primary as the non backed candidate.

too bad Trump is such a total and complete POS, and blew his chance to actually do something meaningful, as that chance won't happen often.

and Obama, totally blew his too.
Since the topic is Madison Cawthorn, and he says so many stupid things it's hard to just pick out one. I figured I'd go with his latest bout of "brilliance"...

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I don't think Cawthorn has room to talk regarding other people being "thugs"

Caught driving with a revoked license and bringing knife to school property multiple times,

Uses his position to weasel out of repercussions. I guess he is taking after Trump.
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He’s a pawn in his own ambition.
Zelensky has demonstrated courageous and inspiring leadership that is rarely seen. Cawthorn's reaction: "Remember that Zelensky is a thug. Remember that the Ukrainian government is incredibly corrupt and incredibly evil and has been pushing woke ideologies."

I agree Cawthorn is ambitious but, more notably, he's an asshole. He's also apparently a pawn of Putin. Per the piece I cited, "Russian state TV has seized on Cawthorn's comments."

So tired of so-called American patriots fueling Putin's propaganda machine and enabling his atrocities in Ukraine.
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Zelensky has demonstrated courageous and inspiring leadership that is rarely seen. Cawthorn's reaction: "Remember that Zelensky is a thug. Remember that the Ukrainian government is incredibly corrupt and incredibly evil and has been pushing woke ideologies."

I agree Cawthorn is ambitious but, more notably, he's an asshole. He's also apparently a pawn of Putin. Per the piece I cited, "Russian state TV has seized on Cawthorn's comments."

So tired of so-called American patriots fueling Putin's propaganda machine and enabling his atrocities in Ukraine.
My basic point is, whatever Cawthorn is is an act.

I was tempted to start a thread last week just after tucker Carlson had his rant and before it became big news. I was going to ask for the one word that sums up who Tucker Carlson is. My word: traitor.

this would require an explanation because he’s not a traitor in the usual sense. But he is a traitor, just like Trump, in the sense that he would betray his country to serve his own selfish goals. And that’s what you see him doing here.
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Zelensky has demonstrated courageous and inspiring leadership that is rarely seen. Cawthorn's reaction: "Remember that Zelensky is a thug. Remember that the Ukrainian government is incredibly corrupt and incredibly evil and has been pushing woke ideologies."

I agree Cawthorn is ambitious but, more notably, he's an asshole. He's also apparently a pawn of Putin. Per the piece I cited, "Russian state TV has seized on Cawthorn's comments."

So tired of so-called American patriots fueling Putin's propaganda machine and enabling his atrocities in Ukraine.
So everyone that doesn’t agree with you is an asshole!
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I don't think you're an asshole, Lucy. "Douchebag" is a better description. 😜

Seriously, though, anyone who slams Zelensky is an asshole. The world needs more like him.
He might be an asshole wannabe but mainly Cawthorn is an asshole licker.
My basic point is, whatever Cawthorn is is an act.

I was tempted to start a thread last week just after tucker Carlson had his rant and before it became big news. I was going to ask for the one word that sums up who Tucker Carlson is. My word: traitor.

this would require an explanation because he’s not a traitor in the usual sense. But he is a traitor, just like Trump, in the sense that he would betray his country to serve his own selfish goals. And that’s what you see him doing here.
No one is ever charged with it anymore, but treason includes giving aid and comfort to the enemy. Cawthorn's done this. So has the 8p Fox opinion host, the guy who makes me want to puke every time I see him. Pompeo, too. All these guys have recently been featured on Russian state TV. Fvck them all.
He might be an asshole wannabe but mainly Cawthorn is an asshole licker.
Now it’s okay with you to attack a handicap person! But it was not okay for Trump to say something to a reporter!
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He had some other stuff, I'll see if I can find it but mainly it's the subtle vibe of his posts of his trip.

There's a glee and excitement to it which is a weird thing to emote.

I would think there would be a more somber tone so his joy was a bit of dissonance.

He calls Hitler 'The Fuhrer', which again is creepy odd.

Here's some coverage of it that does a better job than I do including more posts from his trip (turns out he's got a real estate that he named SPQR which is supposedly a white nationalist term that I'm not aware of) so yeah.

Maybe it's just part of the new political playbook. I'm guessing he's made a boatload of cash.
SPQR is a 'white nationalist term'?

Those racist Romans! lmao
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I'm guessing it's the fun of the secret password, symbols, exclusive club thing.

But you're right, it's not super difficult to spot extremist behavior.
Pretty funny you don't spot extreme behavior in your Party.
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Pretty funny you don't spot extreme behavior in your Party.

i know of only one poster on this board that spots that, most forums don't have any, and no mainstream media has any..

wherein the root of all things wrong these days is based.
No one is ever charged with it anymore, but treason includes giving aid and comfort to the enemy. Cawthorn's done this. So has the 8p Fox opinion host, the guy who makes me want to puke every time I see him. Pompeo, too. All these guys have recently been featured on Russian state TV. Fvck them all.
Pompeo? Link?
Pompeo? Link?
Pompeo's praise of Putin during the troop buildup was widely reported, although it probably wasn't covered by your go-to sources like the Gateway Pundit and the Daily Wire. Spend a few minutes on some credible sites and you won't have any trouble finding this information yourself.
Pompeo's praise of Putin during the troop buildup was widely reported, although it probably wasn't covered by your go-to sources like the Gateway Pundit and the Daily Wire. Spend a few minutes on some credible sites and you won't have any trouble finding this information yourself.
You're lying. Produce a link or stfu.
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You're lying. Produce a link or stfu.
While lying is your raison d'etre, I'm telling the truth. Get off your sorry, lazy ass and do some research. You won't have any trouble quickly finding this information.
While lying is your raison d'etre, I'm telling the truth. Get off your sorry, lazy ass and do some research. You won't have any trouble quickly finding this information.
You know I hate it, when you post words I have to look up😡
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While lying is your raison d'etre, I'm telling the truth. Get off your sorry, lazy ass and do some research. You won't have any trouble quickly finding this information.
You continue to lie. You made the claim - it's not up to me to prove you're right. That's your job, dumbass.
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