Madison Cawthorn debases himself and his party

You continue to lie. You made the claim - it's not up to me to prove you're right. That's your job, dumbass.
I love your "logic." Someone asserts a fact and, because you're ignorant of it, the other person is lying.

You need to get out of your Fox News bubble, danc, and start reading more. Not only would you be more informed, but it would help expand your limited vocabulary.
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I love your "logic." Someone asserts a fact and, because you're ignorant of it, the other person is lying.

You need to get out of your Fox News bubble, danc, and start reading more. Not only would you be more informed, but it would help expand your limited vocabulary.
Should be easy to prove if it's a fact.

But you can't, so you continue to lie about it.
I love your "logic." Someone asserts a fact and, because you're ignorant of it, the other person is lying.

You need to get out of your Fox News bubble, danc, and start reading more. Not only would you be more informed, but it would help expand your limited vocabulary.
It’s Quisling (Fox) News by the way.

Particularly fascinating are the parallels between the viewers of Quisling Tucker Carlson not knowing he’s a Russian quisling and Putin’s conscripts not knowing they’re entering Ukraine to die and Russian civil workers not knowing they’re going to a Putin rally instead of a concert.
It’s Quisling (Fox) News by the way.

Particularly fascinating are the parallels between the viewers of Quisling Tucker Carlson not knowing he’s a Russian quisling and Putin’s conscripts not knowing they’re entering Ukraine to die and Russian civil workers not knowing they’re going to a Putin rally instead of a concert.
You have never prospered under Democrat leadership!
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These are the quotes Russia is using.
LOL Did you actually listen to his interview and not Joe and Mika? He said we need to respect Putin as an adversary and that Putin is in it for power for himself.

Gee, what praise! lmao

I asked for a link that Russia is using it and you provide a link to Morning Joe......

Not even a good effort.
so the propaganda machine took bits and pieces out of context to make their case? Where have I heard this before?

Is that not what Russia has been doing this whole time?

Why would anyone question it.

When Danc wanted quotes, I gave them. Now that the quotes were provided, they're not good enough.

Did I ever argue they were taken out of context? I don't think i did, but you can quote me if I did.

The thought that the Russian media would grasp onto anything positive said about Putin and run with it, especially now, shouldn't be some foreign concept. You don't have to get defensive just because the right was dumb enough to complement Putin out loud.
LOL Did you actually listen to his interview and not Joe and Mika? He said we need to respect Putin as an adversary and that Putin is in it for power for himself.

Gee, what praise! lmao

I asked for a link that Russia is using it and you provide a link to Morning Joe......

Not even a good effort.

See my post to Jamie.
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LOL Did you actually listen to his interview and not Joe and Mika? He said we need to respect Putin as an adversary and that Putin is in it for power for himself.

Gee, what praise! lmao

I asked for a link that Russia is using it and you provide a link to Morning Joe......

Not even a good effort.
Pompeio was just giving them intel, right?
Is that not what Russia has been doing this whole time?

Why would anyone question it.

When Danc wanted quotes, I gave them. Now that the quotes were provided, they're not good enough.

Did I ever argue they were taken out of context? I don't think i did, but you can quote me if I did.

The thought that the Russian media would grasp onto anything positive said about Putin and run with it, especially now, shouldn't be some foreign concept. You don't have to get defensive just because the right was dumb enough to complement Putin out loud.

I don't care for Tucker or Pompeo, but criticizing them for RT's stupidity is silly.
I don't care for Tucker or Pompeo, but criticizing them for RT's stupidity is silly.

Danc wanted the quotes that Russia was using. I gave them. That's all there was.

He's been asked about it by many different people. He doesn't deny saying it, but also says it was taken out of context. I believe him in that.

Again, the two don't have to be mutually exclusive to be wrong. He complemented Putin, which the Russian media ran with and used on their media. That's not up for debate.

This isn't hard to understand.
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Danc wanted the quotes that Russia was using. I gave them. That's all there was.

He's been asked about it by many different people. He doesn't deny saying it, but also says it was taken out of context. I believe him in that.

Again, the two don't have to be mutually exclusive to be wrong. He complemented Putin, which the Russian media ran with and used on their media. That's not up for debate.

This isn't hard to understand.

But you clearly were taking an accusatory tone.
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Is that not what Russia has been doing this whole time?

Why would anyone question it.

When Danc wanted quotes, I gave them. Now that the quotes were provided, they're not good enough.

Did I ever argue they were taken out of context? I don't think i did, but you can quote me if I did.

The thought that the Russian media would grasp onto anything positive said about Putin and run with it, especially now, shouldn't be some foreign concept. You don't have to get defensive just because the right was dumb enough to complement Putin out loud.
I asked for links where Russia used what Pompeo said.

You've provided no link, other than some clip from MSNBC. If that's the best you can do, you have failed miserably.
But you clearly were taking an accusatory tone.

No, all I did was provide a link, which wasn't good enough for Danc.

That wasn't good enough because it didn't have what Pompeo said, so I provided the video and used and I quote, " those are the quotes used by Russia".

It was you that had a problem with the video and Russia using it and got combative about it.

Don't throw stones if you don't want them thrown back.
No, all I did was provide a link, which wasn't good enough for Danc.

That wasn't good enough because it didn't have what Pompeo said, so I provided the video and used and I quote, " those are the quotes used by Russia".

It was you that had a problem with the video and Russia using it and got combative about it.

Don't throw stones if you don't want them thrown back.
You provided a link to MSNBC. Are you really this ignorant?

I asked for a link where Russia used what Pompeo said. I'm still waiting.
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I asked for links where Russia used what Pompeo said.

You've provided no link, other than some clip from MSNBC. If that's the best you can do, you have failed miserably.

Do I need to provide video of people asking him about his quotes and Russia using them? He's never denied saying it and says they took what he said and twisted it up (my words), which i believe.
You know what, I'll go ahead and do it so I don't waste my time with you anymore.

Do I need to provide video of people asking him about his quotes and Russia using them? He's never denied saying it and says they took what he said and twisted it up (my words), which i believe.
You know what, I'll go ahead and do it so I don't waste my time with you anymore.

Yes, if you claim Russia used Pompeo's words as support for Putin or Russia in the war, you need to post the link where Russian media says it.

Is this really that difficult?
Because smaller words is all you can muster?

Not surprised from a trumpster
The only reason I still engage you is to allow/force you to put words here on the internet.

Where I grew up, we learned early to let a fool speak, that he be known as a fool.

So, I’ll ask again - and give you another opportunity to be known:

Do you equate Trump’s statement to “approval” of the invasion of Ukraine?

Even a village idiot could answer that simple question in one word.

No one here expects you answer to answer at all.
You are not a well-minded participant here.

Perhaps you should go to the “Barney the Dinosaur Sings Songs“ page?

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