Madison Cawthorn debases himself and his party

I don’t think either of those (or GDP growth for that matter) are controlled by the president. They just get the credit/blame.
  • I think all the free stuff did contribute to inflation although not as much as some people would say. I think companies are using shortages as an excuse to raise prices more than anything.
  • Gas.... I don't think a president has much control over that but down the road the cancellation of the pipeline may contribute to higher gasoline prices.
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  • I think all the free stuff did contribute to inflation although not as much as some people would say. I think companies are using shortages as an excuse to raise prices more than anything.
  • Gas.... I don't think a president has much control over that but down the road the cancellation of the pipeline may contribute to higher gasoline prices.
I agree with that. More money available, fewer places to spend the money, and global supply chain issues, definitely a recipe for inflation.

But all/most of these inflationary pressures from the fiscal side was bi-partisan.

And that doesn't contemplate Cori Bush rent stays etc. After one year of the Squad squawking we got inflation at a 40 year high and murders at a 30 year high. Ain't we got fun. My guess is Biden is catching on that their ideas aren't too bright

Oh and Sbx is raising its prices two more times this year over supply and labor issues
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I understand why with defund the police and the support of Antifa and let me add teaching critical race theory to our children. Remember the Antifa and BLM riots!

i live in the middle and it is very far from where the left is now.

I remember the protests with some rioting that was done by both blm and counter protestors that were out there against blm

Antifa is against fascism and against racism. Hardly seems like some awful cause. Better than the kkk fascists of the alt right.
  • Haha
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I am totally against extremist whether they are Right or Left. BLM, KKK, Antifa, Proud Boys etc.. have no place in our society.t

Please don't defend Antifa.

Please don't compare blm and antifa to the kkk/proud boys. Not even close
And that doesn't contemplate Cori Bush rent stays etc. After one year of the Squad squawking we got inflation at a 40 year high and murders at a 30 year high. Ain't we got fun. My guess is Biden is catching on that their ideas aren't too bright

Oh and Sbx is raising its prices two more times this year over supply and labor issues
That was far from the only fiscal stimulus.
And that doesn't contemplate Cori Bush rent stays etc. After one year of the Squad squawking we got inflation at a 40 year high and murders at a 30 year high. Ain't we got fun. My guess is Biden is catching on that their ideas aren't too bright

Oh and Sbx is raising its prices two more times this year over supply and labor issues

my (virtual) wallet is going to be quite light by 2023
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I say we have The Squad nationalize them. Ghey coffeeshakes should be a right, not a privilege.
Mmhmm. A year with the Squad in charge and Starbucks will be more dangerous than a Russian prison and a shaken espresso will cost more than a bottle of wine
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Amazon Prime jumping another $20 per year as well. Not that I even know when that renews in my house. It’s a little off putting considering how much Amazon has made since the start of COVID.
That is so true re renewals. And I'm so stupid I have no idea what accounts half the shit comes out of so that I suspect we're subscribed multiple times to stuff.

Yes Amazon is killing it. Jeff Bezos. Pride of Palmetto High along with the great Kimbo Slice
I saw that about the bridge. What a douche
So since the actual subject of the thread is Cawthorn, and his decision to switch districts following the redistricting map created by the GOP controlled NC Legislature, it will be interesting to watch further developments in light of last night's finding by the NC SC that the plan was unconstitutional. The battle within the Court turned extremely acrimonious, with the dissenting GOP accusing the majority of "acting politically"...

Now that seems a pretty strange accusation, considering the GOP plan would have reshaped the political landscape to the extent that what is currently an 8-5 GOP Congressional delegation would likely become 10-4 or 11-3. Which would be fine if we were discussing Alabama or Mississippi, but would seem to be an outlier with regards to accurately representing the partisan divide in a state with a Dem Governor and Dem majority elected to the SC, and a Legislature which has basically used previous gerrymandering to create fiefdoms who don't feel they are responsible to the state as a whole...

The Charlotte Observer characterized the GOP dissent, led by Chief Justice Newby as an embarrassment, that amounted to a "judicial tantrum".

"The legal basis for Newby’s dissent is ludicrous in itself. Newby argues that since electoral maps are drawn by members of the General Assembly, who are chosen by voters, any judicial intervention in the redistricting process usurps the will of the people. a That’s head-scratching argument when the primary issue is that the maps drawn by Republicans all but guarantee that the legislature does not, in fact, represent the will of the people."

So I imagine this is a long way from playing out, and it's interesting to note that the question of whether Cawthorn is by law eligible to again run for office could end up in the SC as well. It doesn't look like he'll be able to just choose which cherrypicked district he wants to run in either, since it would appear the newly drawn 13th district he preferred no longer exists.

And after yesterday's Pence speech I feel like the implications for the upcoming GOP Senate Primary are pretty huge as well. Trump has endorsed and is all in on Ted Budd, but I could easily see the Primary becoming a possible early battle between Budd representing the pro-Big Lie Trump faction (which Cawthorn is heavily involved in) and McCrory possibly heading up the Pence team. Should be fun...
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So since the actual subject of the thread is Cawthorn, and his decision to switch districts following the redistricting map created by the GOP controlled NC Legislature, it will be interesting to watch further developments in light of last night's finding by the NC SC that the plan was unconstitutional. The battle within the Court turned extremely acrimonious, with the dissenting GOP accusing the majority of "acting politically"...

Now that seems a pretty strange accusation, considering the GOP plan would have reshaped the political landscape to the extent that what is currently an 8-5 GOP Congressional delegation would likely become 10-4 or 11-3. Which would be fine if we were discussing Alabama or Mississippi, but would seem to be an outlier with regards to accurately representing the partisan divide in a state with a Dem Governor and Dem majority elected to the SC, and a Legislature which has basically used previous gerrymandering to create fiefdoms who don't feel they are responsible to the state as a whole...

The Charlotte Observer characterized the GOP dissent, led by Chief Justice Newby as an embarrassment, that amounted to a "judicial tantrum".

"The legal basis for Newby’s dissent is ludicrous in itself. Newby argues that since electoral maps are drawn by members of the General Assembly, who are chosen by voters, any judicial intervention in the redistricting process usurps the will of the people. a That’s head-scratching argument when the primary issue is that the maps drawn by Republicans all but guarantee that the legislature does not, in fact, represent the will of the people."

So I imagine this is a long way from playing out, and it's interesting to note that the question of whether Cawthorn is by law eligible to again run for office could end up in the SC as well. It doesn't look like he'll be able to just choose which cherrypicked district he wants to run in either, since it would appear the newly drawn 13th district he preferred no longer exists.

And after yesterday's Pence speech I feel like the implications for the upcoming GOP Senate Primary are pretty huge as well. Trump has endorsed and is all in on Ted Budd, but I could easily see the Primary becoming a possible early battle between Budd representing the pro-Big Lie Trump faction (which Cawthorn is heavily involved in) and McCrory possibly heading up the Pence team. Should be fun...
Newby points out that the decision contradicts the Democrat controlled court’s 2019 ruling that they used to throw out NC’s previous Congressional map and force a redraw.

In 2019 when the Democrat controlled NC Supreme Court sided with Democrats & forced a redrawing of NC Congressional map they ruled that “partisan consideration & election data shall not be used for drawing of legislative districts”. The decision completely contradicts this.

The NC court ruled that “political fairness” & partisan consideration & election data must be used to achieve proportionality which is the exact opposite of what the court ruled 3 years ago in Common Clause v. Lewis when they sided with the Democrats.

The map the NC Court tossed was drawn based on the guidelines the Court set in its 2019 ruling. But since those guidelines no longer benefit the Democrat the court completely flip flopped the requirements & made up a new proportionality requirement out of thin air.

The complete hackishness & partisan power grab by Democrats on the NC Court is really something to behold. They flip flopped their reasoning & ruling from 1 redistricting case to the next depending on what helps the Democrats. If this isn’t grounds for impeachment not sure what is
I understand why with defund the police and the support of Antifa and let me add teaching critical race theory to our children. Remember the Antifa and BLM riots!

i live in the middle and it is very far from where the left is now.
The basic difference between Democrats and Republicans is that Democrats suck at politics.

Let me spell that out for you.

The Democrats have good intentions but they’re so stupid and freaking ignorant at politics that they end up having idiotic Talking points like defund the police, instead of jobs and the middle class.

Republicans by contrast are freaking smart at politics which is why with their bad intentions they’re leading us into a goddamn death spiral of this nation.
So since the actual subject of the thread is Cawthorn, and his decision to switch districts following the redistricting map created by the GOP controlled NC Legislature, it will be interesting to watch further developments in light of last night's finding by the NC SC that the plan was unconstitutional. The battle within the Court turned extremely acrimonious, with the dissenting GOP accusing the majority of "acting politically"...

Now that seems a pretty strange accusation, considering the GOP plan would have reshaped the political landscape to the extent that what is currently an 8-5 GOP Congressional delegation would likely become 10-4 or 11-3. Which would be fine if we were discussing Alabama or Mississippi, but would seem to be an outlier with regards to accurately representing the partisan divide in a state with a Dem Governor and Dem majority elected to the SC, and a Legislature which has basically used previous gerrymandering to create fiefdoms who don't feel they are responsible to the state as a whole...

The Charlotte Observer characterized the GOP dissent, led by Chief Justice Newby as an embarrassment, that amounted to a "judicial tantrum".

"The legal basis for Newby’s dissent is ludicrous in itself. Newby argues that since electoral maps are drawn by members of the General Assembly, who are chosen by voters, any judicial intervention in the redistricting process usurps the will of the people. a That’s head-scratching argument when the primary issue is that the maps drawn by Republicans all but guarantee that the legislature does not, in fact, represent the will of the people."

So I imagine this is a long way from playing out, and it's interesting to note that the question of whether Cawthorn is by law eligible to again run for office could end up in the SC as well. It doesn't look like he'll be able to just choose which cherrypicked district he wants to run in either, since it would appear the newly drawn 13th district he preferred no longer exists.

And after yesterday's Pence speech I feel like the implications for the upcoming GOP Senate Primary are pretty huge as well. Trump has endorsed and is all in on Ted Budd, but I could easily see the Primary becoming a possible early battle between Budd representing the pro-Big Lie Trump faction (which Cawthorn is heavily involved in) and McCrory possibly heading up the Pence team. Should be fun...

Gov. Cooper (D) is refusing to accept the legitimacy of a democratically elected legislature.
Like it or not, Cawthorn speaks the language and for the sentiments of a good many Americans.

They see enemies of what they believe our country stands for in our cities, at our borders, and around the globe.
Please don't compare blm and antifa to the kkk/proud boys. Not even close
Jesus. Grow up. Imagine thinking one side’s extremists are “worse” than the other. Man you are bad at this.

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I consider myself to be anti-fascist. I figure it's better than Profa.
Then you must have a very hard time deciding at the polls. The term fascist is so badly misused by the Left that the meaning doesn’t hold anymore. It’s now a made up word.
Then you must have a very hard time deciding at the polls. The term fascist is so badly misused by the Left that the meaning doesn’t hold anymore. It’s now a made up word.
I agree with this 1000%. I've been really confused and frustrated with the Left for cheapening the word. I'm not sure what they mean by it anymore other than "that policy is mean and I don't like it."

Here's an example: why would wanting voter ID laws (or even worse limiting the number of people who vote?) or being against abortion be considered "fascist?"

I agree with this 1000%. I've been really confused and frustrated with the Left for cheapening the word. I'm not sure what they mean by it anymore other than "that policy is mean and I don't like it."

Here's an example: why would wanting voter ID laws (or even worse limiting the number of people who vote?) or being against abortion be considered "fascist?"

Hint: it’s not
That is so true re renewals. And I'm so stupid I have no idea what accounts half the shit comes out of so that I suspect we're subscribed multiple times to stuff.

Yes Amazon is killing it. Jeff Bezos. Pride of Palmetto High along with the great Kimbo Slice
“Amazon quietly shuts downtown Seattle office where 1,800 work, citing skyrocketing violent crime and danger to employees”
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I saw that. Clueless local officials. Disconnected from reality
Arguably the biggest factor precipitating the rise of Trumpism is the democratic party replacing working class economics with the social justice war as a first priority. Social justice is a humanitarian issue and has no place in politics.
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