Madison Cawthorn debases himself and his party

The "America, Love It Or Leave It" sentiment is alive and well. Her being foreign born makes her a much larger target.
Stop with this bullshit Mark. If you find something where she compliments this country link it for me.

She does seem to have a problem knowing who she’s married to. I guess we have two classes of marriage in this country, legal marriage and religious marriage. Sounds like great way for her to have a harem of guys. 😂
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Particularly when a communist dictator is threatening a democratic and free society.
Who are you talking about here? Xi Jinping?

Putin isn't a communist and Russia isn't a communist state. It's a kleptocracy.
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He's got some creepy Nazi affinity that he has struggled to explain or shake off. He was dragged for talking so glowingly during a trip to Germany and visiting Nazi historical spots.

Maybe he's just a history buff.

His speech had a certain vibe. I guess everyone needs to be represented including those very fine people.

Anyway, I'm sure his troll made him a lot of money. Pwning Biden is pretty lucrative.

In regards to his statement, I'm more curious how the alt-right is leaning in on not caring about the spread of communism. Particularly when a communist dictator is threatening a democratic and free society.

The old Republican party would be firing up the military complex. The snowflake liberals were the ones protesting war moves.

Strange times indeed.

Besides Biden has actually handled this pretty well so far. He's gotten Nato committed and surrounding Ukraine and he's got severe economic sanctions at his fingertips that he has threatened if thier isn't a diplomatic solution.

Unlike Afghanistan, this one has been handled pretty well so far.
I think the guy sucks but his post clearly mentions the evil that used to haunt that place. Is this that difficult?
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I think the guy sucks but his post clearly mentions the evil that used to haunt that place. Is this that difficult?
Well, it's a bit weird. Would you go to Ground Zero and say it was "on your bucket list" and "it did not disappoint"
He is truly awful. Just like those you mentioned and also AOC, Schiff, etc for all the bullshit they tried to cram down our throats.
What do you consider the bullshit they tried to cram down our throats?
What do you consider the bullshit they tried to cram down our throats?
Really? Schiff? So you think the Russian investigation yielded as much fruit as Schiff promised and desperately wanted.

Really? AOC? How about anything she says - especially as it pertains to gender or race. I’d better stop or she’ll think I want to date her.
Can you provide a list of why you think Omar hates America?

If it’s just criticizing aspects of American government or society, that doesn’t equate to hate. She’s in Congress. Members of congress from both parties complain about (or defend) one area of law or the other every time the argue for or against new legislation.

She came here as a refugee and rose up. That’s a great success story. But she doesn’t need to be kissing anyones ass because of it or submissively sit back and not call out injustice as she sees it (regardless of whether you agree with her perspective). And she’s an American citizen, so the commentary by her opponents that she should fix her country first are going to age like milk left in the sun.

But as someone on here previously said, you complain constantly on here about government, the elected embodiment of the American public. So why do you hate America?
I have often said on here that I consider myself very fortunate to live in this great country, and I say a prayer of thanks every day. I have to come on here and read conservative posts to remind myself that we live in a shithole on the verge of collapse.
I have often said on here that I consider myself very fortunate to live in this great country, and I say a prayer of thanks every day. I have to come on here and read conservative posts to remind myself that we live in a shithole on the verge of collapse.
Some of us do bitch!
Some of us do bitch!
Of course it's not okay. I'm more fascinated by how our culture got to the point that we collectively decided it was. If aliens were watching our planet from space, they'd think there was really something seriously wrong with this country.
Ask Judge Bork or Justice Thomas, both of whom (or so I hear) take annual trips to certain a bridge in Chappaquiddick and ponder their fates.
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Once again showing the difference between us and the UK, this despicable display is a sideshow, and not a giant scandal.

I haven't heard of him before, but he seems like a real douche. He's a perfect example of someone that is not only too inexperienced to be in public office representing a significant constituency, but someone who's mentally incapable of doing so.

The trend of pathetic house members continues.
I don't know anything about her finances, but are you angry she found success? Isn't that why people come to our country?

Let's be clear, I root for anyone's success, with some narrow exceptions. Politicians that actively trade (GOP, Dems, etc.) and end up with significant increases in net worth while in office, are always in my "prove you made it without using your power and influence" camp.

Politicians funneling money from their constituents to their then Mister, now Husband, is included in those immediate exceptions. I don't care what level of level of consulting that spouse/significant other provides, that is the shadiest and most unethical pile of shit.
I have often said on here that I consider myself very fortunate to live in this great country, and I say a prayer of thanks every day. I have to come on here and read conservative posts to remind myself that we live in a shithole on the verge of collapse

Why post that? I am not a conservative but you are a shithole for posting inciteful rhetoric.
Why post that? I am not a conservative but you are a shithole for posting inciteful rhetoric.
Read some posts around here. See which ones are attacking the government. See which ones are predicting doom and gloom. See which ones are saying we are going downhill. See which ones are constantly pointing out the negatives.
I just calls 'em as I sees 'em.
Read some posts around here. See which ones are attacking the government. See which ones are predicting doom and gloom. See which ones are saying we are going downhill. See which ones are constantly pointing out the negatives.
I just calls 'em as I sees 'em.
Too much!
I'm sorry. It is not my day to explain simple things that you cannot understand. It's a short bus - walk to the front and ask the driver.
Okay, Floor, whatever. In my first post, I was joshing. Sorry your panties are in such a bind, and I apologize for forgetting what a humorless old windbag you are...only on here, of course.
Read some posts around here. See which ones are attacking the government. See which ones are predicting doom and gloom. See which ones are saying we are going downhill. See which ones are constantly pointing out the negatives.
I just calls 'em as I sees 'em.

Seems like a complete opposite from 2016-2020. I wonder why?
I don't know anything about her finances, but are you angry she found success? Isn't that why people come to our country?
I think the way she found success sucks. Salary for a Congresswoman is $175,000 a year. If Stoll's figures are accurate, she went from $45,000 in the red to $3 million in the black when her earnings from her job were $700,000. That is before taxes and expenses. So where did the other $2+ million come from?

This is not just a her thing either. Dan Crenshaw was whining about not being able to cash in if the stock trading rules were changed as well. But even if she was a pretty good investor, turning a few hundred thousand into a couple million in 4 years is really....lucky.
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I think the guy sucks but his post clearly mentions the evil that used to haunt that place. Is this that difficult?
He had some other stuff, I'll see if I can find it but mainly it's the subtle vibe of his posts of his trip.

There's a glee and excitement to it which is a weird thing to emote.

I would think there would be a more somber tone so his joy was a bit of dissonance.

He calls Hitler 'The Fuhrer', which again is creepy odd.

Here's some coverage of it that does a better job than I do including more posts from his trip (turns out he's got a real estate that he named SPQR which is supposedly a white nationalist term that I'm not aware of) so yeah.

Maybe it's just part of the new political playbook. I'm guessing he's made a boatload of cash.
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He had some other stuff, I'll see if I can find it but mainly it's the subtle vibe of his posts of his trip.

There's a glee and excitement to it which is a weird thing to emote.

I would think there would be a more somber tone so his joy was a bit of dissonance.

He calls Hitler 'The Fuhrer', which again is creepy odd.

Here's some coverage of it that does a better job than I do including more posts from his trip (turns out he's got a real estate that he named SPQR which is supposedly a white nationalist term that I'm not aware of) so yeah.

Maybe it's just part of the new political playbook. I'm guessing he's made a boatload of cash.

SPQR was a roman empire thing... although wasn't aware it was taken over for other stuff now.
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He had some other stuff, I'll see if I can find it but mainly it's the subtle vibe of his posts of his trip.

There's a glee and excitement to it which is a weird thing to emote.

I would think there would be a more somber tone so his joy was a bit of dissonance.

He calls Hitler 'The Fuhrer', which again is creepy odd.

Here's some coverage of it that does a better job than I do including more posts from his trip (turns out he's got a real estate that he named SPQR which is supposedly a white nationalist term that I'm not aware of) so yeah.

Maybe it's just part of the new political playbook. I'm guessing he's made a boatload of cash.
Was Masa his tour guide?
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