Madison Cawthorn debases himself and his party

I love this GIF.

Her current commercials promoting her new program show her lecturing some poor fool that stupidly agreed to have Judge Judy arbitrate his case as follows: "I'm the fairest person you'll ever meet in your life, bar none" (except that the promo didn't show Judge Judy rolling her eyes).

I would never agree for her to arbitrate any case of mine, unless Gloria All-dread was my lawyer -- you can't defeat the sisterhood without a powerhouse sister.
SPQR was a roman empire thing... although wasn't aware it was taken over for other stuff now.
I had to look it up and never heard of it.

I don't get how it relates to white nationalism but supposedly it's a thing and a popular symbol/tattoo for them.
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He had some other stuff, I'll see if I can find it but mainly it's the subtle vibe of his posts of his trip.

There's a glee and excitement to it which is a weird thing to emote.

I would think there would be a more somber tone so his joy was a bit of dissonance.

He calls Hitler 'The Fuhrer', which again is creepy odd.

Here's some coverage of it that does a better job than I do including more posts from his trip (turns out he's got a real estate that he named SPQR which is supposedly a white nationalist term that I'm not aware of) so yeah.

Maybe it's just part of the new political playbook. I'm guessing he's made a boatload of cash.
SPQR is Latin for the Senate And the Roman People. I think you’re tilting at windmills with this. His policy positions suck. Stick to that. Don’t find Racism where there might not be any.
I had to look it up and never heard of it.

I don't get how it relates to white nationalism but supposedly it's a thing and a popular symbol/tattoo for them.
It’s as white nationalist as the ok sign / catch you looking finger symbol. In other words - not.
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SPQR is Latin for the Senate And the Roman People. I think you’re tilting at windmills with this. His policy positions suck. Stick to that. Don’t find Racism where there might not be any.
As I'm doing simpleton Google searches on it the story is it was a prominent flag being waved at the Charlottesville rally.

That happened in 2017. Cawthorn founded his company in 2018.

There's chatter about how the neo-nazi movement is turning to more of a Roman romanticism vs German, since German is so easily identifiable?

Something to make a note of.


Admittingly this is probably just Ramsey theory at play (drawing conclusions from random events where it's impossible to not be able to make a story. Like constellations....there are so many stars it's impossible to not be able to connect random dots to make a shape).
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Why couldn't they soil the gauls with their crap instead?

and why bother changing? do they think other people are too dumb to realize they are still white nationals regardless of what symbols they try to use?
Why couldn't they soil the gauls with their crap instead?

and why bother changing? do they think other people are too dumb to realize they are still white nationals regardless of what symbols they try to use?
I'm guessing it's the fun of the secret password, symbols, exclusive club thing.

But you're right, it's not super difficult to spot extremist behavior.
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Soccer, hands down.
Negative. Soccer players have great names:

Fabian Assman
Danger Fourpence
David Goodwillie
Mark de Man
Bernt Haas
Argelico F*ucks
Chiqui Arce
Danny Invincible
Wolfgang Wolf
David Seaman
Paul Dickov
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This has been an interesting thread and I apologize for the tangent, but 'Madison Cawthorn' sounds like a name a 5th grader would make up for an assignment to write a fictitious story about a civil war era plantation owner in the south.
Or Porn name. Either way it’s bad.
I'm guessing it's the fun of the secret password, symbols, exclusive club thing.

But you're right, it's not super difficult to spot extremist behavior.
So is your hypothesis that Madison Cawthorn is a white nationalist extremist?
I think the way she found success sucks. Salary for a Congresswoman is $175,000 a year. If Stoll's figures are accurate, she went from $45,000 in the red to $3 million in the black when her earnings from her job were $700,000. That is before taxes and expenses. So where did the other $2+ million come from?

This is not just a her thing either. Dan Crenshaw was whining about not being able to cash in if the stock trading rules were changed as well. But even if she was a pretty good investor, turning a few hundred thousand into a couple million in 4 years is really....lucky.
Which is why everyone should support the stock trading rules. Even Nancy Pelosi.
I think the way she found success sucks. Salary for a Congresswoman is $175,000 a year. If Stoll's figures are accurate, she went from $45,000 in the red to $3 million in the black when her earnings from her job were $700,000. That is before taxes and expenses. So where did the other $2+ million come from?

This is not just a her thing either. Dan Crenshaw was whining about not being able to cash in if the stock trading rules were changed as well. But even if she was a pretty good investor, turning a few hundred thousand into a couple million in 4 years is really....lucky.

Damn near all are involved in insider trading.

Lock up the whole bunch, no bail, and make them prove their innocence prior to release.
Unconstitutional? So what. F all politicians in DC.
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Have any of you seen the polls lately?

This administration is a clown show with most likely the worst president in U.S history. Posting about a rookie in congress or vilifying a bunch trespassers won’t change those facts.
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So is your hypothesis that Madison Cawthorn is a white nationalist extremist?
Ehhh he's got some vibes.

Would it surprise me if he

That of course doesn't mean anything but I believe a vibe is much worse than a look.

For example, Steve Buscemi has a creepy look (which he's played very well in the roles that he plays) but is believed to be a really good dude.

A vibe is more than a look.

Still doesn't mean anything other than feels but it would help Madison's vibe if he stopped leaning into it (if he is at all concerned), but he doesn't.
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Have any of you seen the polls lately?

This administration is a clown show with most likely the worst president in U.S history. Posting about a rookie in congress or vilifying a bunch trespassers won’t change those facts.
You see the jobs report today? What are your thoughts on making martyrs and heroes of the rioters? What facts exactly are you referring to?
Have any of you seen the polls lately?

This administration is a clown show with most likely the worst president in U.S history. Posting about a rookie in congress or vilifying a bunch trespassers won’t change those facts.
I can say this much, he’s the first president since 2008 to have a year with 3% GDP growth for a full year. Which, if you may remember, was the most important thing ever to conservative media at one time. I’m surprised Fox News doesn’t talk about this any more.
I can say this much, he’s the first president since 2008 to have a year with 3% GDP growth for a full year. Which, if you may remember, was the most important thing ever to conservative media at one time. I’m surprised Fox News doesn’t talk about this any more.
Inflation and gas. Then people will be happy. I still think Biden will pull farther and farther from Squad politics and be fine. This week was the start
Inflation and gas. Then people will be happy. I still think Biden will pull farther and farther from Squad politics and be fine. This week was the start
I don’t think either of those (or GDP growth for that matter) are controlled by the president. They just get the credit/blame.

So it goes.
I don’t think either of those (or GDP growth for that matter) are controlled by the president. They just get the credit/blame.

So it goes.
Policy contributes to both. Overheating the economy through endless stim contributed to inflation
Policy contributes to both. Overheating the economy through endless stim contributed to inflation
Well, the vast majority of the fiscal stimulus over the last two years wasn’t under Biden. On top of trillion dollar deficits in the preceding years during “the greatest economy of all time” which would have Keyenes rolling over in his grave.

So I still don’t see how it’s all Biden’s fault, or all Trump’s fault, or all Congress’s fault, or all the Fed’s fault. It’s a team game. But it’s easier for people to blame a singular person than considering the whole chess board.
Well, the vast majority of the fiscal stimulus over the last two years wasn’t under Biden. On top of trillion dollar deficits in the preceding years during “the greatest economy of all time” which would have Keyenes rolling over in his grave.

So I still don’t see how it’s all Biden’s fault, or all Trump’s fault, or all Congress’s fault, or all the Fed’s fault. It’s a team game. But it’s easier for people to blame a singular person than considering the whole chess board.
Unemployment extended benefits, rent stays, student loan stays, foreclosure stays, ppp, stimulus checks, tax credits as monthly checks made people flush. No bills and new money in a short period of time artificially tampered the market. Add savings from not going out. Now they really had extra dough. So they stayed home and ordered shit which contributed to both inflation and supply chain issues (labor). You're speaking in generalities. I'm giving you specifics

The free cheese ended and we are already seeing the benefits. People are going back to work. Keep it up and in time we will get back to normal. Let AOC and Cori Bush drive policy and we are fooked

The Squad gave us an assault on cops and a relentless push for free money and bill stays. We got a 30 year high in murders and a 40 year high in inflation
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Have any of you seen the polls lately?

This administration is a clown show with most likely the worst president in U.S history. Posting about a rookie in congress or vilifying a bunch trespassers won’t change those facts.

We just got rid of the worst know the one that tried to overturn the will of the people by any means necessary
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Stimulus isn't some kind of surgical strike. It's more like a sawed off shotgun than a rifle.
Yeah for sure. And that's okay. And good came from it and some unintended consequences. Now it's time to let our stomachs settle
As I'm doing simpleton Google searches on it the story is it was a prominent flag being waved at the Charlottesville rally.

That happened in 2017. Cawthorn founded his company in 2018.

There's chatter about how the neo-nazi movement is turning to more of a Roman romanticism vs German, since German is so easily identifiable?

Something to make a note of.


Admittingly this is probably just Ramsey theory at play (drawing conclusions from random events where it's impossible to not be able to make a story. Like constellations....there are so many stars it's impossible to not be able to connect random dots to make a shape).

It certainly seems potentially questionable, but here is what the ADL's foremost authority had to say:

But Mark Pitcavage, a senior research fellow for the Anti-Defamation League’s Center on Extremism, said the Betsy Ross flag, the SPQR abbreviation and Spartan helmet are not included in the league’s database of hate symbols. Pitcavage said while there are examples of their use by white supremacists, or in the case of the helmet by antigovernment or firearms activists, they are used “just as much or more often by nonextremists than extremists.”

Without specifically evaluating Cawthorn, he said: “Based on those specific things, I don’t think someone can make a good case that the person (using them) is an extremist.”
Well, the vast majority of the fiscal stimulus over the last two years wasn’t under Biden. On top of trillion dollar deficits in the preceding years during “the greatest economy of all time” which would have Keyenes rolling over in his grave.

So I still don’t see how it’s all Biden’s fault, or all Trump’s fault, or all Congress’s fault, or all the Fed’s fault. It’s a team game. But it’s easier for people to blame a singular person than considering the whole chess board.

To be clear, it 100% is not any single person or institutions fault. That being said, there were questions about a the need for a second fiscal stimulus, let alone further beyond that. IIRC, Biden was even pushing for a fourth, but it failed to make headway.
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By and large it’s only conservatives who are talking about Civil War, impending, and they mean it.
I understand why with defund the police and the support of Antifa and let me add teaching critical race theory to our children. Remember the Antifa and BLM riots!

i live in the middle and it is very far from where the left is now.
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