Madison Cawthorn debases himself and his party

Joe would have invited him.

Not only does Cawthorn not associate with any Dems, but he referred to people he grew up admiring. He was definitely talking Pubs...

Also this is more than a little "kettle black" indulgence from Cawthorn, based on all the folks who came forward to claim he wantonly abused and harassed women in college...

Not only does Cawthorn not associate with any Dems, but he referred to people he grew up admiring. He was definitely talking Pubs...

Also this is more than a little "kettle black" indulgence from Cawthorn, based on all the folks who came forward to claim he wantonly abused and harassed women in college...

Sounds like a typical DC Congressman.

Did he ever swim nude in front of female Secret Service agents?

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But what about…. ( it’s one of your favorite sayings so you probably shouldn’t do it. Since you felt the need…. What about Matt Gaetz?
What is it like in your world? Not this post but I mean overall? To be you living in your dreamland of politics as Zeke sees them ?
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What about him?
He fits all of the criteria Cawthorn is discussing in this bromance tape from Warrior Poet Society. I'm posting the actual video sans any outside political commentary, and you can clearly see why McCarthy is the one meeting with Cawthorn to discuss his comments...

In the first 5 minutes Cawthorn details that he's been a fan of this right wing channel for 5 yrs, and that he was shocked to find people he looked up to and had admired all of his adult life inviting him to an orgy. There is no point that Cawthorn ever admired any Democrats, and besides if he was referring to Democrats he'd come out and name them...

More pointing towards Gaetz, who is probably the most politically in synch Congressman with Cawthorn's ideology? At about the 3.5-4 min mark he mentions how disillusioned he was to find out that some of the folks who he felt were leading the battle against "addiction" were hypocrites who snorted coke right in front of him...
Now go back and read some of the claims made by folks involved in the Gaetz case, especially Matt's good buddy (Joel Greenberg) who he appointed to the position of tax collector. Greenberg volunteered Gaetz's name to save his own skin, but up until that point no one felt there was any connection between Greenberg's crimes and Gaetz...

Now remember what Cawthorn said about people he thought were leading the fight against addiction? So check out these articles regarding Gaetz and the battle vs opioids which all preceded Cawthorn's election to Congress.
Lot's of connections that could be very credibly drawn here..."Addiction reform" is basically Gaetz's pet project...

And you can't have articles discussing Gaetz, without pointing out his penchant for lying...
Whatever you think of her, she's better at the socials than anybody else on the hill.

I sure as hell wouldn't engage her on that ground.
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He fits all of the criteria Cawthorn is discussing in this bromance tape from Warrior Poet Society. I'm posting the actual video sans any outside political commentary, and you can clearly see why McCarthy is the one meeting with Cawthorn to discuss his comments...

In the first 5 minutes Cawthorn details that he's been a fan of this right wing channel for 5 yrs, and that he was shocked to find people he looked up to and had admired all of his adult life inviting him to an orgy. There is no point that Cawthorn ever admired any Democrats, and besides if he was referring to Democrats he'd come out and name them...

More pointing towards Gaetz, who is probably the most politically in synch Congressman with Cawthorn's ideology? At about the 3.5-4 min mark he mentions how disillusioned he was to find out that some of the folks who he felt were leading the battle against "addiction" were hypocrites who snorted coke right in front of him...
Now go back and read some of the claims made by folks involved in the Gaetz case, especially Matt's good buddy (Joel Greenberg) who he appointed to the position of tax collector. Greenberg volunteered Gaetz's name to save his own skin, but up until that point no one felt there was any connection between Greenberg's crimes and Gaetz...

Now remember what Cawthorn said about people he thought were leading the fight against addiction? So check out these articles regarding Gaetz and the battle vs opioids which all preceded Cawthorn's election to Congress.
Lot's of connections that could be very credibly drawn here..."Addiction reform" is basically Gaetz's pet project...

And you can't have articles discussing Gaetz, without pointing out his penchant for lying...
So you can't show where it's been proven that Gaetz has done anything wrong. All gossip and rumors.

That's what I thought.
You must know all about them. I've never heard of them.

Did Gaetz turn you down or something?

No, not into guys but I am too old for him anyway. I am over 18.

I am shocked he wouldn't take you though since you have the maturity of a kid.

So you will support a known pedo and claim ignorance but throw dems under the bus over mere rumor
So you can't show where it's been proven that Gaetz has done anything wrong. All gossip and rumors.

That's what I thought.
Moving the goal posts again? You asked why it might have been Gaetz that Cawthorn was talking about ,and I answered the question you posed...

For somebody who is all in on the Hunter Biden issue it's strange for you to act as if my speculation regarding Gaetz is any less realistic than your speculation regarding HB. We already have knowledge of an ACTUAL crime being charged and a suspect admitting his own responsibility and pointing a finger towards Gaetz as well. Joel Greenberg has admitted his guilt to some of the charges, and he is the one who drew Gaetz in to the circle of alleged culprits in the first place...

There isn't anything close to a criminal charge being levelled yet towards HB, and if he is ever charged with a crime and indicted he'll have to provide his own defense at that point in time...He's not an elected official and I never plan on voting for him, so I consider him irrelevant compared to a US Congressman. The issue would likely never have come up, except for a person Gaetz blessed with political patronage being charged with a crime and bringing Gaetz's name in to the mix...

I tend to believe Greenberg because he's a Gaetz sycophant who owes his job to Gaetz in the first place. Not sure it would make a lot of sense for him to fabricate Gaetz's involvement, since the end result would be to alienate an "innocent" Gaetz. Why lose your place in the MAGA universe over an outright lie? But motivations are subjective, so maybe Greenberg was jealous of his buddy Matt? I guess that's how you see things?

If Gaetz is never charged then his fate will remain in the hands of the voters who choose whether or not to vote for him. But your post is a strawman (shocker, I know) because I never once claimed that Gaetz had been charged with a crime, much less that he was found guilty...I believe he's guilty, just like you believe HB is guilty of whatever offense you see taking place. But I never claimed that Gaetz had been found guilty of anything...
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Will you give Hunter Biden the same benefit of the doubt?
Sure, if the investigation shows him to be innocent, I'll proclaim him to be as innocent as you do of Trump being innocent of Russian Collusion!
Moving the goal posts again? You asked why it might have been Gaetz that Cawthorn was talking about ,and I answered the question you posed...

For somebody who is all in on the Hunter Biden issue it's strange for you to act as if my speculation regarding Gaetz is any less realistic than your speculation regarding HB. We already have knowledge of an ACTUAL crime being charged and a suspect admitting his own responsibility and pointing a finger towards Gaetz as well. Joel Greenberg has admitted his guilt to some of the charges, and he is the one who drew Gaetz in to the circle of alleged culprits in the first place...

There isn't anything close to a criminal charge being levelled yet towards HB, and if he is ever charged with a crime and indicted he'll have to provide his own defense at that point in time...He's not an elected official and I never plan on voting for him, so I consider him irrelevant compared to a US Congressman. The issue would likely never have come up, except for a person Gaetz blessed with political patronage being charged with a crime and bringing Gaetz's name in to the mix...

I tend to believe Greenberg because he's a Gaetz sycophant who owes his job to Gaetz in the first place. Not sure it would make a lot of sense for him to fabricate Gaetz's involvement, since the end result would be to alienate an "innocent" Gaetz. Why lose your place in the MAGA universe over an outright lie? But motivations are subjective, so maybe Greenberg was jealous of his buddy Matt? I guess that's how you see things?

If Gaetz is never charged then his fate will remain in the hands of the voters who choose whether or not to vote for him. But your post is a strawman (shocker, I know) because I never once claimed that Gaetz had been charged with a crime, much less that he was found guilty...I believe he's guilty, just like you believe HB is guilty of whatever offense you see taking place. But I never claimed that Gaetz had been found guilty of anything...
No, not moving the goalposts at all. I assume you had some proof that Gaetz is guilty of.... something. You couldn't.

Besides, I asked Zeke what about Gaetz. Notice she's at least smart enough to not answer.
No, not into guys but I am too old for him anyway. I am over 18.

I am shocked he wouldn't take you though since you have the maturity of a kid.

So you will support a known pedo and claim ignorance but throw dems under the bus over mere rumor
Convicting someone of gossip is the height of immaturity, so don't lecture me about maturity.

You and the others are obsessed with Gaetz because, well, he's your latest whipping boy.

Meanwhile, Eric Swalwell sleeps with Chinese agents and not a peep from you about it.
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No, not moving the goalposts at all. I assume you had some proof that Gaetz is guilty of.... something. You couldn't.

Besides, I asked Zeke what about Gaetz. Notice she's at least smart enough to not answer.

Tell you what, you shut up about Hunter until he's convicted and I'll not say anything about Gaetz until he's convicted. Deal?
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Tell you what, you shut up about Hunter until he's convicted and I'll not say anything about Gaetz until he's convicted. Deal?
Why should I do that? I heard from you morons for over 4 years about Trump.

Now, you get to hear about Hunter.

I don't give 2 shits about Gaetz. But you all are on your fainting couches for something that happens all the time in DC and raises no objection from you. Clinton on the Lolita Express? Eh, just boys having fun
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Tell you what, you shut up about Hunter until he's convicted and I'll not say anything about Gaetz until he's convicted. Deal?
Gaetz is quite the party boy and the subject of a federal investigation for sex trafficking. Gaetz's friend and associate, Joel Greenberg, has already pled to six federal crimes, including sex trafficking, and agreed to cooperate in the expanding investigation. His sentencing has been delayed on multiple occasions as the feds continue to use him. If I were Matt, I'd be worried.

Hunter Biden is reportedly under investigation by the DOJ.

I think the odds are better than 50-50 that grand juries return indictments against both, followed by plea deals.
He made it all up. Just talking shit. Dude has no business in Congress.

I think this is a fair point to make, regarding the GOP outrage over Cawthorn making GOP members uncomfortable. One of the least offensive things he's said was this recent lie. But all his calls to incite riots, his recent attack on Zelensky as a "thug" and all the lies he's told for the past 2 yrs never prompted a rebuke from McCarthy. But now, when he makes claims about fellow Pubs engaging in sex orgies or doing "key bumps"- NOW his lies and outrageous behavior are a problem?

I don't enjoy many of the guest panelists who visit TYT, and in this case I'd prefer to just listen to Iadarola, who usually makes sense. But aside from that, this commentary is worthwhile because they nail the reason McCarthy couldn't sweep this under the rug. He was getting pressure from members, who were being faced with angry constituents asking them if Cawthorn was talking about them, or if they were aware of these types of goings on...
I think this is a fair point to make, regarding the GOP outrage over Cawthorn making GOP members uncomfortable. One of the least offensive things he's said was this recent lie. But all his calls to incite riots, his recent attack on Zelensky as a "thug" and all the lies he's told for the past 2 yrs never prompted a rebuke from McCarthy. But now, when he makes claims about fellow Pubs engaging in sex orgies or doing "key bumps"- NOW his lies and outrageous behavior are a problem?

I don't enjoy many of the guest panelists who visit TYT, and in this case I'd prefer to just listen to Iadarola, who usually makes sense. But aside from that, this commentary is worthwhile because they nail the reason McCarthy couldn't sweep this under the rug. He was getting pressure from members, who were being faced with angry constituents asking them if Cawthorn was talking about them, or if they were aware of these types of goings on...
Since this is a thread about Cawthorn outing himself as an idiot...

I actually think these kind of stunts where he sounds like an idiot and gives people an insight into what kind of clowns will be running things if the Pubs gain power in Nov are the best ads the Dems can hope for.

Since this is a thread about Cawthorn outing himself as an idiot...

I actually think these kind of stunts where he sounds like an idiot and gives people an insight into what kind of clowns will be running things if the Pubs gain power in Nov are the best ads the Dems can hope for.

LMAO have you been asleep for the last year? I'd take a collection of fifth graders over what we've witnessed the last year from the Dems. The Dems are in control of gov at this point and I truly would choose sortition over them - in a heartbeat
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Since this is a thread about Cawthorn outing himself as an idiot...

I actually think these kind of stunts where he sounds like an idiot and gives people an insight into what kind of clowns will be running things if the Pubs gain power in Nov are the best ads the Dems can hope for.

Since this is a thread about Cawthorn outing himself as an idiot...

I actually think these kind of stunts where he sounds like an idiot and gives people an insight into what kind of clowns will be running things if the Pubs gain power in Nov are the best ads the Dems can hope for.

I do want to congratulate you on making a semi-coherent post for once.

It's wrong, but at least you've shown you can communicate in less that 10,000 words of gobbledeegook.

Credit where credit is due.
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LMAO have you been asleep for the last year? I'd take a collection of fifth graders over what we've witnessed the last year from the Dems. The Dems are in control of gov at this point and I truly would choose sortition over them - in a heartbeat
Learn something new every day - don't think I've ever heard (or read) the word "sortition" before. And here I thought you meant to type "sedition." ROFL ;)
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No, not moving the goalposts at all. I assume you had some proof that Gaetz is guilty of.... something. You couldn't.

Besides, I asked Zeke what about Gaetz. Notice she's at least smart enough to not answer.
You can google the articles as well as I can. Charges haven’t been filed YET.
You can google the articles as well as I can. Charges haven’t been filed YET.
Sure. I hope you have been holding your breathe.

I like how you try to get me to prove your point. You aren't used to being questioned as a teacher, are you?
Learn something new every day - don't think I've ever heard (or read) the word "sortition" before. And here I thought you meant to type "sedition." ROFL ;)
Oh he's got ALL the words. MFer dropped a casual "abstruse" in here the other day. Broke my brain.
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Oh he's got ALL the words. MFer dropped a casual "abstruse" in here the other day. Broke my brain.
Learn something new every day - don't think I've ever heard (or read) the word "sortition" before. And here I thought you meant to typed "sedition." ROFL ;)
Yeah but it's fool's gold. I still don't know the difference between trademark and copyright
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