Sorry, Marv, but what you're arguing is that "it's all just in your mind. This feeling you have is your fault because you haven't 'reset your price point and moved on.'" That dog won't hunt in the political sphere.
I wonder if you'd feel the same way in relation to other issues? "Oh you think college costs too much? Well, it's not coming back down, so just reset your price point in your head and go to that community college instead of your dream school." Or why not apply the same reasoning to the other side of the equation--income: "Oh, social security benefits were cut? Quit crying about it and just reset your expectations and move on. No point letting it affect you."
Regarding why people aren't resetting, it's because inflation is supposed to be (we think of it as or are accustomed to it being) gradual. One can both psychologically and financially deal with gradual change. Increase the amplitude or frequency of the change, though, and humans have a hard time adjusting. That's what we are seeing in the polling data--people still haven't adjusted to the quick, large increase in cost of living (which they refer to as inflation).
The difference is there are things we can do to reset the cost of college. Do we really need a Dean of Fonts, Dean for all uses of Purple, Dean of Hardwood Floors? We can at least somewhat change the cost of college. Some of it is problematic, kids want to live in apartments and not dorms and they want to see new tech. That will all cost more than what we had. But the amount of administration is, well, quite high.
I don't know how we change the cost of all these other things. I know some places have come out with new, cheaper, value meals as one example of businesses trying to make a profit from lowering prices. I don't know what government can do to drive prices down.
Both major candidates want to overspend. We probably agree on that. Once again I'll tout the freeze idea. I think it would help lower future inflation, won't bring one item down by one cent though.
I am personally convinced massive tariffs will be massively bad for inflation, but I know many on here are certain that prices won't be impacted. So at a minimum there is no chance a 100% tariff will lower consumer prices.
What is the old prayer, “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.” We can change rate of inflation in the future, but nothing is bringing prices down short of a major catastrophe. 2% has been the goal for a long time, I don't see 2% as evil today. A growing economy is going to have inflation. Especially one that is severely worker bound.
I am saying be mad about 2021-22. I haven't defended it at all. But have the wisdom to know we cannot change it.