Kamala Harris booked exclusive interview with Brett Baier on Fox

I don’t know what he said about the laptop.

But keep in mind that many media people were taking their cues from intelligence veterans who punked them (and the rest of us) by declaring publicly that they believed the laptop was a Russian plant.

It still amazes me that these people (Brennan, Clapper, Morell, Hayden, Panetta, etal) are treated as credible…by the very same media they duped.

It makes you wonder if nobody in the press actually believed them to begin with…but just went with it out of a sense of duty in seeing Trump defeated.
While I don't think your post is incendiary, I do think the term "punked" is a misnomer. Keep an eye on the trial of Alexander Smirnov, the FBI "informant" who has admitted to inventing the whole Biden/Ukraine bribe nonsense. He's also made comments to investigators regarding Hunter's Laptop based on his meetings with Russian Military Intelligence and their instructions to him...

We know the Russians were aware of the laptop, based on testimony Lev Parnas has provided. Parnas has described a 2019 meeting where he Rudy and others were given info by Vitaly Pruss...

"According to Parnas, a Zlochevsky associate named Vitaly Pruss told Giuliani during the May 30th meeting that the Burisma founder had the allegedly derogatory information and was willing to give it to Giuliani if he could help the oligarch curry favor with the Justice Department.

It’s not clear how Zlochevsky would have gotten the Hunter Biden material he was allegedly trying to leverage, or whether the material is the same as what was first published by the Post. But Parnas says Pruss suggested Hunter Biden’s devices were compromised on a trip he took to Kazakhstan with Hunter Biden in 2014."

Lev Parnas has elaborated on the deragatory info Pruss provided to Rudy...

"Giuliani was first told about the existence of explicit photos — which he said included pictures of Hunter Biden with a crack pipe in his mouth and engaging in sexual acts — and private communications pertaining to Hunter and Joe Biden on May 30, 2019"...

Now I'm not saying the Russians definitely altered the data. But this info was provided by Lev in 2020, and you certainly never saw Rudy sue Lev for defamation.And now in 2024 Smirnov has told investigators that he was also aware of the laptop and had learned of it thru his Russian employers...

At the very least it shows there were legitimate concerns about the authenticity of the info on the laptop (which is IIRC essentially a hard drive). The same people who believe that Mueller and his report exonnerated Trump (like DANC) are the same ones going whole hog on this "laptop conspiracy".

There were reasons the FBI/DOJ (headed up by Trump appointees) were suspicious of Smirnov back in 2020 and resisted calls from the GOP to release the DF-1023. Smirnov submitted regarding Biden.And if both the FBI and DOJ (under Trump) had concerns about the legitimacy of Smirnov and consequently the info he provided, I don't think it makes sense to accuse the retired Security officials (many of whom had the same connections) for wanting to limit a possible Russian disinformation campaign. It certainly doesn't seem appropriate to accuse them of "duping" the media...

According to Lev the Russians first knew of the existence of the laptop and had hacked it's contents as far back as 2014. Rudy first became aware of the laptop in May 2019 and the laptop became public subsequent to that.

Like I said,keep an eye on Smirnov's trial...

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She's not remotely qualified and you can see the stress is taking over. She's about to implode.

This is so dumb. I wonder if Johnny MAGA remembers this:

What Trump signed was a 2018 law, the VA MISSION Act, that modified and expanded the eligibility criteria from the Choice program. Rather than tout that bill, Trump has claimed over and over that he created Veterans Choice itself – after others had failed for “50 years.”

“Why do you keep saying that you passed Veterans Choice?” CBS News White House correspondent Paula Reid asked Trump at the Saturday news conference, during which Trump announced executive actions on coronavirus relief.

As Trump tried to call on another reporter instead, Reid continued, “You said that you passed Veterans Choice. It was passed in 2014…it was a false statement, sir.”

Trump paused, then responded: “OK. Thank you very much, everybody.” He then walked away as the song “YMCA” played.

And that was only the FIRST example of many of Trump slinking off from a press conference and not taking questions. Maybe you were referencing the fact that she walked off without taking questions WITHOUT 'YMCA' playing her off?
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Haha. You're super fun, mcm. Nobody goes personal more than you (as evidenced by the post I'm responding to.) Nine sentences. Three personal attacks. One fact (41 year high). Your noise to signal ratio is very high.

The simple truth is that the numbers at the end of the Biden Presidency look very much like the numbers in the Trump Presidency just before Covid.
Lmao you started it and are doing the same to brad. Like others you are highly partisan adopt untenable positions then when confronted get triggered. Per usual u can go F your dumb self. Woke idiot
Haha. You're super fun, mcm. Nobody goes personal more than you (as evidenced by the post I'm responding to.) Nine sentences. Three personal attacks. One fact (41 year high). Your noise to signal ratio is very high.

The simple truth is that the numbers at the end of the Biden Presidency look very much like the numbers in the Trump Presidency just before Covid.
Save now prices are through the roof and we have ten million immigrants running around and an absurd nonconfined docket. And remember the bs happened when Dems had control. If you had an ounce of objectivity you’d recognize same
Well, I suspect we have similar definitions of "worse shape", but we definitely have different opinions about what the candidates and what they will bring. Your late night rants sound fatalistic to me, but maybe just needlessly cynical will do.
I'll give you bourbon tinged, but not fatalistic.
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Use of "triggering" and "sensitive" here is, again, condescending. Just stick to the substance and stop with the psychoanalyzing. I didn't attack you personally; I referenced the words you used. I deserve the same respect.

You'll just have to take it at face value that people aren't all seeing increased wage growth and are feeling the pain of the increased cost of living in the country. Stop and think about what the data you've given represents and you'll realize it--composite averages hide a lot.
I apologize for the offense I've given. I don't intend to be condescending and you telling me that I'm being condescending is attacking me personally. I'm sure I'll get over it though. I have tons of respect for you. I just don't know how to describe how you assess your situation other than describing it as how you feel about it. Is "how you assess your situation" better? If so, that's what I'll use.

Obviously there are people in the economy who are feeling different degrees of pain or pleasure from their situation. I'd welcome something more than composite averages to discuss, but right now all I have to work with is how individual people assess their situation, which has its own shortcomings when trying to consider effective policy. And looking for more effective policy is what we're both after, right?
Save now prices are through the roof and we have ten million immigrants running around and an absurd nonconfined docket. And remember the bs happened when Dems had control. If you had an ounce of objectivity you’d recognize same
Sure, mcm. When you introduce yourself to objectivity, tell it that hoosboot says hi.
Lmao you started it and are doing the same to brad. Like others you are highly partisan adopt untenable positions then when confronted get triggered. Per usual u can go F your dumb self. Woke idiot
Shucks. Three sentences. 5 personal attacks. Zero facts. Your ratios keep getting worse. So much noise, so little signal. That's usually where you end up when someone calls you on your dishonest arguments.
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Shucks. Three sentences. 5 personal attacks. Zero facts. Your ratios keep getting worse. So much noise, so little signal. That's usually where you end up when someone calls you on your dishonest arguments.
What do you want inflation charts?
Border numbers?

Trump vs Biden.

Don’t post in bad faith. Or are you pretending you haven’t seen them a thousand times and are just a willfully ignorant party cuck?

Keep your progressive rot in calif
Ah! We should have started there. That's something we can find tons of common ground on. What's your preferred bottle?
I enjoy Basil Hayden quite a bit, but last night, it was a couple of fingers of Bulliet.

I'm not much of a collector; I'm more of a buy-and-drink-it kind of guy. In addition to those 2, I've got opened bottles of 4 Roses single, Frey Ranch and Weller's special Reserve. A buddy gave me a bottle of Eagle Rare that we'll get into when IUFB goes bowling again.
Right a Hollywood calif wokeee likes Harris and think she’s smart. Shocker.
Harris uses something I like to call "McKinsey Speak". She talks like every self-important liberal arts graduate who works in middle management does. They think of themselves as smart, so Harris must be smart because she speaks like them. It's why college grads go for her in large numbers.
The whole inflation argument is a nonstarter. Core inflation excludes housing, food, energy, cars, and interest rates. These are items that soak up all paychecks every month, have materially increased under Biden policies, and are causing distress for millions .

Biden’s crazy out of control spending in his first couple of years put way too much cash in the system and as a result the price of various assets, which aren’t part of inflation, went kaboom.
CoH, not so sure the exclusions in your post are accurate. This link explains how the Consumer Price Index is calculated, and in part states...

The CPI is constructed each month using 80,000 items in a fixed basket of goods and services representing what Americans buy in their everyday lives—from gasoline at the pump and apples at the grocery store to cable TV fees and doctor visits. The BLS uses a survey of American families called the Consumer Expenditures Survey to determine which items go in the basket and how much weight to assign to each item. Different prices are weighted according to how important they are to the average consumer. For instance, Americans spend more on chicken than tofu, so changes in the price of chicken have a greater impact on the CPI.
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Harris uses something I like to call "McKinsey Speak". She talks like every self-important liberal arts graduate who works in middle management does. They think of themselves as smart, so Harris must be smart because she speaks like them. It's why college grads go for her in large numbers.
It’s a Fing joke. 2 seconds you can tell she’s devoid of depth and understanding
I apologize for the offense I've given. I don't intend to be condescending and you telling me that I'm being condescending is attacking me personally. I'm sure I'll get over it though. I have tons of respect for you. I just don't know how to describe how you assess your situation other than describing it as how you feel about it. Is "how you assess your situation" better? If so, that's what I'll use.

Obviously there are people in the economy who are feeling different degrees of pain or pleasure from their situation. I'd welcome something more than composite averages to discuss, but right now all I have to work with is how individual people assess their situation, which has its own shortcomings when trying to consider effective policy. And looking for more effective policy is what we're both after, right?
Thank you for the apology. I don't know why you can't just accept it if someone you respect says "Hey, that doesn't apply to me" that they are telling you the truth.

Re the data, here's some more specific stuff (pedants: notice how this article combines four years worth of COL increase and calls it "inflation" :) ):

If one doesn't spend much in the bottom four categories, but spends a very high % of their budget on the top 4, you can see that inflation is even worse for them. Given those categories, it's obvious to me that the 40% of people reporting a worse financial situation are probably in that category.

For the wage growth, averages don't mean that every single person in the country has seen that amount of growth. It could be that the top 10% have seen fabulous wage growth, which is pushing everyone else up. Or, it could be that wage growth is high in one sector, but nonexistent in another. Yet, inflation is pretty much a nationwide phenomena in the categories linked above. So again, it makes sense that a lot of people might not have experienced enough wage growth that offsets the inflation they have experienced.

Finally, not everyone earns their income from wages. Those of us who run small businesses are not counted in this.

And I'm not even sure that article takes into account the higher interest rates on business loans over the last few years. It can be quite the squeeze.

I enjoy Basil Hayden quite a bit, but last night, it was a couple of fingers of Bulliet.

I'm not much of a collector; I'm more of a buy-and-drink-it kind of guy. In addition to those 2, I've got opened bottles of 4 Roses single, Frey Ranch and Weller's special Reserve. A buddy gave me a bottle of Eagle Rare that we'll get into when IUFB goes bowling again.
All that is good stuff! I'm not a collector either. I like to buy a bottle and drink it and then find a different bottle to try. So many different good bourbons to get into! And you'll get your chance at that Eagle Rare in the next couple of months!
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I enjoy Basil Hayden quite a bit, but last night, it was a couple of fingers of Bulliet.

I'm not much of a collector; I'm more of a buy-and-drink-it kind of guy. In addition to those 2, I've got opened bottles of 4 Roses single, Frey Ranch and Weller's special Reserve. A buddy gave me a bottle of Eagle Rare that we'll get into when IUFB goes bowling again.
We could hang, yo.
Thank you for the apology. I don't know why you can't just accept it if someone you respect says "Hey, that doesn't apply to me" that they are telling you the truth.

Re the data, here's some more specific stuff (pedants: notice how this article combines four years worth of COL increase and calls it "inflation" :) ):

If one doesn't spend much in the bottom four categories, but spends a very high % of their budget on the top 4, you can see that inflation is even worse for them. Given those categories, it's obvious to me that the 40% of people reporting a worse financial situation are probably in that category.

For the wage growth, averages don't mean that every single person in the country has seen that amount of growth. It could be that the top 10% have seen fabulous wage growth, which is pushing everyone else up. Or, it could be that wage growth is high in one sector, but nonexistent in another. Yet, inflation is pretty much a nationwide phenomena in the categories linked above. So again, it makes sense that a lot of people might not have experienced enough wage growth that offsets the inflation they have experienced.

Finally, not everyone earns their income from wages. Those of us who run small businesses are not counted in this.

And I'm not even sure that article takes into account the higher interest rates on business loans over the last few years. It can be quite the squeeze.

Thank you for all of the interesting information and data. I do accept that you have a negative assessment of your personal situation.

I don't know the specifics of your personal wage growth situation, but it's difficult for policy to drill down into micro situations. I'm interested in what the commonalities that your situation shares with others similarly impacted and what sort of policies could improve those situations in addition to the successes being seen in both the lowering inflation and wage growth averages. What kinds of policies do you think will help more broadly share those wage growth successes in economic situations not measured by wage growth?
What kinds of policies do you think will help more broadly share those wage growth successes in economic situations not measured by wage growth?

I Dont Know Paramount Network GIF by Yellowstone
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What do you want inflation charts?
Border numbers?

Trump vs Biden.

Don’t post in bad faith. Or are you pretending you haven’t seen them a thousand times and are just a willfully ignorant party cuck?

Keep your progressive rot in calif
I've posted in extremely good faith, offering data that attempts to quantify the larger economic picture, right up until you started going off on personal attack rants.

Best to just agree to disagree. I'll keep my little slice of heaven out here in California and you can keep that which you speak about so glowingly in Missouri. ;)
Thank you for the apology. I don't know why you can't just accept it if someone you respect says "Hey, that doesn't apply to me" that they are telling you the truth.

Re the data, here's some more specific stuff (pedants: notice how this article combines four years worth of COL increase and calls it "inflation" :) ):

If one doesn't spend much in the bottom four categories, but spends a very high % of their budget on the top 4, you can see that inflation is even worse for them. Given those categories, it's obvious to me that the 40% of people reporting a worse financial situation are probably in that category.

For the wage growth, averages don't mean that every single person in the country has seen that amount of growth. It could be that the top 10% have seen fabulous wage growth, which is pushing everyone else up. Or, it could be that wage growth is high in one sector, but nonexistent in another. Yet, inflation is pretty much a nationwide phenomena in the categories linked above. So again, it makes sense that a lot of people might not have experienced enough wage growth that offsets the inflation they have experienced.

Finally, not everyone earns their income from wages. Those of us who run small businesses are not counted in this.

And I'm not even sure that article takes into account the higher interest rates on business loans over the last few years. It can be quite the squeeze.

Brad, right now, today, what could reasonably happen to symbolize a stabilized economy? This isn't a question of people feeling pain, that is true. But what number released tomorrow would be the "aha" moment?

I think most of us agree a government program to aid people hurt by inflation would make the problem worse, so that probably isn't something to happen. Given that, I don't know what any president could do to alleviate the pain in anything close to the short run. At this point it is simply keep unemployment low, keep GDP high, and get inflation to 2% or under.

Sadly, both candidates want to cut revenue and increase spending. So that is a problem. I'm not defending their plans. I just am not sure what we can do to make someone struggling not struggle.
That's a good place to start as I really don't know either. I did a really bad job of directing it, but I think that was where my head was when I was asking you why you thought inflation was the biggest problem to address. Understanding what you think is the crux of the problem past the positives we already see (improved inflation rates and average wage growth) might get us closer to understanding what might be a potential solution. Understanding the areas where the increases in what people are making seriously trails inflation might give us a sense of policy that can support people who have been left behind.

Anyway, apologies again for getting crosswise with you. I do have immense respect for you and how you approach things.
I've posted in extremely good faith, offering data that attempts to quantify the larger economic picture, right up until you started going off on personal attack rants.

Best to just agree to disagree. I'll keep my little slice of heaven out here in California and you can keep that which you speak about so glowingly in Missouri. ;)
no there's nothing to disagree on. the facts are the facts. inflation was exacerbated by overspending that wasn't intended to be ameliorative but instead part of the broader plan to be transformative with welfare expansion, and the border exploded as a result of reversing remain in mexico, funding, title 42, asylum agreements. this was all done when biden/harris had congress. they lost congress and their progressive garbage got blocked and things tempered inuring to the benefit of us all. only a fool would go back to the progressive nonsense.

Our research shows mathematically that the overwhelming driver of that burst of inflation in 2022 was federal spending, not the supply chain,” said Mark Kritzman, a senior lecturer at MIT Sloan.

The border

At this point it is simply keep unemployment low, keep GDP high, and get inflation to 2% or under.
yes. and keep gov out of the way. ease some regulations on building etc. any welfare means test the hell out of it so it is limited in both duration adn scope and will have a negligible impact on inflation
While I don't think your post is incendiary, I do think the term "punked" is a misnomer. Keep an eye on the trial of Alexander Smirnov, the FBI "informant" who has admitted to inventing the whole Biden/Ukraine bribe nonsense. He's also made comments to investigators regarding Hunter's Laptop based on his meetings with Russian Military Intelligence and their instructions to him...

We know the Russians were aware of the laptop, based on testimony Lev Parnas has provided. Parnas has described a 2019 meeting where he Rudy and others were given info by Vitaly Pruss...

"According to Parnas, a Zlochevsky associate named Vitaly Pruss told Giuliani during the May 30th meeting that the Burisma founder had the allegedly derogatory information and was willing to give it to Giuliani if he could help the oligarch curry favor with the Justice Department.

It’s not clear how Zlochevsky would have gotten the Hunter Biden material he was allegedly trying to leverage, or whether the material is the same as what was first published by the Post. But Parnas says Pruss suggested Hunter Biden’s devices were compromised on a trip he took to Kazakhstan with Hunter Biden in 2014."

Lev Parnas has elaborated on the deragatory info Pruss provided to Rudy...

"Giuliani was first told about the existence of explicit photos — which he said included pictures of Hunter Biden with a crack pipe in his mouth and engaging in sexual acts — and private communications pertaining to Hunter and Joe Biden on May 30, 2019"...

Now I'm not saying the Russians definitely altered the data. But this info was provided by Lev in 2020, and you certainly never saw Rudy sue Lev for defamation.And now in 2024 Smirnov has told investigators that he was also aware of the laptop and had learned of it thru his Russian employers...

At the very least it shows there were legitimate concerns about the authenticity of the info on the laptop (which is IIRC essentially a hard drive). The same people who believe that Mueller and his report exonnerated Trump (like DANC) are the same ones going whole hog on this "laptop conspiracy".

There were reasons the FBI/DOJ (headed up by Trump appointees) were suspicious of Smirnov back in 2020 and resisted calls from the GOP to release the DF-1023. Smirnov submitted regarding Biden.And if both the FBI and DOJ (under Trump) had concerns about the legitimacy of Smirnov and consequently the info he provided, I don't think it makes sense to accuse the retired Security officials (many of whom had the same connections) for wanting to limit a possible Russian disinformation campaign. It certainly doesn't seem appropriate to accuse them of "duping" the media...

According to Lev the Russians first knew of the existence of the laptop and had hacked it's contents as far back as 2014. Rudy first became aware of the laptop in May 2019 and the laptop became public subsequent to that.

Like I said,keep an eye on Smirnov's trial...

Yeah, I’m not buying it.

The FBI already had possession of the thing by late 2019. And the then-DNI even made a public statement at the time of that letter saying they had no reason to believe it was a Russian op.

And when CBS News gave it to an independent digital forensics team, it didn’t take them long to conclude that everything they found looked legit and not doctored. So if these guys could do it, I’d hope the FBI could and did too.

Moreover, we learned later that Michael Morell (the principle author) communicated with the Biden campaign before the letter was published…which isn’t surprising considering Biden himself pointed to the letter as evidence that the laptop was Russian disinfo.

And, to top it off, Hunter himself has copped to it - including via legal filings.

What happened there seems pretty obvious to me.
no there's nothing to disagree on. the facts are the facts. inflation was exacerbated by overspending that wasn't intended to be ameliorative but instead part of the broader plan to be transformative with welfare expansion, and the border exploded as a result of reversing remain in mexico, funding, title 42, asylum agreements. this was all done when biden/harris had congress. they lost congress and their progressive garbage got blocked and things tempered inuring to the benefit of us all. only a fool would go back to the progressive nonsense.

Our research shows mathematically that the overwhelming driver of that burst of inflation in 2022 was federal spending, not the supply chain,” said Mark Kritzman, a senior lecturer at MIT Sloan.

The border

Kritzman's work, if you accept his findings, doesn't say what you appear to think it says. It doesn't say "Biden's government spending caused inflation." It says,

42% of inflation could be attributed to government spending

and includes all government spending in response to the pandemic (much of which was signed for by your boy.)

It goes further to say,

Kritzman said that using government stimulus money to help the economy rebound during the pandemic made sense, given the unprecedented circumstances. “People really didn’t know if we were going to have a 1930s-type depression, so the government erred on the side of more stimulus than less stimulus,” he said.

“I don’t judge that to be a bad thing to have done, but it did cause this big spike in inflation,” Kritzman said.

The opinion pieces you offer and your own personal assessment of the motivations and outcomes aren't particularly persuasive. At the end of the day what we see is that inflation, unemployment, and border crossings are back to where they were in the Trump administration pre-pandemic.

So, respectfully, I'll stick to agreeing to disagree with you about your conclusions.
Kritzman's work, if you accept his findings, doesn't say what you appear to think it says. It doesn't say "Biden's government spending caused inflation." It says,

42% of inflation could be attributed to government spending

and includes all government spending in response to the pandemic (much of which was signed for by your boy.)

It goes further to say,

Kritzman said that using government stimulus money to help the economy rebound during the pandemic made sense, given the unprecedented circumstances. “People really didn’t know if we were going to have a 1930s-type depression, so the government erred on the side of more stimulus than less stimulus,” he said.

“I don’t judge that to be a bad thing to have done, but it did cause this big spike in inflation,” Kritzman said.

The opinion pieces you offer and your own personal assessment of the motivations and outcomes aren't particularly persuasive. At the end of the day what we see is that inflation, unemployment, and border crossings are back to where they were in the Trump administration pre-pandemic.

So, respectfully, I'll stick to agreeing to disagree with you about your conclusions.
The vox article cites the fed. Do you want the fed articles? And again words matter. Contributed to. Exacerbated. Not caused. The fed thinks by as much as 3 points.

Are you denying excess stim exacerbated inflation?

And they aren’t my motivations. They were espoused by Biden himself.
The vox article cites the fed. Do you want the fed articles? And again words matter. Contributed to. Exacerbated. Not caused. The fed thinks by as much as 3 points.

Are you denying excess stim exacerbated inflation?

And they aren’t my motivations. They were espoused by Biden himself.
I have no doubt that government stimulus contributed to inflation...just as I have no doubt that they contributed to how unemployment is improved and how U.S. economic growth outpaces most of our fellow developed nations.
I have no doubt that government stimulus contributed to inflation...just as I have no doubt that they contributed to how unemployment is improved and how U.S. economic growth outpaces most of our fellow developed nations.
As did core inflation as a result of excessive stim. What bothers me most is 1) the pandemic was a pretense for free cheese progressive policies and 2) we are now stuck with these elevated prices.

What’s more it doesn’t sound like Harris has learned a thing

She was raised middle class dontchyaknow
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There is a pro-Russia, anti-Ukraine, isolationist strain, or stain, in the MAGA faction.


Can remember a time when some Democrats complained about the GOP wanting to spend money on the military to be the "World Policeman" and protect other countries at the expense of not helping the less fortunate at home. The Soviet threat being one example.

Now spending money against the Russian threat to Ukraine and possibly other nations is being questioned by many Republicans who say the money needs to be spent at home as our country is falling apart at the seams.

History seems to be repeating itself with our political parties changing sides.
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As did core inflation as a result of excessive stim. What bothers me most is 1) the pandemic was a pretense for free cheese progressive policies and 2) we are now stuck with these elevated prices.

What’s more it doesn’t sound like Harris has learned a thing

She was raised middle class dontchyaknow

MM66, not all the stimulus went to what can be called "free cheese".

How do you feel about say the part which went to intra-structure spending ?
MM66, not all the stimulus went to what can be called "free cheese".

How do you feel about say the part which went to intra-structure spending ?
I’m not talking about the infrastructure bill. Everyone wants bridges fixed. Tho it sounds like that is replete with waste etc.
MM66, not all the stimulus went to what can be called "free cheese".

How do you feel about say the part which went to intra-structure spending ?
That mongoloid of a bill was a god damn disaster any Republican that voted for it should be ran out of government on a rail.
I’m not talking about the infrastructure bill. Everyone wants bridges fixed. Tho it sounds like that is replete with waste etc.
Devil is in the details and the detail on that bill is a bunch of inefficient handouts to constituent donors and DEI strictures that made sure nothing will ever get built.

I said it at the time when self titled “Republicans” were voicing their support and I’ve been proven 100% correct.

Somehow it become a platitude that “We need to upgrade our infrastructure!”

And a lot of god damn morons bought along.

Can remember a time when some Democrats complained about the GOP wanting to spend money on the military to be the "World Policeman" and protect other countries at the expense of not helping the less fortunate at home. The Soviet threat being one example.

Now spending money against the Russian threat to Ukraine and possibly other nations is being questioned by many Republicans who say the money needs to be spent at home as our country is falling apart at the seams.

History seems to be repeating itself with our political parties changing sides.
Don’t get it twisted. Democrats are the party of war and violence. The GOP was co-opted by Aloha’s for two or three decades but overwhelmingly our largest conflicts are started by small men, big government Democrats.

Why do blood soaked monsters like Cheney and daughter support Harris?
Don’t get it twisted. Democrats are the party of war and violence. The GOP was co-opted by Aloha’s for two or three decades but overwhelmingly our largest conflicts are started by small men, big government Democrats.

Why do blood soaked monsters like Cheney and daughter support Harris?
No one is pushing war. We’re for a strong defense - peace through strength.