January 6 Question


Hall of Famer
Gold Member
Dec 5, 2001
Sorry if already asked and answered, but I'm sure someone knows.

How many of the folks who went into the building on January 6 carried firearms?

Or, if that is not known, how many of the folks ARRESTED for going inside the building carried firearms?
Sorry if already asked and answered, but I'm sure someone knows.

How many of the folks who went into the building on January 6 carried firearms?

Or, if that is not known, how many of the folks ARRESTED for going inside the building carried firearms?

None who went in buildings carried firearms.

A few were found on folks in the area but none were in the building or used, except by LEO of course when they shot that gal in cold blood.

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While what was done on Jan 6 was wrong and punishment should be divvied out, I still shake my head at the idea that it was an armed insurrection or an attempt to overthrow the government.

If either was the true goal, there would have been more guns in the crowd than police on scene and they would have been used.
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While what was done on Jan 6 was wrong and punishment should be divvied out, I still shake my head at the idea that it was an armed insurrection or an attempt to overthrow the government.

If either was the true goal, there would have been more guns in the crowd than police on scene and they would have been used.
Just because it wasn't a credible attempt doesn't mean it wasn't an attempt. If your plans are to throw the results of an election, you're attempting to take over the government.

You might be stupid.
You might be feckless.
Still an attempted insurrection.

Long live the Gravy Seals.
So not inside the Capitol but on Capitol grounds people had guns? There’s court cases evidencing they had guns on the grounds

This dude brought a gun on the grounds and then lost it. He then reported it stolen, saying it was lost at a casino in Ohio.

Of course he's from Indiana.... idiot.
Bad narratives are bad. "In cold blood" is a completely ridiculous stretch.

Maybe so, and I even believe the shooting was justified by law enforcement standards, that doesn't mean I believe it was necessary.

Could've been detained by any one of those dozen or so security and LEO within arms reach of her, but instead she was shot. Sure, she had her FAFO moment but I'm sorry, I cannot watch that footage without "in cold blood" being my first thought. We'll just have to agree to disagree.
Maybe so, and I even believe the shooting was justified by law enforcement standards, that doesn't mean I believe it was necessary.

Could've been detained by any one of those dozen or so security and LEO within arms reach of her, but instead she was shot. Sure, she had her FAFO moment but I'm sorry, I cannot watch that footage without "in cold blood" being my first thought. We'll just have to agree to disagree.
Yeah, I've seen it. didn't get shot til she breached the door. There are lines. She crossed it. Consequences ensued. We can always agree to disagree on the response once she got through the door. Should she have been thrown down and cuffed? Maybe. But it wasn't just her, there was a mob behind her. note the mob didn't go through the door after she was shot. So I would say the actions of the LEO stopped the immediate and pending threat pretty well.

I can't imagine being in that situation as a LEO. It was like 2 against 100? Tough odds if you don't display the authority of a gun.
Just because it wasn't a credible attempt doesn't mean it wasn't an attempt. If your plans are to throw the results of an election, you're attempting to take over the government.

You might be stupid.
You might be feckless.
Still an attempted insurrection.

Long live the Gravy Seals.
"I agree. We tried and failed but it was still an insurrection."

-- Robert E. Lee

This dude brought a gun on the grounds and then lost it. He then reported it stolen, saying it was lost at a casino in Ohio.

Of course he's from Indiana.... idiot.
But dbm says none inside the Capitol were armed. He saw that on the internet.
Sorry if already asked and answered, but I'm sure someone knows.

How many of the folks who went into the building on January 6 carried firearms?

Or, if that is not known, how many of the folks ARRESTED for going inside the building carried firearms?
How many people were arrested inside the building? I don't think it was very many. If someone was not arrested that day inside the building, how would we ever know if they had any firearms while they were in the building?
Sorry if already asked and answered, but I'm sure someone knows.

How many of the folks who went into the building on January 6 carried firearms?

Or, if that is not known, how many of the folks ARRESTED for going inside the building carried firearms?
Did Ray Epps have a gun on him? I still find it quite strange that he didn't get charged at all until years later and then got a slap on the wrist when he was an instigator calling for people to go into the capital.
Yeah, I've seen it. didn't get shot til she breached the door. There are lines. She crossed it. Consequences ensued. We can always agree to disagree on the response once she got through the door. Should she have been thrown down and cuffed? Maybe. But it wasn't just her, there was a mob behind her. note the mob didn't go through the door after she was shot. So I would say the actions of the LEO stopped the immediate and pending threat pretty well.

I can't imagine being in that situation as a LEO. It was like 2 against 100? Tough odds if you don't display the authority of a gun.
Law enforcement exercised incredible - - - and heroic - - restraint that day in dealing with a huge, angry, violent mob. We saw what happened to some of the cops (e.g. Michael Fanone, Daniel Hodges). They understandably feared for their lives. It also fvcked up their heads. Several cops who were there took their own lives in the weeks and months immediately following Jan 6.

It's to law enforcement's credit that there weren't more casualties among the mob.
How many people were arrested inside the building? I don't think it was very many. If someone was not arrested that day inside the building, how would we ever know if they had any firearms while they were in the building?
Actually I think there were many arrests inside the building, but still a small percentage of the actual number who were inside, so your point is well-taken.
Law enforcement exercised incredible - - - and heroic - - restraint that day in dealing with a huge, angry, violent mob. We saw what happened to some of the cops (e.g. Michael Fanone, Daniel Hodges). They understandably feared for their lives. It also fvcked up their heads. Several cops who were there took their own lives in the weeks and months immediately following Jan 6.

It's to law enforcement's credit that there weren't more casualties among the mob.
I think that's what many people are missing. It's not that EVERY person or even the majority of people there on 1/6 were violent. But, enough that I'd be hard pressed to, as a LEO, feel I had any control over the situation. Mobs are mobs and it's difficult to understand what they will do from minute to minute. And there were clearly enough comitting violent acts that day to put all of law enforcment on edge. So, yeah, we are lucky law enforcement didn't engage more heavily b/c it could have gotten way uglier.

And, in before both sides, I think law enforcement also showed incredible restraint in 2020 as well.
Maybe so, and I even believe the shooting was justified by law enforcement standards, that doesn't mean I believe it was necessary.

Could've been detained by any one of those dozen or so security and LEO within arms reach of her, but instead she was shot. Sure, she had her FAFO moment but I'm sorry, I cannot watch that footage without "in cold blood" being my first thought. We'll just have to agree to disagree.
I don't think the following that you posted is even remotely correct: "Could've been detained by any one of those dozen or so security and LEO within arms reach of her."

It does no good to say that any one guard hypothetically could have subdued her -- she was not alone. The first time one of those officers grabbed her, they risked being attacked by the entire mob, just as happened at the barricades, at the windows, in the hallways etc. etc.
Look at this insurrection. At least 10 years for all of them. This is worse than Pearl Harbor and 9/11 combined.

I see a banner that says "Philly Jews say Never Again is Now" and "Mourn the Dead, Fight Like Hell for the Living."

You sure these are Pro Palestinian protesters? Seems like most of the Twitter tripe you post is flat out wrong.
Maybe so, and I even believe the shooting was justified by law enforcement standards, that doesn't mean I believe it was necessary.

Could've been detained by any one of those dozen or so security and LEO within arms reach of her, but instead she was shot. Sure, she had her FAFO moment but I'm sorry, I cannot watch that footage without "in cold blood" being my first thought. We'll just have to agree to disagree.
The CPD tried to stop the mob outside the chamber door and the mob pushed them aside and broke the window. They couldn't restrain everyone trying to get in. And in those moments no one knew whether some in the mob were armed

What people seem to miss is the CPD's #1 priority is protecting members of Congress. Once that chamber was empty they put their guns away and the mob entered. But in those moments when the mob was outside the door and members were inside, guns were very visible.

There's a photo of several rioters spread-eagle on the floor with CPD standing over them holding weapons. That was on the other side of the House chamber at about the same time that Babbitt was shot. Thankfully those guys obeyed the CPD.
Did Ray Epps have a gun on him? I still find it quite strange that he didn't get charged at all until years later and then got a slap on the wrist when he was an instigator calling for people to go into the capital.
They’re still arresting people. Ray Epps is one of your own, a Trumpster, and your conspiracy theories about him are ridiculous and unsupported - and cruel since you’re on the same team.

His possible sentence seems appropriate. If he was actually an FBI agent or informant he wouldn’t even have been charged. He would have been a witness for the prosecution and he wasn’t. That any of you still associate yourself with that conspiracy theory is an embarrassment to yourselves.
I see a banner that says "Philly Jews say Never Again is Now" and "Mourn the Dead, Fight Like Hell for the Living."

You sure these are Pro Palestinian protesters? Seems like most of the Twitter tripe you post is flat out wrong.
He’s real big on Twitter Twit Tripe.
They’re still arresting people. Ray Epps is one of your own, a Trumpster, and your conspiracy theories about him are ridiculous and unsupported - and cruel since you’re on the same team.

His possible sentence seems appropriate. If he was actually an FBI agent or informant he wouldn’t even have been charged. He would have been a witness for the prosecution and he wasn’t. That any of you still associate yourself with that conspiracy theory is an embarrassment to yourselves.
Lmao anyone not a fed or working for them would easily get 10+ years for what Epps did. The Proud Boys guy got 17 for shaking a fence. Another wasn't even in Washington and got 22 years I believe. You are insane.

One system of justice, right? 😉

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Lmao anyone not a fed or working for them would easily get 10+ years for what Epps did. The Proud Boys guy got 17 for shaking a fence. Another wasn't even in Washington and got 22 years I believe. You are insane.
The amount of stupid and obviously false crap you believe is incredible.

Epps is one of you, and probably just as dumb, but you’ve turned on him for one of the most boneheaded conspiracy theories in history. That probably makes you even dumber than him.
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Actually I think there were many arrests inside the building, but still a small percentage of the actual number who were inside, so your point is well-taken.
According to this page, there were only 11 arrested on January 6 for unlawful entry:

Not clear if all 11 were arrested inside the building, or if all of the unlawful entry charges were for entering the Capitol building.
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According to this page, there were only 11 arrested on January 6 for unlawful entry:

Not clear if all 11 were arrested inside the building, or if all of the unlawful entry charges were for entering the Capitol building.
Your link is dated in January of 2021, correct?

Why do you consider it to be the final authority?

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