Elaine Stefanik wants to "wipe Hamas off the planet".

I'm sure that'll be yet another cake walk in a long line of cake walks that the GOP drags us into.

What is there, 2, 3 billion Muslims? How many terrorist organizations claim Islam as their authority, I've lost count?

Since I was a kid, it has always been apparent to me that mankind has a self-fulfilling prophecy with its own destruction prefaced on some divine intervention. After all, why would people of faith care about Earth (where we all live) when it's the afterlife (where very likely nobody lives) which matters?

Only uppity humans could take something as awe-inspiring as creation/existence and make it all about themselves. It's so ****ing enraging seeing grown ups clinging to these ancient things.
I think there is a little over a billion Muslims. If it was 2-3 billion that would mean about half the world is Muslim and historically when Muslims reach 50% of a country things become militant.