Ivermectin a promising drug...

Ivermectin is dosed by weight. It is safe with the correct dosing.
Plaquenil is safe at proper doses in the correct patients.
What does it hurt? Why do you care?
Neither are substitutes for vaccination
Who cares? It doesn’t help to battle Covid. That’s the entire point.

My God, dude, clean it up.
well, there are millions of drugs out there that won’t “hurt”.
There were people dismissing monoclonal antibodies.
We are still learning.

There are people who have viewed this pandemic as an opportunity to try to force their disastrous economic ideas onto society (Omar and company)

That is way worse than someone taking Stromechtol or Plaquenil
There were people dismissing monoclonal antibodies.
We are still learning.

There are people who have viewed this pandemic as an opportunity to try to force their disastrous economic ideas onto society (Omar and company)

That is way worse than someone taking Stromechtol or Plaquenil
You go with Facebook. I’ll go with Merck.
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Or people who are taking advice from places like….this thread?

I mean, if one idiot reads this, buys it and dies from it, you don’t get that by spreading nonsense, you’re part of the problem?

Or if someone reads this thread, talks to a doctor and a life could be saved.
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Open another are struggling
Several studies reported antiviral effects of ivermectin on RNA viruses such as Zika, dengue, yellow fever, West Nile, Hendra, Newcastle, Venezuelan equine encephalitis, chikungunya, Semliki Forest, Sindbis, Avian influenza A, Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome, Human immunodeficiency virus type 1, and severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2. Furthermore, there are some studies showing antiviral effects of ivermectin against DNA viruses such as Equine herpes type 1, BK polyomavirus, pseudorabies, porcine circovirus 2, and bovine herpesvirus 1

A list of Viruses the are affected by Ivermectin, in which it was not developed or intended for.. The effect was found much after development and market launch. Notice that one in the middle that starts with HIV.

You keep fighting but I wish he would shut his pie hole. He's just a Panaphobic spreading his femininity.
Sorry, your posts are so worthless, I don’t feel like proofreading my own. Not worth the time.
Why do you care if a certain subset of the population tries Ivermectin or Plaquenil?

I've repeatedly said they are not a substitute for being vaccinated.

In the correct doses, they are safe.
Several studies reported antiviral effects of ivermectin on RNA viruses such as Zika, dengue, yellow fever, West Nile, Hendra, Newcastle, Venezuelan equine encephalitis, chikungunya, Semliki Forest, Sindbis, Avian influenza A, Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome, Human immunodeficiency virus type 1, and severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2. Furthermore, there are some studies showing antiviral effects of ivermectin against DNA viruses such as Equine herpes type 1, BK polyomavirus, pseudorabies, porcine circovirus 2, and bovine herpesvirus 1

A list of Viruses the are affected by Ivermectin, in which it was not developed or intended for.. The effect was found much after development and market launch. Notice that one in the middle that starts with HIV.

You keep fighting but I wish he would shut his pie hole. He's just a Panaphobic spreading his femininity.
I'm not going to say they are effective against Covid. But they are definitely safe at the appropriate doses.
If my physician prescribed it I would have no problem taking it because I know it's safe.
I'm not going to say they are effective against Covid. But they are definitely safe at the appropriate doses.
If my physician prescribed it I would have no problem taking it because I know it's safe.

You a pharmacist? Buddy of mine is. Said the same thing.
Several studies reported antiviral effects of ivermectin on RNA viruses such as Zika, dengue, yellow fever, West Nile, Hendra, Newcastle, Venezuelan equine encephalitis, chikungunya, Semliki Forest, Sindbis, Avian influenza A, Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome, Human immunodeficiency virus type 1, and severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2. Furthermore, there are some studies showing antiviral effects of ivermectin against DNA viruses such as Equine herpes type 1, BK polyomavirus, pseudorabies, porcine circovirus 2, and bovine herpesvirus 1

A list of Viruses the are affected by Ivermectin, in which it was not developed or intended for.. The effect was found much after development and market launch. Notice that one in the middle that starts with HIV.

You keep fighting but I wish he would shut his pie hole. He's just a Panaphobic spreading his femininity.
I saw your reference to the one that starts with HIV, but didn't see your reference to a virus that starts with "Cov."

I take it you didn't find one either.
Why do you care if a certain subset of the population tries Ivermectin or Plaquenil?

I've repeatedly said they are not a substitute for being vaccinated.

In the correct doses, they are safe.
The better question is: why don’t they take the one medicine proven to work?

The vaccine

And to answer your question, it’s because it doesn’t work. The drug maker says so themselves. Jesus.

We already know the magic cure. Stop digging.
I saw your reference to the one that starts with HIV, but didn't see your reference to a virus that starts with "Cov."

I take it you didn't find one either.
Remember the story, it only kills worms........

But by god, I have to give you all credit. You will stick with your label claim/ story line talking points until your masters tell you its ok to use studies or test cases to discover other possibilities. I have to give you all credit for being loyal to a story line.

The cattle cars are air conditioned in the winter time. They are asking you to take a ride. For the greater good. It's only scary once. Free showers even. If it helps only one person!
The problem is I don’t really care.
I really feel for our heath care providers and our doctors.

You know they are at their wits end with the pandemic when they get patients coming in with internet suggestions like hydroxiclorican, bleach, zinc, vitamin d, whatever the f this is.....all while claiming a damn vaccine that has been tested and given to multi millions of people is out there and free, is dangerous and to be avoided.

It magnitizes you (nope) or makes you sterile (nope) or gives you a heart attack! Meanwhile Horse dewormers (obviously smaller doses of the new internet miracle drug, even though some people have poisoned themselves with it) ....whaddya got to lose???

You know two things, one that they are going to unwantingly get into a fight with someone who brings it up and shoots it down and 2, just like Trump's inject with bleach comment, dumb energy now has to be used to disprove an internet rumor.

I wouldn't be surprised if someone put out that eating the pubic hair from a mulatto helped fend off covid that some people would go out a try to buy a dudes pubes.

Just get vaccinated and stop with the internet remedies please.
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Maybe you should understand what natural selection truly is dumbass.

Natural Selection: A natural process that results in the survival and reproductive success of individuals or groups best adjusted to their environment and that leads to the perpetuation of genetic qualities best suited to that particular environment

Now, look at the chart and tell me which population is proving better suited to the Covid environment.

Now, do these people look like they're adapting well to the current environment?

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I really feel for our heath care providers and our doctors.

You know they are at their wits end with the pandemic when they get patients coming in with internet suggestions like hydroxiclorican, bleach, zinc, vitamin d, whatever the f this is.....all while claiming a damn vaccine that has been tested and given to multi millions of people is out there and free, is dangerous and to be avoided.

It magnitizes you (nope) or makes you sterile (nope) or gives you a heart attack! Meanwhile Horse dewormers (obviously smaller doses of the new internet miracle drug, even though some people have poisoned themselves with it) ....whaddya got to lose???

You know two things, one that they are going to unwantingly get into a fight with someone who brings it up and shoots it down and 2, just like Trump's inject with bleach comment, dumb energy now has to be used to disprove an internet rumor.

I wouldn't be surprised if someone put out that eating the pubic hair from a mulatto helped fend off covid that some people would go out a try to buy a dudes pubes.

Just get vaccinated and stop with the internet remedies please.

EXACTLY. What is it with these people?

It's like the Coors Light drinkers who need a mountain on the can to turn blue so they can tell it's cold. Apparently their sense of touch doesn't do the job for them.
I stole that from David Cross. :p

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How many people buying ivermectin horse paste at the feed store have any idea of how to prep it for safe human use? 1%?
I have said repeatedly, don't but Ivermectin from TSC and self medicate.

I have said it is not a substitute for vaccination.

Get vaccinated.

I've said Ivermectin is safe in appropriate doses for appropriate patients.

Natural Selection: A natural process that results in the survival and reproductive success of individuals or groups best adjusted to their environment and that leads to the perpetuation of genetic qualities best suited to that particular environment

Now, look at the chart and tell me which population is proving better suited to the Covid environment.

Now, do these people look like they're adapting well to the current environment?

I’m well aware of the stats, but getting vaccinated is not a natural process nor does it promote natural selection, quite the contrary. Go ahead & double down🙄
A couple interesting paragraphs on the use of the drug from South Africa:

One theory for why it might appear to be effective in patients with coronavirus is that it could actually be treating any parasites they are carrying and so make them stronger, without actually tackling the virus which causes Covid-19.
"It must be clearly stated that Ivermectin does not kill the virus at dosages humans can tolerate. The amount of drug needed to kill the virus is toxic to humans. Whatever it is doing, it is not killing the virus," TimesLive website quotes him as saying.

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I’m well aware of the stats, but getting vaccinated is not a natural process nor does it promote natural selection, quite the contrary. Go ahead & double down🙄

Driving a car or flying in an airplane is not a "natural process" but I think most of us do both. Why does that matter?
Driving a car or flying in an airplane is not a "natural process" but I think most of us do both. Why does that matter?
we do both of those things because we have the benefit of a hundred plus years of experience with same.

as for the natural part - there's nothing natural about putting any vaccine in us. they certainly inure to our benefit and are a Godsend but they aren't natural. i'm glad i got vaccinated but my family has a long history of heart issues. my uncle died at 38 of a heart attack playing tennis. hearing heart consequences from the vaccines gives me pause, regardless of how remote. but i understand so too does covid so it's a balance
Driving a car or flying in an airplane is not a "natural process" but I think most of us do both. Why does that matter?
I Don’t give two shits about what’s natural or not, I’m just pointing out to numb nuts that his suggestion that natural selection is what is driving Covid survival due to vaccination is dumb.
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we do both of those things because we have the benefit of a hundred plus years of experience with same.

as for the natural part - there's nothing natural about putting any vaccine in us. they certainly inure to our benefit and are a Godsend but they aren't natural. i'm glad i got vaccinated but my family has a long history of heart issues. my uncle died at 38 of a heart attack playing tennis. hearing heart consequences from the vaccines gives me pause, regardless of how remote. but i understand so too does covid so it's a balance

Think about all the drugs we take, we are manufacturing antibiotics in labs. Same for heart medications, anti-cancer treatments, RA drugs. Heck, a lot of us take supplements that are manmade versions of natural chemicals.

Natural isn't "better". Uranium is 100% natural yet I am not going to put a rock of it in my house for a discussion piece. I am not going to eat hemlock, also 100% natural.

Now I get the concerns over heart conditions. Someone linked an article on that, it is a real concern. But the same article mentioned the risk of myocarditis with COVID. The studies were not identical, so comparing them is not apples to apples bit the risk with COVID was higher. That may turn out to be wrong as more studies are done that are using the same rules, but there is at least a serious chance that COVID causes myocarditis more often than the vaccine. But since one knows they had the vaccine, they can be alert for myocarditis, a symptomless COVID would not provide any warning that myocarditis is heading one's way.
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I Don’t give two shits about what’s natural or not, I’m just pointing out to numb nuts that his suggestion that natural selection is what is driving Covid survival due to vaccination is dumb.
Thanks, I had not followed the back and forth (stupid removal of the far superior thread view from the good old days). Antivaxxers often use the fact vaccines are not natural as a line of attack and the post sounded that way.
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They withheld information from their own study in order to sell vioxx, so now they’re lying to not sell more ivermectin? Yeah, makes sense of you don’t think about it for a half a second.

You do know ivermectin has been off patent for years and MRK makes nothing off it. In fact they give it away to certain countries. And you do know MRK is working on an antiviral drug called molnupiravir, for the treatment of covid.

So yeah, it does make sense that MRK would want to discourage the use of a drug that provides zero profit, in favor of one that could make them billions...if you think about it for half a second.
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I’m well aware of the stats, but getting vaccinated is not a natural process nor does it promote natural selection, quite the contrary. Go ahead & double down🙄

Which medicines are natural processes? Advil? Chemotherapy? A cast for your broken leg? Pacemakers? Brain surgery?

The natural process is the Covid virus and people having the intelligence to get the vaccine to prevent them from getting sick and dying. At this point, if someone gets Covid because they don't understand that the vaccines are safe and effective, and and at the same time still believe in bonkers theories that they're magnetic, being tracked by microchips, and that the vaccines haven't been proven yet..well, you reap what you sow.

Doctors, nurses, and other heath care providers are sick of them. So are the rest of us. And good luck if you get into a car accident and need to go to the ICU because all the beds are taken up with these idiots who refuse to get vaxed.

They can't adapt to the environment. Natural selection.
I've said Ivermectin is safe in appropriate doses for appropriate patients.

Yet you refuse to comment on its efficacy. All you do is defer to the doctors.

As a pharmacist, I'm sure you know that medical doctors aren't some kind of error free super human who should never be questioned and always obeyed. How many times a day/week/month do you catch them writing scripts that are contraindicated?
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Yet you refuse to comment on its efficacy. All you do is defer to the doctors.

As a pharmacist, I'm sure you know that medical doctors aren't some kind of error free super human who should never be questioned and always obeyed. How many times a day/week/month do you catch them writing scripts that are contraindicated?

Well, that is the $64000 question. Some say yes and some no. I'd recommend you visit FLCCC to get the yes arguement. The no arguement can be found on a simple Google search.
I have said repeatedly, don't but Ivermectin from TSC and self medicate.

I have said it is not a substitute for vaccination.

Get vaccinated.

I've said Ivermectin is safe in appropriate doses for appropriate patients.
Going to my doctor next week, he said he would write me a prescription for Ivermectin with correct dosage!
You do know ivermectin has been off patent for years and MRK makes nothing off it. In fact they give it away to certain countries. And you do know MRK is working on an antiviral drug called molnupiravir, for the treatment of covid.

So yeah, it does make sense that MRK would want to discourage the use of a drug that provides zero profit, in favor of one that could make them billions...if you think about it for half a second.
I bet they still sell it. There are those out there who will only buy the name brand version of drugs.

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