Ivermectin a promising drug...

Well, that is the $64000 question. Some say yes and some no. I'd recommend you visit FLCCC to get the yes arguement. The no arguement can be found on a simple Google search.

My question is where is this coming from? What's the origin?

I ask because we've had to go through several miracle cures from the internet throughout this pandemic and this to me is the latest one.

I just saw a headline that Rand Paul said 'Trump hatred is hindering research into Ivermectin'.

Look I hope this is legit. I really do, but I don't think the best chain of command for miracle drugs are to come from the internet.

We should be actively looking for cures, if this drug shows promise in trials then great.

Unfortunately what's happening is it starts on the internet that a miracle cure exists and then a mob of people and politicians push and distort it as a miracle movement and then people poison themselves or energy has to be waisted now going down a rabbit hole because the mob is out of control with it.

Again it's like Trump's press conference when he just spouted off the dumbest shit but people would run with it and now energy has to be wasted correcting (like Lysol putting out a psa to not inject it into your body).

That's the pushback we're giving. Maybe this drug is the beez kneez but it will need to be studied and tested and smarter minds need to decide if it's even promising or just a waste of time, not the TommyCrackers of the internet.
My question is where is this coming from? What's the origin?

I ask because we've had to go through several miracle cures from the internet throughout this pandemic and this to me is the latest one.

I just saw a headline that Rand Paul said 'Trump hatred is hindering research into Ivermectin'.

Look I hope this is legit. I really do, but I don't think the best chain of command for miracle drugs are to come from the internet.

We should be actively looking for cures, if this drug shows promise in trials then great.

Unfortunately what's happening is it starts on the internet that a miracle cure exists and then a mob of people and politicians push and distort it as a miracle movement and then people poison themselves or energy has to be waisted now going down a rabbit hole because the mob is out of control with it.

Again it's like Trump's press conference when he just spouted off the dumbest shit but people would run with it and now energy has to be wasted correcting (like Lysol putting out a psa to not inject it into your body).

That's the pushback we're giving. Maybe this drug is the beez kneez but it will need to be studied and tested and smarter minds need to decide if it's even promising or just a waste of time, not the TommyCrackers of the internet.
Fluvoxamine! You’re welcome.
Remember the story, it only kills worms........

But by god, I have to give you all credit. You will stick with your label claim/ story line talking points until your masters tell you its ok to use studies or test cases to discover other possibilities. I have to give you all credit for being loyal to a story line.

The cattle cars are air conditioned in the winter time. They are asking you to take a ride. For the greater good. It's only scary once. Free showers even. If it helps only one person!
You wrote really stupid posts.

Have you ever thought about getting a safety helmet for personal protection?
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We here from the antivaxxers, Truthers, election frauders, moon hoaxers, ivermectin/hydroxy zealots, Newtown was false flag crowd, and survivors of Battle of Bowling Green and the Jade Helm Invasion that all we need to do is open our minds. The caveat I provide, do not open open your mind so far that your brain falls out.

Dr Hoops is the expert, not the person’s doctor.
Unfortunately a lot of poor people, including Trumpers, don't have a doctor.

It's not like everyone is a corporate dude making six figures who has a family doctor that they've built a lifelong relationship with that they can just call up on a whim.

Hell a lot of poor people call Uber instead of an ambulance because of the price.

A ton of peeps, left and right, just have the internet, which is why these rabbit holes can be dangerous and deadly.
My question is where is this coming from? What's the origin?

I ask because we've had to go through several miracle cures from the internet throughout this pandemic and this to me is the latest one.

I just saw a headline that Rand Paul said 'Trump hatred is hindering research into Ivermectin'.

Look I hope this is legit. I really do, but I don't think the best chain of command for miracle drugs are to come from the internet.

We should be actively looking for cures, if this drug shows promise in trials then great.

Unfortunately what's happening is it starts on the internet that a miracle cure exists and then a mob of people and politicians push and distort it as a miracle movement and then people poison themselves or energy has to be waisted now going down a rabbit hole because the mob is out of control with it.

Again it's like Trump's press conference when he just spouted off the dumbest shit but people would run with it and now energy has to be wasted correcting (like Lysol putting out a psa to not inject it into your body).

That's the pushback we're giving. Maybe this drug is the beez kneez but it will need to be studied and tested and smarter minds need to decide if it's even promising or just a waste of time, not the TommyCrackers of the internet.

Did you take 5 min to go to FLCCC?
Unfortunately a lot of poor people, including Trumpers, don't have a doctor.

It's not like everyone is a corporate dude making six figures who has a family doctor that they've built a lifelong relationship with that they can just call up on a whim.

Hell a lot of poor people call Uber instead of an ambulance because of the price.

A ton of peeps, left and right, just have the internet, which is why these rabbit holes can be dangerous and deadly.
Yeah, Isn’t funny the poor people you talk about calling Uber, they are calling on their $900 I Phone.
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My question is where is this coming from? What's the origin?

I ask because we've had to go through several miracle cures from the internet throughout this pandemic and this to me is the latest one.

I just saw a headline that Rand Paul said 'Trump hatred is hindering research into Ivermectin'.

Look I hope this is legit. I really do, but I don't think the best chain of command for miracle drugs are to come from the internet.

We should be actively looking for cures, if this drug shows promise in trials then great.

Unfortunately what's happening is it starts on the internet that a miracle cure exists and then a mob of people and politicians push and distort it as a miracle movement and then people poison themselves or energy has to be waisted now going down a rabbit hole because the mob is out of control with it.

Again it's like Trump's press conference when he just spouted off the dumbest shit but people would run with it and now energy has to be wasted correcting (like Lysol putting out a psa to not inject it into your body).

That's the pushback we're giving. Maybe this drug is the beez kneez but it will need to be studied and tested and smarter minds need to decide if it's even promising or just a waste of time, not the TommyCrackers of the internet.
This is next in line...
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Yet you refuse to comment on its efficacy. All you do is defer to the doctors.

As a pharmacist, I'm sure you know that medical doctors aren't some kind of error free super human who should never be questioned and always obeyed. How many times a day/week/month do you catch them writing scripts that are contraindicated?
Efficacy...I can't say that it works, in fact, I would be surprised if it did.

Most physicians, not all, in my area do a very good job. I worked 12 hours yesterday and refused to fill 1 prescription out of probably 800.

Getting ready for another 12 hour round...before you ask, I'm out of Ivermectin
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They withheld information from their own study in order to sell vioxx, so now they’re lying to not sell more ivermectin? Yeah, makes sense of you don’t think about it for a half a second.
Too cheap and readily available.

Nothing says business like a no-bid contract wherein the Taxpayer pays $Billions to Big Dirty Pharma, for a pharmaceutical treatment foisted off on same Taxpayer.

The New Big Pharma $Billionaires appreciate your contribution
No sketchy web sites, no you tube testimonials, no press release "scientific" studies not peer reviewed, no Faux News endorsements...

Look to peer reviewed journal reports on large double blinded controlled clinical trials.

There are about 10 of them, all showing no statistically significant benefit for using ivermectin for COVID-19.

Might as well take Froot Loops.
Wife’s post to Facebook today. This is couple I posted about who asked their Doc about Ivermectin after doing worse after a week of Covid. (I replaced husbands name with XX)

“Since I posted two weeks ago that I tested positive for Covid I thought it appropriate to post that both XX & I are doing well and quarantine is over today. We’ve both been on Ivermectin and consider it a miracle cure. I am fully vaccinated, however 2 weeks before Covid I had emergency gallbladder surgery. So my immune system was compromised. Anyway, all is well and we carry on. Our home will be sanitized this week so no fear for choir rehearsals to start next week or any other scheduled event. Very thankful and grateful to feel good. Prayers were appreciated bigly!”
Too cheap and readily available.

Nothing says business like a no-bid contract wherein the Taxpayer pays $Billions to Big Dirty Pharma, for a pharmaceutical treatment foisted off on same Taxpayer.

The New Big Pharma $Billionaires appreciate your contribution
^^^need translation help, please^^^
No sketchy web sites, no you tube testimonials, no press release "scientific" studies not peer reviewed, no Faux News endorsements...

Look to peer reviewed journal reports on large double blinded controlled clinical trials.

There are about 10 of them, all showing no statistically significant benefit for using ivermectin for COVID-19.

Might as well take Froot Loops.

I am trying to find the 10 you noted. Do you have any links? I find studies but not sure if they are DB, RCT, peer reviewed or from a legit site. Looked at JAMA and found one. FLCCC has 63 studies listed, 44 say peer reviewed, some say DB, but the links are to sites I am not familiar (which is most).

I am not trying to argue, just trying to research and educate myself. You may think FLCCC is just crackpots and kooks, and maybe they are. But 613 scientists cannot all be kooks. So. I want information from all sides of this discussion.
Remember the story, it only kills worms........

But by god, I have to give you all credit. You will stick with your label claim/ story line talking points until your masters tell you its ok to use studies or test cases to discover other possibilities. I have to give you all credit for being loyal to a story line.

The cattle cars are air conditioned in the winter time. They are asking you to take a ride. For the greater good. It's only scary once. Free showers even. If it helps only one person!
Does anyone know why this board allows Joe Hoopsier to make an insensitive reference to the Holocaust?
Do you have any links?
I did a Google scholar search a week or so ago on "Ivermectin clinical trial" and posted the top links. I found a few positive papers but none were controlled trials, just off label unblinded uncontrolled observational studies.
I did a Google scholar search a week or so ago on "Ivermectin clinical trial" and posted the top links. I found a few positive papers but none were controlled trials, just off label unblinded uncontrolled observational studies.
In general do you have any thoughts on why there seems to be enormous resistance to finding a treatment that cures people when they get sick

Back early in this pandemic the father of a friend of mine in Evansville got Covid. Late 60s and overweight. He tested positive on a Tuesday, checked into Deaconess Hospital on Thursday, immediately received a cocktail of drugs, returned home on Saturday and was totally well by Monday. He is a wealthy man and well known in Evansville. I have no idea if that’s why he received the drugs. The week following his trip to the Hospital, I had n appointment with my gastrologist at Evansville. We talked about Covid and he matter of fact told me we have a cocktail of drugs that is working.
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No sketchy web sites, no you tube testimonials, no press release "scientific" studies not peer reviewed, no Faux News endorsements...

Look to peer reviewed journal reports on large double blinded controlled clinical trials.

There are about 10 of them, all showing no statistically significant benefit for using ivermectin for COVID-19.

Might as well take Froot Loops.
"peer reviewed journal reports on double blinded controlled clinical trial"

You mean like wearing masks, right?
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How about a judge. Should a judge be the person's doctor?:

I guess if a patient is willing to sign a release for a drug that is used by some doctors for treatment, they should be able to take it.
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I guess if a patient is willing to sign a release for a drug that is used by some doctors for treatment, they should be able to take it.
No one is stopping him from taking it. Soon as he wakes up from his coma he can rub it all over his body if he likes. Until then, no doctor should be ordered to administer a drug the doctor does not feel is safe or effective. His family don't like it? Then take him to another doctor and hospital.
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No one is stopping him from taking it. Soon as he wakes up from his coma he can rub it all over his body if he likes. Until then, no doctor should be ordered to administer a drug the doctor does not feel is safe or effective. His family don't like it? Then take him to another doctor and hospital.
Doctors and hospitals have become political along with everything else in the country.
I am trying to find the 10 you noted. Do you have any links? I find studies but not sure if they are DB, RCT, peer reviewed or from a legit site. Looked at JAMA and found one. FLCCC has 63 studies listed, 44 say peer reviewed, some say DB, but the links are to sites I am not familiar (which is most).

I am not trying to argue, just trying to research and educate myself. You may think FLCCC is just crackpots and kooks, and maybe they are. But 613 scientists cannot all be kooks. So. I want information from all sides of this discussion.
If Ivermectin was some sort of cure-all, then the 3 prominent vax deniers who died this past week, would never have needed to be admitted to the ICU, much less died. Because all 3 of them took Ivermectin prior to seeking actual medical help with actual covid physicians in hospitals...

Caleb Wallace seems especially tragic because he was only 30 yrs old. Wallace started experiencing covid-like symptoms on July 26.

"According to his wife, Jessica, who was interviewed by the New York Times, when Caleb came down with Covid-19, he initially self-medicated with copious doses of Vitamin D, C, aspirin, and Zinc. He also took ivermectin, a drug used to treat infections in the body caused by parasites, such head lice and scabies."

Now that's an account from a media source that sympathized and worked with Wallace on his anti-mask, anti-vax initiatives, so they knew him well. Here's some real irony...

"Caleb Wallace’s activism continued past the summer of 2020. During a briefing of the County Judge’s Coronavirus Task Force in November of 2020, Wallace chastised county health and political leaders. Waiting until the end of the meeting, he approached the microphone to denounce the efforts of the combined government entities to mitigate the spread of the virus. He started with Shannon Medical Center, accusing the hospital system of cooking the books in their reporting of Covid-19 test results."

The irony is that when Wallace's "home remedies" proved useless and his condition deteriorated, it was SHANNON MEDICAL CENTER where a relative took him to be admitted and eventually ventilated.

Another irony was that while Caleb Wallace was being ventilated someone on this board started a thread linking to a children's health defense article by Christian Elliot hyping the same sort of conspiracy theories that Wallace adhered to. Wallace was undoubtedly influenced by the same sort of vaccine misconceptions and "statistics" about low death rates that permeate Elliot's article.

The fact that Elliot is a "life and nutrition coach" and undoubtedly would have approved of Wallace's attempts to medicate with Zinc, and Vitamins C and D shouldn't be lost on anyone either. In fact, it's basically the type of remedy all the anti-vax advocates endorse.
Pretty sure it's been touted by some people on this board, including the originator of that particular thread who said he would "quarantine at home for two weeks if he tested positive".

I had to have blood drawn this morning for lab work and I HATE shots. But it seems to me if I had the choice (and I did) between getting a jab or two, or getting covid and having to rely on unproven drugs that might save my life, the shot would be what any sane person would choose...
In general do you have any thoughts on why there seems to be enormous resistance to finding a treatment that cures people when they get sick

Back early in this pandemic the father of a friend of mine in Evansville got Covid. Late 60s and overweight. He tested positive on a Tuesday, checked into Deaconess Hospital on Thursday, immediately received a cocktail of drugs, returned home on Saturday and was totally well by Monday. He is a wealthy man and well known in Evansville. I have no idea if that’s why he received the drugs. The week following his trip to the Hospital, I had n appointment with my gastrologist at Evansville. We talked about Covid and he matter of fact told me we have a cocktail of drugs that is working.

Sounds like the Regeneron monoclonal antibody cocktail. It's use is widespread now, but it needs to be used fairly early after a positive test... doesn't do much good if you get to the point of being in the ICU. It's use is usually highly recommended for anyone that has other risk factors (age, obesity, etc) after a positive test.
Sounds like the Regeneron monoclonal antibody cocktail. It's use is widespread now, but it needs to be used fairly early after a positive test... doesn't do much good if you get to the point of being in the ICU. It's use is usually highly recommended for anyone that has other risk factors (age, obesity, etc) after a positive test.
My friend’s cousin did a self test Friday. I am guessing she’s low to mid 30s and a little overweight. She called doctor and he told her not to go to his office or hospital and stay home ten days.

I am one to go running to doc or nurse practitioner anytime I get sick. I’d be insistent and get this or some drug if I test positive for Covid.

This gal and her family don’t go to doc unless things get very bad. She will miss her chance for this drug with the instructions she received from her doc?

Is the cocktail you mentioned also referred to as BAM? I believe that’s what the cocktail name is that I hear local docs using. I’ve also heard it has a cost of $10,000. If true I am guessing insurance companies are keeping people from using it.
My friend’s cousin did a self test Friday. I am guessing she’s low to mid 30s and a little overweight. She called doctor and he told her not to go to his office or hospital and stay home ten days.

I am one to go running to doc or nurse practitioner anytime I get sick. I’d be insistent and get this or some drug if I test positive for Covid.

This gal and her family don’t go to doc unless things get very bad. She will miss her chance for this drug with the instructions she received from her doc?

Is the cocktail you mentioned also referred to as BAM? I believe that’s what the cocktail name is that I hear local docs using. I’ve also heard it has a cost of $10,000. If true I am guessing insurance companies are keeping people from using it.
There was a program that provided monoclonal antibody therapy to qualified patients at no charge last fall.
In general do you have any thoughts on why there seems to be enormous resistance to finding a treatment that cures people when they get sick
I find absolutely no resistance whatsoever to finding a treatment that cures people when they get sick. That's why so many controlled clinical trials for things like hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin were funded quickly and were paid for by our tax dollars. Why is there such resistance to review and accept the results of those studies, over some random press release covering uncontrolled, unblinded, un-peer-reviewed science?

There is a great deal of resistance to supporting unproven or even disprovent treatments.

There is a stong effort to sort out truth from bullshit.

It's this exchange:

I find absolutely no resistance whatsoever to finding a treatment that cures people when they get sick. That's why so many controlled clinical trials for things like hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin were funded quickly and were paid for by our tax dollars. Why is there such resistance to review and accept the results of those studies, over some random press release covering uncontrolled, unblinded, un-peer-reviewed science?

There is a great deal of resistance to supporting unproven or even disprovent treatments.

There is a stong effort to sort out truth from bullshit.

It's this exchange:

Speaking of bullshit: "peer reviewed journal reports on double blinded controlled clinical trial" of masks?
The FDA approves clinical trials. Masks are not a food or a drug and so there are no FDA double binded trials for masks.

So you have to look for independent studies done with rigor and peer reviewed. Many exist. No mask offers 100% protection from anything, and masks in widespread use all offer much more than 0% protection from transmission of respiratory diseases.

Antimaskers love to argue that if it's not 100%, then EFF IT, it must be 0%. That has always been silly.
The FDA approves clinical trials. Masks are not a food or a drug and so there are no FDA double binded trials for masks.

So you have to look for independent studies done with rigor and peer reviewed. Many exist. No mask offers 100% protection from anything, and masks in widespread use all offer much more than 0% protection from transmission of respiratory diseases.

Antimaskers love to argue that if it's not 100%, then EFF IT, it must be 0%. That has always been silly.
FDA? What are you babbling about?

No one is saying masks studies are done by the FDA. Another strawman argument from you.

OK, now you admit they're not 100% effective. How effective are they? Do you know why you can't answer? Because there have been no controlled studies. If there have been, please prove a link.

And thanks for taking me off ignore again. lol

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