Ivermectin a promising drug...

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click the link if you want to educate yourself on the POSSIBILTY of the drug

That's quite a link to some garbage web site that is talking about "in vitro". Did you find that on facebook? I'm amazed that idiots will risk their lives by buying into horse worm pills rather than a vaccine that today was approved by the FDA.
Because it doesn’t fit their narrative?

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I agree. I have been vaccinated. But not everyone can be vaccinated. So should we not look into treatments for them?

The problem is it hasn't even been studied. I will be 110% on board with you, if scientists weigh in and say it is an effective treatment for Covid. Right now, 70% of calls to poison control are because of Ivermectin.

Is she in the hospital, on a ventilator or dead? Please tell me that at this point in the pandemic you don't understand how these vaccines work. You realize that 99% of the people dying of covid are unvaccinated, right?

You are aggressively ignorant.
Mark’s post was the vaccine is stopping people from getting sick and dying. I know multiple people sick that are vaccinated, one that died of Covid with the vaccine and one that died from a reaction to the vaccine.

I plan on taking the Pfizer booster as does my sister. That doesn’t mean we are not going to get Covid or die from Covid.
Mark’s post was the vaccine is stopping people from getting sick and dying. I know multiple people sick that are vaccinated, one that died of Covid with the vaccine and one that died from a reaction to the vaccine.

I plan on taking the Pfizer booster as does my sister. That doesn’t mean we are not going to get Covid or die from Covid.

No one said that.
Mark’s post:

“It stops people from getting sick and dying. Why do people insist on dismissing that?”

You are an accountant. When hospitals are reporting that 99% of Covid deaths are unvaccinated, what isn't adding up for you?

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I plan on taking the Pfizer booster as does my sister. That doesn’t mean we are not going to get Covid or die from Covid.
It does mean, though, that you are 3x less likely to get infected and 30x less likely to die. (LA county study linked yesterday)

Think of it as putting a 90% FT shooter up to the line, vs. 30% FT shooter (make it to avoid infection)


Think of it as putting a 90% FT shooter up to the line, vs. 3% FT shooter (death)
It does mean, though, that you are 3x less likely to get infected and 30x less likely to die. (LA county study linked yesterday)

Think of it as putting a 90% FT shooter up to the line, vs. 30% FT shooter (make it to avoid infection)


Think of it as putting a 90% FT shooter up to the line, vs. 3% FT shooter (death)
Actual stats:
Fully vax: admitted 3.2% Non vax 7.6%
Fully vax: icu 0.5% Non vax 1.5%
Full vax: mechanical vent .2% Non vax .5%.

Breakthroughs in LA now are 30%

Percentage talk is hyperbolic. I've had enough of it from the media. If Australia has one case and a new one added Covid cases are up 100 percent oh my god!!!
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It does mean, though, that you are 3x less likely to get infected and 30x less likely to die. (LA county study linked yesterday)

Think of it as putting a 90% FT shooter up to the line, vs. 30% FT shooter (make it to avoid infection)


Think of it as putting a 90% FT shooter up to the line, vs. 3% FT shooter (death)
So how soon will the effectiveness of my shot be zero?

Another question. If Trump was still president would Harris and other Dems be vaccinated?
It does mean, though, that you are 3x less likely to get infected and 30x less likely to die. (LA county study linked yesterday)

Think of it as putting a 90% FT shooter up to the line, vs. 30% FT shooter (make it to avoid infection)


Think of it as putting a 90% FT shooter up to the line, vs. 3% FT shooter (death)
Yes. It's breaking down exactly as the vax trials indicated it would. Here is the breakthrough data from KFF. Pretty much exactly as expected.

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That's why we're all supposed to get boosters after 8 months.
Yea, my eight months really close. Guess I’ll be getting jabbed again. I wonder if I am supposed to continue getting my flu shot that I’ve done for years? It appears Flu has been eradicated, therefore no flu shot this year?
The problem is it hasn't even been studied. I will be 110% on board with you, if scientists weigh in and say it is an effective treatment for Covid. Right now, 70% of calls to poison control are because of Ivermectin.

You can't say your 110% in if scientists are on board and then just ignore the data I linked that was provided by the creator of ivermectin when he worked at MRK. And then say it is garbage because of why? You don't like it.

And stop with the 70% calls junk. You know those are just idiots who are taking the stuff on their own and with out a doctor's consent. That is just stupid and proves nothing about the ineffectiveness of ivermectin.

Here's more research. (not peer reviewed)

So I am not saying we need to start using it now, just that we cannot dismiss it as some drug pushed by kooks. Let's get the scientists and researchers to look at in depth, run the trials that are needed, and see what happens.
You can't say your 110% in if scientists are on board and then just ignore the data I linked that was provided by the creator of ivermectin when he worked at MRK. And then say it is garbage because of why? You don't like it.

And stop with the 70% calls junk. You know those are just idiots who are taking the stuff on their own and with out a doctor's consent. That is just stupid and proves nothing about the ineffectiveness of ivermectin.

Here's more research. (not peer reviewed)

So I am not saying we need to start using it now, just that we cannot dismiss it as some drug pushed by kooks. Let's get the scientists and researchers to look at in depth, run the trials that are needed, and see what happens.
The husband and wife who’ve had Covid since last week, started taking ivermectin yesterday. They both feel like they had a complete turn around today. I am sure it’s all in their brains.

They will be having an interesting talk with their doc/neighbor/friend who prescribed ivermectin for himself and was well in four days while they suffered for days before requesting ivermectin from him.

You don’t have to tell me, this proves nothing. The problem with all this is most folks I know were like I was my whole life. If the CDC, government, docs or any authority told me something important, I believed them. I no longer believe them without verifying if I can.
You can't say your 110% in if scientists are on board and then just ignore the data I linked that was provided by the creator of ivermectin when he worked at MRK. And then say it is garbage because of why? You don't like it.

And stop with the 70% calls junk. You know those are just idiots who are taking the stuff on their own and with out a doctor's consent. That is just stupid and proves nothing about the ineffectiveness of ivermectin.

Here's more research. (not peer reviewed)

So I am not saying we need to start using it now, just that we cannot dismiss it as some drug pushed by kooks. Let's get the scientists and researchers to look at in depth, run the trials that are needed, and see what happens.
Okay. I'm fine with that. Sorry for being overly aggressive. I haven't read your links yet, but if it proves to be an effective treatment for covid, I'm all aboard. I'm aboard for ANYTHING that stops this nightmare. It's just tragic when you see people dying because they won't get a vaccine that takes 15 minutes to get and is fairly certain to keep you from dying...but swallowing all kinds of nonsense that hasn't been proven in the least to protect them.

For instance, this update from Mayo Clinic discusses the drugs currently being researched. There's not even a mention of Ivermectin and Merck itself is said it's not to be used.

My skepticism comes from all the other "miracle" covid cures we've heard about in the past that turn out to be total duds. I would be ecstatic to be wrong.
Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security. "The clinical data is very weak and there is no confidence in it."

This article just came out yesterday:

Jonathan Yardley, an associate professor at Ohio State University College of Veterinary Medicine, said ivermectin is used to kill worms in horses and cows, but is quite powerful.

The drug has caused seizures in miniature horses and dogs, Yardley said, adding, "I find it strange that people are unwilling to take a vaccine that has been approved, but are willing to take a horse drug. I just can't wrap my head around that."

Yardley said that the initial interest in ivermectin was triggered by a preprint that had not been peer-review, and was removed from the internet because of flaws in the data.
@jet812 Please explain to me and everyone here how my post was incorrect.
So are airbag makers, let’s have a big round of applause for them too. I’m laughing at you, not big pharma. They’re making me good money in spite of being such humanitarians.🙄
So you’re advocating we let the sick & infirm that can‘t get the vaccine die then? That’s real Darwinism. Defective genetics shouldn’t be passed on either, so let them die off then, right. You should know this…
I’ve heard wearing a flea collar will ward off the COVID virus. Especially if you’re wearing one of those cones to prevent dogs from licking their stitches.

I mean, why go get vaccinated when you can go down to your local feed store or veterinarian for meds?
I got my vaccine back in February. For those of you who don’t trust the vaccine, I’ve heard that taking some rope (not too much) and tying one end around your neck and the other to a concrete block, then jumping into water that’s over your head will go a long way for preventing a Covid infection.
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I got my vaccine back in February. For those of you who don’t trust the vaccine, I’ve heard that taking some rope (not too much) and tying one end around your neck and the other to a concrete block, then jumping into water that’s over your head will go a long way for preventing a Covid infection.
Did you wait until February because like Harris you didn’t trust Trump’s vaccine?

I trusted him. I got my first shot in December and second in January.
So they were all lying before the election, right? So why when they’re talking like that would so many people not wonder whether to believe them now.
You really are a dramatic individual. Do you exercise besides golf? If you drink, lay-off the booze and do some basic yoga/stretching/meditation. Drink 100oz of water a day.

Golf is great too, but you need to stretch for at least 10-15 minutes a day.
You really are a dramatic individual. Do you exercise besides golf? If you drink, lay-off the booze and do some basic yoga/stretching/meditation. Drink 100oz of water a day.

Golf is great too, but you need to stretch for at least 10-15 minutes a day.
I play golf most days except Monday, Saturday and Sunday. Stretch 5-10 minute before playing. Warm up 30 minutes on range.

Yea I am being dramatic. Just trying to make a point. I guess the Dems were being dramatic before the election? When do we know when they’re being dramatic and lying and when they’re telling the truth.

Leave Biden, out of it. He’s lying 24/7 or dementia is so bad he doesn’t know the difference. I assume Harris doesn’t have dementia, therefore she was lying before the election.
I got my vaccine back in February. For those of you who don’t trust the vaccine, I’ve heard that taking some rope (not too much) and tying one end around your neck and the other to a concrete block, then jumping into water that’s over your head will go a long way for preventing a Covid infection.
That would pad your Covid stats some more…
Did you wait until February because like Harris you didn’t trust Trump’s vaccine?

I trusted him. I got my first shot in December and second in January.
That doesn't sound right. How freaking old are you???
Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security. "The clinical data is very weak and there is no confidence in it."

This article just came out yesterday:

Jonathan Yardley, an associate professor at Ohio State University College of Veterinary Medicine, said ivermectin is used to kill worms in horses and cows, but is quite powerful.

The drug has caused seizures in miniature horses and dogs, Yardley said, adding, "I find it strange that people are unwilling to take a vaccine that has been approved, but are willing to take a horse drug. I just can't wrap my head around that."

Yardley said that the initial interest in ivermectin was triggered by a preprint that had not been peer-review, and was removed from the internet because of flaws in the data.

Glad to know. Not sure how much stock I take in an associate professor of vet med. Guess if my dogs get covid, I know who to call.
Arkansas is trying a controlled study of Ivermectin...these test subjects aren't going anyplace.

I got shot with first responders. My sister and I volunteer at an assisted living facility. The administrator asked us to get vaccinated with their employees.
Okay, now it makes sense. Your timeline would have put you first in line. I didn't think beancounters qualified. 😉
Did you wait until February because like Harris you didn’t trust Trump’s vaccine?

I trusted him. I got my first shot in December and second in January.
No, it’s even simpler than that and even you could understand why. I’m not over a certain age, I’m not immunocompromised and I’m not a front line worker. Other people were simply scheduled ahead of me. My second shot was during the first week of February, if that makes you feel better.
No, it’s even simpler than that and even you could understand why. I’m not over a certain age, I’m not immunocompromised and I’m not a front line worker. Other people were simply scheduled ahead of me. My second shot was during the first week of February, if that makes you feel better.
Would have you taken it if Trump was president?
Okay, now it makes sense. Your timeline would have put you first in line. I didn't think beancounters qualified. 😉
A local EMT posted on FB that an important local professional golfer used his connections to move to the front of the line. As unbelievable as it sounds, I didn’t call her out. 😂

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