Ivermectin a promising drug...

You mention Merck said not to take it. But Hooper, who created it while at MRK
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Maybe the active drug is not longer under patent? Maybe they havn't gotten their market plan in place? Maybe just maybe, there are majority shareholders and board members who own both Merc and JnJ and xyz and 123 and........
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Here is the newest study I found, no to ivermectin but another drug may be showing promise:

hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Maybe the active drug is not longer under patent? Maybe they havn't gotten their market plan in place? Maybe just maybe, there are majority shareholders and board members who own both Merc and JnJ and xyz and 123 and........

Maybe. I own them all. Luv makin' money!
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Here is the newest study I found, no to ivermectin but another drug may be showing promise:

Great! But why should I rely on this study versus the multiple studies listed on FLCCC? Or if there are multiple studies like the one you linked vs multiple studies on FLCCC?
Hooper was a fine parasitologist and helped develop a nice antiparasitic agent, so that makes him a go-to virologist?
Look to JAMA studies and to blinded clinical trial results. Look for language like "statistically significant".

If I give 15 people ivermectin, unblinded, and 15 others I don't, maybe I pick the least sick or youngest to get it. But say it was random. Say 15 of 15 live with ivermectin and "only" 14 of 15 live without it. Shout it from the mountaintops, I saved a life! Hallelujah!

Um.... 15 people? Not statistically significant. But... we will find some pay-to-play paper harvesting publisher to get my unsupported conclusions out there. Some rubes will believe it.
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Look to JAMA studies and to blinded clinical trial results. Look for language like "statistically significant".

If I give 15 people ivermectin, unblinded, and 15 others I don't, maybe I pick the least sick or youngest to get it. But say it was random. Say 15 of 15 live with ivermectin and "only" 14 of 15 live without it. Shout it from the mountaintops, I saved a life! Hallelujah!

Um.... 15 people? Not statistically significant. But... we will find some pay-to-play paper harvesting publisher to get my unsupported conclusions out there. Some rubes will believe it.

So have you read thru the FLCCC info and studies?
Didn't realize you were such a fan of big pharma.
I’m a fan of scientists who are saving lives. So, if that’s a fan of “big pharma”, yes I am.
Then again, I haven’t gone to my local livestock store where I could get horse pills!

I guess I’m not as wise as a moron like you.
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Wonder what the CREATOR of Ivermectin thinks? Wow, we have an article about that.

And I will state for the umpteenth time that I only want to see the FDA review the data from 63 trials, 31 randomized control trials, with over 26k patients. It is stupid to take it at levels designated for animals. Totally agree. But 4 BILLION doses have been given to humans since 1998, so it is safe for humans.

Are you wearing a flea collar?
Great! But why should I rely on this study versus the multiple studies listed on FLCCC? Or if there are multiple studies like the one you linked vs multiple studies on FLCCC?
Henry Ford medical center in Michigan cane out with a study very very early that showed Hydroxy was the miracle cure.

The problem was it was an observational study. They went through their records and put people in two groups, those that received the drug and those that did not. Those that did had a better survival rate.

But that study has limitations. Two became quickly apparent. One was they only gave hydroxy to patients they believed had a chance. Second, among those patients they also gave steroids in larger numbers. Steroids were discovered to be effective shortly after in Britain.

So what did the Ford study really show? It showed 1) that patients who 9nly receive palliative care die more often and 2) some combination. Of hydroxy and/or steroids works. Of course we learned that steroids alone worked as well as steroids and hydroxy.

Being that they argue large double blind trials are useless, those are not the trials they are doing. They are ER doctors, they say it is unethical to withhold treatment. So if they are giving treatment and we know steroids are called for, how do we know what role this drug is providing?

So if faced with a non-controlled observational study or a controlled experiment, the latter is considered better. If faced with multiple observational studies, then you get into a numbers game.

I am not paranoid enough to think it has been proven to work and the entire mainstream medical community is in on a fix except the three docs.
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Look to JAMA studies and to blinded clinical trial results. Look for language like "statistically significant".

If I give 15 people ivermectin, unblinded, and 15 others I don't, maybe I pick the least sick or youngest to get it. But say it was random. Say 15 of 15 live with ivermectin and "only" 14 of 15 live without it. Shout it from the mountaintops, I saved a life! Hallelujah!

Um.... 15 people? Not statistically significant. But... we will find some pay-to-play paper harvesting publisher to get my unsupported conclusions out there. Some rubes will believe it.
It's all about the dosing. Ivermectin is safe in humans at the appropriate dose.
But it hasn't been proven effective for Covid. Would I take it if my physician said let's give it a try....absolutely because I know it's safe.
The only issue I have is the one where folks won't get a vaccine that we know works but will take Ivermectin that we don't know that it works.
Also, only take if prescribed by your physician... don't get it from TSC and guess at the dose
I was just trying to understand your "big pharma" comment in your Post 116.
Well, Hoops replied to a post of mine last Feb that maybe MRK didn't really want to use ivermectin because it had another treatment drug for COVID in its pipeline. He sarcastically replied it was a conspiracy, which to me he was defending MRK. I found it odd that a liberal would defend big pharma, as MRK is.
Well, Hoops replied to a post of mine last Feb that maybe MRK didn't really want to use ivermectin because it had another treatment drug for COVID in its pipeline. He sarcastically replied it was a conspiracy, which to me he was defending MRK. I found it odd that a liberal would defend big pharma, as MRK is.
Big pharma is saving a lot of people's lives right now.
Big pharma is saving a lot of people's lives right now.

I know. I love them. Making lots of money on them.

And 4 billion people are happy ivermectin has been available in human doses to combat 21 different human viruses. Maybe 22 if the FDA looks at the data.

But you be you and be close minded.
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I know. I love them. Making lots of money on them.

And 4 billion people are happy ivermectin has been available in human doses to combat 21 different human viruses. Maybe 22 if the FDA looks at the data.

But you be you and be close minded.
Good, then stop your whining about Big Pharma.

LOL on the Ivermectin. You are bonkers. Please link a study by a reputable source that says Ivermectin is effective in treating Covid. MERCK, who makes the drug is urging people not to take it for Covid.

Is your next plan to get an exorcist?
I know. I love them. Making lots of money on them.

And 4 billion people are happy ivermectin has been available in human doses to combat 21 different human viruses. Maybe 22 if the FDA looks at the data.

But you be you and be close minded.

Good, then stop your whining about Big Pharma.

LOL on the Ivermectin. You are bonkers. Please link a study by a reputable source that says Ivermectin is effective in treating Covid. MERCK, who makes the drug is urging people not to take it for Covid.

Is your next plan to get an exorcist?

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I know. I love them. Making lots of money on them.

And 4 billion people are happy ivermectin has been available in human doses to combat 21 different human viruses. Maybe 22 if the FDA looks at the data.

But you be you and be close minded.
Unless worms in the digestive tract causes covid...this drug won't help.
Good, then stop your whining about Big Pharma.

LOL on the Ivermectin. You are bonkers. Please link a study by a reputable source that says Ivermectin is effective in treating Covid. MERCK, who makes the drug is urging people not to take it for Covid.

Is your next plan to get an exorcist?
click the link if you want to educate yourself on the POSSIBILTY of the drug

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Unless worms in the digestive tract causes covid...this drug won't help.

From a research article I linked for Hoops.

Originally identified as an inhibitor of interaction between the human immunodeficiency virus-1 (HIV-1) integrase protein (IN) and the importin (IMP) α/β1 heterodimer responsible for IN nuclear import (Wagstaff et al., 2011), Ivermectin has since been confirmed to inhibit IN nuclear import and HIV-1 replication (Wagstaff et al., 2012). Other actions of ivermectin have been reported (Mastrangelo et al., 2012), but ivermectin has been shown to inhibit nuclear import of host (eg. (Kosyna et al., 2015; van der Watt et al., 2016)) and viral proteins, including simian virus SV40 large tumour antigen (T-ag) and dengue virus (DENV) non-structural protein 5 (Wagstaff et al., 2012, Wagstaff et al., 2011). Importantly, it has been demonstrated to limit infection by RNA viruses such as DENV 1-4 (Tay et al., 2013), West Nile Virus (Yang et al., 2020), Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus (VEEV) (Lundberg et al., 2013) and influenza (Gotz et al., 2016), with this broad spectrum activity believed to be due to the reliance by many different RNA viruses on IMPα/β1 during infection (Caly et al., 2012; Jans et al., 2019). Ivermectin has similarly been shown to be effective against the DNA virus pseudorabies virus (PRV) both in vitro and in vivo, with ivermectin treatment shown to increase survival in PRV-infected mice (Lv et al., 2018). Efficacy was not observed for ivermectin against Zika virus (ZIKV) in mice, but the authors acknowledged that study limitations justified re-evaluation of ivermectin's anti-ZIKV activity (Ketkar et al., 2019). Finally, ivermectin was the focus of a phase III clinical trial in Thailand in 2014–2017, against DENV infection, in which a single daily oral dose was observed to be safe and resulted in a significant reduction in serum levels of viral NS1 protein, but no change in viremia or clinical benefit was observed (see below) (Yamasmith et al., 2018).

The causative agent of the current COVID-19 pandemic, SARS-CoV-2, is a single stranded positive sense RNA virus that is closely related to severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV). Studies on SARS-CoV proteins have revealed a potential role for IMPα/β1 during infection in signal-dependent nucleocytoplasmic shutting of the SARS-CoV Nucleocapsid protein (Rowland et al., 2005; Timani et al., 2005; Wulan et al., 2015), that may impact host cell division (Hiscox et al., 2001; Wurm et al., 2001). In addition, the SARS-CoV accessory protein ORF6 has been shown to antagonize the antiviral activity of the STAT1 transcription factor by sequestering IMPα/β1 on the rough ER/Golgi membrane (Frieman et al., 2007). Taken together, these reports suggested that ivermectin's nuclear transport inhibitory activity may be effective against SARS-CoV-2.
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Seriously, these idiots want to use every possible thing they read about on Facebook, except the one thing that is proven to stop Covid: The vaccine!
My sister was vaccinated. She tested positive for Covid Monday. The vaccine helps but its stopping nothing.
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It stops people from getting sick and dying. Why do people insist on dismissing that?
It stops people from getting sick and dying. Why do people insist on dismissing that?
Interesting stats out of LA. From May through the end of July 25% of all cases were fully vaccinated people. 3.2% of fully vaxd were hospitalized. 0.05 admitted to icu and 0.25 were on a vent. This is better than the unvacd group. Although the unvacd group's numbers were still very low too.

More timely LA's breakthrough cases are at about 30 percent now. I wonder will breakthrough data will start to dissuade people. Not as sick is a different message than won't get it.

I still think employer mandates is the quickest way to elevate numbers.
Interesting stats out of LA. From May through the end of July 25% of all cases were fully vaccinated people. 3.2% of fully vaxd were hospitalized. 0.05 admitted to icu and 0.25 were on a vent. This is better than the unvacd group. Although the unvacd group's numbers were still very low too.

More timely LA's breakthrough cases are at about 30 percent now. I wonder will breakthrough data will start to dissuade people. Not as sick is a different message than won't get it.

I still think employer mandates is the quickest way to elevate numbers.
Ohio State announced a vaccine mandate today for students and employees.

My sister was vaccinated. She tested positive for Covid Monday. The vaccine helps but its stopping nothing.
Is she in the hospital, on a ventilator or dead? Please tell me that at this point in the pandemic you don't understand how these vaccines work. You realize that 99% of the people dying of covid are unvaccinated, right?

You are aggressively ignorant.
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