I think anyone straight, gay, trans, or whatever else there is out there should get a side eye if they are trying to have sexual conversations behind a parent's back. To make clear what I said, if that was a straight male talking about having sexual conversations with children as young as 5 or 6 as part of a club, we would be questioning that person with the "this is a pedo-pervert" line of thinking in mind. The only reason we tip tie around it, and respectfully this is what you are doing, is because it is some non-heterosexual movement behind it. "You are calling gay people pervs." No, I am not. I am saying that anyone who is that interested in having those discussions with children and hiding them from parents should get the side eye the same way we would if it were 5 young girls or boys staying after school at a club not vetted by parents that was talking about masturbation (something shown that at least some of these groups are talking about) or some other such topic. And the fact they want to be secretive should set off all sorts of alarm bells.
What term would you like me to use for adults who want to talk to prepubescent children about sex without the parent's knowledge and consent and then tells the children to keep it from their parents? Groomer and perv are out. What can I call them? And again, I don't give a shit if they are gay or not, I don't want straight teachers doing this shit either. It is a complete violation of trust.
"The most comprehensive
report about sexual abuse in public schools, published by the Department of Education in 2004, estimates—on the basis of a 2000 survey, conducted by the American Association of University Women, of 2,065 students in grades eight through 11—that nearly 10 percent of K-12 students have been victims of sexual misconduct by a public school employee. Assuming that figure is accurate, this would translate into an approximately 4.5 million children nationwide suffering sexual misconduct by public school employees, with an estimated 3 million suffering physical sexual abuse."
In the wake of the controversy surrounding Florida’s Parental Rights in Education legislation, which prohibits public schools from teaching gender identity and sexual orientation in kindergarten through third grade, the national media has sought to paint conservative opposition as hysterical...
People won't like the author of the article but the report comes from the DoE. 1 in 10 students suffering some type of sexual abuse or misconduct from a school teacher or administrator. So if pervert or groomer is not a fair term, what is?