It isn't in schools

That's not a joke, it's my opinion.

Churchill was right when he said:

"If you're not a liberal at 25, you have no heart. If you are not a conservative at 35, you have no brain".

There's still time for you to wise up.
So the whole, "I never said anything about your dad" was bullshit? would never admit it.
You're not this stupid.

You asked if it was ok for tax $s to be used for Wiccan schools. Rather than just saying yes, I said go full Satanic, because I knew that would be your next question. Go for it.
Another typical response.
Nothing to see here.
Why not answer the original question?
Same and I graduated high school in rural Indiana in the early 2000s. Having worked in higher ed for the past ten years, I noticed students are much more accepting of others than even when I attended IU.

Saying "that's not cool" when someone says something offensive isn't what many might label as woke. They just want people to be nice and considerate of each other. I can only recall one "woke" student who was a little too much, but they were still a good person. I also recall some mens rights students at IU who enrolled in a womens studies class for the sole purpose of disrupting the class.
You said one student and then you say "they?" So you had more than one who was too much "woke."
Well, I had forgotten that. Apparently you were really butthurt about me calling your dad "not wise". Pretty strange.
Not butt hurt, or even surprised. I just have a good memory for assholery.
I often do say something when a poster brings another poster's family into the equation, regardless of political sway. I think it's pretty cowardly...but you do you.
Not butt hurt, or even surprised. I just have a good memory for assholery.
I often do say something when a poster brings another poster's family into the equation, regardless of political sway. I think it's pretty cowardly...but you do you.
Definitely butthurt. That's ok, you're an unusually sensitive guy, obviously. But to be clear, I didn't bring your family into the equation, you did. You said you're dad was an 89 year old liberal and you're mother was a Trumper.
Definitely butthurt. That's ok, you're an unusually sensitive guy, obviously. But to be clear, I didn't bring your family into the equation, you did. You said you're dad was an 89 year old liberal and you're mother was a Trumper.
And I assume you are one of those "Fvck Your Feelings" sweatshirt wearing Trumper cowards. It all fits.
Not a very smart coward, either, as evidenced by your last two sentences.
Nothing to see here as in....boy, that FDOE sure is a paragon of bureaucratic governance and I'm glad we have such oversight in place b/c I know I can sleep easier!

Like that?
Mush head is proving to be an intellectual lightweight, and only has a passing acquaintance with the truth. I'm about done wasting time with him.
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In school ..
I read about Marx. I'm not communist.
I read about homosexuality. I'm not a homosexual.
I read about Islam. I'm not muslim.
I read about Christ. I'm not Christian.
I read about Hitler. I'm not a nazi.

You guys believe kids look to their teachers, textbooks and lessons as role models for their opinions and maps for their life choices...... laughable.

They believe old ass teachers, and stupid text books (and most parents) are lame AF and out of touch...

If you don't want your kids to be indoctrinated into current societal norms, lock them in their room, take away their phone and keep them away from other kids. Besides that they do what they feel is right, form their own opinions with help from their peers, regardless and in spite of what a school, text book, teacher or even parent thinks.

Are you guys really this out of touch with reality?

The irony, that I can't ignore .. is that the ones complaining the loudest HAVE been groomed by memes, bots, and entertainment news into this and other bullshit radicalized belief. Hilarious ... hopefully the kids are not as weak minded as a bunch of disgruntled boomers.

Look in the god damn mirror ..
You left out reading about hungry hungry caterpillars too.
Is it ok if we say that men with promiscuous homosexual lifestyles are more prone than hetro males to HIV & other sexually transmitted disease; Hep A, B & C; anal cancer; Depression & Anxiety; body image and eating disorders; alcoholism, nicotine addition & other substance abuse; and domestic abuse?

Should we mention the much greater %s of suicidal ideation, attempts and completed suicides?

No. No, it's not OK. You can't say that stuff out loud.
This sentence uses singular and plural pronouns which makes it unclear if you're talking about one person or more than one person:

I can only recall one "woke" student who was a little too much, but they were still a good person.
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This sentence uses singular and plural pronouns in the same sentence which makes it unclear if you're talking about one person or more than one person.
You need to get more woke. 'They' is used as a pronoun for one person.

Get with it!

It isn't in schools so much that every major textbook company decided to include it in math questions. 40% of the textbooks had to be tossed because they focused on something other than math (or moved the focus).

in other news, the Indiana General Assembly has banned civics classes from teaching how bills really get advanced and passed in Indiana.

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Writing sentences like this only confuses people:

I can only recall one "woke" student who was a little too much, but they were still a good person.

It's all over the place with singular and plural pronouns, verbs and nouns.
Go full Satanic if you want, Bulk.
Apropos of nothing, but many years ago we did some decorating at work for Easter. I kept a little magnetic cross that said “He is risen” and put it on my locker.

Today I happened to look at it and noticed that someone had written “hail satan, bitch” under it. I have no idea how long it’s been that way.

Dirty bastards.
Apropos of nothing, but many years ago we did some decorating at work for Easter. I kept a little magnetic cross that said “He is risen” and put it on my locker.

Today I happened to look at it and noticed that someone had written “hail satan, bitch” under it. I have no idea how long it’s been that way.

Dirty bastards.
Someone bought a one-way ticket on the bullet train to Hell.
Apropos of nothing, but many years ago we did some decorating at work for Easter. I kept a little magnetic cross that said “He is risen” and put it on my locker.

Today I happened to look at it and noticed that someone had written “hail satan, bitch” under it. I have no idea how long it’s been that way.

Dirty bastards.
Have they questioned Jesse Pinkmsn