Prove it. Cite me a case. In fact, cite me a couple thousand cases before anything you just said can be accepted as reality. Got any government linked studies to prove your point? Nevermind, even that wouldn't be enough.Here's an example of alleged "grooming"
A woman is teaching elementary school and one of the kids remarks that her necklace is pretty. She responds "Thanks, it was a surprise gift from my girlfriend"
Here's a related example that isn't judged to be grooming.
A woman is teaching elementary school and one of the kids remarks that her necklace is pretty. She responds "Thanks, it was a surprise gift from my boyfriend"
Edit to add: You have always been really heavy on the "well actually the experts say..." so I am holding you to that standard. Your made up scenario you pulled out of your ass isn't going to cut it when there is actual hard evidence up to and including government backed reports being submitted as support for my position.