Yes, Things Are Really As Bad As You've Heard
A Leftist Schoolteacher Struggles To Say Aloud the Things He Regularly Witnesses That Are So Outlandish They Sound Made Up By Right-Wing Provocateurs

So that's why I’m writing about these issues – not to dunk on the woke or trigger the libs or “launder my white anxiety” (as a friend recently suggested on social media). I’m writing about these issues because I want to grab anyone who might listen and tell them yes, things really are as bad as you've heard, even if the people you heard it from can be absolutely nuts. These stories sound crazy because they are crazy. It’s not my fault a bunch of cynical hacks noticed that first while all my supposed allies were training themselves to look the other way.
I would be one of the hacks to this guy, but he and I agree that the schools are developing a problem.
Including here in areas that are still considered fairly conservative Indiana.