I plan to attend my county convention and speak my mind. My platform is we are not a Christian right party and if you want to act as one by making abortion an issue that is a game changer at every election level from the local to the national is absurd. I resent you asking school board candidates and officers running for sheriff if they are pro-life. I am sick of primaries where we get the worst candidates due to need to pander to get elected. I am sick of Republicans defending Donald Trump. Just construct a timeline of his administration and look at the resignations. His use of twitter is not a way presidents should communicate as a world leader. Great article from the Pittsburg News. https://www.post-gazette.com/opinio...versary-republican-party/stories/202206060089 Call me a rino. I will let history judge my position. If you want a Christian Right Party, please leave and our party will be infected with your evangelical virus no more