Fauci Stumped....

I have a friend of a friend who died of Covid this week. I think first one I’ve known in over two years. He got pneumonia and it progressed very quickly.
But how could that be?

We were told right here on the WC that it was scientifically impossible for the covid virus to have been genetically manipulated and that Wuhan didn't have the capability to do it--that they were a Jiffy Lube of science.
That would be a our paid expert witness/2 Ivy degrees clown.
And we're suppose to follow the science?......

In times of caution and emergency, it's OK to err on the side of caution.

Think of how many times your kids thought you were a stupid and controlling for simple things that were likely vastly over cautious. You did the best you could.

Masking and social distancing are two extremely harmless things. Idiots made it political and about "freedom". As annoying as masks were, I viewed it as respect to those who needed it the most. Pretty simple, but hey, let's keep talking about it.
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Try Bloomington.

Masked until damn near end of school year 2022.

Former IU Football coach Grant Heard single-handedly ended the nonsense by being the first alpha male to actually go to the school board and challenge the beta cucks, lesbians, and otherwise miserable shitlibs on the board.

They had no problem dismissing random white women complaining about the school masks for years, but a black male who wasn't a partisan shitlib...they folded. Canceled the mask mandate that night.

Grant Heard is an American hero. Saved Bloomington.

He quit and took a job at Central Florida a week later. 😄
In a previous rendition (who was kindly dismissed permanently by one of the mods) I said in fall of 2021 that my son had a cross country meet at Notre Dame and then my wife and I stopped by Btown in the way back home. The contrast between the 2 campuses was alarming. At ND you could barely tell COVID was a thing. At IU the commies had absolutely taken over. Couldn’t believe the environment on Kirkwood. I was told I was a liar by several of the libs on this board but I literally was in South Bend one day and B town the next. I know what you say is true and I’m sorry you had to live with that
None. I retired in 2012. I separated one Sailor for refusing his Anthrax shots. If I was still in and Sailors refused COVID shots I would have take the appropriate action.
Why would you think it’s a good idea to refuse an Anthrax shot in this day and age when our enemies wouldn’t hesitate to use it against us.
My neighbor growing up was in the Navy. Served on an aircraft carrier all over the world. Love his tales of adventure. He and I worked building houses when he got out.
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In times of caution and emergency, it's OK to err on the side of caution.

Think of how many times your kids thought you were a stupid and controlling for simple things that were likely vastly over cautious. You did the best you could.

Masking and social distancing are two extremely harmless things. Idiots made it political and about "freedom". As annoying as masks were, I viewed it as respect to those who needed it the most. Pretty simple, but hey, let's keep talking about it.
Again they want to go on and on about perceived injustices that caused them zero harm and likely helped save millions of their fellow Americans lives.
Our autistic son complains all the time that we are too cautious with him. And we are. That’s what you do and we don’t apologize for it.
In a previous rendition (who was kindly dismissed permanently by one of the mods) I said in fall of 2021 that my son had a cross country meet at Notre Dame and then my wife and I stopped by Btown in the way back home. The contrast between the 2 campuses was alarming. At ND you could barely tell COVID was a thing. At IU the commies had absolutely taken over. Couldn’t believe the environment on Kirkwood. I was told I was a liar by several of the libs on this board but I literally was in South Bend one day and B town the next. I know what you say is true and I’m sorry you had to live with that
Oh the horror.
And we're suppose to follow the science?......

And when you get cancer don’t follow the science. I’m sure you’ll beat it on your own. Some are just stupid or ignorant. You decide which you are.
We were dealing with a deadly virus and that killed 7 million people worldwide. I don’t remember one instance of someone dying from masking up. If I’m wrong I’ll gladly accept it. Glad all you scientists and doctors here have all the answers. We were dealing with something we knew little about so we were learning on the fly.
I don't know why the NYT decided to publish a falsehood- riddled essay by a relatively low-level postdoc (not a faculty member) but it did. Some of the falsehoods need to be pointed out.

NYT article falsehood: "out of the hundreds of SARS-like viruses cataloged by scientists, SARS‑CoV‑2 is the only one known to possess a furin cleavage site"

facts: absolutely, completely false: "Here we analyzed the phylogenetic relationships of coronavirus spike proteins and mapped furin recognition motif on the tree. Furin cleavage sites occurred independently for multiple times in the evolution of the coronavirus family, supporting the natural occurring hypothesis".

NYT article falsehood: "a never-before-seen SARS-like virus with a newly introduced furin cleavage site... caused an outbreak..."
facts: it is a naturally-evolved furin cleavage site that is present in all coronaviruses, including SARS1 from the 2002 outbreak

NYT article falsehood: "Not a single infected animal has ever been confirmed at the market or in its supply chain."

facts: genetic testing of animal confinement areas in the Wuhan market found live SARS2 virus in fecal matter remaining there. Technically, it is correct to say that no infected animals were found, since by the time of testing, the infected animals had long been killed and their carcasses incinerated in attempts to quell the outbreak.

NYT article falsehood: "ancestral variants of the virus were not found in wild animals"

facts: animals bearing SARS2 virus of 95-98% homology were found and results widely published
Why would anyone want to live under a police state when there are states that allow people to live freely?
Your Dear Leader loves Russia. Why don’t you try living there or North Korea. Try speaking out against the president there and see what happens. Seriously, a police state? Again, selfish people who are only about themselves ie Dear Leader and yourself, don’t care about others.
Was it inconvenient to wear a mask? Absolutely. I was 63 at the time but with the exception of multiple surgeries, very healthy. But I was way more concerned about others in the most at risk category, including my mother who was 90 at the time. Living here in SW Florida that’s a significant portion of the population. So I followed the recommendations of those who are much better educated. The doctors and scientists. You’d rather follow your selfish beliefs. You have to be an atheist.
Your Dear Leader loves Russia. Why don’t you try living there or North Korea. Try speaking out against the president there and see what happens. Seriously, a police state? Again, selfish people who are only about themselves ie Dear Leader and yourself, don’t care about others.
Was it inconvenient to wear a mask? Absolutely. I was 63 at the time but with the exception of multiple surgeries, very healthy. But I was way more concerned about others in the most at risk category, including my mother who was 90 at the time. Living here in SW Florida that’s a significant portion of the population. So I followed the recommendations of those who are much better educated. The doctors and scientists. You’d rather follow your selfish beliefs. You have to be an atheist.
I hate Trump
In times of caution and emergency, it's OK to err on the side of caution.
I completely agree with that but don't tell me that it's based on science IF you don't know whether it is or not. When I find out he doesn't know of any studies about distancing (and there are some) then I tend to doubt anything that he says.

You decide which you are.
I agree... If someone is telling me that the earth is flat and I find out later that it's round and that the person stating that it was flat made that statement based on nothing then I tend to doubt anything that that person says. You have to decide whether it's stupid to listen to that person or ignore him.
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If I am asked on the witness stand under oath to cite from memory what studies established that taking aspirin tablets after a heart attack lowers the risk of a second heart attack, I would have to say that I don't recall the study. But it's true. If you give me a laptop with access to the internet, I could refresh my memory and give you the citation. This is basically the "gotcha" that you think you have on Fauci.
Where was our "strong" leader during all of Fauci's nonsense? Everywhere else the leaders of state were the ones doing the decision making. Cuomo was out front, leading the narratives, not his states "Fauci". Obviously he made mistakes, but at least he was out there trying to lead. DeSantis didn't rely on Fauci, or some Florida version of Fauci. He made decisions, led the narrative for his state.

I'm so sick and tired of MAGA people blaming Fauci. Where the hell was Trump? Doing what he always does in difficult situations...staying out of the fight, and then making fun of and blaming others for their mistakes. I'm glad enough people saw that in the 2020 election, and voted him out.

I wish our current President wasn't so horrible that he has caused people to either forget, or overlook, how weak and inept Trump was with his only real crisis in office. The thought of him dealing with a real recession, actual real threats of a World War...should scare the hell out of people. He showed all of us how he leads through a difficult crisis. Unfortunately, his successor has showed all of us how to unnecessarily amplify, or even cause, crisis. Such a fun decision we have on our hands.

Fauci should never have been allowed to control the narrative. He should have been one of a few people that gave scientific advice to the President. And Trump should have led, made the decisions, and been out front communicating those decisions. He should have acted like all his adoring fans mistakenly claim he acts like.
Where was our "strong" leader during all of Fauci's nonsense? Everywhere else the leaders of state were the ones doing the decision making. Cuomo was out front, leading the narratives, not his states "Fauci". Obviously he made mistakes, but at least he was out there trying to lead. DeSantis didn't rely on Fauci, or some Florida version of Fauci. He made decisions, led the narrative for his state.

I'm so sick and tired of MAGA people blaming Fauci. Where the hell was Trump? Doing what he always does in difficult situations...staying out of the fight, and then making fun of and blaming others for their mistakes. I'm glad enough people saw that in the 2020 election, and voted him out.

I wish our current President wasn't so horrible that he has caused people to either forget, or overlook, how weak and inept Trump was with his only real crisis in office. The thought of him dealing with a real recession, actual real threats of a World War...should scare the hell out of people. He showed all of us how he leads through a difficult crisis. Unfortunately, his successor has showed all of us how to unnecessarily amplify, or even cause, crisis. Such a fun decision we have on our hands.

Fauci should never have been allowed to control the narrative. He should have been one of a few people that gave scientific advice to the President. And Trump should have led, made the decisions, and been out front communicating those decisions. He should have acted like all his adoring fans mistakenly claim he acts like.
Can you say Scapegoat?
Can you say Scapegoat?
He does it in basically everything he does. He bankrupts businesses...blames others. How many people have taken falls for him on the various crap while in office?

This never happens in sports, because coaches almost always have actual backbones...but this whole thing would be like Woodson sending Jordan Hulls out to field questions about the team and their thoughts and philosophies when they go through tough times and are losing games. And our fans calling for Hulls head, and giving Woodson a pass. Its so absurd.
Where was our "strong" leader during all of Fauci's nonsense? Everywhere else the leaders of state were the ones doing the decision making. Cuomo was out front, leading the narratives, not his states "Fauci". Obviously he made mistakes, but at least he was out there trying to lead. DeSantis didn't rely on Fauci, or some Florida version of Fauci. He made decisions, led the narrative for his state.

I'm so sick and tired of MAGA people blaming Fauci. Where the hell was Trump? Doing what he always does in difficult situations...staying out of the fight, and then making fun of and blaming others for their mistakes. I'm glad enough people saw that in the 2020 election, and voted him out.

I wish our current President wasn't so horrible that he has caused people to either forget, or overlook, how weak and inept Trump was with his only real crisis in office. The thought of him dealing with a real recession, actual real threats of a World War...should scare the hell out of people. He showed all of us how he leads through a difficult crisis. Unfortunately, his successor has showed all of us how to unnecessarily amplify, or even cause, crisis. Such a fun decision we have on our hands.

Fauci should never have been allowed to control the narrative. He should have been one of a few people that gave scientific advice to the President. And Trump should have led, made the decisions, and been out front communicating those decisions. He should have acted like all his adoring fans mistakenly claim he acts like.
Trump has lousy leadership skills.
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I completely agree with that but don't tell me that it's based on science IF you don't know whether it is or not. When I find out he doesn't know of any studies about distancing (and there are some) then I tend to doubt anything that he says.

I agree... If someone is telling me that the earth is flat and I find out later that it's round and that the person stating that it was flat made that statement based on nothing then I tend to doubt anything that that person says. You have to decide whether it's stupid to listen to that person or ignore him.
Forgot in my last post that flat earth guy also said that we never landed on the moon. How do people like this exist and survive?
Where was our "strong" leader during all of Fauci's nonsense? Everywhere else the leaders of state were the ones doing the decision making. Cuomo was out front, leading the narratives, not his states "Fauci". Obviously he made mistakes, but at least he was out there trying to lead. DeSantis didn't rely on Fauci, or some Florida version of Fauci. He made decisions, led the narrative for his state.

I'm so sick and tired of MAGA people blaming Fauci. Where the hell was Trump? Doing what he always does in difficult situations...staying out of the fight, and then making fun of and blaming others for their mistakes. I'm glad enough people saw that in the 2020 election, and voted him out.

I wish our current President wasn't so horrible that he has caused people to either forget, or overlook, how weak and inept Trump was with his only real crisis in office. The thought of him dealing with a real recession, actual real threats of a World War...should scare the hell out of people. He showed all of us how he leads through a difficult crisis. Unfortunately, his successor has showed all of us how to unnecessarily amplify, or even cause, crisis. Such a fun decision we have on our hands.

Fauci should never have been allowed to control the narrative. He should have been one of a few people that gave scientific advice to the President. And Trump should have led, made the decisions, and been out front communicating those decisions. He should have acted like all his adoring fans mistakenly claim he acts like.
Personally, I'm glad he wasn't out there in front of it. I think it would have been even ganked up than what it was. The sad truth is that was likely no one involved with leadership skills, common sense, and without something to hide that should have been out in front of the response.
That was the wrong prescription. We made a ton of mistakes. Masks, distancing, vaccines and protecting the vulnerable weren't mistakes, but acting like everyone was equally at risk and shutting down the schools and economy were big mistakes.
Just because people weren't at risk doesn't mean they couldn't spread it to those that were at risk.

That kid that went to school would likely be fine...their older relatives at home that they are in contact with after school maybe not so much
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Just because people weren't at risk doesn't mean they couldn't spread it to those that were at risk.

That kid that went to school would likely be fine...their older relatives at home that they are in contact with after school maybe not so much
People should have been told to exercise personal responsibility around at risk friends and relatives. Mandatory masks for the kids was not the answer.
People should have been told to exercise personal responsibility around at risk friends and relatives. Mandatory masks for the kids was not the answer.
Pandemic proved people don't care about personal responsibility. Care more about ma freedom than anyone's health

People in Asia wore masks day 1. Idiots here acted like they couldn't breathe
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But it's true. If you give me a laptop with access to the internet, I could refresh my memory and give you the citation.
Hopefully you would say that you can't quote a citation but you know there are some out there. Fauci said he didn't know of any studies on distancing.

Trump has lousy leadership skills.
You're inferring that he has leadership skills.... all he knows how to do is give orders.
Yep, my kid played soccer in the fall of 2020 in a mask. Outdoors. Then quit.
Same with my youngest.... Although he still plays. He did get a red card one game for taking off his mask to spit out some phlegm.....I usually don't say a word at games. Mostly because I hate soccer parents. I didn't this game. I was hotter than Hunter Biden after losing a gram of coke...Got myself thrown out of the game because there WAS NO RULE ABOUT RED CARDING FOR TAKING OFF YOUR MASK! Mrs. Milton lectured me on civility afterwards--mind you, two games before she is screaming at ref that some kid on the other team should have been red carded...And that's why I like to be alone watching the game. Put my headphones on and max out the noise cancelling, and I never have to hear a thing.

On the plus side, we have all learned valuable lessons through the pandemic period--Americans won't tolerate being told what to do; schools should do their best to not close and keep people in the classes; and maybe people can try to be better humans during the process of the next pandemic.
Personally, I'm glad he wasn't out there in front of it. I think it would have been even ganked up than what it was. The sad truth is that was likely no one involved with leadership skills, common sense, and without something to hide that should have been out in front of the response.
DeSantis seemed to have it figured out. And of course he's been essentially shunned by the party as a potential candidate because of his opposition to Trump.
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Why would anyone want to live under a police state when there are states that allow people to live freely?
Because we didn’t want to die? I chose, and would do so again, to err on the side of caution until I was fully vaccinated.
Same with my youngest.... Although he still plays. He did get a red card one game for taking off his mask to spit out some phlegm.....I usually don't say a word at games. Mostly because I hate soccer parents. I didn't this game. I was hotter than Hunter Biden after losing a gram of coke...Got myself thrown out of the game because there WAS NO RULE ABOUT RED CARDING FOR TAKING OFF YOUR MASK! Mrs. Milton lectured me on civility afterwards--mind you, two games before she is screaming at ref that some kid on the other team should have been red carded...And that's why I like to be alone watching the game. Put my headphones on and max out the noise cancelling, and I never have to hear a thing.

On the plus side, we have all learned valuable lessons through the pandemic period--Americans won't tolerate being told what to do; schools should do their best to not close and keep people in the classes; and maybe people can try to be better humans during the process of the next pandemic.
Haha. My dad got kicked out of his grandson’s baseball game for yelling at the ref. We were all mortified. I think he was too but he wouldn’t admit it. Family gave him an extra one game suspension.
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DeSantis seemed to have it figured out. And of course he's been essentially shunned by the party as a potential candidate because of his opposition to Trump
Honestly, I don't think anybody had it figured out. Nobody saw this coming --they just knew it was likely going to be a problem.

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