Fauci Stumped....

Haha. My dad got kicked out of his grandson’s baseball game for yelling at the ref. We were all mortified. I think he was too but he wouldn’t admit it. Family gave him an extra one game suspension.
Perfect. Both my kids play in college and my old man 2 years ago felt like it is totally acceptable to go and talk to my kid's head coach before games, argue with other parents, tell the referees after the game they totally blew calls, etc....He's been plagued by bladder cancer for some time and chemo and radiation didn't work so they are removing the bladder. I'm heading to cleveland tomorrow afternoon, but funny thing is he texted my oldest this morning and said "I'm going beat the cancer and start going to all your games again" 😂 😂 . My kid was like "yah that sounds great Grandpa"....
Honestly, I don't think anybody had it figured out. Nobody saw this coming --they just knew it was likely going to be a problem.
2 parts...

1-DeSantis was out front, from the start, as the face of all the decisions regarding Covid for the State of Florida. He had that part of his leadership duties figured out.

2-As for the decisions and seems like of anyone, he had it right in terms of not shutting things down as early, and opening them up earlier, not allowing certain types of mandates, etc...

I think the whole argument that masks aren't effective is ridiculous. I think arguments that social distancing doesn't work are ridiculous. But we now have the benefit of time and analysis, and it appears that all the lockdowns and mandates, probably, were overreactions.

Whatever his reasoning, DeSantis called that up front. Why Trump is given the credit for sharing these beliefs is beyond me. He sat back, tweeted, made snide comments...but was largely a coward on it all and hid behind Fauci.

I don't agree with DeSantis on everything. But his resolve and leadership through Covid should be praised, in my opinion.
Having gone through the pandemic with the possibility of facing another one either caused by Mother Nature or an enemy attack, what did we learn ?

The Fauci testimony in this thread only adds to the confusion by him seemingly being less sure than when he was under the spotlight and trying to offer a confident course of action.

So here we are as a country
as divided now as we were during the pandemic. Maybe even more so.


It certainly enhanced public distrust in our governmental officials, whether appointed or elected. The fact that the global institutions allowed China to: A) cover up this catastrophic failure, B) continue to deny any lab leak or non-natural occurrence or interference and C) allow China to go unpunished without any economic restitution for the deaths, economic impact, etc. to the rest of the world is one of the biggest policy and societal failures in modern history.
It certainly enhanced public distrust in our governmental officials, whether appointed or elected. The fact that the global institutions allowed China to: A) cover up this catastrophic failure, B) continue to deny any lab leak or non-natural occurrence or interference and C) allow China to go unpunished without any economic restitution for the deaths, economic impact, etc. to the rest of the world is one of the biggest policy and societal failures in modern history.
You can't punish them if you're not sure how it "got out," and we still don't really know.
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It certainly enhanced public distrust in our governmental officials, whether appointed or elected. The fact that the global institutions allowed China to: A) cover up this catastrophic failure, B) continue to deny any lab leak or non-natural occurrence or interference and C) allow China to go unpunished without any economic restitution for the deaths, economic impact, etc. to the rest of the world is one of the biggest policy and societal failures in modern history.
At least after government and the private sector failed us when 9/11 occurred there was a commission formed to outline the failures and recommend new policies.

Now following Covid. is it the best we can do is to convince ourselves never to trust government officials?
People should have been told to exercise personal responsibility around at risk friends and relatives. Mandatory masks for the kids was not the answer.
Agree with your first statement but not the last. Kids pick up more crap than adults by far and then can spread it easily to those at risk.
At least after government and the private sector failed us when 9/11 occurred there was a commission formed to outline the failures and recommend new policies.

Now following Covid. is it the best we can do is to convince ourselves never to trust government officials?

I'm not saying it is a good thing, but rather a circumstance of terrible communication and decisions.
Agree with your first statement but not the last. Kids pick up more crap than adults by far and then can spread it easily to those at risk.
So requiring preschool aged kids to wear masks was a good idea? If you say yes my next question is have you ever been around a 3 year old?
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China would never lie. In fairness I doubt our government would have been any more forthcoming. The difference is someone here would have spilled the beans much sooner
Let's see the article says satellite images picked up increased activity at Wuhan hospitals in the Fall. And China would never lie? I guess that's why Trump felt the need to eliminate in July the US epidemiologits embedded within the Chinese CDC? A position that dated all the way back to the Bush Admin...

Is "the fall" earlier than July?

Seriously, how much of a cost cutting measure could this have been? How come all of a sudden in the summer of 2019 Trump reached the conclusion that we could no longer afford to fund the singlemost crucial element in terms of providing a watchdog on the ground in China?

I wonder why Bush and Obama decided that was a necessary position to have in place, rather than just automatically trusting the Chinese? Hilariously enough the same people who promote the lab theory, want to "punish Beijing" and mimic Trump's characterization of "China Flu" have no interest in placing any of the blame/responsibility on Trump...

Cause we all know, nothing is ever Trump's fault...

"The Trump administration told the United States’ embed at the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) that the position would be defunded, causing her to leave her post in July 2019, according to a report from Reuters’s Marisa Taylor. The embed helped train Chinese public health experts and served in part as a liaison between Chinese officials and their counterparts in the US.

With the administration planning to discontinue the role, the embed return to the US about five months before China began to see its first Covid-19 cases. Under normal circumstances, the embed likely would have passed information about the novel virus to US officials. Instead, Chinese officials were able for weeks to conceal the virus and the threat it posed, leading to a delay in the world’s response to what was then a matter of great concern and is now a pandemic"
So requiring preschool aged kids to wear masks was a good idea? If you say yes my next question is have you ever been around a 3 year old?
Never said preschoolers should wear a mask. But at the time COVID was getting bad I wouldn’t want to send my child out around a bunch of other kids and adults who didn’t mask. As parents our job is to protect our kids from the actual and the possible. Luckily we didn’t have young kids at that time. I undestand that two working parents would have to make some hard decisions.
And we have 4 kids and 9 grandkids. So I’ve been around lots of 3 year olds.
Let's see the article says satellite images picked up increased activity at Wuhan hospitals in the Fall. And China would never lie? I guess that's why Trump felt the need to eliminate in July the US epidemiologits embedded within the Chinese CDC? A position that dated all the way back to the Bush Admin...

Is "the fall" earlier than July?

Seriously, how much of a cost cutting measure could this have been? How come all of a sudden in the summer of 2019 Trump reached the conclusion that we could no longer afford to fund the singlemost crucial element in terms of providing a watchdog on the ground in China?

I wonder why Bush and Obama decided that was a necessary position to have in place, rather than just automatically trusting the Chinese? Hilariously enough the same people who promote the lab theory, want to "punish Beijing" and mimic Trump's characterization of "China Flu" have no interest in placing any of the blame/responsibility on Trump...

Cause we all know, nothing is ever Trump's fault...

"The Trump administration told the United States’ embed at the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) that the position would be defunded, causing her to leave her post in July 2019, according to a report from Reuters’s Marisa Taylor. The embed helped train Chinese public health experts and served in part as a liaison between Chinese officials and their counterparts in the US.

With the administration planning to discontinue the role, the embed return to the US about five months before China began to see its first Covid-19 cases. Under normal circumstances, the embed likely would have passed information about the novel virus to US officials. Instead, Chinese officials were able for weeks to conceal the virus and the threat it posed, leading to a delay in the world’s response to what was then a matter of great concern and is now a pandemic"
Shame on you for pointing out those pesky facts. We all know there is a segment of the population that is deathly allergic to said facts.
Agree with your first statement but not the last. Kids pick up more crap than adults by far and then can spread it easily to those at risk.

Then lock grandma down.
Never said preschoolers should wear a mask. But at the time COVID was getting bad I wouldn’t want to send my child out around a bunch of other kids and adults who didn’t mask. As parents our job is to protect our kids from the actual and the possible. Luckily we didn’t have young kids at that time. I undestand that two working parents would have to make some hard decisions.
And we have 4 kids and 9 grandkids. So I’ve been around lots of 3 year olds.

Seniors were making decisions for kids for their own benefit, not the benefits of children. That’s a disgusting shame.
DeSantis seemed to have it figured out. And of course he's been essentially shunned by the party as a potential candidate because of his opposition to Trump.
Personally I don't agree with shunned. I just had him slated for 28'.
Fauci should never have been allowed to control the narrative. He should have been one of a few people that gave scientific advice to the President. And Trump should have led, made the decisions, and been out front communicating those decisions. He should have acted like all his adoring fans mistakenly claim he acts like.

Initially, Pence was made the front man for the coronavirus response. He took the podium, gave updates and answered question, and had Fauci and Blix there to back him up on the more medical or scientific questions. It went well, and I praised Trump at the time for setting it up the way he did.

It didn't last. Trump saw Cuomo getting all kinds of attention with his daily briefings, and Pence and Fauci and Blix were getting a ton of TV face time as well. He couldn't stand not being in the middle of things, and soon pushed Pence aside and took the podium over himself. Soon enough we were talking about Ivermectin and injecting disinfectants and somehow exposing the virus to UV light and it all went to shit from there.
Then lock grandma down.

Seniors were making decisions for kids for their own benefit, not the benefits of children. That’s a disgusting shame.
You’re just stupid if you think seniors were making the decisions for only their benefit. We made decisions for the health of our kids and grandkids. Too much unknown and we didn’t want to take chances with them. You want to expose your kids to even the slightest chance they may die from it, that’s your choice. As I said before, we would rather error on the sided of being over protective than some political BS statement.
Please give me one example of a person dying from a mask. I can give you a million examples of people who died from the virus.
Personally I don't agree with shunned. I just had him slated for 28'.
Unnecessary to wait until then. Hes 100x better than the current choices. And if the Dems run someone good like Shapiro or Brown maybe, after 4 more years of Twitter/Truth leadership…he won’t likely win.

Could have had 8 years of DeSantis…

So stupid.

But so are the Dems…
I completely agree with that but don't tell me that it's based on science IF you don't know whether it is or not. When I find out he doesn't know of any studies about distancing (and there are some) then I tend to doubt anything that he says.
Social distance

Big political wins these days for WC Right.

IDGAF if those suggestions back then were based on hard core science. I don't recall them/him ever saying it was, just common sense suggestions, other than the types of masks which would be most effective.

COVID was killing people at an alarming rate, and in that we had a pResident at the time who wasn't so interested in dealing with it, it progressed for nearly two months before we did much about it. It took an NBA game to wake people up.

Neither masks or social distance were big asks, let alone topics to nitpick three years later in a Senate hearing. Senate and House hearings are often large wastes of time.
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Initially, Pence was made the front man for the coronavirus response. He took the podium, gave updates and answered question, and had Fauci and Blix there to back him up on the more medical or scientific questions. It went well, and I praised Trump at the time for setting it up the way he did.

It didn't last. Trump saw Cuomo getting all kinds of attention with his daily briefings, and Pence and Fauci and Blix were getting a ton of TV face time as well. He couldn't stand not being in the middle of things, and soon pushed Pence aside and took the podium over himself. Soon enough we were talking about Ivermectin and injecting disinfectants and somehow exposing the virus to UV light and it all went to shit from there.
A leader couldn't have handled it any worse without trying.
Social distance

Big political wins these days for WC Right.

IDGAF if those suggestions back then were based on hard core science. I don't recall them/him ever saying it was, just common sense suggestions, other than the types of masks which would be most effective.

COVID was killing people at an alarming rate, and in that we had a pResident at the time who wasn't so interested in dealing with it, it progressed for nearly two months before we did much about it. It took an NBA game to wake people up.

Neither masks or social distance were big asks, let alone topics to nitpick three years later in a Senate hearing. Senate and House hearings are often large wastes of time.
As usual, you’re moving the goalposts so you can try to win an unwinnable argument. Masks and social distancing aren’t the issue. School closings, business closings, forced vaccinations of healthy people are the disasters that will continue to send aftershocks through the system.
Why would you think it’s a good idea to refuse an Anthrax shot in this day and age when our enemies wouldn’t hesitate to use it against us.
My neighbor growing up was in the Navy. Served on an aircraft carrier all over the world. Love his tales of adventure. He and I worked building houses when he got out.
I’m sorry, what? Where is the existential threat of anthrax?
I’m sorry, what? Where is the existential threat of anthrax?
It was a requirement if scheduled for an Arabian Gulf deployment at the time. It’s a proven safe vaccine that has been used since the 50s. I don’t know it it’s still a requirement, but when I went to Iraq and Afghanistan in 2011 the Docs checked to see if I had it, so it was still a requirement then.
You’re just stupid if you think seniors were making the decisions for only their benefit. We made decisions for the health of our kids and grandkids. Too much unknown and we didn’t want to take chances with them. You want to expose your kids to even the slightest chance they may die from it, that’s your choice. As I said before, we would rather error on the sided of being over protective than some political BS statement.
Please give me one example of a person dying from a mask. I can give you a million examples of people who died from the virus.
Boomers: “these younger generations are so soft, they don’t know what hard work is, they just sit around in their phones all day”

Also boomers: “everyone stay inside for two years to protect my health.”
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And when you get cancer don’t follow the science. I’m sure you’ll beat it on your own. Some are just stupid or ignorant. You decide which you are.
We were dealing with a deadly virus and that killed 7 million people worldwide. I don’t remember one instance of someone dying from masking up. If I’m wrong I’ll gladly accept it. Glad all you scientists and doctors here have all the answers. We were dealing with something we knew little about so we were learning on the fly.
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It was a requirement if scheduled for an Arabian Gulf deployment at the time. It’s a proven safe vaccine that has been used since the 50s. I don’t know it it’s still a requirement, but when I went to Iraq and Afghanistan in 2011 the Docs checked to see if I had it, so it was still a requirement then.
It’s fine - I got one too but wished I didn’t. It’s a painful and weird vaccine that has left a scar on my shoulder. The point is that there is no threat of anthrax and it’s stupid that we vaccinate against it.
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It’s fine - I got one too but wished I didn’t. It’s a painful and weird vaccine that has left a scar on my shoulder. The point is that there is no threat of anthrax and it’s stupid that we vaccinate against it.
I've never had an issue with any of the vaccinations I've been given, from Anthrax to COVID. That one in particular was three shots IIRC. It's been around a long time and it's one of the safest. Farmers have taken it for decades. We are required to take it because some of our potential adversaries in the Middle East are known to have it in weaponized form. Or at least we believe they do. Like overestimating the capabilities of the Soviets, now Russians, we like to prepare for the worst.
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Sarah Silverman Burn GIF by HULU
It’s fine - I got one too but wished I didn’t. It’s a painful and weird vaccine that has left a scar on my shoulder. The point is that there is no threat of anthrax and it’s stupid that we vaccinate against it.
Actually Anthrax was utilized in the follow on attack immediately after the Twin Towers being dropped. Two or three Postal Workers died who came into contact with it (which tipped of the Feds as to its use).

The military has a very good reason for vaccinating for it (our forces also found labs in Afghanistan during the early going that indicated they were actively attempting to cultivate the stuff to use it as a bio warfare agent...).

You may be too young to have even heard of all that (not a slight, just an observation)...
It’s fine - I got one too but wished I didn’t. It’s a painful and weird vaccine that has left a scar on my shoulder. The point is that there is no threat of anthrax and it’s stupid that we vaccinate against it.
Had I been deployed against Saddam Hussein I think I would have been in favor of taking it
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