Fauci Stumped....

Well, you're the one who made the claim, which is why I asked you to define it. So go ahead, define it. Explain how Daviess County is more diverse than Carmel, or admit you were wrong. Pretty simple.
When did Carmel become diverse? I mean sure BuffaLouis is moving in downtown and will fail miserably, but why is it diverse? It may be people are trying, but this is the midwest and we do carry guns in Carmel.
While I actually agree (probably) that shutting down schools was a mistake, correct me if I'm wrong, but the reasoning at the time wasn't because the little kids were vulnerable as much as it was that they would take the disease home to more vulnerable family members. At least, that's how I understood it.

I know my entire Covid existence during those first few months revolved around not getting infected and bringing the disease over to my disabled and comorbidity-possessing mother. I was quite sympathetic to the idea that we should avoid avenues for the disease to travel from outside the home into one where vulnerable people lived.
And there you have it. The decency to be concerned about your loved ones and others loved ones. Unlike some on here who could care less about that and only about infringing on their right to infect the vulnerable with zero consequence to themselves.
And there you have it. The decency to be concerned about your loved ones and others loved ones. Unlike some on here who could care less about that and only about infringing on their right to infect the vulnerable with zero consequence to themselves.
This "decency" crap is now right up there level with the over usage of Racist and all of the 'phobes that you all have been using to flex your moral superiority muscle for years. You all need to find a new existential threat to humanity that doesn't actually pan out, just like all of the others. Go polish your own glass house.
This "decency" crap is now right up there level with the over usage of Racist and all of the 'phobes that you all have been using to flex your moral superiority muscle for years. You all need to find a new existential threat to humanity that doesn't actually pan out, just like all of the others. Go polish your own glass house.
7 million dead didn’t pan out? You’re such a f##k. We chose to do the right thing and that does make us morally superior. Not hard to be compared to you.
Glad you’re an expert at racism. Is there a particular reason that you are? Anyone of a different color in your family tree? I’d bet not. Seen it up close with mine. You’re just a a miserable old white guy bitching because you can’t accept the fact that we will be the minority in this country in 20 years. Boo hoo.
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7 million dead didn’t pan out? You’re such a f##k. We chose to do the right thing and that does make us morally superior. Not hard to be compared to you.
Glad you’re an expert at racism. Is there a particular reason that you are? Anyone of a different color in your family tree? I’d bet not. Seen it up close with mine. You’re just a a miserable old white guy bitching because you can’t accept the fact that we will be the minority in this country in 20 years. Boo hoo.
Is that you, Ms. Behar? Why are you on an Indiana forum?
7 million dead didn’t pan out? You’re such a f##k. We chose to do the right thing and that does make us morally superior. Not hard to be compared to you.
Glad you’re an expert at racism. Is there a particular reason that you are? Anyone of a different color in your family tree? I’d bet not. Seen it up close with mine. You’re just a a miserable old white guy bitching because you can’t accept the fact that we will be the minority in this country in 20 years. Boo hoo.
3 mixed grand kids. swing and a miss man.
Sure. If you say so. But really have a hard time believing anything the Orange Jesus folllowers say. But go ahead and insist. Lying is the norm in the cult.
you caught me. Small town Indiana born and bread.... white bread. ... with 3 mix GK's.
I took my monthly bath yesterday. So still three weeks till the next one.
Maybe some Chamomile tea then. I hear it's very relieving when aunt flo comes to visit. You seem like a good hearted kind.
you caught me. Small town Indiana born and bread.... white bread. ... with 3 mix

Maybe some Chamomile tea then. I hear it's very relieving when aunt flo comes to visit. You seem like a good hearted kind.
My mistake. No bathes here since I was a little kid. I take my manly shower so none of that tea stuff. Probably going to have to take another today after planting flowers and trimming shrubs in this 93 degree heat here in SWFlorida. Got to get clean before watching the Panthers tonight in the Cup finals.
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You started the subject. Daviess County is much more diverse than Carmel.

Your opinion.
You say some utterly stupid stuff, which you try to frame as an opinion, but as life has it, there are numbers for most of this. You want to break down by different sets of white folks, which we know you do, I'm wager Carmel has you slaughtered on that front too.

If by closeted gays, you might have a point, which explains you getting married again. Don't ask, don't tell.
That’s what I thought. I am trying to be better so I will let him have the last word.
As the global wins begin to pile up for us right wingers. And they are already in Europe and around the world, more will come in November. It is imperative that we treat these left wing moonbats with more grace than they treated us when they felt they were in control.

We are better. We are more moral. Now we must demonstrate it.
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The MK19 has no place on today’s battlefield. The M2 still relevant.
I'm pretty sure Ukraine is using the MK19 to tear some shit up, but that M2 looks very much more mobile.... whick would be great if the line is moving forward I suppose. What are your +/-'s?
I'm pretty sure Ukraine is using the MK19 to tear some shit up, but that M2 looks very much more mobile.... whick would be great if the line is moving forward I suppose. What are your +/-'s?
In a conventional war, there’s a place for the MK 19. In today’s counter insurgency or small urban scope combat, causes too much collateral damage. The M2 is timeless. Can shoot the wings off of a gnat and the torso off a shitbag.
Not sure where to put this, and this thread seems as good as any.

PDF of the Commerce and Energy Committee's report

It would appear that NIH lied about gain-of-function when questioned by reporters and also withheld information from Congress.

I believe the report was either issued yesterday or this morning.
Lied??? Er'body knows that they have had a long term stutter. DUH. Follow the political science darn it.

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