Fauci Stumped....

It was awful and the most angry I have ever been in my life. Seriously. And I have a terrible temper
Most can tell! Mine is volcanic as well- I hate hate folks whose “mouths” write checks their bodies won’t back- but at my age I likely don’t need to brawl anymore anyways so I just avoid those I know come to internet to work off frustration on utter strangers.
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Most Catholic schools opened earlier and reacted well to the pandemic. The numbers don't lie:

The litany of gaslighting, mis-truths and outright lies told by 'science' leaders and brain dead (mostly) liberals during the entire debacle should never be forgotten. But it's quickly being all swept away.

I guess this is no longer considered 'disinformation' now that the NYT is willing to publish it 4 fkn years late.

Why the Pandemic Probably Started in a Lab, in 5 Key Points
Most can tell! Mine is volcanic as well- I hate hate folks whose “mouths” write checks their bodies won’t back- but at my age I likely don’t need to brawl anymore anyways so I just avoid those I know come to internet to work off frustration on utter strangers.
most people are in horrible shape. you'd be fine. just have to take a quick peak at their ears before talking shit
Most can tell! Mine is volcanic as well- I hate hate folks whose “mouths” write checks their bodies won’t back- but at my age I likely don’t need to brawl anymore anyways so I just avoid those I know come to internet to work off frustration on utter strangers.
The litany of gaslighting, mis-truths and outright lies told by 'science' leaders and brain dead (mostly) liberals during the entire debacle should never be forgotten. But it's quickly being all swept away.

I guess this is no longer considered 'disinformation' now that the NYT is willing to publish it 4 fkn years late.

Why the Pandemic Probably Started in a Lab, in 5 Key Points
But how could that be?

We were told right here on the WC that it was scientifically impossible for the covid virus to have been genetically manipulated and that Wuhan didn't have the capability to do it--that they were a Jiffy Lube of science.
Well, to me it's just common sense that mask would help a certain amount. What I've always objected to is them acting as though everything was based on science. I have no doubt that being 6 feel away from someone is better than being 3 feet away and that 12 feet would probably be better than 6 feet. But don't tell me that it's based on science....
And why is 6 feet better than 3 feet and 12 feet better than 6 feet. Because of science. Science would tell you that more virus particles are present at 6 feet than at 12 feet. Pretty f###ing simple science with a bit of common sense as well. The further away the less likely to catch that cold someone has. And thank god we have medical experts like MTG telling a doctor/ scientist that he should be prosecuted for crimes against humanity. She’s a disgrace to humanity.
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I'm not sure they were. The fall of 2020 was chaos. There was no learning going on, and kids were being put through all kids of dumb shit with the masking and distancing and testing and quarantining and virtual idiocy. Schools should have just stayed shut down until early 2021 when the vaccines became available for the most vulnerable and then lifted the restrictions and let the kids go back to "normal" schooling.

No it wasn't. My son was in-person school every day, as was his entire k-8 school the fall of 2020. They did have to shut down a week early before winter break, but that week is the only week he ever missed of in person learning.
I figured you would enjoy this group of mentally ill folks.

I went to a massage therapist and she saw me masking and immediately scrambled to mask​

Mostly just venting but WHY can’t most doctors do this? I brought an extra mask because I couldn’t remember if I had them already in my car, so I was able to offer it to her instead because what she had wasn’t the greatest option. It was individually wrapped so she gladly accepted.
I have spent the year being scared to even say yes when offered because I already have anxiety in my chart and I haven’t been feeling well with zero answers. My Graves’ disease diagnosis was brushed off because of my anxiety diagnosis so I’m terrified it’ll happen again. I got so sick believing it was all in my head. At the end of the day the doctor gives me more anxiety when they ask vs whether they wear one or not.
I wonder if she had any idea that just insisting to wear one and to show she cared meant so much?

I went to a massage therapist and she saw me masking and immediately scrambled to mask​

Mostly just venting but WHY can’t most doctors do this? I brought an extra mask because I couldn’t remember if I had them already in my car, so I was able to offer it to her instead because what she had wasn’t the greatest option. It was individually wrapped so she gladly accepted.
I have spent the year being scared to even say yes when offered because I already have anxiety in my chart and I haven’t been feeling well with zero answers. My Graves’ disease diagnosis was brushed off because of my anxiety diagnosis so I’m terrified it’ll happen again. I got so sick believing it was all in my head. At the end of the day the doctor gives me more anxiety when they ask vs whether they wear one or not.
I wonder if she had any idea that just insisting to wear one and to show she cared meant so much?
did you read the one about missing graduation
It was easy - even expected - for folks to dismiss Covid info based on the R or D. See Sen. Rand Paul - an actual physician - who’s questions/investigative info was rejected by high school dropouts, as just one example.

People rejected “natural immunity” and “airborne spread of a virus” with equal vitriol and equal logic/lack thereof.

The world is gray, folks. Anybody who thinks there are only 2 sides to an issue are missing the other 358 angles.
Never again. Now our office is in a 14 story building so I can’t do much there if they come for lockdowns. But my home. Bring it. Assault rifle for when they’re down the street. Check. S & W 500 if they get to my door. Check. Ankle strapped knife if they reach my person. Check.
500 ? Holy broken shoulder batman.
Never again. Now our office is in a 14 story building so I can’t do much there if they come for lockdowns. But my home. Bring it. Assault rifle for when they’re down the street. Check. S & W 500 if they get to my door. Check. Ankle strapped knife if they reach my person. Check.
Needs more .12 gauge semi-auto shotgun with no bird plug - once they reach the door, aiming is a hassle
500 ? Holy broken shoulder batman.
No bs I almost killed one of my best friends. My edibles buddy’s uncle had one. A big group of us went out to the country to shoot guns. To my memory the first and only time I’ve ever shot guns. So I grabbed this thing and shot and my arm immediately kicked left. Was like a cannon. And I joke around on here but I have lifted heavy free weights for 30 years. The kick was unreal
No bs I almost killed one of my best friends. My edibles buddy’s uncle had one. A big group of us went out to the country to shoot guns. To my memory the first and only time I’ve ever shot guns. So I grabbed this thing and shot and my arm immediately kicked left. Was like a cannon. And I joke around on here but I have lifted heavy free weights for 30 years. The kick was unreal
When I said Broken shoulder... I meant because it was flying away with your arm attached to it !! haha
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No bs I almost killed one of my best friends. My edibles buddy’s uncle had one. A big group of us went out to the country to shoot guns. To my memory the first and only time I’ve ever shot guns. So I grabbed this thing and shot and my arm immediately kicked left. Was like a cannon. And I joke around on here but I have lifted heavy free weights for 30 years. The kick was unreal

You've only shot a gun once and you're a conservative?

Your not very good at this 😂

I went to a massage therapist and she saw me masking and immediately scrambled to mask​

Mostly just venting but WHY can’t most doctors do this? I brought an extra mask because I couldn’t remember if I had them already in my car, so I was able to offer it to her instead because what she had wasn’t the greatest option. It was individually wrapped so she gladly accepted.
I have spent the year being scared to even say yes when offered because I already have anxiety in my chart and I haven’t been feeling well with zero answers. My Graves’ disease diagnosis was brushed off because of my anxiety diagnosis so I’m terrified it’ll happen again. I got so sick believing it was all in my head. At the end of the day the doctor gives me more anxiety when they ask vs whether they wear one or not.
I wonder if she had any idea that just insisting to wear one and to show she cared meant so much?

I liked this one.

How long do we wait to test?
Husband and I are still CC (or at least I am) He went to a family wedding over the weekend and claimed to mask everywhere and not eat indoors. BUT, he’s a people pleaser and ate breakfast indoors with about 14 other people at his table (despite telling me that the breakfast was eaten outside) Thankfully his brother can’t NOT post to social media and I saw that they were eating indoors.

Then again, at the wedding, nstead of eating the reception meal outdoors or with his mask on to take a bite and replace his mask on his face, he just chanced it and ate the whole meal indoors, no masking in between bites. (He admitted this after I found out he lied about breakfast)

None of his family mask anymore and I know several traveled for the wedding.

Needless to say, we’ve been masking around each other (Fit tested Auras) and sleeping in separate rooms since he returned on Sunday. His risky behavior was all on Saturday (6/1). It is now almost Tuesday (posting Monday night, 6/3) when would be the best time for him to test? Wednesday?

All we have are shitty RATs.

EDIT: I’m not here for your criticism of my relationship and that he lied. I don’t need your comments about that, please be respectful of what I’m dealing with.
You've only shot a gun once and you're a conservative?

Your not very good at this 😂
Coach has only recently had his brain tumor removed. Who knew all it took was biden to do it. He's got time to catch up on the gun stuff. I suspect we will meet up at knob creek soon.
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oh my god that's hilarious! and honestly i kind of feel for them as they are mentally ill. covid had to pray on so many like that. my ex wife is a legit hypochondriac. how she avoided becoming addicted to all things covid is lost on me. a miracle really

There was one a while back where some mom was freaking out and worried because her kid was going to go to basketball camp. Kids has been begging to go for years and she's finally relenting and letting them go. The responses were either too risky or let them go but only if they play in n95 masks the entire time.

Just imagining this poor kid showing up at bball camp running around in a n95 mask.
There was one a while back where some mom was freaking out and worried because her kid was going to go to basketball camp. Kids has been begging to go for years and she's finally relenting and letting them go. The responses were either too risky or let them go but only if they play in n95 masks the entire time.

Just imagining this poor kid showing up at bball camp running around in a n95 mask.
That breaks my heart
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Kids absolutely had to wear masks while playing basketball, even at the high school level.

i raise you outdoor soccer. OUTDOOR


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