Fauci Stumped....

I'm not sure they were. The fall of 2020 was chaos. There was no learning going on, and kids were being put through all kids of dumb shit with the masking and distancing and testing and quarantining and virtual idiocy. Schools should have just stayed shut down until early 2021 when the vaccines became available for the most vulnerable and then lifted the restrictions and let the kids go back to "normal" schooling.
Schools shouldn't have been shut down at all. A week or so maybe, but that's it.
I'm not sure they were. The fall of 2020 was chaos. There was no learning going on, and kids were being put through all kids of dumb shit with the masking and distancing and testing and quarantining and virtual idiocy. Schools should have just stayed shut down until early 2021 when the vaccines became available for the most vulnerable and then lifted the restrictions and let the kids go back to "normal" schooling.
Yeah, that's wrong. Unless you don't follow the data--which is, you know, science.
I'm not sure they were. The fall of 2020 was chaos. There was no learning going on, and kids were being put through all kids of dumb shit with the masking and distancing and testing and quarantining and virtual idiocy. Schools should have just stayed shut down until early 2021 when the vaccines became available for the most vulnerable and then lifted the restrictions and let the kids go back to "normal" schooling.
Spoken like a man who is a teetotaler without kids
It was awful and the most angry I have ever been in my life. Seriously. And I have a terrible temper
Most Catholic schools opened earlier and reacted well to the pandemic. The numbers don't lie:

Most Catholic schools opened earlier and reacted well to the pandemic. The numbers don't lie:

Yup. We were talking about switching. Our AG sued the districts. He is now a US Senator. We all kicked in with donations.
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The cult was emboldened. They had outdoor soccer in masks. Between the schools businesses and outdoor parks I can’t ever imagine voting locally for a Dem again. And that’s before defunding cops and bail projects
I’m generally a very apolitical person. Before 2020 I always held the premise that politicians had very little effect on my daily life. Sure…. Higher taxes and such but nothing that truly hurt me and my family. COVID opened my eyes that our leaders can truly F—- with our daily lives to a very high degree. As mad as I was living in Georgia I truly can’t imagine living in Connecticut during that time.
I’m generally a very apolitical person. Before 2020 I always held the premise that politicians had very little effect on my daily life. Sure…. Higher taxes and such but nothing that truly hurt me and my family. COVID opened my eyes that our leaders can truly F—- with our daily lives to a very high degree. As mad as I was living in Georgia I truly can’t imagine living in Connecticut during that time.
Spot on doc
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That was the wrong prescription. We made a ton of mistakes. Masks, distancing, vaccines and protecting the vulnerable weren't mistakes, but acting like everyone was equally at risk and shutting down the schools and economy were big mistakes.
Honesty and being able to admit mistakes and quickly correcting would have went a long way. But no….
McMurt is like our own little minion.

thank god he was born during all htat. i would have been totally F'd trying to get him in a mask.
was kind of funny, well and sad, in our law school group chat yesterday i sent a pic of him in goal with his tango with the cover almost worn out. one of our law school buddies wrote "kid looks ferocious." we settled on children of broken homes and attendant trauma often end up addicted to sports.

so there's a silver-lining
thank god he was born during all htat. i would have been totally F'd trying to get him in a mask.
was kind of funny, well and sad, in our law school group chat yesterday i sent a pic of him in goal with his tango with the cover almost worn out. one of our law school buddies wrote "kid looks ferocious." we settled on children of broken homes and attendant trauma often end up addicted to sports.

so there's a silver-lining
You should start a YouTube channel now, tracking his progress and his temper tantrums. Make millions.
Yeah, the cult.

****ing Indiana.
Nationwide it was blue counties/states left closed way longer bc of the cult. From not re-opening to the insane mask measures etc.

The cult did a number here. AG had to sue to remove the Soros prosecutor. Had to sue to get rid of the stupid masks. Guy was busy
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Nationwide it was blue counties/states left closed way longer bc of the cult. From not re-opening to the insane mask measures etc.

The cult did a number here. AG had to sue to remove the Soros prosecutor. Had to sue to get rid of the stupid masks. Guy was busy
My favorite move was the kids trading masks like they were matchbox cars. In retrospect getting that community snot was probably what kept them healthy
Nationwide it was blue counties/states left closed way longer bc of the cult. From not re-opening to the insane mask measures etc.

The cult did a number here. AG had to sue to remove the Soros prosecutor. Had to sue to get rid of the stupid masks. Guy was busy

Indiana kept the masks all year the following year (including on the bus) after covid shut down schools, while also keeping kids in their classrooms all day. Gym basically turned into yoga for the year.

At least it wasn't virtual learning. I wouldn't be here if that were the case.
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Indiana kept the masks all year the following year (including on the bus) after covid shut down schools, while also keeping kids in their classrooms all day. Gym basically turned into yoga for the year.

At least it wasn't virtual learning. I wouldn't be here if that were the case.
Thank the lord my youngest graduated HS in 2020. Spring senior year is a joke anyhow so other than losing a track season and prom we didn’t have to endure most of that BS
Thank the lord my youngest graduated HS in 2020. Spring senior year is a joke anyhow so other than losing a track season and prom we didn’t have to endure most of that BS

Yeah, you're lucky.

My now 17 year old had a fever one school day so everyone had to be pulled from school for 10 days, or provide a negative covid test and they could go back early (had to be from a doc, not home test).

We took my 17 year old to the doc and she was negative so she got to go back after like 6 or 7 days. My youngest, who never had even a sniffle, had to miss all 10 days because I wasn't paying for two doc visits.

I’m siding w Goat here. I have zero confidence in Fauci now, but the decisions on distancing were based on common sense and scientific analyses of how far viruses travelled after being expelled. My guess is Fauci, who is old af and retired, probably didn’t prepare much for this testimony. It’s a bad look for a guy that fell out of favor a while ago.

More importantly, people should really be criticizing and pushing Fauci’s lack of care for youth. This disease was always one that preyed on adults, in particular, elderly adults and those with comorbidities. There are lots of kids that got screwed up by COVID ( increase in suicide, kids not able to get help and resources they need, etc.).

That’s where he failed. States and even school districts were wildly different in their approach.

Having gone through the pandemic with the possibility of facing another one either caused by Mother Nature or an enemy attack, what did we learn ?

The Fauci testimony in this thread only adds to the confusion by him seemingly being less sure than when he was under the spotlight and trying to offer a confident course of action.

So here we are as a country
as divided now as we were during the pandemic. Maybe even more so.

Welp everyone's favorite...MTG! She speaks for a lot of people. She Big Mad!

house rules wendy GIF by Channel 7