Biden's speech...

What is "well thought out" about his post. He cites statistics and "facts" without providing any evidence that any of it is remotely accurate. For example he says Biden won 90% of the Black vote, when the pew research analysis I linked to which was based on confirmed voters put the number at 92%. He also relied on showing what he saw as discrepancies between Obama and Biden, yet the pew analysis provided proof that the 2018 and 2020 elections were remarkably similar in shares of votes from various constituent groups...

He implied for example that Pubs out registered Dems in states like PA and MI...

"Another question would be what are the dynamics in party registration, specifically the % of registered democrats in MI, GA, PA, and WI from 2012 to 2020? Wouldn't it be really something if the GOP outpaced the Dems in registration % and total new registrations over that time period, yet somehow Biden managed to connect to that base and pull them into his camp at a greater rate than Obama - a president that had large crossover appeal?"

Wouldn't it be something if he provided an actual link providing evidence of the claim he made? Apparently his bold claims without evidence were enough to earn him likes from you and dbm, but not exactly a glowing review from recognized posters of much intelligence...

I'm not a math/stats guy, but I examined the results of 10 of the reddest counties in PA from 2016 to 2020 and I can tell you why Biden won PA...

There's an interactive map at this link

Now starting in the far west corner and moving East along the NY border from Warren Co to Wayne and then south to Pike and then back west to both Wyoming and Sullivan, Trump won each of these counties by getting at least 59% of the vote. In some his vote share went up from 2016,and in a few it went down. But in every single one of them Biden outperformed HRC by at least 1.5 %. In 5 the results were pretty shocking...

Sullivan went from 72.7/23.8 in 2016 to 72.8/25.6 in 2020
Wyoming from 66.7/28.8 in 2016 to 66.7/31.6 in 2020
Wayne from 67.6/29.2 to 66.2/32.7 in 2020
Tioga from 73.6/21.1 to 74.5/23.5
Pike from 61/35.2 to 59/40

Wyoming, Wayne and Pike all share a border with either Lackawanna or Monroe. Both Lackawanna and Monroe went for Biden by wider margins in 2020 than Clinton in 2016. Conversely Trump's vote share in both also dropped from 2016 to 2020. From 46.3 to 45.2 in Lackawanna and even more drastically from 47.7 to 46.1 in Monroe...

This reflects Biden's gains with white voters which I discussed earlier. I chose these deep red counties which Trump swept to illustrate how Biden was able to siphon away votes and chip away in counties where the election apparatus is in the hands of the GOP. I suspect if I analyzed a state like GA the results would be even more dramatic- we saw that in the Senate runoffs. We all saw huge hints of increased Biden support over Clinton in both the MI and WI Primaries, where if I'm not mistaken Biden got more votes in both than the combined total of both HRC/Bernie in the 2016 primaries which Bernie swept...

Now I don't know what Blarney was implying in his "brilliant" post, but he's welcome to return and share some more of what you characterize as "well constructed and thoughtful".

And either of you are welcome to address how local GOP candidates (on the same ballot with Trump/Biden) managed to not only win elections but often got more votes than Trump in their respective districts?
In other words, you can't address his points, either.
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BBB. Student loan stays and forbearances; extended rent stays; mortgage foreclosures; unemployment extensions; last stimulus checks; converting child tax credits to monthly checks; rhetoric around law enforcement and the court system; Pete and his paternity leave. I could go on and on.

This admin is far left. The Democrats are far left. It's indisputable at this point. All of that said, if that's what they want to be, so be it. It's fine. But just own up to it. If you don't believe it look at who is polling top 5 for 2024 from the left. All progressives.
Now that Zeke is back you better play nice. She will get offended easily.
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Lol, so biden grabbed women by the pussy and bragged about it? biden is best buds with the late jeffrey epstein? Biden cheated on multiple wives with prostitutes and then paid them off to keep quiet before the election? Biden hit on his daughter? Biden bullied people on twitter, including kids? biden catered to white supremacy groups (fine people on both sides of course)? Biden downplayed covid for fear of hurting re-election? Biden had protestors physically removed so he could have a picture of himself with a bible in front of a church? biden colluded with russia to assist with election campaign?

oh wait, no that was all trump. Trumpsters don't get to complain about evil humans being in politics.
No, Biden just molested little girls and women in plain view for a media and sycophants that see nothing wrong with him doing it.

By the way, what do you have against grabbing pussy?
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No, he's undoubtedly a RINO. That doesn't mean I disagree with everything he did, but he was never a Republican in any way. He pretended to be a Republican to get votes from . . . people like you. ;)
Wasn't he a Democrat for a lot of his life?
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The fact that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia during the 2016 campaign cannot be denied. Manafort shared internal polling data with a Russian spy. The June 2016 Trump Tower meeting with Russian operatives who were offering dirt on Hillary and which DT said was about Russian adoption, As well as hundreds of documented contacts between Trump campaign operatives prior to the 2016 election. But people like you never read the Mueller report and get your news from Fox so you are ignorant of the truth.
I guess it could be the GOP is just too incompetent to figure out what happened, they just KNOW something happened.
Easy to prove the election was legitimate - audit signatures on mail-in votes.

But no - that might actually uncover something.
You're only behind 25 years.
The point was, and is, that the old man saved Trump from financial ruin. As Marco Rubio said a few years back, "If he hadn't inherited [his fortune], you know where Donald Trump would be right now? Selling watches in Manhattan." And they'd probably be Rolex knockoffs.

But I'm sure you believe he's a self-made man. Just like you believe the election was stolen. And that the Easter Bunny will be here in April.
The fact that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia during the 2016 campaign cannot be denied. Manafort shared internal polling data with a Russian spy. The June 2016 Trump Tower meeting with Russian operatives who were offering dirt on Hillary and which DT said was about Russian adoption, As well as hundreds of documented contacts between Trump campaign operatives prior to the 2016 election. But people like you never read the Mueller report and get your news from Fox so you are ignorant of the truth.
There was no collusion. There might have been information sharing, which the Clinton campaign did in spades.

More hysteria about a report that cleared Trump from anything nefarious.

Suck it.
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The point was, and is, that the old man saved Trump from financial ruin. As Marco Rubio said a few years back, "If he hadn't inherited [his fortune], you know where Donald Trump would be right now? Selling watches in Manhattan." And they'd probably be Rolex knockoffs.

But I'm sure you believe he's a self-made man. Just like you believe the election was stolen. And that the Easter Bunny will be here in April.
Don't put words in my mouth, moron. I never said he was a self-made man.

The only point you have is the one on your head.
But people like you never read the Mueller report and get your news from Fox so you are ignorant of the truth
Fox News is way too conventional for danc. He prefers conspiracy theories and fake news from sites like the Gateway Pundit.
Don't put words in my mouth, moron. I never said he was a self-made man.

The only point you have is the one on your head.
Funny that you didn't deny belief in a stolen election or the Easter Bunny.

You never fail to entertain, danc. Thank you!
What is "well thought out" about his post. He cites statistics and "facts" without providing any evidence that any of it is remotely accurate. For example he says Biden won 90% of the Black vote, when the pew research analysis I linked to which was based on confirmed voters put the number at 92%. He also relied on showing what he saw as discrepancies between Obama and Biden, yet the pew analysis provided proof that the 2018 and 2020 elections were remarkably similar in shares of votes from various constituent groups...

He implied for example that Pubs out registered Dems in states like PA and MI...

"Another question would be what are the dynamics in party registration, specifically the % of registered democrats in MI, GA, PA, and WI from 2012 to 2020? Wouldn't it be really something if the GOP outpaced the Dems in registration % and total new registrations over that time period, yet somehow Biden managed to connect to that base and pull them into his camp at a greater rate than Obama - a president that had large crossover appeal?"

Wouldn't it be something if he provided an actual link providing evidence of the claim he made? Apparently his bold claims without evidence were enough to earn him likes from you and dbm, but not exactly a glowing review from recognized posters of much intelligence...

I'm not a math/stats guy, but I examined the results of 10 of the reddest counties in PA from 2016 to 2020 and I can tell you why Biden won PA...

There's an interactive map at this link

Now starting in the far west corner and moving East along the NY border from Warren Co to Wayne and then south to Pike and then back west to both Wyoming and Sullivan, Trump won each of these counties by getting at least 59% of the vote. In some his vote share went up from 2016,and in a few it went down. But in every single one of them Biden outperformed HRC by at least 1.5 %. In 5 the results were pretty shocking...

Sullivan went from 72.7/23.8 in 2016 to 72.8/25.6 in 2020
Wyoming from 66.7/28.8 in 2016 to 66.7/31.6 in 2020
Wayne from 67.6/29.2 to 66.2/32.7 in 2020
Tioga from 73.6/21.1 to 74.5/23.5
Pike from 61/35.2 to 59/40

Wyoming, Wayne and Pike all share a border with either Lackawanna or Monroe. Both Lackawanna and Monroe went for Biden by wider margins in 2020 than Clinton in 2016. Conversely Trump's vote share in both also dropped from 2016 to 2020. From 46.3 to 45.2 in Lackawanna and even more drastically from 47.7 to 46.1 in Monroe...

This reflects Biden's gains with white voters which I discussed earlier. I chose these deep red counties which Trump swept to illustrate how Biden was able to siphon away votes and chip away in counties where the election apparatus is in the hands of the GOP. I suspect if I analyzed a state like GA the results would be even more dramatic- we saw that in the Senate runoffs. We all saw huge hints of increased Biden support over Clinton in both the MI and WI Primaries, where if I'm not mistaken Biden got more votes in both than the combined total of both HRC/Bernie in the 2016 primaries which Bernie swept...

Now I don't know what Blarney was implying in his "brilliant" post, but he's welcome to return and share some more of what you characterize as "well constructed and thoughtful".

And either of you are welcome to address how local GOP candidates (on the same ballot with Trump/Biden) managed to not only win elections but often got more votes than Trump in their respective districts?
Another book I see.
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The point was, and is, that the old man saved Trump from financial ruin. As Marco Rubio said a few years back, "If he hadn't inherited [his fortune], you know where Donald Trump would be right now? Selling watches in Manhattan." And they'd probably be Rolex knockoffs.

But I'm sure you believe he's a self-made man. Just like you believe the election was stolen. And that the Easter Bunny will be here in April.
So what? He rebounded from it and has increased his fortune beyond what his dad gave him.

What's your problem?
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To a business illiterate like yourself, I suppose bankruptcy is scary. However, it's used all the time by businesses.

GM is still selling a lot of cars after being bailed about by Obama in 2009 - did you bitch about Obama doing that?
You make a lot of assumptions about me based on nothing more than posts... When a family owned business like Trump declares bankruptcy, there are employees outside the family that are not protected to the same degree outside of family members.

Trump was a scumbag long before he was POTUS. This is an account of the more than 400 employees who lost more than $2 Million following the 2004 bankruptcy. Not only did he encourage his employees to "invest" in company stock, but then when the price dropped and (unbeknownst to them) he had decided to file bankruptcy he forced them to sell their worthless stock at a huge loss...It wasn't illegal, but it was blatantly unethical, and the type of grift Trump has always been known for...

"Yet among those who suffered as a result of Trump’s bankruptcies were his own casino employees, who collectively lost millions of dollars in retirement savings when the company’s value plummeted. Trump’s company encouraged its employees to invest their retirement savings in company stock, according to a class-action lawsuit filed by employees against Trump Hotels & Casino Resorts following its 2004 bankruptcy. Then, when the stock price was near its nadir as bankruptcy loomed, the company forced the employees to sell their stock at a huge loss. More than 400 employees lost a total of more than $2 million from their retirement accounts, the lawsuit states. The lawsuit was ultimately dismissed when a judge found no illegal actions on the part of Trump’s company. But the conflict shows how Trump’s exploitation of bankruptcy laws for his personal gain did end up hurting his employees. “I didn’t realize he was as stupid as he is,” says a former casino worker at Trump Plaza who asked not to be named. “Honestly. I thought, way back when, the guy was way brighter than we were. He was running the company and we were working for him. We thought he was brilliant. When we invested in it, we thought, how could this stock go so low?”

Oh, please. There have been plenty of despicable and disgusting people who have been President.

As far as idiotic, how do you get to be one of the richest people in the world by being an idiot?
He started at third base. You could probably become a billionaire if you were staked with the money he was staked with, and that's saying something. ;)
Sure Trump was somewhat petty but the guy was attacked 24/7 by a vicous hateful media along with all the dems and even plenty of rino's. How could you not fight back. The libs just want him to sit back and take it. Biden is beloved by the media and is given glowing new coverage and yet he is angry, spiteful, evil, vindictive, and just flat out nasty. Not to mention a compulsive liar who never had any interest in unity at all. The man hates anyone who did not vote for him you can hear it in his voice.

I mean the media and big tech buried the Hunter Biden story for him and gives him 24/7 love why in the world is he so angry. I think it is who he is and always has been.
"Somewhat petty?" Are you joking? the guy is the most petty person we've ever had as President. I think Bill Clinton was awful and a serial liar (and there's no doubt that is true), but Trump is worse then Bill. Bill made me officially switch parties. Trump hasn't done that because I can't be a Democrat, but he was and is awful.
In other words, you can't address his points, either.
Well he hasn't presented any "facts" to address, just made up claims which he didn't bother to try and provide evidence to support. But you know that- your side only believes in "alternate facts". At this point you're just trolling...

People who say the election was "stolen" are disingenuous. People dumb enough to swallow their nonsense are ignorant. And that's being kind...
"Somewhat petty?" Are you joking? the guy is the most petty person we've ever had as President. I think Bill Clinton was awful and a serial liar (and there's no doubt that is true), but Trump is worse then Bill. Bill made me officially switch parties. Trump hasn't done that because I can't be a Democrat, but he was and is awful.
I still think Biden is an absolute pile of you know what. Do I hate him? No I do not hate people like the lefties hate Trump life is too short. But I think Biden is a nasty, evil, vindictive, vile old man.
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Well he hasn't presented any "facts" to address, just made up claims which he didn't bother to try and provide evidence to support. But you know that- your side only believes in "alternate facts". At this point you're just trolling...

People who say the election was "stolen" are disingenuous. People dumb enough to swallow their nonsense are ignorant. And that's being kind...
Can't you read? I said points. Quite trying to change the subject because you can't debate the points he made.
I don't watch those stations, but to pretend Fox isn't MSM is DANCable.
Only because you are ignorant of the facts.

I hope you learned something, but I doubt you're smart enough to click the link.
Fox News is way too conventional for danc. He prefers conspiracy theories and fake news from sites like the Gateway Pundit.
Which facts presented in the Gateway Pundit - which Aloha used to read before they supported Trump - do you disagree with?

Of course, you didn't read the link I sent, which showed state legislatures breaking election laws. That might make your head explode.
He started at third base. You could probably become a billionaire if you were staked with the money he was staked with, and that's saying something. ;)
I started with a lot less and am doing OK, so if your objective was to insult me, you've failed.

I didn't spend my career sucking up to the brass.
I started with a lot less and am doing OK, so if your objective was to insult me, you've failed.

I didn't spend my career sucking up to the brass.
It wasn't an insult. Either of us could have become a billionaire if we were staked $400 million. Wouldn't have been hard.

Are you trying to insult me by claiming I sucked up to the brass? ;)
No, Biden just molested little girls and women in plain view for a media and sycophants that see nothing wrong with him doing it.

By the way, what do you have against grabbing pussy?
Cmon man. Do better.
Why do you hate her?
??? Who said I hated her. I admire her. But I think she's letting her vengence for her dad guide her in her zeal to get Trump.

Much like you'd rather your country be damaged by electing an incompetent boob than ever vote for Trump.