Biden's speech...

It wasn't an insult. Either of us could have become a billionaire if we were staked $400 million. Wouldn't have been hard.

Are you trying to insult me by claiming I sucked up to the brass? ;)
No insult. Just stating that I didn't do it.
You didn't say anything. Your parroted a bunch of faaaaaaar right wing bullshit.
I left a link to show how f*cked up DC is. Nadler in that vid... I would elbow that guy in the chops, tape him to the chair and tape his mouth shut. The sad part about these hearings is there are no windows with a hang noose dangling outside to show the consequences when these aholes lie or take a bullshit way out.
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The point was, and is, that the old man saved Trump from financial ruin. As Marco Rubio said a few years back, "If he hadn't inherited [his fortune], you know where Donald Trump would be right now? Selling watches in Manhattan." And they'd probably be Rolex knockoffs.

But I'm sure you believe he's a self-made man. Just like you believe the election was stolen. And that the Easter Bunny will be here in April.
Necrotic envy and straw man arguments create an evil brew.
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Biden really flipped the script

Obama 2012Biden 2020
60 million votes81 million
873 counties509 counties
18/19 Bellweather Counties1/19 Bellweather Counties
Won FL, OH, IALost FL, OH, IA
Won House SeatsLost House Seats

Are you saying that Biden crushing Obama in the results shown above can be explained by VA and NV, which Clinton won in 2016 only to lose the race?

Or in other words, if you had to place a bet now, would you expect the 2024 winner to look like Obama's 2012 results, even losing NV and VA (results aligned to 2016), or would you expect the winner's results to look like Biden's in the table above if the candidate wins NV and VA?

The comment on the black vote is maybe referring to Obama taking 97% of the black vote, while Biden got 90%. However, Biden gleaned more total black votes than Obama. The reason here is straightforward, turnout.

Reputable main stream media fact-checkers have affirmed that more black voters turned out to vote for Biden in 2020 than Obama in 2012, and more importantly, exactly in the places he needed the votes the most Detroit, Atlanta, Philadelphia, and Milwaukee, and the votes were by mail, leading to one of the greatest comebacks of all time. Why would anyone expect Obama to be a bigger ballot box attraction than Biden?

Any insights on what the 2020 census shows in growth/decline vs 2010 in Detroit, Atlanta, Philadelphia, and Milwaukee? Wouldn't be something if the populations in those places declined and yet the total voter turnout massively increased?

Another question would be what are the dynamics in party registration, specifically the % of registered democrats in MI, GA, PA, and WI from 2012 to 2020? Wouldn't it be really something if the GOP outpaced the Dems in registration % and total new registrations over that time period, yet somehow Biden managed to connect to that base and pull them into his camp at a greater rate than Obama - a president that had large crossover appeal?

So we are clear on the topic, this Biden vs Obama. I made no mention of the 2020 GOP candidate in my post. Feel free to ignore me (which would probably be a wise move because you can't win this one), but if you take the challenge and actually try to defend your analysis, I expect you will make no mention of him in your response.

As you said, Ohio mattered "decades ago". To go back approximately a single decade, I have to go to either 2012 or 2008, I picked 2012, but we can go with 2008 if it better explains your point. Feel free to post that table in a similar format as above, and please show your math.

On another vector of thought, Obama was really holding Joe Biden back for 8 years. In looking at the numbers, one can only imagine the extent to which they would have crushed it if only they had the ticket the other way around with Obama as the VP.
So, cosmic already explained a lot of it, and a lot of what you typed here is just repeating what I was responding to in more detail. But since you did give such detail, you deserve a detailed response:

1. Partisan polarization is making red areas redder and blue areas bluer. Democrats are competitive in fewer counties, but the counties they dominate (largely urban ones), they dominate more than ever before.
2. Demographic shifts are dramatically changing the color of former bellwethers. Vigo County used to be a bellwether because it's combination of college, blue collar, white collar, rural, and union voters made it a very broad cross-section of the voting public, and it was very likely to follow the overall national trends closely. That's no longer true, as changes in union membership and other demographic shifts have made Vigo much redder than the average county.
3. Biden dramatically outperformed a number of down-ticket candidates in a way that Obama did not. For some reason, you demand that I don't mention Trump, so I'll have to word it like this: Obama wasn't facing an opponent with the same handicap Biden was. This allowed Biden to win in some areas that still voted against other Democrats.
4. Biden might not have done quite as well as Obama with voters of color, but he did slightly better with white voters, and his advantage with minority voters was still sizable, which led to a lot more votes overall, as the % of the vote that was white dropped from 72% to 67% from 2012 to 2020. This combination of more minority votes plus a significantly smaller handicap among white voters equates to a several million vote shift from R to D between the two elections.
5. Women. After Hillary's surprisingly poor performance among women, there were questions about whether they could really be counted on by Dems moving forward, but Biden not only made those losses back, he went beyond, outperforming Obama by a full 2 points.

I'm sure we could come up with more. Originally, I was really just explaining why bellwethers aren't really bellwethers, but this list above hopefully addresses many more of the issues you raised.
There was no collusion. There might have been information sharing, which the Clinton campaign did in spades.

More hysteria about a report that cleared Trump from anything nefarious.

Suck it.
You did not read the Mueller report if you think it "cleared" DT. It laid out numerous examples of obstruction of justice. But just keep getting your "news" from Fox.
Only because you are ignorant of the facts.

I hope you learned something, but I doubt you're smart enough to click the link.
It's cute you think Fox doesn't push its own biases.

You're too busy labeling and pushing your agendas on to people. I read the article, and people still attacking the Mueller report are idiots. It didn't make any indictable connections to Trump, yet DANCs are still up in arms about it.

It's clear you're the ignorant one or didn't read the article. You said the group was made up of all Democrats. That's not what the article actually says. I'll just lump you into the simps who think this is all binary. You're too narrow minded to have a real discussion, especially as you try to politically label anyone who disagrees with you.
It's cute you think Fox doesn't push its own biases.

You're too busy labeling and pushing your agendas on to people. I read the article, and people still attacking the Mueller report are idiots. It didn't make any indictable connections to Trump, yet DANCs are still up in arms about it.

It's clear you're the ignorant one or didn't read the article. You said the group was made up of all Democrats. That's not what the article actually says. I'll just lump you into the simps who think this is all binary. You're too narrow minded to have a real discussion, especially as you try to politically label anyone who disagrees with you.
You need to stick to talking basketball and quit calling people names!
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Your post below is your most literate post. Says a lot about what it is you should stick to talking about.
Cut him some slack Bloom he's just frustrated because Luke Brown still hasn't started to play for BSU.
Cut him some slack Bloom he's just frustrated because Luke Brown still hasn't started to play for BSU.
Another liberal being wrong. Luke has played in two games for TesticleTech. He has missed 2 games because of a hip injury.
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Your post below is your most literate post. Says a lot about what it is you should stick to talking about.
So you’re saying I should stick to talking about proctology? So that should make me an expert on talking about you.
No. There is still an investigation and hearings to be had.

Let's pretend Epps is more than just cooperating with the feds. Basically we're calling Trump followers sheep. Good job, Mas, you're sheeple.

No, he should be given a medal. The second they breached the door, they were fair game. If during the BLM protests, those who decided to loot and riot, if a store owner was inside as someone tried to break in, I'd be just fine with them defending their store too.

You likely have the same whacked out political disposition as Ashli Babbitt. She's probably a martyr to you. She broke into the Capitol during a riot.

These hypocritical clowns are all for shooting BLMsheep rioters/looters inside a Target but appalled when a trumpsheep rioter gets the same.
She's a standard solid Republican. Once again, saying a cross word about Trump (a RINO) doesn't equate to not being a Republican. Why do Trumpsters want to run actual Republicans out of the Republican party? That's a sure way to lose future elections.
Because they are not builders, they are destroyers. They are bomb throwers. There is no plan for what comes after they tear it all down. That’s what happens when you have a movement (cult) that isn’t based on any real objectives or even principles. It’s grievance contrived and angry. That’s pretty much it.
Because they are not builders, they are destroyers. They are bomb throwers. There is no plan for what comes after they tear it all down. That’s what happens when you have a movement (cult) that isn’t based on any real objectives or even principles. It’s grievance contrived and angry. That’s pretty much it.
You spew nothing but lies and propaganda!
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Because they are not builders, they are destroyers. They are bomb throwers. There is no plan for what comes after they tear it all down. That’s what happens when you have a movement (cult) that isn’t based on any real objectives or even principles. It’s grievance contrived and angry. That’s pretty much it.
You've just described the Black Lives Matter and the Defund the Police movements to a T. Ironic.
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You did not read the Mueller report if you think it "cleared" DT. It laid out numerous examples of obstruction of justice. But just keep getting your "news" from Fox.
This is correct
You've just described the Black Lives Matter and the Defund the Police movements to a T. Ironic.

You don't think BLM has anything to do with the treatment of blacks by people of authority?

I know, dumb question. Of course you don't.

You probably think you're compassionate by thinking justice was served yesterday when the killers of Ahmaud Arbery was life in prison. You probably think the system is working in that instance. In reality, it further displays how broken the system is all around, because those three white men thought it was OK legally to do what they did.

You can bet no regular black person has felt it was legally OK to kill a white man in the US.

I can't tell if those three idiots were that f-ing stupid or that f-ing entitled. Probably both.
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You don't think BLM has anything to do with the treatment of blacks by people of authority?

I know, dumb question. Of course you don't.

You probably think you're compassionate by thinking justice was served yesterday when the killers of Ahmaud Arbery was life in prison. You probably think the system is working in that instance. In reality, it further displays how broken the system is all around, because those three white men thought it was OK legally to do what they did.

You can bet no regular black person has felt it was legally OK to kill a white man in the US.

I can't tell if those three idiots were that f-ing stupid or that f-ing entitled. Probably both.
No, I don't you fracking dope. And if they did they would be raising holy hell in Chicago right now about the Chicago Teachers Union not going to work. But they are nowhere to be found on this matter. Why because they are politically in sympatico with the teachers. Communists of a feather.....
Talk about people in authority treating powerless blacks abhorrently.
Nice projection, you simp.

Now run along and tell us all again how Caleb Swanigan's agent took 17% from him.
No, I don't you fracking dope. And if they did they would be raising holy hell in Chicago right now about the Chicago Teachers Union not going to work. But they are nowhere to be found on this matter. Why because they are politically in sympatico with the teachers. Communists of a feather.....
Talk about people in authority treating powerless blacks abhorrently.
Nice projection, you simp.

Now run along and tell us all again how Caleb Swanigan's agent took 17% from him.
BLM is totally worthless
You don't think BLM has anything to do with the treatment of blacks by people of authority?

I know, dumb question. Of course you don't.

You probably think you're compassionate by thinking justice was served yesterday when the killers of Ahmaud Arbery was life in prison. You probably think the system is working in that instance. In reality, it further displays how broken the system is all around, because those three white men thought it was OK legally to do what they did.

You can bet no regular black person has felt it was legally OK to kill a white man in the US.

I can't tell if those three idiots were that f-ing stupid or that f-ing entitled. Probably both.
Make sure you return that soapbox when you’re done with it.
So you're nitpick here is sentence structure.
No. My nitpick is the moron in the White House.
Trump sent them over to the Capitol then left to watch it on TV. At that point, it needed to be stopped.
The Trump term in office was probably the worst 4 years of history since the depression. Hundreds of institutions and people played a significant role. A significant amount of that came from Trump critics. January 6 is the price we paid for the atmosphere our leaders in politics, media, entertainment, and elsewhere gave us. If you think this whole deal was the result of a rally you need to think again. What's worse, is that the Trump critics have expanded their vacuous venom to all political opponents and are worsening the political climate for all of us. Biden's speech is leading the way and people like you have bought it hook, line and sinker.
Any attack on our systems is an attack on Democracy. Just because it was less deadly in terms of lives, just because it came from within, doesn't make any less of a threat.
If you think marching around the Capitol in a funny hat, sitting in chairs reserved for the elites, while breaking some windows is an attack on our system of government you need to think again. It was a property crime committed in the Capitol for which the perps deserve to be prosecuted and punished. The real attack on our systems is ongoing and is all around us. The attacks include Eastern European, Russian, and Chinese oligarchs funneling millions of dollars to Biden's family with crickets from the media. The attacks include Congress passing multiple thousand page legislation covering dozens of individual topics without meaningful congressional debate and transparency. The attack includes limiting due process at public institutions of higher learning. The attack includes a couple of dominant communication platforms censoring ideas. The list of attacks is a long one and is doing real damage to our democracy.

This isn't graduate level. This is utterly stupid at this point. His attack on his predecessor? Calling someone out for what they did isn't an attack.
I heard some elite moron favorably compare Biden's January 6 anniversary speech to Lincoln's Gettysburg address. Lincoln spoke after a battle where tens of thousands died and domestic tension was off the charts. Lincoln lifted up a nation and didn't mention his political rivals or the South a single time.

Biden? He acted like he was speaking at the DNC instead of to the nation. He attacked, attacked, and attacked rivals and opponents. His words were unpresidential, unprecedented, destructive, and divisive. His speech was exactly the wrong words at the wrong time.
No. My nitpick is the moron in the White House.

The Trump term in office was probably the worst 4 years of history since the depression. Hundreds of institutions and people played a significant role. A significant amount of that came from Trump critics. January 6 is the price we paid for the atmosphere our leaders in politics, media, entertainment, and elsewhere gave us. If you think this whole deal was the result of a rally you need to think again. What's worse, is that the Trump critics have expanded their vacuous venom to all political opponents and are worsening the political climate for all of us. Biden's speech is leading the way and people like you have bought it hook, line and sinker.

If you think marching around the Capitol in a funny hat, sitting in chairs reserved for the elites, while breaking some windows is an attack on our system of government you need to think again. It was a property crime committed in the Capitol for which the perps deserve to be prosecuted and punished. The real attack on our systems is ongoing and is all around us. The attacks include Eastern European, Russian, and Chinese oligarchs funneling millions of dollars to Biden's family with crickets from the media. The attacks include Congress passing multiple thousand page legislation covering dozens of individual topics without meaningful congressional debate and transparency. The attack includes limiting due process at public institutions of higher learning. The attack includes a couple of dominant communication platforms censoring ideas. The list of attacks is a long one and is doing real damage to our democracy.

I heard some elite moron favorably compare Biden's January 6 anniversary speech to Lincoln's Gettysburg address. Lincoln spoke after a battle where tens of thousands died and domestic tension was off the charts. Lincoln lifted up a nation and didn't mention his political rivals or the South a single time.

Biden? He acted like he was speaking at the DNC instead of to the nation. He attacked, attacked, and attacked rivals and opponents. His words were unpresidential, unprecedented, destructive, and divisive. His speech was exactly the wrong words at the wrong time.
OK I have to call this one out:

Biden? He acted like he was speaking at the DNC instead of to the nation. He attacked, attacked, and attacked rivals and opponents. His words were unpresidential, unprecedented, destructive, and divisive. His speech was exactly the wrong words at the wrong time.

Time and time again when the former POTUS used unpresidential, unprecedented, destructive, and divisive language you said that the POTUS’s words didn’t matter. You seem to now be attaching a lot of import to the words. Were you wrong then or now?
OK I have to call this one out:

Biden? He acted like he was speaking at the DNC instead of to the nation. He attacked, attacked, and attacked rivals and opponents. His words were unpresidential, unprecedented, destructive, and divisive. His speech was exactly the wrong words at the wrong time.

Time and time again when the former POTUS used unpresidential, unprecedented, destructive, and divisive language you said that the POTUS’s words didn’t matter. You seem to now be attaching a lot of import to the words. Were you wrong then or now?
Tweets are one thing. A speech to the nation from the Capitol is a different thing.

I don’t understand your comment that words don’t matter. I often criticized Trumps words, especially those that attacked others. What I did say, once Trump was out of office, his personality didn’t matter. Biden is doing his damnedest to keep Trump front snd center. .
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You did not read the Mueller report if you think it "cleared" DT. It laid out numerous examples of obstruction of justice. But just keep getting your "news" from Fox.
Was he charged with anything?


He was cleared.

By your logic, anyone who is investigated and not charged is not cleared. That's not how our justice system works. But leftists like to play word games.
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It's cute you think Fox doesn't push its own biases.

You're too busy labeling and pushing your agendas on to people. I read the article, and people still attacking the Mueller report are idiots. It didn't make any indictable connections to Trump, yet DANCs are still up in arms about it.

It's clear you're the ignorant one or didn't read the article. You said the group was made up of all Democrats. That's not what the article actually says. I'll just lump you into the simps who think this is all binary. You're too narrow minded to have a real discussion, especially as you try to politically label anyone who disagrees with you.
It says Mueller was the only Republican. I'm sorry you're not smart enough to figure 2+2=4