Abortion Ruling

Should make liberals happy.

This must be fake news. I have been REPEATEDLY, nay CONSTANTLY, reminded that the “GOP majority” on the Court are mere lapdogs for GOP policies and ALWAYS vote politics and ignore statutes and the Constitution to do so.

NO WAY they voted to preserve access to abortions. No way. Not even to save the life of a Republican mother on the first day of pregnancy.
We’re where we should be. Each State determines their abortion law.

Roe v Wade was bad law.
If abortion is murder, that is not something that can be left to the states. I recognize this is the politically expedient position for Republicans currently since there isn't consensus that it is indeed murder.

But at some point down the road the country will have to nut up and pass a federal ban.
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We’re where we should be. Each State determines their abortion law.

Roe v Wade was bad law.
I would think the most ardent pro-lifers would be unhappy with leaving abortion entirely up to the states. This means some states will essentially allow abortion from conception to just before birth. I’m not an ardent pro-lifer, but I’m opposed to abortion in the 2nd and 3rd trimester with exceptions of death of the baby or danger to the physical health of the mother. I don’t approve of either Presidential candidate’s position on abortion.
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I would think the most ardent pro-lifers would be unhappy with leaving abortion entirely up to the states. This means some states will essentially allow abortion from conception to just before birth. I’m not an ardent pro-lifer, but I’m opposed to abortion in the 2nd and 3rd trimester with exceptions of death if the baby or danger to the physical health of the mother. I don’t approve of either Presidential candidate’s position on abortion.
What’s your position?
I would think the most ardent pro-lifers would be unhappy with leaving abortion entirely up to the states. This means some states will essentially allow abortion from conception to just before birth. I’m not an ardent pro-lifer, but I’m opposed to abortion in the 2nd and 3rd trimester with exceptions of death if the baby or danger to the physical health of the mother. I don’t approve of either Presidential candidate’s position on abortion.
They can remain unhappy. The objective should be saving as many human lives as possible and leaving it to the states currently accomplishes that. There is zero chance of a federal ban, because a majority of the country are for allowing human life to be killed.
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They can remain unhappy. The objective should be saving as many human lives as possible and leaving it to the states currently accomplishes that. There is zero chance of a federal ban, because a majority of the country are for allowing human life to be killed.
I agree but I think Republicans should get creative with other legislation. As an example, require an ultrasound before the procedure or even better require a visit to a non profit like PreBorn. Ensure they are making an informed decision.

Not likely to pass federally either but it would be good to hold Democrat's feet to the fire on why exactly they don't think Pre-abortive mothers should have an ultrasound or explore alternatives to abortion before making their decision.
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They can remain unhappy. The objective should be saving as many human lives as possible and leaving it to the states currently accomplishes that. There is zero chance of a federal ban, because a majority of the country are for allowing human life to be killed.
Not what the polls show:

“The further into the pregnancy, with a June Gallup poll finding that while 69% support abortion in the first trimester of a pregnancy, that drops to 37% in the second trimester and 22% in the third trimester.”

My position is basically America’s position.
This must be fake news. I have been REPEATEDLY, nay CONSTANTLY, reminded that the “GOP majority” on the Court are mere lapdogs for GOP policies and ALWAYS vote politics and ignore statutes and the Constitution to do so.

NO WAY they voted to preserve access to abortions. No way. Not even to save the life of a Republican mother on the first day of pregnancy.

A very slight nitpick to many posts here, they technically upheld the right to use mifepristone by saying the doctors did not have standing. So the net effect is the same, but they didn't actually rule on the merits of the case. I don't know they would rule any differently if they decide another group has standing, and I doubt they would rule differently, but it is at least theoretically possible.
I agree but I think Republicans should get creative with other legislation. As an example, require an ultrasound before the procedure or even better require a visit to a non profit like PreBorn. Ensure they are making an informed decision.

Not likely to pass federally either but it would be good to hold Democrat's feet to the fire on why exactly they don't think Pre-abortive mothers should have an ultrasound or explore alternatives to abortion before making their decision.
Trying hard to keep losing the women’s vote. Why in the world should they need to have an ultrasound first?
Not what the polls show:

“The further into the pregnancy, with a June Gallup poll finding that while 69% support abortion in the first trimester of a pregnancy, that drops to 37% in the second trimester and 22% in the third trimester.”

My position is basically America’s position.
I wasn’t clear. I meant a federal ban that eliminated all (or least a majority of abortions). It would need to be 6 weeks or less, which your data shows there isn’t any support for at the federal level. 99% of abortions happen before week 20 and 95% happen before week 15.

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Really? You don't think they should see first what they are aborting? Do you frequently receive a wrapped gift and throw it in the trash without opening it?

I guess the real question would be, why the aversion to an ultrasound?
Your better argument is “informed consent for any medical procedure requires as much actual medical info as technologically possible” - not “trying to shock them into a moral decision I prefer.”
If abortion is murder, that is not something that can't be left to the states. I recognize this is the politically expedient position for Republicans currently since there isn't consensus that it is indeed murder.

But at some point down the road the country will have to nut up and pass a federal ban.
We will eventually. We might settle on viability instead of conception, but there will be a federal ban.
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That is a better sales pitch.
“Theological morality” and law/government don’t mix well in our country. There is no way for law to satisfy everybody. And in this country, “religion REQUIRES the law to be XYZ” is not an option.

I’m a backsliding believer, but … to my knowledge Jesus taught “you are only IN this world, not OF this world - keep YOUR eye on the Kingdom of God, not the kingdom of man,” and never led a march on the courthouse to demand the Romans or evens the Jews to “change the law to THIS.” Religion is for changing hearts, not laws. If nobody WANTS an abortion, the law doesn’t really matter, eh?
I am not trying to "shock" them. I'm trying to guilt them.
Ah, the “guilt trip.”

How has that been working out? Are there are more or less abortions since The Moral Majority started using the pulpit to preach law instead of The Gospel?

Even Jerry Falwell eventually regretted the move of the church into the political arena. But … after The Letter From Birmingham Jail, and “The Troubles” in Ireland, and all the great anti-war marches of the 60’s, it IS hard to resist, eh?
why the aversion to an ultrasound?
Why the aversion to, at the point a pregnant woman leans toward abortion, offering free pre natal, delivery, and post partem care? Includng free adoption services for parents who want to raise a child?

Since we're talking about saving lives here. Just scaring a woman with YOU'RE KILLING A BABY YOU ****ING MONSTER sure hasn't worked over the years.
“Theological morality” and law/government don’t mix well in our country. There is no way for law to satisfy everybody. And in this country, “religion REQUIRES the law to be XYZ” is not an option.

I’m a backsliding believer, but … to my knowledge Jesus taught “you are only IN this world, not OF this world - keep YOUR eye on the Kingdom of God, not the kingdom of man,” and never led a march on the courthouse to demand the Romans or evens the Jews to “change the law to THIS.” Religion is for changing hearts, not laws. If nobody WANTS an abortion, the law doesn’t really matter, eh?
We have plenty of “theological morality” laws. For example it’s illegal to murder another person. Also, I don’t think someone needs to be religious to be against abortion.
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I am ardently against abortion in almost all cases. I am also for the rights of states to determine how to handle this issue
This is basically me. I know how I feel about it (against it) and how I want to manage how I conduct myself. Then on the other hand (if in a leadership role), I want to limit how I "push" my ideals onto others and how they conduct their own affairs.
I wish more politicians (cough Trump cough) would simply answer the question that way. "I can control my actions, but I only offer up some bounded guidelines for how you do yours".
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I wasn’t clear. I meant a federal ban that eliminated all (or least a majority of abortions). It would need to be 6 weeks or less, which your data shows there isn’t any support for at the federal level. 99% of abortions happen before week 20 and 95% happen before week 15.

The GOP could win the issue by banning, with rare exceptions, abortions after 21 weeks. Let the states do what they want prior to 21.
Really? You don't think they should see first what they are aborting? Do you frequently receive a wrapped gift and throw it in the trash without opening it?

I guess the real question would be, why the aversion to an ultrasound?
I wonder if they will ultrasound everyone before the DNC convention in Chicago? There's going to be blood shed there, for sure !
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