‘Don’t Say Gay’ Bill - Florida

Just more clown culture war theater.

Here's how it works.

1. Shock mode: Take some fringe examples of something that is, especially to the average conservative, odd. Misrepresent it to really get those defending back on their heels a bit, because it's much easier to scare than it is to explain a somewhat complex situation.

2. Scared mode: Point to those small examples as proof that it's completely or will soon completely infiltrate our society and everyone has their head up their asses because mainstream fake news isn't telling you.

3. Pissed off mode: Whip the base into a frenzy. Point to the time tested, tried and true method to conjure a low flying panic attack....the children!!! Always bring the children into it.

4. Crusade mode: Once you're culture war is created, stand up against it. Accuse political rivals of pushing and supporting this made up grievance and if you've reeled in enough fish, pass dumb laws like this one.

Desantis entire political fortune has been made exploiting these kind of culture wars. He's simply milking it like he always has.

Wash, rinse, repeat.

Unfortunately it's the core political strategy of the current republican party.

Cruz, Trump, Desantis, MTG, Boebart, Cotten, Hawley, Blackburn, Gaetz, Cawthorn, etc.....they're all the same person using the same tactics.

They've created so many dumb grievances and are so transparent that they are no more than clowns at a circus trying to get your attention.

I keep waiting for the voter base to smarten up to their game but, I have my doubts and expect more embarrassingly dumb laws like this to get passed.
Live here in the heart of conservative Florida. Never heard of any indoctrination of any kind regarding sexuality in young children. I’ve never heard any news report saying libs r in favor of teaching anything of a sexual nature to anyone in grade school. I’m conservative and have an adult gay son. He’s in his mid 30’s. He was an absolute mess after high school because he was still in the closet because of small town bigotry toward his orientation. Once he came out he lost nearly all of his so called male friends from high school. No one will ever convince us sexual orientation is not genetic. He was raised in a normal mother and father family Christian home. He pretended to b straight and was a mess. Came out and completely different person. Very successful in the health care industry. R feeling is that God will sort it out in the end. Not making a political statement here but I don’t really c a problem with teaching kids of any age to b accepting of everyone and that means helping them to understand that being racist is absolutely wrong. Kids r not born racist they learn it. Not really sorry if anyone is offended that we believe that teaching kids not to b racist is a good thing.
What genetic sequence are you referencing?
Why should that matter? Nature or nurture, rights and respect and individuality remain the same.
Teaching children maladaptive behaviors that countermand the biological imperative is not ok. If an individual chooses to engage in them so be it, but it does not need to be encouraged at a young age. Reproduction is the most natural & normal behavior of all species.
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pretty obvious what it means.


use them

Why do you care what other people use?

The vast majority of people in both parties are straight. I don't think we will have a population problem
It's a poorly written bill on a couple of counts. Although I sympathize with McM's desire to defend parents' rights, sometimes student rights and parent rights are at odds, and schools become the best available advocates for students, and this law could make that difficult. I'm particularly concerned about the section on health questionnaires. And a lot of the language is dangerously vague. A lot of Florida lawyers are going to earn some fees off this language over the next few years.

That said, I don't think it's quite the right-wing reactionary medieval act that some worry it might be. I suspect the negative effects will be small and localized. The main worry for me is that the small number of students negatively affected may be affected to a great (detrimental) extent.
What do you mean by the bolded?
I wonder how people would feel about the bill if it was in another state and not Desantis. The bill primarily directs districts to keep parents notified and to keep sexual orientation discussions out of the classrooms of little kids. I would venture to guess most support those directives. We want a society that's accepting of everyone; we just don't want to foist this discussion on minds that are too young to process and understand the issues. The practical components of the bill are a mess because it's so poorly drafted
What do you mean by the bolded?
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It's a poorly written bill on a couple of counts. Although I sympathize with McM's desire to defend parents' rights, sometimes student rights and parent rights are at odds, and schools become the best available advocates for students, and this law could make that difficult. I'm particularly concerned about the section on health questionnaires. And a lot of the language is dangerously vague. A lot of Florida lawyers are going to earn some fees off this language over the next few years.

That said, I don't think it's quite the right-wing reactionary medieval act that some worry it might be. I suspect the negative effects will be small and localized. The main worry for me is that the small number of students negatively affected may be affected to a great (detrimental) extent.
34 requiring school districts
35 to adopt certain procedures for resolving specified
36 parental concerns; requiring resolution within a
37 specified timeframe; requiring the Commissioner of
38 Education to appoint a special magistrate for
39 unresolved concerns; providing requirements for the
40 special magistrate; requiring the State Board of
41 Education to approve or reject the special
42 magistrate's recommendation within specified
43 timeframe; requiring school districts to bear the
44 costs of the special magistrate; requiring the State
45 Board of Education to adopt rules; providing
46 requirements for such rules; authorizing a parent to
47 bring an action against a school district to obtain a
48 declaratory judgment that a school district procedure
49 or practice violates certain provisions of law;
50 providing for the additional award of injunctive
51 relief, damages, and reasonable attorney fees and
52 court costs to certain parents; requiring school
53 district to adopt policies to notify parents of
54 certain rights

Wow, Florida Republicans do love the administrative state when it benefits their continued wedge driving on social issues.

Also, there's a pretty egregious grammatical error on line 30 (waive not wave). Come on Florida.

This bill is junk to provoke court cases.

DeSantis is running for president in 2024 and his platform will be dominated by shit like this. Do better.
Wow, Florida Republicans do love the administrative state when it benefits their continued wedge driving on social issues.

Also, there's a pretty egregious grammatical error on line 30 (waive not wave). Come on Florida.

This bill is junk to provoke court cases.

DeSantis is running for president in 2024 and his platform will be dominated by shit like this. Do better.
Definitely true re Desantis and the admin state. Not a fan of that - at all. That said this issue is a sticky one and may need clarification
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Wow, Florida Republicans do love the administrative state when it benefits their continued wedge driving on social issues.

Also, there's a pretty egregious grammatical error on line 30 (waive not wave). Come on Florida.

This bill is junk to provoke court cases.

DeSantis is running for president in 2024 and his platform will be dominated by shit like this. Do better.
Funny how Republicans get the blame for wedge driving social issues, none of this is needed if you ****ing pervs left kids alone in an area where they are most vulnerable. Kids do not need this sexual stuff in elementary school. They don't need to be forced into Pride parades. They don't need taught there are 10,000 genders because of a small percentage of mentally ill misfits who have hijacked normal society. Yes, normal. Cutting off your dick and claiming you are a woman is not normal.
Feel free to do you, people are messed up and do messed up shit to themselves and others all the time. We don't need to mainstream mental illness. You ****ers started this shit. "Oh, slippery one wants your kids." Bull ****ing shit. It is EXACTLY what is wanted. You cannot rationalize this bull shit with adults so you indoctrinate kids with it before they get rational thought. Conservatives are reactive. You all push and push and push and then it is all "conservative culture war" when there is a push back.
Just more clown culture war theater.

Here's how it works.

1. Shock mode: Take some fringe examples of something that is, especially to the average conservative, odd. Misrepresent it to really get those defending back on their heels a bit, because it's much easier to scare than it is to explain a somewhat complex situation.

2. Scared mode: Point to those small examples as proof that it's completely or will soon completely infiltrate our society and everyone has their head up their asses because mainstream fake news isn't telling you.

3. Pissed off mode: Whip the base into a frenzy. Point to the time tested, tried and true method to conjure a low flying panic attack....the children!!! Always bring the children into it.

4. Crusade mode: Once you're culture war is created, stand up against it. Accuse political rivals of pushing and supporting this made up grievance and if you've reeled in enough fish, pass dumb laws like this one.

Desantis entire political fortune has been made exploiting these kind of culture wars. He's simply milking it like he always has.

Wash, rinse, repeat.

Unfortunately it's the core political strategy of the current republican party.

Cruz, Trump, Desantis, MTG, Boebart, Cotten, Hawley, Blackburn, Gaetz, Cawthorn, etc.....they're all the same person using the same tactics.

They've created so many dumb grievances and are so transparent that they are no more than clowns at a circus trying to get your attention.

I keep waiting for the voter base to smarten up to their game but, I have my doubts and expect more embarrassingly dumb laws like this to get passed.
Congratulations! You just perfectly describes the #BLM MO.
none of this is needed if you ****ing pervs left kids alone in an area where they are most vulnerable.

You ****ers started this shit. "Oh, slippery one wants your kids." Bull ****ing shit. It is EXACTLY what is wanted

B. I didn't start shit. I agree sexuality should be left until (probably) middle school. Maybe 5th grade.

This bill is dumb and awful in just about every way a dumb and awful bill can be. DeSantis knows better and he is pandering, apparently directly to you. Don't fall for it.

And come on man, do you think us f*ckers are out to get your kids (bro, I'm straight by the way)? Don't shoot up any pizzerias.
It's a poorly written bill on a couple of counts. Although I sympathize with McM's desire to defend parents' rights, sometimes student rights and parent rights are at odds, and schools become the best available advocates for students, and this law could make that difficult. I'm particularly concerned about the section on health questionnaires. And a lot of the language is dangerously vague. A lot of Florida lawyers are going to earn some fees off this language over the next few years.

That said, I don't think it's quite the right-wing reactionary medieval act that some worry it might be. I suspect the negative effects will be small and localized. The main worry for me is that the small number of students negatively affected may be affected to a great (detrimental) extent.
If you're worried about a detrimental effect on a small number of students, just think of it as being for the greater good. You know, like vaccine mandates. Sure, they hurt a few people, but they're for the greater good!
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Just more clown culture war theater.

Here's how it works.

1. Shock mode: Take some fringe examples of something that is, especially to the average conservative, odd. Misrepresent it to really get those defending back on their heels a bit, because it's much easier to scare than it is to explain a somewhat complex situation.

2. Scared mode: Point to those small examples as proof that it's completely or will soon completely infiltrate our society and everyone has their head up their asses because mainstream fake news isn't telling you.

3. Pissed off mode: Whip the base into a frenzy. Point to the time tested, tried and true method to conjure a low flying panic attack....the children!!! Always bring the children into it.

4. Crusade mode: Once you're culture war is created, stand up against it. Accuse political rivals of pushing and supporting this made up grievance and if you've reeled in enough fish, pass dumb laws like this one.

Desantis entire political fortune has been made exploiting these kind of culture wars. He's simply milking it like he always has.

Wash, rinse, repeat.

Unfortunately it's the core political strategy of the current republican party.

Cruz, Trump, Desantis, MTG, Boebart, Cotten, Hawley, Blackburn, Gaetz, Cawthorn, etc.....they're all the same person using the same tactics.

They've created so many dumb grievances and are so transparent that they are no more than clowns at a circus trying to get your attention.

I keep waiting for the voter base to smarten up to their game but, I have my doubts and expect more embarrassingly dumb laws like this to get passed.
It's exploitive and opportunistic, but it's also reactionary to some very odd behavior on the part of the left. Apparently NBC doctored photos of Lia Thomas to make her look feminine. There's certainly an agenda on the part of the left.

Back on topic, this Fla deal is pretty interesting. I haven't read the lawsuit that gave rise to this bill but have read some excerpts from it. Very tough stuff, from both the parents' perspective and in some ways the pickle the parents put the school in re their middle school child. It's a shame that the bill is so poorly drafted because the theme of it is useful: making it incumbent upon schools to notify parents of actions contemplated/taken re our kids. I will also add being a teacher is a tough gig. My own school district is far more liberal than I prefer but I tread lightly with all of my kid's teachers as their task isn't an easy one and this seems to be just one more difficult issue they have to deal with. The lawsuit in this matter is interesting. What liberties were taken and what permission was granted appear to be in conflict. And like all suits people will remember differently.

Desantis will ride the wave. Next will be crime. Panama City spring break so far has led to 160 arrests and seizure of 75 guns. Miami Beach is a shit show too. Desantis will stay hard right I think on all the race and culture issues
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Funny how Republicans get the blame for wedge driving social issues, none of this is needed if you ****ing pervs left kids alone in an area where they are most vulnerable. Kids do not need this sexual stuff in elementary school. They don't need to be forced into Pride parades. They don't need taught there are 10,000 genders because of a small percentage of mentally ill misfits who have hijacked normal society. Yes, normal. Cutting off your dick and claiming you are a woman is not normal.
Feel free to do you, people are messed up and do messed up shit to themselves and others all the time. We don't need to mainstream mental illness. You ****ers started this shit. "Oh, slippery one wants your kids." Bull ****ing shit. It is EXACTLY what is wanted. You cannot rationalize this bull shit with adults so you indoctrinate kids with it before they get rational thought. Conservatives are reactive. You all push and push and push and then it is all "conservative culture war" when there is a push back.

No one was teaching kids sexual stuff. Sex ed comes well after 3rd grade. There was no issue that needed to be fixed.

Maybe you should stop being a homophobe.

If you want to leave kids alone, then stop supporting pedophiles like Gaetz and Trump ;)
No one was teaching kids sexual stuff. Sex ed comes well after 3rd grade. There was no issue that needed to be fixed.

Maybe you should stop being a homophobe.

If you want to leave kids alone, then stop supporting pedophiles like Gaetz and Trump ;)
My God you are stupid. It doesn't matter the issue. You side with the left without ever doing an ounce of research on the matter. The issue is actually an interesting topic and one where I trust teachers would benefit from some legal guidelines. They are and will continue to be placed in difficult circumstances
No one was teaching kids sexual stuff. Sex ed comes well after 3rd grade. There was no issue that needed to be fixed.

Maybe you should stop being a homophobe.

If you want to leave kids alone, then stop supporting pedophiles like Gaetz and Trump ;)
Who reminds you to breathe?

Just more clown culture war theater.

Here's how it works.

1. Shock mode: Take some fringe examples of something that is, especially to the average conservative, odd. Misrepresent it to really get those defending back on their heels a bit, because it's much easier to scare than it is to explain a somewhat complex situation.

2. Scared mode: Point to those small examples as proof that it's completely or will soon completely infiltrate our society and everyone has their head up their asses because mainstream fake news isn't telling you.

3. Pissed off mode: Whip the base into a frenzy. Point to the time tested, tried and true method to conjure a low flying panic attack....the children!!! Always bring the children into it.

4. Crusade mode: Once you're culture war is created, stand up against it. Accuse political rivals of pushing and supporting this made up grievance and if you've reeled in enough fish, pass dumb laws like this one.

Desantis entire political fortune has been made exploiting these kind of culture wars. He's simply milking it like he always has.

Wash, rinse, repeat.

Unfortunately it's the core political strategy of the current republican party.

Cruz, Trump, Desantis, MTG, Boebart, Cotten, Hawley, Blackburn, Gaetz, Cawthorn, etc.....they're all the same person using the same tactics.

They've created so many dumb grievances and are so transparent that they are no more than clowns at a circus trying to get your attention.

I keep waiting for the voter base to smarten up to their game but, I have my doubts and expect more embarrassingly dumb laws like this to get passed.
This is an interesting analysis of the right. I wonder if you’re willing and able to perform an equally interesting analysis of the left. If so, then you are likely to see that the voter base you’re hoping will smarten up has picked a far better alternative from their point of view.
DeSantis is playing these people like a fiddle. He’s successfully goaded the left into defending mandatory masks on kids, sexual indoctrination of kindergartners, and job loss from refusal to vaccinate.

Is he playing politics to an extent? Sure. But nothing he’s done is objectionable in the least a polling shows.
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DeSantis is playing these people like a fiddle. He’s successfully goaded the left into defending mandatory masks on kids, sexual indoctrination of kindergartners, and job loss from refusal to vaccinate.

Is he playing politics to an extent? Sure. But nothing he’s done is objectionable in the least a polling shows.

There is no sexual indoctrination of kindergartners. If a gay teacher is gay, they shouldn't be afraid to say it. A kindergartner finding out their teacher is gay doesn't make them gay and isn't teaching them about sex any more than finding out their teacher is straight and has a wife.

Every one stop telling your kids that you're straight or that you have a wife. It's sexual indoctrination.
There is no sexual indoctrination of kindergartners. If a gay teacher is gay, they shouldn't be afraid to say it. A kindergartner finding out their teacher is gay doesn't make them gay and isn't teaching them about sex any more than finding out their teacher is straight and has a wife.

Every one stop telling your kids that you're straight or that you have a wife. It's sexual indoctrination.
Kids should be indoctrinated to adhere to biological imperatives until they feel compelled to participate In maladaptive behaviors without outside influence. You know, survival of the species & all.
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It's exploitive and opportunistic, but it's also reactionary to some very odd behavior on the part of the left. Apparently NBC doctored photos of Lia Thomas to make her look feminine. There's certainly an agenda on the part of the left.

Back on topic, this Fla deal is pretty interesting. I haven't read the lawsuit that gave rise to this bill but have read some excerpts from it. Very tough stuff, from both the parents' perspective and in some ways the pickle the parents put the school in re their middle school child. It's a shame that the bill is so poorly drafted because the theme of it is useful: making it incumbent upon schools to notify parents of actions contemplated/taken re our kids. I will also add being a teacher is a tough gig. My own school district is far more liberal than I prefer but I tread lightly with all of my kid's teachers as their task isn't an easy one and this seems to be just one more difficult issue they have to deal with. The lawsuit in this matter is interesting. What liberties were taken and what permission was granted appear to be in conflict. And like all suits people will remember differently.

Desantis will ride the wave. Next will be crime. Panama City spring break so far has led to 160 arrests and seizure of 75 guns. Miami Beach is a shit show too. Desantis will stay hard right I think on all the race and culture issues
In general I prefer laws based on data, not pure and sometimes manipulated emotion.

Accusing and lying is one thing, like when after a Texas ice storm that knocked out power republican politicians along with fox talking heads blamed windmills and solar panels, which was an obvious blatant lie ('green' energy in Texas makes up about 20%).

Okay fine that's not a surprise.

However now these emotional panic attacks are going into political laws which is a whole new level of indoctrinating our emotional fears (because as you well know, laws are pretty hard to overturn).

Where's the data based decisions is all I'm asking. Where are the apt definitions and descriptions of these accusations?

Especially in this day and age where it's so easy to find an isolated extreme story and quickly blow it up to make it seem commonplace.

That's quite the power (see Christopher Rufo right after the George Floyd death and what panic attack he was able to conjure. It's actually quite brilliant from a mass manipulation POV).

Admittingly I've stopped paying attention to these political crusades and instinctively just roll my eyes but I'm guessing there is a blind feels accusatory aspect of these laws (parents just have to accuse some kind of emotion vs something that can be defined) which is honestly life ruining accidents waiting to happen.

Good luck with that Coach. Better hope a parent doesn't accuse you of breaking these emotionally based laws. It's not like you are around kids for most of their days. DeSantis is coming for you!

I honestly have no idea why anyone would want to go into that work environment as a teacher.

Back to my original point. All I ask is for the data on these culture wars that the right keeps fighting? How many trans athletes are out there 'ruining' women's sports (for the record, Lia Thomas likely set back the real trans movement a decade. More trans people will die now because of her and how she gave fodder to this current panic attack/culture war?) How many kids come from same sex marriages?

Ted Cruz just spent most of his time at a Supreme Court justice confirmation hearing pointing to one children's book that he found and asked if babies are racist (then was busted immediately checking his mentions which we all know is the motivation for this clown show).

How prevalent is that book?

Nah that's not important. It's more important to hold it up as an example of what is in all 'woke' schools right now to give a false impression and evoke a mass panic attack.

Lastly, is it dumb to assume that the public school system, like every government body, naturally comes with a crazy amount of bureaucratic guidelines and regulations and yet there's this focus to legislate something that's already highly legislated in its nature?

Or is it just dumb political theater? My guess, based on two years of evidence, is the latter.

In general I prefer laws based on data, not pure and sometimes manipulated emotion.

Accusing and lying is one thing, like when after a Texas ice storm that knocked out power republican politicians along with fox talking heads blamed windmills and solar panels, which was an obvious blatant lie ('green' energy in Texas makes up about 20%).

Okay fine that's not a surprise.

However now these emotional panic attacks are going into political laws which is a whole new level of indoctrinating our emotional fears (because as you well know, laws are pretty hard to overturn).

Where's the data based decisions is all I'm asking. Where are the apt definitions and descriptions of these accusations?

Especially in this day and age where it's so easy to find an isolated extreme story and quickly blow it up to make it seem commonplace.

That's quite the power (see Christopher Rufo right after the George Floyd death and what panic attack he was able to conjure. It's actually quite brilliant from a mass manipulation POV).

Admittingly I've stopped paying attention to these political crusades and instinctively just roll my eyes but I'm guessing there is a blind feels accusatory aspect of these laws (parents just have to accuse some kind of emotion vs something that can be defined) which is honestly life ruining accidents waiting to happen.

Good luck with that Coach. Better hope a parent doesn't accuse you of breaking these emotionally based laws. It's not like you are around kids for most of their days. DeSantis is coming for you!

I honestly have no idea why anyone would want to go into that work environment as a teacher.

Back to my original point. All I ask is for the data on these culture wars that the right keeps fighting? How many trans athletes are out there 'ruining' women's sports (for the record, Lia Thomas likely set back the real trans movement a decade. More trans people will die now because of her and how she gave fodder to this current panic attack/culture war?) How many kids come from same sex marriages?

Ted Cruz just spent most of his time at a Supreme Court justice confirmation hearing pointing to one children's book that he found and asked if babies are racist (then was busted immediately checking his mentions which we all know is the motivation for this clown show).

How prevalent is that book?

Nah that's not important. It's more important to hold it up as an example of what is in all 'woke' schools right now to give a false impression and evoke a mass panic attack.

Lastly, is it dumb to assume that the public school system, like every government body, naturally comes with a crazy amount of bureaucratic guidelines and regulations and yet there's this focus to legislate something that's already highly legislated in its nature?

Or is it just dumb political theater? My guess, based on two years of evidence, is the latter.

How many trans athletes are ruining womens' sports? I know one. One is enough. She just won a national championship and deprived a bunch of athletes who competed their entire lives for this moment. Can you imagine the absurdity of it? Heading to the bathroom for NCAA piss test only to walk out and see you are competing against Lia Thomas? The NCAA may be the only organization dumber than our gov.

As for Desantis I realize he's pandering and politicizing for gain. That said the "idea" behind some kind of bill isn't a bad idea. I'm not sure making it actionable is the answer. Or perhaps get rid of attorney's fees or make them nominal or prevailing or something. But again I've read some of the stuff that gave rise to this bill. It's a two-way street. Parents need to be informed, boundaries need to be established between faculty and students, and, finally, teachers need protection too. Part of that protection is knowing what is or isn't permissible for them to do. The teacher in the bill's underlying case was put in a really tough spot by parents. I don't know many facts, but what "facts" i've read, put the teacher in a tough spot, a spot that the parents could easily turn on her/him
This is an interesting analysis of the right. I wonder if you’re willing and able to perform an equally interesting analysis of the left. If so, then you are likely to see that the voter base you’re hoping will smarten up has picked a far better alternative from their point of view.
I grew up with a pretty simplified view of the two parties. Basically it came down to how to best spend tax money.

What initiatives should we spend the money on? Military build up? Social programs? Business subsidies (the whole trickle down economy concept).

However that's pretty boring, cspan stuff.

Today the parties have really tapped into our emotions and are generating enormous amounts of money because we naturally react emotionally much more impulsively (see Will Smith last Sunday).

Now we seem to be battling cultures which is messy.

In general, the right has become the belligerent asshole party that's being manipulated by their leaders into made up culture wars.

The left are now the asshole fighters being manipulated by their leaders that marginalized people are being excessively harassed by the bullies and tend to over react emotionally. IE 'Cancel culture', 'me too', 'identity politics', etc.

We still argue over how to spend our taxes but we seem to be tucked into each corner by these two crusades.

If you speak out against the crusade then, well good luck to you.

Again my POV in simple, general terms.
Funny how Republicans get the blame for wedge driving social issues, none of this is needed if you ****ing pervs left kids alone in an area where they are most vulnerable. Kids do not need this sexual stuff in elementary school. They don't need to be forced into Pride parades. They don't need taught there are 10,000 genders because of a small percentage of mentally ill misfits who have hijacked normal society. Yes, normal. Cutting off your dick and claiming you are a woman is not normal.
Feel free to do you, people are messed up and do messed up shit to themselves and others all the time. We don't need to mainstream mental illness. You ****ers started this shit. "Oh, slippery one wants your kids." Bull ****ing shit. It is EXACTLY what is wanted. You cannot rationalize this bull shit with adults so you indoctrinate kids with it before they get rational thought. Conservatives are reactive. You all push and push and push and then it is all "conservative culture war" when there is a push back.
You’re a little overboard here. The huge majority ( I won’t say no one) has no interest in indoctrination of your kids. You make it sound like trans people think it’s fun and games to have surgery, take hormones, etc to match their body to what they have felt like their entire lives. The suicide rate is extremely high for trans people. Who gets to decide what’s “normal?”
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Are K-3 kids actually being "indoctrinated" about LGBT stuff? I'd be surprised if that's actually the case. And I get that if they were it probably is out of place. So it's a nothingburger for me. But it's also a slippery slope... if this kind of nonsense can be implemented at this level, where does it stop. And nonsense it is. This is really about stoking the Pub base.
It happens but its very rare. I don't think actual physical sex should be discussed with children at all. Straight or otherwise. But this is red meat. The state sets the curriculum in many cases. So they know what's being taught.
If you're worried about a detrimental effect on a small number of students, just think of it as being for the greater good. You know, like vaccine mandates. Sure, they hurt a few people, but they're for the greater good!
You’re all going insane about a small number of people…. Like ONE athlete. Who finished first in one race, but 5th and 8th in two others. Certainly not a dominating performance.
No one was teaching kids sexual stuff. Sex ed comes well after 3rd grade. There was no issue that needed to be fixed.

Maybe you should stop being a homophobe.

If you want to leave kids alone, then stop supporting pedophiles like Gaetz and Trump ;)
No actually it doesn’t. Sex Ed starts in kindergarten , but very primary stuff. And parents can opt out. The problem was never the presentation , but the questions asked. Particularly by the little boys who were mostly interested in two headed babies and things like that. 😁
You’re all going insane about a small number of people…. Like ONE athlete. Who finished first in one race, but 5th and 8th in two others. Certainly not a dominating performance.
I'm just quoting Goat. Take it up with him if you have a problem.
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You’re all going insane about a small number of people…. Like ONE athlete. Who finished first in one race, but 5th and 8th in two others. Certainly not a dominating performance.
One athlete who won the national championship. It's a big deal because it happened and because it's illustrative of the difference between men and women. Like there are bad crazy cops there are bad crazy teachers. Some teacher going too far is inevitable. But in my mind that's less important than the protection teachers could have from a bill that's actually a good bill. Not this mess of a bill.

The general public is insane. Insane! Having to deal with parents on such a delicate issue as this sounds like a nightmare. Even when they come to you at first as a "partner" in the process, like in the underlying case, it can turn. It's the public. Teachers should want protection/guidance
How many trans athletes are ruining womens' sports? I know one. One is enough. She just won a national championship and deprived a bunch of athletes who competed their entire lives for this moment. Can you imagine the absurdity of it? Heading to the bathroom for NCAA piss test only to walk out and see you are competing against Lia Thomas? The NCAA may be the only organization dumber than our gov.

As for Desantis I realize he's pandering and politicizing for gain. That said the "idea" behind some kind of bill isn't a bad idea. I'm not sure making it actionable is the answer. Or perhaps get rid of attorney's fees or make them nominal or prevailing or something. But again I've read some of the stuff that gave rise to this bill. It's a two-way street. Parents need to be informed, boundaries need to be established between faculty and students, and, finally, teachers need protection too. Part of that protection is knowing what is or isn't permissible for them to do. The teacher in the bill's underlying case was put in a really tough spot by parents. I don't know many facts, but what "facts" i've read, put the teacher in a tough spot, a spot that the parents could easily turn on her/him
I think the Lia Thomas story is an interesting case study with political messaging because, it seems like everyone is actually in concensus with her example.

The difference is the messaging. One is using it to whip the base uo, scaring the hell out of them by pushing that's its common place and not an extreme exception. The trannies are coming for all women's sports! This is more woke agenda nonsense!!

The left seems to be saying no, this isn't right and we need a rational solution that doesn't end up stripping most trans rights in the process as we're dealing with a group that already has an extremely high suicide rate and bullying rate (again from my POV).

As I said I fear the Lia Thomas story will end up setting social trans acceptance back decades. People will be murdered because of it.

Ultimately I don't believe the trans community, in general, gives a rats ass in sports whereas sports brings out our inner asshole irrational emotions (seriously, I've been in just a handful of brawls and most of them were sports related. One kid pushed me into a garage window after I was airborne as I dribbled past him and was heading for an open layup. Lol).

It's just a horrible combination, but a beautiful, almost perfect set up to be manipulated.
You’re a little overboard here. The huge majority ( I won’t say no one) has no interest in indoctrination of your kids. You make it sound like trans people think it’s fun and games to have surgery, take hormones, etc to match their body to what they have felt like their entire lives. The suicide rate is extremely high for trans people. Who gets to decide what’s “normal?”
Biology & science.
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