Zuck spilling the beans

You get it wrong every single time. Why? I’ve tried to help you out, but I seem to have wasted my time.

Have you not noticed that I oppose DEI crap? How could you possibly have missed it.

Also stop with the military indoctrination nonsense. That pure BS.

Frankly, your entire post is nonsense, Joe. Try harder.
MAGAs are unteachable.
He does. It is defend the swamp at all cost. It may be tied to the indoctrination that happens. Always defend the swamp at all cost. Military indoctrination teaches no self thought, only obey the swamp, expecially when you get into flag DEI positions.
DANC: I noticed that you "liked" this post. What/how were you indoctrinated? Myself, the only indoctrination I had was hate/kill VC and NVA. Thankfully I was stationed in Germany and never had to find out if the indoctrination was effective.