Zach Edey

Anyone that claims I am wrong is claiming they can read minds, so be careful what you ask for Porky

Oh....and...thanks again for prompting me to visit your hog barn forum. I honestly expected to see a few IU posters trolling over there since it is PUke week and all. Again... I think I saw one that you were sobbing about but nothing like the crowd of you clowns here desperate for attention.

rent free
So which players from the 2020 to 2024 classes wanted iu over Purdue.
If needed, do the Hoosiers hack a shaq the big goon Edey? FTs are harder than dunks. I have no problem fouling out 2 guys who smack him across the wrists and arms 10 times!
Nope. Race played him well last year. Let the quicker players guard and harass him. Deny entry as best you can and try to pull him out when on offense. TJD needs to take this as a game to shoot a few elbow jumpers. If he hits a few, this will be a game.
We're not worried about Gillis. His wad has been shot without enough refractory time. Jalen Hood-Shifino will be reloaded.
Yep, I am sure they have not adjusted their game plan one iota since Wednesday night.
Should we talk about his DUI?

He was punished and knows he better never repeat his offense. Both schools, or I should say all schools, live in class houses and should keep their stones looked up
Yep, I am sure they have not adjusted their game plan one iota since Wednesday night.

He was punished and knows he better never repeat his offense. Both schools, or I should say all schools, live in class houses and should keep their stones looked up
Why would they? He was 32% entering that game. Did Purdue adjust their defensive game plan because Race has had a game with 4 3s this year? I doubt it. The ignorance in your fanbase is incredible.
2020-2024? Just Smith, Loyer, and Benter to my knowledge.
This answer is so beyond ignorant that it is not funny. Fletcher Loyer's grandfather played basketball for Purdue in the 1960s. His mother went to Purdue and was an athlete there. At this time, there is an interview with him posted in which he states he is so proud that his grandfather can come to the games and see him play for the school that his grandfather played for.

So given all of that history and tradition, and despite the fact that Loyer has never expressed that he wanted to go to IU, we are all now supposed to accept that an IU offer is what he really wanted. All because of a claim of "knowledge." The fact that his family might have been Purdue fans and have ties to the school was never a big factor in his choice. Sure, those things undoubtedly ever mattered to him.

I am convinced that this guy just spouts off because he likes to do so and that reality never enters his head.
This answer is so beyond ignorant that it is not funny. Fletcher Loyer's grandfather played basketball for Purdue in the 1960s. His mother went to Purdue and was an athlete there. At this time, there is an interview with him posted in which he states he is so proud that his grandfather can come to the games and see him play for the school that his grandfather played for.

So given all of that history and tradition, and despite the fact that Loyer has never expressed that he wanted to go to IU, we are all now supposed to accept that an IU offer is what he really wanted. All because of a claim of "knowledge." The fact that his family might have been Purdue fans and have ties to the school was never a big factor in his choice. Sure, those things undoubtedly ever mattered to him.

I am convinced that this guy just spouts off because he likes to do so and that reality never enters his head.
Go back to learning Portuguese, nerd.
This answer is so beyond ignorant that it is not funny. Fletcher Loyer's grandfather played basketball for Purdue in the 1960s. His mother went to Purdue and was an athlete there. At this time, there is an interview with him posted in which he states he is so proud that his grandfather can come to the games and see him play for the school that his grandfather played for.

So given all of that history and tradition, and despite the fact that Loyer has never expressed that he wanted to go to IU, we are all now supposed to accept that an IU offer is what he really wanted. All because of a claim of "knowledge." The fact that his family might have been Purdue fans and have ties to the school was never a big factor in his choice. Sure, those things undoubtedly ever mattered to him.

I am convinced that this guy just spouts off because he likes to do so and that reality never enters his head.
Rent free Porky
Yep, I am sure they have not adjusted their game plan one iota since Wednesday night.

He was punished and knows he better never repeat his offense. Both schools, or I should say all schools, live in class houses and should keep their stones looked up
Any truth to the rumor Gillis drinks his beer out of a Mason jar like we do at Nick's?
This answer is so beyond ignorant that it is not funny. Fletcher Loyer's grandfather played basketball for Purdue in the 1960s. His mother went to Purdue and was an athlete there. At this time, there is an interview with him posted in which he states he is so proud that his grandfather can come to the games and see him play for the school that his grandfather played for.

So given all of that history and tradition, and despite the fact that Loyer has never expressed that he wanted to go to IU, we are all now supposed to accept that an IU offer is what he really wanted. All because of a claim of "knowledge." The fact that his family might have been Purdue fans and have ties to the school was never a big factor in his choice. Sure, those things undoubtedly ever mattered to him.

I am convinced that this guy just spouts off because he likes to do so and that reality never enters his head.
Benter wanted a Purdue offer from the start. He has no idea what he's talking about. It's why he committed right as his recruitment was picking up steam. Loyer was never going to iu. Smith wanted a big time program more than anything.
This answer is so beyond ignorant that it is not funny. Fletcher Loyer's grandfather played basketball for Purdue in the 1960s. His mother went to Purdue and was an athlete there. At this time, there is an interview with him posted in which he states he is so proud that his grandfather can come to the games and see him play for the school that his grandfather played for.

So given all of that history and tradition, and despite the fact that Loyer has never expressed that he wanted to go to IU, we are all now supposed to accept that an IU offer is what he really wanted. All because of a claim of "knowledge." The fact that his family might have been Purdue fans and have ties to the school was never a big factor in his choice. Sure, those things undoubtedly ever mattered to him.

I am convinced that this guy just spouts off because he likes to do so and that reality never enters his head.
You seem bitter
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It goes both ways. Funny you only see the missed calls from one side. If the call those fouls on edey for trying to turn with the ball above his head, I'm 100% putting Morton on trayce and looking for the same stuff.
Both ways? Edey averaged 1.5 fouls per game. That's not 'bot ways'.
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You seem to not be able to answer questions after making stupid claims.
The big question is - and I hope it doesn’t come to this but Vegas now has IU as the favorite - will IU fans storm the court again if they win? You wouldn’t think so since they are such a superior program
The big question is - and I hope it doesn’t come to this but Vegas now has IU as the favorite - will IU fans storm the court again if they win? You wouldn’t think so since they are such a superior program
Unfortunately, I won't be able to watch if they do
The big question is - and I hope it doesn’t come to this but Vegas now has IU as the favorite - will IU fans storm the court again if they win? You wouldn’t think so since they are such a superior program
Kids need those selfies and tic toks.
Edey should have been called for a Flag 1 (if they didn’t call Flag 1, they were not going to call a Flag 2 so not worth discussing DQ). Move on - defending it is unnecessary; it was a pretty questionable no call but it happened and without repercussion. I hope anyone on any player on any team who does that in the future gets at least a Flag 1. My “Homer” card is in my pocket - I think Bates should have gotten the Flag 1 the other night; many did not. Again I hope anyone doing the same thing (running from behind to intentionally foul on a break) regardless of team gets called for it. It was actually a pretty light foul so DQ would have been too much.
Disagree on the F1 on Bates. He hacked down hard, but he got some of the ball. That's enough for a regular foul, or it should be.
I'm a high school official, no way I would have called an F1 on a guy in that situation...hell, I would have called it a common foul.
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Isn’t Gillis the donkey that blacked out after a night of Truly drinking and got behind the wheel and went pinballing down a campus street? And then pulled a “you know who I am” at the police station?
Yes. He made a mistake. Has learned from it. Everyone has done something dumb in college, some just haven't gotten caught. Lol
Yes. He made a mistake. Has learned from it. Everyone has done something dumb in college, some just haven't gotten caught. Lol
Not me. I never did anything dumb in college. Nope. Nothing. Nada.
The guy has literally one move. Catch the ball in the paint, turn to his left, and shoot over a much shorter opponent. It works against amateur teams but the NBA has big men who can jump out of the gym and neutralize him.
Kids need those selfies and tic
The guy has literally one move. Catch the ball in the paint, turn to his left, and shoot over a much shorter opponent. It works against amateur teams but the NBA has big men who can jump out of the gym and neutralize him.
So do you think TJD will make an NBA team? He literally has one move - dunk. He hasn’t worked on his off hand and can’t shoot a jumper. Edey is a way better pro prospect than Mr. Flexor is!
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Not gonna get in this pissing match. Zach Edy is a load. Iliked how he and Trayce were talking during the game. Mutual respect. If you caught Trayce's post game interview. He spoke highly of Zack. Great game I hope we have X for the rematch.
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So do you think TJD will make an NBA team? He literally has one move - dunk. He hasn’t worked on his off hand and can’t shoot a jumper. Edey is a way better pro prospect than Mr. Flexor is!
So do you think TJD will make an NBA team? He literally has one move - dunk. He hasn’t worked on his off hand and can’t shoot a jumper. Edey is a way better pro prospect than Mr. Flexor is!
There is literally no place in the NBA for slow footed seven footers with a limited offensive skill set. Edey would get run out of the gym.
The guy has literally one move. Catch the ball in the paint, turn to his left, and shoot over a much shorter opponent. It works against amateur teams but the NBA has big men who can jump out of the gym and neutralize him.
Dude had 33 points and 18 rebounds. He’s a hell of a player right now, whether he makes it in the nba or not.
Edey has a great college game - but the big last play of the game where JHS got the shot up leaving Edey an angle he could not get to for contesting the shot is exactly why he will struggle at the next level. He will be flat footed trying to keep up with driving NBA players. TJD - lack of a jump shot is the problem. He’s very athletic and leaps quickly and flowingly both on D and O, but without a shot beyond 6 ft, he too will struggle. Who’s the better NBA prospect? One’s biggest problem can be improved upon but the other’s deficiency probably cannot. Maybe neither make a big mark in the NBA, but one or maybe both will have a great chance to play overseas and make a fortune. We’ll see.
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Edey has a great college game - but the big last play of the game where JHS got the shot up leaving Edey an angle he could not get to for contesting the shot is exactly why he will struggle at the next level. He will be flat footed trying to keep up with driving NBA players. TJD - lack of a jump shot is the problem. He’s very athletic and leaps quickly and flowingly both on D and O, but without a shot beyond 6 ft, he too will struggle. Who’s the better NBA prospect? One’s biggest problem can be improved upon but the other’s deficiency probably cannot. Maybe neither make a big mark in the NBA, but one or maybe both will have a great chance to play overseas and make a fortune. We’ll see.
Does it matter? They are both playing College Basketball. They are both really amazing in the college game. I mean the NBA product is barely entertaining anyways.